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Get as much as you can second hand, Swarley, you'll save a fortune and they only use the stuff for such a short period of time!

The one downside about getting as much you can second hand is that it quite quickly turns into a sea of clothes coming at you from all directions. I don't want seem ungrateful, but it eventually gets impossible to handle, especially when you've got 3 other kids worth of stuff to find a place for in the house! we currently have swathes of stuff upstairs which we've only been able to find a place for in the cot, we'll be snookered when we actually have to stick a baby in there!

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Or have another quick to get your money's worth out of the new stuff!

On second thoughts, just get second half stuff! :)

We took the former approach!

One became two 361 days later. :D Never regretted it for a minute, though by God that first year of having both was hard. You learn to get by on 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night, EVERY night.

The one downside about getting as much you can second hand is that it quite quickly turns into a sea of clothes coming at you from all directions. I don't want seem ungrateful, but it eventually gets impossible to handle, especially when you've got 3 other kids worth of stuff to find a place for in the house! we currently have swathes of stuff upstairs which we've only been able to find a place for in the cot, we'll be snookered when we actually have to stick a baby in there!

Yes, I remember that (except it wasn't second hand in our case and we didn't have previous kids). When Thomas was born, between what we had bought for him and the extraordinary amount of gifts he got we had to go buy a new chest of drawers to put some of it in and even now, more than two years later, some of the cuddly toys are still in a massive mound beside his bed! When Steven came along everything he was given was piled in the cot which was fine whilst he was in the Moses basket. When he got old enough to need his cot there was a major clothes clear out to make space for the stuff that needed to come out of the cot. I think it went to charity shops or possibly her mother still has some of it in her attic.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Cuddly toys, the most useless thing ever invented. I've got three black bags in the attic. Thankfully Niamh only got given a couple.

Rubbish! I still have my Bunny that I was given when I was 3 weeks old. Sure, his voice-box has been removed and its compartment has since twice been rezipped, but he's awesome.

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She is taking the new milk fine. Have stopped her milk based formula today. Her bowel movements (tmi!) are better and her skin is no where near as red raw as it was and that was with half portions of normal formula yesterday. I've been fighting for 3 months to get this diagnoses but no one would make it. You shouldn't have to fight so hard for a treatment for a clearly ill baby. Being told time and again that I just had to live with the reflux knowing that there was more to it. Couple with the fight to get her seen by a peadiatrician in week 3 of her life as she wasn't gaining weight, had an infection and was vomitting and when she was seen being admitted to childrens ward and put on a drip and anti biotics I'm not a happy bunny.

The consultant peadiatrican said "oh well I can see that it hasn't been as mentally taxing on you as it can be" Really? What about the anti depressants, anti anxity medication, ex priory patient support group and few thearpy sessions then?! I didn't say that but on reflection I probably should.

Sorry needed a rant :ph34r:

You're right to rant rowan.

My daughter is 8 and she had a milk intolerance. It went undiagnosed and my ex and me had hell of a time with the wee one screaming and not settling for sleep.

With my oldest boy, we were quick to get him on neocate and it was great. He slept.

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Cuddly toys, the most useless thing ever invented. I've got three black bags in the attic. Thankfully Niamh only got given a couple.

Heeyyyyyy! What about her Dougie the Doonhamer! :angry:

Thomas has never been overly bothered by them. He has a couple of bears in his bed but largely ignores them.

Steven on the other hand has a wee blue "Sooky" bear that he insists on having to bed at nights and another bear he often carries about with him. Certainly not useless in his case. Very useful. Settles him easily.

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We took the former approach!

One became two 361 days later. :D Never regretted it for a minute, though by God that first year of having both was hard. You learn to get by on 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night, EVERY night.

We kept grandchild nr. 11 last night, and 3 other nights this week, he's 14 months, to give his parents a bit of a chance of some sleep while they get his wee brother, 2 weeks, settled a bit. Apparently the weest one wakes up, starts crying, wakens the big(ger) one who also starts crying, and then he won't settle. Oh the joys!

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We kept grandchild nr. 11 last night, and 3 other nights this week, he's 14 months, to give his parents a bit of a chance of some sleep while they get his wee brother, 2 weeks, settled a bit. Apparently the weest one wakes up, starts crying, wakens the big(ger) one who also starts crying, and then he won't settle. Oh the joys!

To be fair we had two sets of grandparents who were willing to help out that way when it became necessary. A Godsend.

We're very lucky now in that they are both generally very good sleepers. Thomas has always been an independent wee sleeper. He rarely woke even when young and was in his own room before 5 months old. He sometimes babbles away a wee bit in his sleep but usually you put him to bed before 8:30 and that's him till he gets up (usually around 7am) even if his brother cries in the night two feet away from him he doesn't usually stir. Steven was a restless sleeper for his first 12 months or so. He would wake three or four times a night and, for that reason, he was probably about 8 months or so before he went to share a room with his brother. We kept him in our room at night until he was too big to do so practically. However in the last few months he's really settled down. He now asks for his bed when he wants to go by either saying "Bed", "TaTa" or "Dummy", all of which means he wants to go (his brother doesn't ask for his bed yet and he's a year older!) and usually does that sometime after 7:30pm and that's him until 6:30am or even later these days. He uses a dummy at night still and occasionally wakes in the middle of the night crying for it if it's fallen out but you find it, put it back in and he goes right back to sleep. Perfect. :)

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Heeyyyyyy! What about her Dougie the Doonhamer! :angry:

Thomas has never been overly bothered by them. He has a couple of bears in his bed but largely ignores them.

Steven on the other hand has a wee blue "Sooky" bear that he insists on having to bed at nights and another bear he often carries about with him. Certainly not useless in his case. Very useful. Settles him easily.

Dougie has been stolen by Ruairidh and renamed Amy! We have a black and white collie x dog, you see, who resembles Dougie. But rest assured he is not in the attic!

Niamh's just had her last dairy feed. Tomorrow we go all Nutramigen.

Edited by Rowan
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Zak fairly pushing on these days.

Thats him at 5 months so we've started weaning, he gets his rice milk at 5pm. He absolutley loves it, wolfs it down.

He's been rolling over onto his belly for a month or so but this morning he rolled over onto his belly, then rolled back over onto his back again. Woo! I can see him crawling within a couple of months.

He's got a wee cold at the moment tho, first one. His runny nose fair annoys him.

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My little lady

She's lovely - she looks like a wee doll, one of our grandaughters looked like a wee doll, too. She's turned into a wee beauty, just like her mammy. of course, all children/grandchildren are absolutely gorgeous. :)

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