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Are any of the parents on here subjected to Mr Tumble on a daily basis?

I reckon his goodbye song sounds like he's asking a successful one night stand to leave his house.

Around 44 seconds in...


Goodbye, goodbye

It's time to run

Goodbye, goodbye

I hope you had good fun

I say goodbye

I'm happy that you came

I say goodbye

Please come back again

Edited by Andy C
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:lol: I'd never thought about it like that before. I bloody will now though.

He's touring with Justin's House at the moment. He's in Glasgow today in fact.

I haven't bought tickets.

Peppa Pig and George are in the Mercat in Kirkcaldy tomorrow.

As if Kirkcaldy town centre wasn't torturous enough.

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Guest The Phoenix

Peppa Pig and George are in the Mercat in Kirkcaldy tomorrow.

As if Kirkcaldy town centre wasn't torturous enough.

Could be worse - it might have been the Alloa "fan".

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Are any of the parents on here subjected to Mr Tumble on a daily basis?

I reckon his goodbye song sounds like he's asking a successful one night stand to leave his house.

Around 44 seconds in...


Goodbye, goodbye

It's time to run

Goodbye, goodbye

I hope you had good fun

I say goodbye

I'm happy that you came

I say goodbye

Please come back again

We've been through the Mr Tumble bit and out the other side. Thomas quite liked him and we used to watch it but he's moved on these days and Steven largely just watches what Thomas is watching.

I quite like Mr Tumble though. :ph34r:

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Jamie, I had really problems breast feeding and even with a hospital grade pump couldn't express. With my big one I combination fed successfully.

My middle one I fed for two weeks but then she started loosing weight.

Seeing as I near died after my third the hospital advised me not to even try.

I went to a breast feeding support group with my first and by and large they were very supportive and helpful but I just don't lactate well. Nct, bfn and la lache all have support lines you can call.

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Jamie, I had really problems breast feeding and even with a hospital grade pump couldn't express. With my big one I combination fed successfully.

My middle one I fed for two weeks but then she started loosing weight.

Seeing as I near died after my third the hospital advised me not to even try.

I went to a breast feeding support group with my first and by and large they were very supportive and helpful but I just don't lactate well. Nct, bfn and la lache all have support lines you can call.

Big one and middle one? Dear god you've got three?

Sorry, you mean kids don't you.

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We've already got all the sterilising gear already, so that's not a problem. It's just heartbreaking seeing him at 1am screaming away because he's hungry but equally he won't take the feed that's on offer! Is it possible to kind of mix and match?

It absolutely is.

Just on the not latching on, a couple of things you and Claire (it is Claire isn't it?) could try - swaddle him before his feed so that his arms aren't getting in the way - this works really well for me as sometimes when E is frustrated, she pushes away from the breast with her fists. Secondly, chances are that Claire's breast is engorged at night, especially if it has been a while since the last feed, so get her to hand express just a bit off before trying to latch your son on. If the breast is engorged, it's really difficult for them to latch on. Thirdly, if he's unsettled and screaming/crying, it's going to be pretty impossible for him to latch on. Try and settle him down first (that's where you're best as he'll smell Claire's milk and will just get more frustrated and it then gets even more difficult to latch on, much easier for you to settle him) - get him upright, pat his back and shush at the same time (shush pat is a baby whisperer technique, the theory being that a baby can't concentrate on more than two things, so the shushing and the patting doesn't leave any room for crying), let him suck on your finger (gets the suck reflex going). Once he is calm, try again. Lastly, tell Claire not to be afraid to kind of manhandle him. I sometimes have to be firm to get E on the breast. Hold his head firmly with one hand and the breast with the other and put his nose by her nipple. He should open his mouth quite wide - put him on when he does this and hold him there until he starts sucking. I hope this helps, but feel free to PM me if you need any more advice. :)

Edited by Reina
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Oh, she could also squeeze a bit of milk so that it's sitting on her nipple and let your son luck at it so he realises it's there. The early days of breastfeeding are tough. Really fucking tough. And sore. But once you get past them, it's easy peasy and so much less hassle.

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Cheers Reina, that's really useful! We've got a handle on a few of those tips but we'll try a few more and see how we go.

He's actually settled into a good routine the last two nights-Claire's pain has settled a bit so it isn't hurting her as much to feed him. She's expressing plenty so he's always got a breastmilk bottle handy if required, and he's feeding directly from her a bit better. There's some formula in the cupboard if all else fails too!

Been lucky the last two nights-put him down at 10.30, he slept til 3, then up for a quick feed and change, then down again until back of 7. Not too shabby!

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Cheers Reina, that's really useful! We've got a handle on a few of those tips but we'll try a few more and see how we go.

