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We went to Dundee and bought a nintendo wii when my girlfriend was in early labour :lol:

Good luck if this is it!

Josh is a bit under the weather today, hopin it'll pass, if it hasn't by morning we'll be phoning the doctor though.

After he had a screaming fit in the bath, which is totally unlike him, we phoned NHS24, and were told to go up to the hospital. By the time he was checked over he'd been asleep an hour (an emergency service :rolleyes: ), and there was nothing wrong with him. So we're back home and he's sound asleep :)

On NHS24, I was very impressed with the phone service. As for the emergency doctor service in Perth, I've seen more movement from Derek Holmes! Not so impressed there.

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After he had a screaming fit in the bath, which is totally unlike him, we phoned NHS24, and were told to go up to the hospital. By the time he was checked over he'd been asleep an hour (an emergency service :rolleyes: ), and there was nothing wrong with him. So we're back home and he's sound asleep :)

On NHS24, I was very impressed with the phone service. As for the emergency doctor service in Perth, I've seen more movement from Derek Holmes! Not so impressed there.

I've found them good when we've called about the wee one. About a year ago, he had blue lips and wouldn't warm up no matter how many layers we put on him. We called them after an hour of trying and despite only living a mile from the hospital and having a car they insisted on sending an ambulance which I felt was a bit of a waste of resources and we'd have been there in half the time. By time we got to the hospital he was nice and pink and warm! The doctor was very understanding though.

Our neighbours were arriving home as I was getting into the ambulance with Ruairidh and the wee girls (aged 6&9) were inconsolable, wee souls.

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Off to see the consultant, no scan today but in an hours time I'll know the latest they'll leave me. Really uncomfortable now, this one is def a lot bigger than Ruairidh.

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Ah good stuff! Congrats. All the best.

All quiet here, midwife again Thursday.

Consultant booked me in for induction day after my due date, which I wasn't expecting! Wonder how Raj missus is?!

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Oh did anyone fly while pregnant? When is it safe to fly until? I read somewhere that some airlines won't allow anyone past 32 weeks on board. She wants to fly home for a week before the birth, so is planning on going in two weeks time, she'll be 31 weeks by then. I think she may also need a doctors letter to confirm she#s fit to fly.

Managed to get flights for next Tuesday. Continental allow you to fly at any stage of pregnancy as long as you get a permission letter from the doctor saying you're fit to fly. So we are off to Seattle for 5 days so she can see her folks before the birth. Glad to finally get it sorted, genuinely thought we would have trouble finding and airline to take us.:)

One way or another I'll have a baby by the weekend.

Good luck :thumsup2

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:D If you disappear for half a day, we get worried/excited!

If I've disabled posting on my Facebook wall I'm off to hospital! I have a big mouth who announced a mutal friends baby's arrival on friends wall before she had spoken to all her family so I'm taking no chances!

Oh and it's wet out there! Wii sports next! Operation eviction well under way! :lol:

Edited by Rowan
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Managed to get flights for next Tuesday. Continental allow you to fly at any stage of pregnancy as long as you get a permission letter from the doctor saying you're fit to fly. So we are off to Seattle for 5 days so she can see her folks before the birth. Glad to finally get it sorted, genuinely thought we would have trouble finding and airline to take us.:)

So did I. I'm surprised they did. Ach if he or she is born on board you might get free flights for life!

If I've disabled posting on my Facebook wall I'm off to hospital! I have a big mouth who announced a mutal friends baby's arrival on friends wall before she had spoken to all her family so I'm taking no chances!

Oh and it's wet out there! Wii sports next! Operation eviction well under way! :lol:

Good luck.

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