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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Whilst I can understand where you're coming from, the entitled idiots amongst our support who feel we've got some sort of right to be swatting everyone aside with ease form a surprisingly low number. Most of us realise that we're down here for a reason and that it's going to take a hell of a lot of hard work to get back up again. FWIW, I hope Stirling Albion have a good season, although not against us obviously.
  2. Surely the players highlighted have proved it on the park?
  3. Well, here's hoping that the players don't have the same mindset.
  4. If Hamilton pull further ahead or Queen of the South overtake us today, McGlynn should be sacked immediately!
  5. Ok, I'm going to listen to my reasonable inner self and won't bother to answer that.
  6. How was there a choice? Where would the money have come from to do it?
  7. What? I know that's the main reason he's still here, I'm asking why you would have sacked him when you realise that we couldn't?
  8. Are you not contradicting yourself a bit? You state that you would have fired him and the BOD have made a big mistake for not doing so, then explain why they couldn't have done that.
  9. Not sure if I've managed to woosh you or if you're just wooshing me back?
  10. I think we should get shot of him now. We need a manager who's got experience of getting out of this league. Jim McIntyre's available and it surely wouldn't cost us as much to poach McKinnon from Forfar as it did when he came from Morton?
  11. Aye, I did wonder if maybe both teams will be wearing their away colours?
  12. Given the amount of red on our strip, and the fact that this is under the lights, I wonder if the ref will see any issue with SA wearing their all red kit? Their away kit is all black I think, so that would definitely be unsuitable. Shouldn't be a problem as far as I'm concerned, but you know what officialdom's like these days!
  13. It was actually my favourite bit because it proves what a little dick he is. If we were voting for our most unpleasant manager ever he would win hands down! I used to hate the way he treated wee Lewis when he was interviewing him.
  14. Well, it just goes to show you! Clearest penalty you'll ever see, yet from the other angle it looked a very, very shaky decision. My favourite part was the wee p***k giving it the big 'get it up ye' to the cameras at Burrell's goal though.
  15. Fact of the matter is that, even without McKay, our defence is a f**k up! Individually good players, but they can't seem to work cohesively at all.
  16. I agree, there's little to be gained by constantly abusing the guy. He does his best which ultimately hasn't been good enough though. Again, we don't know what kind of conversations have been held behind the scenes. Has McGlynn told him that he's not in his plans but he's been unable to get a gig somewhere else? If he knows that he's only there because of injuries and the squad being light it's bound to affect his commitment and form.
  17. I think you'll find that he was trying to be both complimentary and helpful. What do you know about our town centre anyway? Or are you just assuming that Falkirk has the level of drug problem that say, for example, Aberdeen has?
  18. Where did you read that? If it's his twitter, which I don't do, is it possible to share it on here? I must say that, having looked at the footage back, Yeats certainly looks guilty after the incident. Classic, standing still with his hands spread trying not to look guilty pose.
  19. Why do you say this? I can't see how he got it correct from viewing the footage but, if you were at the game and had a clear view of it, then fair enough.
  20. I assume you mean 8 players as a net figure because they've signed 16? If it is a net figure we're obviously less than 7 too.
  21. I think their end product has been very consistent so far given the number of goals scored v games played. I think Agyeman may score regularly if played through the middle, although, as I say, I don't think McGlynn will do it.
  22. I meant playing that way from the start. I suppose it does show that he can at least change things up during a game right enough, as he did yesterday.
  23. Aye, I could see McIvor and Agyeman causing a lot of trouble to defences in this league if played together through the middle, I don't think McGlynn will change his style to accommodate it though. On the 'penalty', having watched the slow mo and paused it umpteen times, I don't think the ball even reached Henderson, never mind hit his arm. It's difficult to see definitively however I think the most likely outcome was the ball coming off the head of the Cove player last. Edit to say that there's still plenty of time for big McIvor to go off the boil (inevitable really), which no doubt will cheer up those that wanted Harry Kane instead.
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