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Pregnancy And Parenting

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Mrs.Shuggie is experiencing some ridiculous hip pain this time around. She is 16 weeks. She can barely move and I find myself having to help her simply move when she becomes uncomfortable. Sitting, standing and walking are a struggle. She hasn't been sleeping because of it either. She was having some discomfort with our first but just from looking at her and listening to her she is having considerable more problems this time.

We had a GP appointment yesterday and he has referred us to a physio. In the mean time, she had a hellish day today, was in so much pain that she spent practically all day in bed as she could barely move.

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Guest The Phoenix

Do you get your other half a nice card after she gives birth?

Was unsure about this!

Due next week :D

You already did your bit by giving her something nine months ago.

Don't spoil her, she'll see where you've set the bar and expect the standard to be maintained for life evermore.

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Do you get your other half a nice card after she gives birth?

Was unsure about this!

Due next week :D

Yeah, you probably should. Can't remember if I got her one for the first son, but certainly did for child number two. It played a song and everything. Unsurprisingly, she hated it.

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Arghhhh, the mrs is really struggling to keep he sugar levels controlled this time, she's cut back on her Insulin by almost 20 units so far and the levels post meals are still too low,

The diabetic nurse we see instructed her to increase her metformin to 1000mg at breakfast and dinner, and i think it's a direct consequence of this, so on her instructions today, she's to cut back another 10 units of insulin, so hopefully this solves that issue, but it's getting very stressful now!!!!

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My cousin had a 4D scan and she (the baby)'is doing that hand sign from Gordie shore! I do find the 4D scans very weird though..but I guess it just looks so strange because the baby is so young (17 weeks).


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My hubby didn't!

I wouldn't want a shitey wee card after going through all that - lactulose would have been preferable. ;) I got some flowers, and very happy I was with them too.

Reina, half way on Friday, how did that happen?! No boys names have made short list.

I have no idea. We're the opposite. Cannot agree on girl names. And I'm pretty convinced this is a girl. Bugger.

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Well it's official ..... She's pregnant!

Not exactly planned, but a nice wee surprise none-the-less. 

As this shall be my first, I'm surprisingly chilled out about the whole thing(for now). 

I will be frequenting this thread as the months roll by & I start to panic. 


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Well it's official ..... She's pregnant!

Not exactly planned, but a nice wee surprise none-the-less.

As this shall be my first, I'm surprisingly chilled out about the whole thing(for now).

I will be frequenting this thread as the months roll by & I start to panic.

Congrats mate,

when you find out who it was just give me a shout and i'll arrange for the GB to 'sort them out' wink.gif

only jokin bud, you've a long year ahead, take in as much as you can from all the literature you get handed to you and frequent these type of threads as much as poss too, good luck and try and enjoy it, as you only ever have your first, once smile.gifthumbup2.gif

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I'm convinced this one is a girl too! Ruairidh says he doesn't need another girl!

I wouldn't want a shitey wee card after going through all that - lactulose would have been preferable. ;) I got some flowers, and very happy I was with them too.

I have no idea. We're the opposite. Cannot agree on girl names. And I'm pretty convinced this is a girl. Bugger.

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Congrats mate,

when you find out who it was just give me a shout and i'll arrange for the GB to 'sort them out' wink.gif

only jokin bud, you've a long year ahead, take in as much as you can from all the literature you get handed to you and frequent these type of threads as much as poss too, good luck and try and enjoy it, as you only ever have your first, once smile.gifthumbup2.gif

A year? What's he married to - an elephant?

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