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Peanuts :o

I ate pistachio's all the way through mine and a friend of mine ate a whole aray of nuts through hers. See all the things you're meant to not eat, you'd bloody well starve.

I avoided raw meat and unpasturised cows milk (brie) and raw eggs and that was about it.

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I ate pistachio's all the way through mine and a friend of mine ate a whole aray of nuts through hers. See all the things you're meant to not eat, you'd bloody well starve.

I avoided raw meat and unpasturised cows milk (brie) and raw eggs and that was about it.

Oh I know. I never stopped drinking too much coffee and I ate pate all the time. There's some things that you just can't give up. But I did give up peanut butter and jam sarnies.

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Peanuts are fine now, apparently.

Peanut link

To me it does not make any sense to avoid - I would have thought that exposure would have helped the baby's immune system in later life. Just like a vaccine is designed to build up your antibodies against whatever you're being vaccinated against.

Anyway, there's no allergies/asthma/eczema or anything in my family or his family.

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Peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Not peanut butter sandwiches and jam sandwiches, rather peanut butter and jam on the same sandwich.

I agree it is a rather nice sandwich,I could go a peanut butter and jam sandwich about now. :D Other cravings I had where chips and gravy,I can't stand it now though. :(

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Gonna someone explain how these "cravings" actually work for you girls?

Is it not just a case of "what is the weirdest thing imagineable to eat and lets be having it?"

Heard of things like ice cream and tuna, it just doesn't seem right, whats the medical reason behind it?

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With Alexandra, Pam had a craving for Milky Bars. The smell of white chocolate now gives both of us the boak. This time around, during the craving'phase', she drank about 3 pints of milk each day and went through a big box of Rice Krispies in two days.

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Gonna someone explain how these "cravings" actually work for you girls?

Is it not just a case of "what is the weirdest thing imagineable to eat and lets be having it?"

Heard of things like ice cream and tuna, it just doesn't seem right, whats the medical reason behind it?

Isn't the medical reason a subconscious awareness of what the baby and mummy's body needs? :unsure:

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My other half feelins sick alot but dosnt actually be sick, is that a normal sign also in pregnancy?

Yip it's absolutely normal, as I'm sure Rowan will confirm... I have friends who used those travel bands for nausea which seems to help a little. Might be worth investing in a pair for your fiancée? I think you'd be able to get them in the chemist.

My only craving (if you can call it that) is milk. I can't drink enough of it. Apparently it's a sign that you're going to have a boy, so we'll see... Not had any strange food cravings, though.

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