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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Brian Rice has had one #1 job and won less then a quarter of the games he was in charge of. It's a very poor record so I just don't understand why we should be considering him.
  2. Don't think the fact that he didn't play would make much difference TBH. You make a good point re never having managed in Scotland as I would imagine that the American and Korean games may be a bit different. His record is very good however and he's certainly got a lot of management experience. I get the feeling that he'd either be a roaring success or a downright failure!
  3. I would imagine that Ross would have been on c£150000 at Hibs. Pure conjecture on my part of course.
  4. I didn't say it had anything to do with dragging up the past, I said that I feel that past differences should be left there to allow us all to move on. I wasn't specifically referring to your situation and If there are other things that have happened between you and said director I have no knowledge of them. Neither am I questioning your commitment to FFC either now or previously so I really don't see the need for you to infer that I am. I agree though that I'll skip by because I've read enough toxic shit on here to last me a lifetime.
  5. Let's just agree that it's one of the worst results in our history and leave it at that.
  6. Aye, that's fine, but this is supposed to be a new start. Hannibal is right, IMO, in saying that all of the shit that we've seen over the last year or so should now be left in the past. I don't think we want a situation where folk are holding grudges when we should all be attempting to pull in the same direction. What's happened has happened, we can't change it, but we can attempt to make the future a bit brighter. Drawing a line under past differences can surely help with that?
  7. Aye, the defence is a bombscare and we really need to get a fresh CH in, however, Saturday was (I hope) a one-off as we surely can't be that bad again? I'd like to know what Sheerin's reasoning was for dropping Dixon? He hadn't had a great game against Raith but was no worse than most on the pitch and he was also more likely to be able to bounce back from a poor performance. I remember him being dropped in similar circumstances earlier in the season and him having a good game when he was brought back in. I'm fine with bringing Lemon in because he's a good prospect, but playing him beside Hall was always likely to be an accident waiting to happen. I'd play Dixon between the two of them to try to tighten things up. I wonder what happened to Krasniqi also. Came on as a sub v Raith and did fine, then disappeared the following week. I suppose it's possible that he could have picked up an injury late on, although Sheerin stated that he was available the day before. I think it's more likely that there's been some sort of unrest. Hopefully he's not away back to Huddersfield because we certainly need him to play.
  8. Well, who's not been paying attention then? Mutch is another few weeks away as is McKay I believe. Still think our best formation is 3-5-2 as both Williamson and McCann would be dangerous for us. Hall, Dixon & Lemon at the back. Krasniqi as a sitting midfielder and Morrison up beside Keena. McGuffie and Ruth on the bench.
  9. No doubting that Goodwillie is an excellent player but there are times when he looks to me like he can't be arsed. May just be his demeanor or laid back style but he does come over that way some times. Having said that, if you're miles better than most of those that you're playing with then it must be hard to stay positive all of the time.
  10. Well, they'd obviously be pish, same as any other midfield!
  11. That shouldn't make a difference though as league games are and should be reported as such.
  12. According to the figures from the BBC that would mean that there were nearly twice as many QP fans at the game than there were against Killie. Doesn't seem right. I could understand that if it were the other way round but can't see how you would have more fans for a League 1 game against pish opposition than you would for a cup game against opposition that you probably haven't played in a while. (I assume)
  13. Welcome back, let's hope we can kick off the new regime with a win!
  14. Petra would easily win, but would run into the post.
  15. My goodness Shadwell, you have an impressive footballing network. From folk in the FFC ticket office that give you free tickets, to your scouting reports on players and now people that work at Raith. Give Shadwell the SD role I say!
  16. Just to be clear, I'm not saying we should start playing aimless long ball football, I actually don't like it generally speaking. What I'm really referring to is the 'centre backs at each side of the area' stuff before they inevitably panic, try to find a team mate and inevitably lose the ball because the opposition can read it like a book! It hasn't worked but Sheerin either couldn't see that or was so stubborn that he's managed to work himself out of a job. (Not just for that reason of course). Part of the reason that we can't play it out is because we don't have a decent defensive midfielder to play it to if Telfer is further forward. Krasniqi replacing Hetherington would solve that problem instantly. Nothing against Hetherington, he has some battling qualities but passing is hardly his forte.
  17. Except that's not what I said, is it? I've no idea how long it will take us to appoint a permanent replacement but Grainger has been given temporary charge. If it turns out that he's going to be in charge for any length of time I would certainly like to think that we'd consider him if he has the team winning and playing well. For all I know he may be the worst coach/manager ever but he's got it for the moment and I certainly want him to do well. If he turns out to be pish then we recruit and get rid.
  18. Absolutely. Time will tell. If I was Grainger though I would immediately change to a different formation and ditch this daft playing out from the back pish, whether he agrees with it (or was even involved in introducing it) or not. That would at least show that he's trying to do something to improve things.
  19. Thing is, I would like who ever takes temporary charge (we now know that's Grainger), to be in a position where we could potentially give them the gig full-time if they do well. I wouldn't want Rice long-term because of his personal issues, his lack of success at Hamilton and the fact that he's a popular former player. (Always ends in tears) Grainger's as good as we could expect at the moment I suppose as he knows the players and hopefully will have an idea of how to get more out of them. I just hope that the players respect and like him and will react positively to him.
  20. Yes, which reinforces the fact that what we think is completely relevant.
  21. Where we think we should be is in no way irrelevant!
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