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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I don't think I'd donate £20 as a one off though. It's an emotive thing, more chance of people donating at games IMO.
  2. Aye, sorry, I meant it going to the FFS. Didn't make that clear.
  3. Aye, that's true. The only reservation that I have with the donation idea is that it's open to fraud by the turnstile operators. I'm not saying that any of our gate people would do that but it is something that happens regularly elsewhere.
  4. There is a chance, yes. It's got to be worth a try IMO.
  5. Don't agree. If only "a handful' did, it would at least raise something. I know of 3 folk who would do so without question.
  6. We could ask ST holders to pay at the gate. If say 1000 @ an average of maybe £15 did so that would be an extra £15k going into the coffers each home game. Obviously no idea what the actual figure raised would be of course. And before anyone jumps down my throat about 'cost of living', 'expecting the fans to stump up again' etc etc, it's only a suggestion and would of course be entirely voluntary. It's probably something I would do.
  7. I'll increase my subscription too once I'm certain that my pensions are safe. If they go under I won't be able to afford toilet paper to wipe my arse never mind going to the football!!
  8. Apart from the times that he rattles it into the back of the net TBF.
  9. Strikes me as a bit of a 'last throw of the dice' statement. They've tried encouraging and cajoling and have decided to try desperation.
  10. Quite agree. Do you happen to know if other clubs have similar content?
  11. Christ, we've got options on the bench!! Don't agree about Morrison though. If we put him on the right he'll try to cut in and hit it with his left umpteen times, at least on the left he'll cut in and hit it umpteen times with his natural foot. Much better chance of scoring IMO.
  12. To the right of 'team' on your phone there's a faint plus sign. Click on that and you'll get options for players and staff.
  13. I agree. We were brilliant on Friday, as we were against Hibs and have shown that we can be a very good team in other games this season. I don't think we've been totally shit this season at any point but we have been disappointing at times. If we can cut out the disappointing and give us more very good then I think we've got a very good chance. In short, we need consistency and we really need to start that on Saturday.
  14. I think we can get 2nd if results and score lines all drop for us.
  15. Aye, I did notice that with Yeats too, didn't happen as much though I didn't think. Was more that I remember someone saying a while ago that McCann was a bit disruptive in the dressing room (which was probably a lot of pish) and wondered if it had any relevance? I agree that the tactics were spot on. Both Burrell and Morrison had the defence on toast and the long balls from Donaldson and Henderson with the diagonal runs of both B and M were causing havoc.
  16. Couple of observations: I thought Martin had a good game. Despite having nothing to do all night, what he did do he did well. There was no sign of the nerves that he's shown so far. Also, and I hope I'm way off the mark, McCann was regularly ignored when in loads of space on the left, particularly by Henderson in the 2nd half. Hopefully just a tactical thing rather than any problem with him?
  17. Thistle reminded of Hibs in the LC. Didn't look like they wanted it enough
  18. I thought everyone played well however Nesbitt was everywhere, I thought he was excellent. Mcguffie gave the ball away a couple of times and I can see Lawal replacing him in time because he's a bit stronger in there. He was very unlucky with the shot that hit the post.
  19. We should be approaching Jim Ratcliffe for stadium re-naming. No idea how that would work re the council however.
  20. I know Mackie's not the tallest but surely to f**k he's not just 5'6''?
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