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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. He's good at cutting inside and keeping the ball. He's then got to try to mark the guy who's taken it off of whoever he's passed it to.
  2. Aye, you're talking rubbish. I'm sure he'd be fine in an attacking midfield role, I'd like to see him as a proper WB though.
  3. It happened right in front of me. I was at the opposite side of the ground from the camera which obviously shows a different angle than the one that I saw. We'll agree to disagree because I can't be arsed getting into a slagging match with a feckin Morton fan. We've enough of our own that want to do that!
  4. I'm not going to reply directly to the Morton fan because it'll just result in the usual pish with the Virgin appearing to show everyone how 'clever' he is. I must have been pretty near you at the time however because I was close to the incident and clearly remember him going in with his elbow up whilst making no real attempt to head the ball. I don't think the camera angle really shows this though so I can understand why the guy thinks it wasn't as bad.
  5. I think he swallowed his tongue as well IIRC?
  6. Remember it well, thought he was a goner at the time. I also think that the Morton player did it on purpose. Collins I think?
  7. The guy (or girl) has got an agenda of some sort IMO. He or she may be an ex board member (not necessarily the last one) or may even be a very good troll who's not a Falkirk fan at all, but your description above does, sadly, decribe him/her to a tee.
  8. Oh, what made you think that the comment regarding negative posts had anything to do with you I wonder? And, of course, I didn't say anything remotely close to the utter nonsense that you've just posted either. Bad decisions should obviously be questioned and the situation re the sale of shares should certainly be investigated. Any BOD should be held to account as they are representing the club and the fans. IMO the current board have done pretty well for the most part, the previous board also had their moments and I'm sure the hearts of most of them were in the right place, but they're gone so there's not a lot of point on dwelling on them too much IMO.
  9. One thing's for sure, if it isn't already, this is going to turn into a raging bin fire if we don't comfortably beat Cove on Saturday!
  10. FWIW, I don't think the 'lighting fires' comment was directed at you. My greenie for the post certainly wasn't. There do seem to be posters that grab onto anything remotely negative however.
  11. I liked the 3 legged stool model. TBH, for various reasons, I wouldn't want the club to be owned entirely by the FSS, but I most certainly want us to get to the 25%+ bit to ensure that we can stop unwanted external interference, which is the whole point of the organisation. We can't keep issuing shares and we do need to encourage outside investment from the right people. For example, if I won the Euromillions I'd be wanting to buy into the club in a big way (wouldn't be easy as I don't so it!) So we need to be flexible in considering such a possibility. I too would continue my contributions knowing that the money is basically a donation to the club once the shares have been bought, but it's got to be on the FSS's terms, i.e. we decide how and when the money is spent because we don't want the club to depend on this money as part of normal income. Once the financial problems are sorted (if ever) I would want the club to run on it's own merits without having to rely on donations to survive. Rather than the club inviting suggestions from the FSS on how the cash is spent, it should be the other way round IMO.
  12. Well, if you can't see the issue there's not much more I can say to you.
  13. I really resent that mate. I signed up and will not cancel (at least not until the two parties are given a chance to clarify things) simply because I do care. And I knew that your greenie came from Agenda Man without having to look!
  14. The main reason for me in joining the FSS was to achieve fan ownership to the point that we could stop the Mark Campbells of this world from running the club into the ground. That means getting 25%+1 of shares into FSS ownership (our ownership). Having said that we obviously can't simply keep buying shares so the cash raised beyond this will need to be donated to the club at some point and I'm happy to continue paying my cash to achieve this. However, like most, I'm not very impressed by these latest revelations but I will not be cancelling my subscription and I would urge all members to continue to pay until we can get some clarification on the situation. If you stop, it may be forever, and we don't want that! I would rather that no more monies are paid to the club until this is sorted out. Hopefully this can be sorted before the meeting in September but, if not, both the FSS and the BOD better have some big answers for us when the meeting comes around!
  15. Well earned win in the end. Annan looked pretty knackered toward the end of the game and I felt that their heads dropped when we scored our first. I thought that the goalie and defence were all good as were Spencer and Hendo in midfield. The others were a bit hot and cold I felt. Alfie was poor so he'll be good next week, Morrison didn't look particularly interested to me until maybe 5 minutes before his goal, he then started to turn it on and I felt that he should have stayed on with Agyeman going off. Big McIver will be important to us I think. Also Nesbitt did exactly what I think he'll be good at, coming off the bench to influence things. It'll be a different challenge next week of course, but we're well capable of winning it.
  16. I think the time to judge is after we've either won or can't win the league. Nothing that's coming would surprise me now TBH.
  17. f**k me! And a nice wee greenie from Pedro too!
  18. I don't remember him ever actually playing 1st time round.
  19. Nah. I would argue that Mackie actually makes the squad more balanced because he can play in two positions on the left. We have two right sided CBs, two left sided CBs and a LB (not including McKay who I don't think is in his long term plans). What we need is a RB. Don't know if anyone's noticed that though.
  20. None of the players that you mentioned make the squad imbalanced.
  21. McGlynn has built a good squad, there are a lot of good players at Falkirk, almost all of them well capable of playing and succeeding at L1 level. The problem for me is that he's not using them properly. The players look like they're unsure of their roles sometimes and very nervous with the playing out from the back stuff. With all due respect to Annan, we should be putting out an attacking side tomorrow but he'll most likely play McGinn and Spencer (if available) as defensive mids and hoping that Morrison and Agyeman can profit from McIver's hold up and knock downs. I'd play Henderson as an attacking mid with Spencer behind and Agyeman and McIver up front together. Not likely to happen though.
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