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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I think you've got to remember that it was founded as 'Falkirk Football and Athletic Club', so maybe there was more emphasis on the athletics bit initially?
  2. For a Challenge Cup 1/4 final? Nae chance. It's the best draw we could have got regarding attracting an away crowd, but I'd be surprised if they bring much more than 500 or so.
  3. I desperately wanted the old board to succeed (and the one before that, and the one before that...), however, in some ways I think they were a victim of the failure that went before because they were the tip of the iceberg of failure, if that makes any sense? We'd reached the end of our tether at the point that they departed and it was obvious that something radical was required following Houstie's demise and the catalouge of nonsense that followed with Hartley, McKinnon etc, etc. We now seem to have hit on a winning formula, both at board level and on the park, so surely we can now forget about what's gone on before and all get behind our efforts to improve things?
  4. Thanks mate. He must have a very strong character if he can keep his focus after that. I really hope there's a great career in front of him!
  5. I'd try to keep Hogarth, Donaldson, McCann (who I've always thought was a great player), Yeats, Henderson, Ola and Morrison. Unsure about Mackie and Oliver, although Oliver's not a bad squad player to have and I'd actually like to see more of Mackie as a midfield 'destroyer', although I can't see where that opportunity would come. I think McGinn will be away due to his injury and money although, again he would be a very valuable player to have around if he could stay injury free. I'd definitely keep Long if something could be worked out, not seen enough of Bisland to make a judgement either way but, so far, I don't think Ross has looked to great TBH. It's all going to be down to how much cash we can get in between now and January of course.
  6. I don't do Twitter, so would you be able to give us an idea of what Tam said? All I know about Harrison Howe is that he almost scored on his debut. What a dream start that would have been!
  7. I assume then that talks were 'put on ice' by SA, not the new guys as it wouldn't make much sense for them not to follow up on that?
  8. The guy was good enough to build it for us in the first place so we can't really expect him to write it off, however, there's no doubt that doing so would make a massive difference to us. Saving 80k together with the FSS subs would meet almost half of the 400k every year.
  9. I can't claim to know very much either but, in a word, it's costs. Our stadium costs us a lot whereas other clubs make a lot from there's. We pay Sandy Alexander circa £80k a year to rent the KM stand for a start.
  10. It seems to me that you're looking for the negatives in everything. Those two sentences don't contradict each other.
  11. I wrote earlier about my fear that the club may die before I do and it got me thinking about my big mate Gordon McFarlane, the anniversary of whose death is at the end of this month. The title of 'superfan' gets bandied about too easily, but Gordon could certainly be described as that and he would have been right at the forefront of the FSS and probably on the BOD by now. He would have been upset at the thought of some having any sort of resistance to fans trying to save the club.
  12. Depends on the terms of their contracts though. There may be release clauses built in?
  13. Oooft, where to begin with this? No, it's not good value for L1 football, but IMO it's good value for keeping the club afloat and getting enough money in the coffers to allow us to put a good team on the pitch or keep us full time next season. It's imperative that we gain promotion this season or we could be staring at the abyss. IMO the BOD will already be looking at attracting outside investment. They're not stupid and they know that getting enough sign-ups is highly unlikely to happen. That's got to be the right investment though or we'll end up being owned by some charlatan that could run the club into the ground to take what they can from it. Having read the statement, I think it is the case that the club are in a good place at the moment, but they're trying to ensure that that continues and I don't read them as begging letters either, rather than outlining where we are and what they're trying to do about it. I can imagine the fall out if they rocked up at the end of the season to tell us that we're going part-time and we can't keep a hold of the players we've got without having outlined the issues they were facing. I think you're last sentence says it all really. If you don't want to contribute or help, then don't, but don't come on here decrying the board who, as far as I can see, are working hard to try to get us on an even keel. Quite frankly, I'm petrified that the club that I've followed since I was 11 years old may die before I do and I want to do all that I can to ensure that doesn't happen. I pay a lot more than £3.85 a week as I'm sure a lot of others do. All they're asking is that, if you can afford it then help, if you can't then don't. Continually whining about it doesn't help anybody though.
  14. You need to set up a standing order via your banking app, which I found easy enough. I don't have a PayPal account though, the payment was set up via some sort of 'guest' PayPal account with the payment coming from my debit card every month. I couldn't therefore contact PayPal to get them to stop it but managed to do so by phoning the bank who put a stop on it (I hope).
  15. I've never actually seen any trouble after games although, admittedly, I'm only walking back from the stadium to the college car park, however, I have a couple of times seen, maybe, 20 or so wee laddies hanging around near the roundabout, presumably waiting for the opposition wee laddies to appear. I'm hoping these are just wee eejits out for trouble and aren't actually from the ultras, because, if you add that to the daft firework stunt on Saturday, the club's reputation could be tarnished. I'd hate it if the ultras ended up being banned or heavily policed due to the actions of a few.
  16. He's not a Falkirk fan he's a troll and also a tit!
  17. Yes, that's the point. Short term fix to give us the budget to re-sign players for next season in January to give us the best chance of promotion. Once we get up things should get a bit easier because income will increase. The ONLY opportunity we have to increase funds at the moment is via the FSS, so we've got to try, surely?
  18. Well, whoever it was that criticised shouldn't have, but I've never seen any criticism. In fact, I've seen numerous posts saying that fans that can't afford it shouldn't contribute! I think I recall you saying that we should be courting outside investment (apologies if not) but, where do you think that should come from? Anyone that wants to, or a Falkirk fan with the best interests of the club at heart? Sadly, it doesn't look like there's a multi millionaire fan out there that wants to get involved, so I really can't see any other route than trying to increase FSS numbers. It looks to me that you have an axe to grind and that may be fair enough if you feel hard done by, but we need to move on and try to get everyone behind us. As it stands, many of the posts that you make read like you don't want the FSS and fan ownership to succeed. If it doesn't then worse case scenario is we don't have a club to support at all,while best case may be floundering around down here as a part time club!
  19. So you disagree with this one too pedro? Nae baws!
  20. And also maybe help folk set up a standing order. It's easy enough online but some folk may struggle to get their heads round the process or feel that it's difficult and may not proceed if trying to do it themselves. No idea if that would be feasible though.
  21. As a supporter who has 'backed the club through thick and thin', now that you know we are fan owned and run, surely the club telling us what the financial situation is and hoping that we, as fans, can contribute more, should not grate, but should come as no surprise?
  22. He was our best player (along with Lang) on Saturday, coped very well with anything thrown at him. I do feel that he's maybe struggled a wee bit in some other games, with teams targeting him as a potential weak link. He's definitely improving though. I love the guy's attitude, always looks for the ball, never hides. I like him.
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