He's actually settled into a good routine the last two nights-Claire's pain has settled a bit so it isn't hurting her as much to feed him. She's expressing plenty so he's always got a breastmilk bottle handy if required, and he's feeding directly from her a bit better. There's some formula in the cupboard if all else fails too!

Been lucky the last two nights-put him down at 10.30, he slept til 3, then up for a quick feed and change, then down again until back of 7. Not too shabby!

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It absolutely is.

Just on the not latching on, a couple of things you and Claire (it is Claire isn't it?) could try - swaddle him before his feed so that his arms aren't getting in the way - this works really well for me as sometimes when E is frustrated, she pushes away from the breast with her fists. Secondly, chances are that Claire's breast is engorged at night, especially if it has been a while since the last feed, so get her to hand express just a bit off before trying to latch your son on. If the breast is engorged, it's really difficult for them to latch on. Thirdly, if he's unsettled and screaming/crying, it's going to be pretty impossible for him to latch on. Try and settle him down first (that's where you're best as he'll smell Claire's milk and will just get more frustrated and it then gets even more difficult to latch on, much easier for you to settle him) - get him upright, pat his back and shush at the same time (shush pat is a baby whisperer technique, the theory being that a baby can't concentrate on more than two things, so the shushing and the patting doesn't leave any room for crying), let him suck on your finger (gets the suck reflux going). Once he is calm, try again. Lastly, tell Claire not to be afraid to kind of manhandle him. I sometimes have to be firm to get E on the breast. Hold his head firmly with one hand and the breast with the other and put his nose by her nipple. He should open his mouth quite wide - put him on when he does this and hold him there until he starts sucking. I hope this helps, but feel free to PM me if you need any more advice. :)

Works for me!
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It absolutely is. Just on the not latching on, a couple of things you and Claire (it is Claire isn't it?) could try - swaddle him before his feed so that his arms aren't getting in the way - this works really well for me as sometimes when E is frustrated, she pushes away from the breast with her fists. Secondly, chances are that Claire's breast is engorged at night, especially if it has been a while since the last feed, so get her to hand express just a bit off before trying to latch your son on. If the breast is engorged, it's really difficult for them to latch on. Thirdly, if he's unsettled and screaming/crying, it's going to be pretty impossible for him to latch on. Try and settle him down first (that's where you're best as he'll smell Claire's milk and will just get more frustrated and it then gets even more difficult to latch on, much easier for you to settle him) - get him upright, pat his back and shush at the same time (shush pat is a baby whisperer technique, the theory being that a baby can't concentrate on more than two things, so the shushing and the patting doesn't leave any room for crying), let him suck on your finger (gets the suck reflux going). Once he is calm, try again. Lastly, tell Claire not to be afraid to kind of manhandle him. I sometimes have to be firm to get E on the breast. Hold his head firmly with one hand and the breast with the other and put his nose by her nipple. He should open his mouth quite wide - put him on when he does this and hold him there until he starts sucking. I hope this helps, but feel free to PM me if you need any more advice. :)

This is a brilliant post. Our second wean was exactly like this and it took 3 or 4 visits from the health visitor to say what you've summarised in a few good paragraphs. Also, the bit about, "Tell Claire not to be afraid to kind of manhandle him. I sometimes have to be firm to get E on the breast" is spot on.

Wee weans are actually quite robust so no need to handle them like china. They won't break. I guess, though, this is something you learn when you have your second?

Make it a sticky on here as excellent advice and cross-post it on the NSFW. This is where 'engorged breasts' are truly appreciated!

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Much easier second time around. Not just with breastfeeding, but with everything!

I agree and disagree, I think as a parent you are more confident but it also depends on the baby! My first was an easy baby but as you know Niamh's first year was pretty challenging and I wasn't sure how I was going to cope when I found out I was expecting number 3! But she's a chilled out little lady!

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Ready to feckin crack with this hospital, seriously ready to cack :(

Still not got the wee one home and both her consultants appear to have differing opinions about her chest,

She was initially on 0.02% oxygen, then increased to 1% but in between the increase, she's had it off and on and off and on etc etc,

As she was born at 35 weeks it was expected that she may need some help with oxygen but they putting her on it for 24 hours, downloading her sats monitor and saying thay'll just leave her to see how she goes, but after a couple of dips they are just putting her straight back on it and imo not giving her the chance to build herself up,

It's got to the point where it''s like just banging our heads off a brickwall trying to get anywhere with what appears to be a difference of opinion between 2 consultants as one say's one thing and the other contradicts her with his own opinion :(

Just want her home :(

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We are taking Jack on his first flight next month - does anyone have any tips for keeping a toddler amused on a 3 hour flight?

I was thinking snacks, cartoons and a few toys and letting him run round the airport until he is knackered in the hope he will sleep.

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