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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Miller obviously being one of them, but I was scratching my head trying to think of who the other attacker is. I presume you mean Nesbitt? I thought we missed his energy in midfield yesterday. Oliver is OK but he doesn't have the same energy or pace in there and I thought that the midfield was quite ponderous all game.
  2. An insult to odd balls! When we challenged him he started shouting 'are you happy with this shit'? I said, 'who said we're happy, but FFS, give them a break' (or words to that effect). He then started moaning about the Airdrie play-off and McGlynn, who he'd been slagging during most of the 2nd half. Some fans just seem to want us to do badly so they can moan and show how right they are. Reminds me of one or two folk on here actually! For the first time in 5 seasons we finally seem to be getting our shit together, so why don't we all get behind the team instead of moaning? If that guy and guys like him think we're going to be brilliant in every game, I've got news for them!
  3. It wasn't a great performance, probably our worst of the season so far TBH. I think the conditions played a big part in it but we just didn't really get going. The defence was fine with Yeats our best player but the midfield looked slow and ponderous and Alfie and Morrison being off it didn't help MacIver who was isolated up top. The draw was the fair result though.
  4. According to some melt sitting close to us, Falkirk were shite and didn't try. Moaning faced b*****d. Every time Donaldson (who I don't think put a foot wrong) went near the ball it was 'c'mon you fur fuks sake'. Doesn't normally sit anywhere near us so he's probably one of those 'fans' that just turn up for the bigger games so that they can whine their faces off! Maybe moans on here too?
  5. Don't know about roads around the stadium but my wife told me earlier that the roundabout at the top of Bellsdyke Road in Larbert was flooded and she reckoned it might get closed so I'd definitely be allowing additional time as it's likely that plenty of roads in the area will be affected.
  6. Of course not, and I'm sure the FSS wouldn't want people who clearly can't afford it to pay anything. There are plenty of people out there though that can afford it but choose not to. That will be down to a variety of reasons, apathy possibly the main one? I would like to think that anyone who can afford to do so and care enough about the club (or indeed having a club that they would want to continue supporting on a Saturday, because that option may not be there for much longer) should feel compelled to contribute. There are plenty of people on here for example who like to post about the fortunes of the club, presumably because they care enough, whom I'd like to think are all contributing (if affordable of course). I'm no hero by any means, but I trebeled my contribution yesterday when I read the AGM statement. Perhaps a few more who know they can afford it may do likewise? ''Quite clearly the vast, vast majority of fans cannot afford to donate anything like £10k to a football club. The fact that some generous people have done so does not mean other people should feel compelled to donate money they cannot afford.'' Edit to say, sorry the above is your post that I meant to quote when replying.
  7. Nah, they'll be middle sized fannies by now.
  8. Yep, you're right. Probably the first set of wee fannies then.
  9. They may have appeared to be Falkirk fans but I would suggest that they were actually wee fannies whose mammies wouldn't have allowed them to go to the match that day or they were some other set of wee fannies masquerading as Falkirk fans because we were at home on both days that you played QP at Ochilview last season.
  10. What makes you think they were Falkirk fans?
  11. We were the better team v Cove and should really have won. Two goals were a penalty and a horrendous defensive mistake. Thinking about it, I'm struggling to think of a goal that we've lost this season that weren't one or the other!
  12. I don't think that either QoS or Montrose can complain too much about leaving with a one goal defeat TBH. I do share your concerns regarding the Hamilton game though. The defending for the two Montrose goals was very poor and we can't afford to repeat that on Saturday.
  13. Had a shot that hit Spencer (I think) that he claimed for penalty.
  14. Gary Oliver gets a lot of stick on here, but I have to commend his reactions for his goal. He was really switched on for his goal, whereas that big rugby player Montrose defender was slower than a week in the jail!
  15. I think I'd probably have Rowe ahead of Yeats at FB at the moment, but only just. Finn is coming on leaps and bounds and I reckon he'll become a very competent FB as the season progresses.
  16. If he's not fit enough to play the full 90 I'd prefer that Ross started with Alfie coming on in the 2nd half. I'd much rather he was replacing Ross than the other way around and I can't see Nesbitt being dropped after Saturday when he was brilliant.
  17. So, one post from however many there are amounts to 'cockiness in spadefuls from home fans'? Many of the Falkirk fan's posts before the one in question could be described as contradicting that one. Giving our opinion on Williamson during his time with us doesn't amount to cockiness IMO. Your last line is fair enough, it's based on our experience and opinion on the man. Again, doesn't amount to cockiness though.
  18. Just had a look at the match thread to seen what you were on about and I don't see one post that could be described as 'cocky' apart, perhaps, from the very last one.
  19. Depends how much more is offered I suppose. If it's £500 a week, it's a no brainer, £50 not so much. That's when their previous relationships with managers etc would come in to it more.
  20. The only part of that that I can't get my head around is the 'good friend' bit!
  21. Don't see where you're getting that from what I said. Like everyone else I was sickened by our display against Airdrie and I may well have sacked him on the spot that night. Thinking about it though, the fact that we didn't have the money to do it and ultimately it would have meant yet another new manager coming in, having to bring in his own squad etc etc, I would have given him his last season. Hopefully, what we've seen so far this term continues (and maybe even gets better) thus proving that keeping him was the correct decision. Time will tell.
  22. I may be wrong of course, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's the highest number of consecutive games that he's played!
  23. Aye, that crossed my mind as soon as I posted!
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