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Baby Alastair has entered the world. One more Doonhamer born around one hour ago. He is our second son and weighed in at 7lbs 4oz. Mother and baby both doing well. Dad shattered but proud.


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Congratulations MB :D

My brother & sister-in-law announced last week that they're expecting, and between other family and friends, there's another four wee bubbas ranging from a year down to a couple of days old. It's fair to say that Mrs Mozam is getting very broody...

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Congratulations mb, same name as my hubby!

Good name and I think we can all agree he sounds suitably Scottish. That is even more important given the fact I live in England!

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes. So proud of Mrs MB today.

Here's a photo of Alastair at 5 hours old:


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Off to the midwife today, hoping for a yes to a home birth.

I'm not having a pop here so dont take it the wrong way, and maybe it's because i'm a natural worrier, but i just dont understand why folk want a home birth.

With all the modern medical technology in hospitals, if anything goes wrong, there is a far greater chance of getting the right treatment asap, as opposed to waiting on an ambulance or driving to the hospital,

but each to their own i guess.

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It's a common feeling and we aren't telling either sets of parents until it's closer to the time as neither would approve.

I'm a 3 min drive to the hospital and thats about only reason hubby has agreed.

They may well say no and I might change mind!

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I'm not having a pop here so dont take it the wrong way, and maybe it's because i'm a natural worrier, but i just dont understand why folk want a home birth.

With all the modern medical technology in hospitals, if anything goes wrong, there is a far greater chance of getting the right treatment asap, as opposed to waiting on an ambulance or driving to the hospital,

but each to their own i guess.

Women also tend to labour better at home, they're more comfortable in their own environment and this leads to reduced intervention, like forceps. There's a lot of plus sides to home birth too. Like you, I was too scared with my first and I ended up with a section anyway so it was just as well. After that, home birth isn't recommended for VBAC, so I never had a choice but ended up having sections with the youngest two anyway.

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Women also tend to labour better at home, they're more comfortable in their own environment and this leads to reduced intervention, like forceps. There's a lot of plus sides to home birth too. Like you, I was too scared with my first and I ended up with a section anyway so it was just as well. After that, home birth isn't recommended for VBAC, so I never had a choice but ended up having sections with the youngest two anyway.

It is all to do with the pain-fear-tension cycle and how the more relax a woman is during labout the easier time she will have. Childbirth and pain werent really asscoiated with each other until victorian times.

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Lm were all of your subsequent baby c-sections? My last birth although induced was text book and I was pretty laid back so laboured well. I think in my own surroundings I'll labour better again. Also saves the worry of who's babysitting as i have a limited pool of people I'd leave my second with!

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I think i worry more as my wife is diabetic and has rh- factor, and she never had the anti-d jab after our first as this was around the time of the issue of contaminated blood products, so subsequent pregnancies have always been closely monitored,

Currently she's getting 2 weekly scans which will go to weekly at 26 weeks to check a brain artery in the baby to check the blood flow is ok, and MC doppler scan.

She gets a shed load of blood taken at each clinic visit too, to check the antibody levels and that they dont start to crossover to the baby, and if this happens the only treatment is an in womb transfusion so it's quite stressful to say the least,

Also, Crosshouse maternity seem to have cut back on staff so every appointment turns into a bloody marathon day,

they give you an appointment for 1pm and you dont end up getting out till near bloody 6 o'clock!!!

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