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Everything posted by Larsson.

  1. Hopefully the wee one will be born in P.R.I as alot of 1st time Perth mothers are having to go through to Ninewells in Dundee. Imagine the shame of having born in Dundee on it's birth certificate!!!!
  2. Why are women so good at wrapping x-mas gifts and men are so crap at it...
  3. Stenhousemuir will take some beating the whole place needs regenerated.
  4. You sir are a nob ned..:)

  5. Hearing on the news banking c***s like HBOS moaning about pre-tax profits down this year to just £1.45 billion!!!!!!...Boo fucking hoo...
  6. Was dragged along to see Mamma Mia... Its mood is infectious,i've never been tempted to dance in a cinema but when they played Waterloo at the end of this film,i succumbed... 10/10
  7. Getting this image of you waking up in the morning at her house and she's getting changed into her school uniform...bit like renton did in trainspotting!!...
  8. What's the chance of someone dying in a Di Maggio's the same week you have a table for 8 booked. was well looking forward to it too...
  9. Radio 2 fooking abba day..nothing against them but a whole afternoon of there songs is more than i can take.. p.s..i'm not in charge of the radio so can't even turn the thing over.
  10. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle3287373.ece
  11. Reservoir dogs. seen the film a few times and really cant find a fault with it. 10/10
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