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Wee Ava is 3 months and was weighed again today and she's up to 9lb 9oz, so she's making good progress. Her nitrazepan has had to be upped slightly with the weight gain which is unfortunate though, was 0.8 ml, now 1.1ml. She's allowed up to 2ml, so half isn't too bad i suppose. Had a master at "reiki" in to look at her on monday, she said she would be a handful the next day, then start to improve from then on. Hey presto, yesterday and today she has taken her first milk by bottle in her morning feed, 30mls by bottle of the 105ml each time. Coincidence or reiki woman ?.

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Wee Ava is 3 months and was weighed again today and she's up to 9lb 9oz, so she's making good progress. Her nitrazepan has had to be upped slightly with the weight gain which is unfortunate though, was 0.8 ml, now 1.1ml. She's allowed up to 2ml, so half isn't too bad i suppose. Had a master at "reiki" in to look at her on monday, she said she would be a handful the next day, then start to improve from then on. Hey presto, yesterday and today she has taken her first milk by bottle in her morning feed, 30mls by bottle of the 105ml each time. Coincidence or reiki woman ?.

I think there's a lot in stuff like that. I used to think it was total bullshit before I had Callum and ended up taking him to an osteopath who fixed him almost overnight...

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Wee Ava is 3 months and was weighed again today and she's up to 9lb 9oz, so she's making good progress. Her nitrazepan has had to be upped slightly with the weight gain which is unfortunate though, was 0.8 ml, now 1.1ml. She's allowed up to 2ml, so half isn't too bad i suppose. Had a master at "reiki" in to look at her on monday, she said she would be a handful the next day, then start to improve from then on. Hey presto, yesterday and today she has taken her first milk by bottle in her morning feed, 30mls by bottle of the 105ml each time. Coincidence or reiki woman ?.

Being a natural born cynic, I'd say coincidence, but does it matter either way. it's all good.

Anyone any tips for tyaking a 2 year old on 3 flights when she's not been on a plane yet? My wife's niece is getting married in Phuket next year and we're all going apparently.

Flight to Amsterdam should be easy enough and the wee flight from Bangkok to Phuket will be much the same but f**k knows how we're going to cope from Amsterdam to Bangkok.

Any tips are gratefully received.

Sweeties for her to sook on to equalise the pressure and plenty books toys to keep her amused is all I've got just now.

Edit~; Possibly best to have a trial run and see my mates in Groningen. Flight ot Amsterdam and a 4 hour train journey.

Edited by Suspect Device
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Wrap some toys and books up so she can open them on the flight. Cal's obsessed with my ipod so he can play with that on our flight next week. Trips to see the toilet. Um... lots of snacks. Medised... (half joking!)

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Being a natural born cynic, I'd say coincidence, but does it matter either way. it's all good.

Anyone any tips for tyaking a 2 year old on 3 flights when she's not been on a plane yet? My wife's niece is getting married in Phuket next year and we're all going apparently.

Flight to Amsterdam should be easy enough and the wee flight from Bangkok to Phuket will be much the same but f**k knows how we're going to cope from Amsterdam to Bangkok.

Any tips are gratefully received.

Sweeties for her to sook on to equalise the pressure and plenty books toys to keep her amused is all I've got just now.

Edit~; Possibly best to have a trial run and see my mates in Groningen. Flight ot Amsterdam and a 4 hour train journey.

If she is anything like ours, give her the window seat, she'll just stare out of that for ages. Like Reina, Charlie loves playing with my iPod so I normally just give him that as well, making sure to download some decent child friendly apps before leaving.

Think you'll have your work cut out going all the way to Thailand though, after an hour I normally want to kill myself with the stress of it all.

Good luck...

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And so it is with just 8 weeks until the new baby comes, Charlie has decided that this potty lark isn't such a bad idea after all. It's that close now that I'd rather have waited until he'd gotten used to there being a new person in the house, but if he wants to use a potty, then so be it. This will be quite an experience once the new baby does arrive, I'm sure.

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Josh slept all night for the first time last night :D And he's 6 months today, scary stuff.

Nice one, that's fairly young I think.

We just got Callum (8.5 months) sleeping through the night. But I think we could have done it a lot earlier - we were waking him up to give him a big (260ml) feed at about 11pm every night, and because he would wolf it down in 10 minutes, we thought he'd never make it for 11-12 hours without getting hungry. We decided to try anyway, and the first night he slept from 7.30pm-6.15am, and since then he's only been awake (well, woken us up) before 7am once or twice.

He's just got to the mobile stage as well, crawling about everywhere and using anything and everything to haul himself to his feet. Great to see him progressing, but it's huge amount of work.

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Nice one, that's fairly young I think.

Thomas slept occasionally through the night from about 4 months. He was probably a few months older before doing it regularly though. Steven on the other hand was up at least once a night until he was well past one year old.

Currently at 17 months Steven goes to bed at about 8pm and gets up about 6:30am. Very occasionally stirs in between but not usually. Thomas at 27 months goes to bed about 8:30 (though it can be half an hour before he sleeps) and tends to get up about 7am. I think he might sleep a little longer if his brother didn't wake him though (they share a room).

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