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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Given that they're 17 points below us, I'd be happy if QoS start to pick up points because they'll possibly be doing that against teams like Montrose and Cove who are much closer too us. Even if Montrose win their game in hand we'll still be 9 points ahead of them and I think the likes of Alloa, Kelty, Stirling will all be capable of taking points from them too. I think Cove may emerge as the team most likely to break into our space but, as I say, I think that the other clubs are capable of taking points from them. Having said that, whilst we have been great so far, I think it important that McGlynn develops a different strategy in the event that the other clubs suss us out, which is quite likely actually.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think anyone's arguing otherwise?
  3. He's got a contract until the end of the season has he not? Presumably he's doing the coaching thing with the club's knowledge, so I can't see how we can release him unless he agrees to that? Regarding whether he should go to free up some cash, I'm in two minds about that. He may never play for us again, in which case him leaving would be good, however, I can visualise him making a very positive contribution towards the end of the season, which might just help to see us over the line.
  4. Only one team played any football there boys.
  5. Spot on mate. Hartley's squad in particular was a really good one and I think would have skooshed the league if it wasn't for the Falkirk support, who are quite clearly the worst in the country, nae, the world for creating an atmosphere and getting on the team's back!
  6. He's not blaming anyone as far as I can see, just simply pointing out that players react positively when the fans are getting behind them. I doubt anyone was either happy or clapping when we were losing at home to Clyde either.
  7. Oh aye, we've got them too. There are one or two who hardly ever post unless there's something negative going on, then they're all over the threads like a rash!
  8. I agree, however, it wouldn't take too much to change things. A defeat, particularly at home, would have some fans whining like f**k. I commented just a few weeks ago about the guy sitting close to us at the Hamilton match that was moaning because we weren't winning, saying that the players weren't trying and a whole lot of other shit. He also started on McGlynn, ranting and raving about the Airdrie play-off, despite the fact that we're top of the league, undefeated and were top scorers in Scotland at the time! There was another guy who was grumbling about individual players last Saturday, for no apparent reason that I could see. Some fans are just dicks and would rather revel in our recent misery than enjoy success!
  9. Yep, I said this a few weeks ago when the banger went off at TFS. If it continues it's just a matter of time before we're fined some money that we don't have.
  10. I'm struggling here mate TBH, quite difficult to understand what you're on about, however, I assume you don't agree with my sentiments, in which case, can you point out any inaccuracies in what I said please? I can't see either that my comments could be construed as 'devoid of class'. Maybe you could explain that one too? Hopefully you're description of Rice telling his team to lie down to us is just sour grapes, because you surely can't believe that to be the case? I wasn't trying to be superior or boastful in what I said, if that's what you think, just attempting to describe what I saw at the match, which, I think, is the opinion of most of your fellow supporters.
  11. I thought Alloa were dreadful on Saturday, probably the worst I've seen this season? If MacIver and Miller had had their shooting boots on we would have had at least 6 and, in the words of our erstwhile commentator wee Lewis, we could and should have had so much more.
  12. We'll probably never build a 4th stand TBH, no real need for it. No point in having a part of the ground that won't be used and then can't be because it's fallen in to disrepair, covered in shit, moss and weeds, is there? If we ever get our act together financially though, I think there will be a building there of some sort. Possibly a hotel, offices or whatever that we can make money from and that could house a narrow safe standing area that would take the capacity up over 10000, which is all we're likely to need really.
  13. No, just the ground that it's going to be built on.
  14. No we haven't. I would say that the only away game that we took remotely close to 1500 was against Stirling, when I reckon there were even more there. Stirling's support wasn't too bad either which makes me think that the reported crowd of 2390 was wrong. There was more than that IMO. If you look at the attendances, most games have barely broken 1000 in total, with the match at Alloa at 1300 odd being the highest. The away crowd was affected that day because it was on the telly and it was pissing down. I don't think we'll take as many as 900 on Saturday, maybe around the 700 mark?
  15. Agree, but I don't think it'll 'take over' from either though. There possibly will be games that it would be more appropriate and we might wear it just because it's beltin!
  16. Nah, that's what the debate's about, whether Alloa's orange strip will clash with the heritage one? I assume we'll revert back to home and away for the rest of the season though?
  17. You do realise that we're wearing the heritage strip, aye?
  18. Is the orange strip not your 3rd strip? Thought you had a white away one?
  19. His performance against SA was the first one that's impressed me TBH, so hopefully you're right.
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