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Congrats to all the new parents and their babies.

Our tale of woe continues they were home for 9 days but then on Sunday my wife felt like shite all day flu like symptoms the health visitor came round Monday morning took one look at her and back up the hospital we go she has some kind if bladder infection and the are giving her all ddifferent types of antibiotics. She does look better but she will be in until tomorrow night at the earliest. The baby who is the picture of health is staying with her for breast feeding and partly to make it easier in me so I can run about and do errands and visit them both

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Having now had 3 positive urnine sample for infection Ruairidh needs to go to Peadiatrician to get checked for reflux between kidney and bladder.

So one potty training toddler with possible reflux issues. One sicky baby with different reflux issues and no washing machine until 10th October.

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Baby Harry was born at 9.47am today weighing in at a whopping 8lb 4oz. Cracking grip on the boy and a decent head of hair (shame the same can't be said about me). Charlie is a bit unsure of what to make of him, but did give him a kiss and said he loved him.

Both mum and Harry doing well, left them about an hour ago.

Excellent News

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If your wife is a student her college or uni should help out with some of the childcare fees I would have thought?

We did too. They don't.

So it should be to be honest. Higher rate tax payers shouldn't really need additionally subsidised childcare. And they certainly shouldn't be in effect getting it cheaper than lower rate taxpayers.

I wasn't making any judgement either way on it, just providing the information. What seems unfair to me is that it is based on the income of one person, rather than the household.

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Another new Addition! Baby Lizbeth born 6 days overdue on the 27th September (yesterday) at 4:14 am weighing 7 lbs 15 ounces. Both mum and baby are in great condition and our older 3 seem very happy to finally have a little sister instead of a massive ball on the front of a grumpy mummy!

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Another new Addition! Baby Lizbeth born 6 days overdue on the 27th September (yesterday) at 4:14 am weighing 7 lbs 15 ounces. Both mum and baby are in great condition and our older 3 seem very happy to finally have a little sister instead of a massive ball on the front of a grumpy mummy!



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I wasn't making any judgement either way on it, just providing the information. What seems unfair to me is that it is based on the income of one person, rather than the household.

I don't really follow?

Whether you get tax savings at the higher rate has nothing to do with a second person regardless. If you meant the testing for child benefit then you have a point but as regards being able to claim 40% tax relief on childcare vouchers then I don't think people should be able to and it matters not what the other members of their household earn. To allow that is to effectively say higher earners can have cheaper subsidised childcare than lower earners and that's a nonsense. It's right that the childcare tax breaks should be available at the same rate for everyone. They should never have been available at a higher rate in the first place. That's a loophole that's being closed.

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Another new Addition! Baby Lizbeth born 6 days overdue on the 27th September (yesterday) at 4:14 am weighing 7 lbs 15 ounces. Both mum and baby are in great condition and our older 3 seem very happy to finally have a little sister instead of a massive ball on the front of a grumpy mummy!

Fantastic, congratulations! A great day to be born on, believe me. 8)

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Another new Addition! Baby Lizbeth born 6 days overdue on the 27th September (yesterday) at 4:14 am weighing 7 lbs 15 ounces. Both mum and baby are in great condition and our older 3 seem very happy to finally have a little sister instead of a massive ball on the front of a grumpy mummy!

Congrats :D excellent stuff.

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Another new Addition! Baby Lizbeth born 6 days overdue on the 27th September (yesterday) at 4:14 am weighing 7 lbs 15 ounces. Both mum and baby are in great condition and our older 3 seem very happy to finally have a little sister instead of a massive ball on the front of a grumpy mummy!

Congratulations. :)

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I don't really follow?

Whether you get tax savings at the higher rate has nothing to do with a second person regardless. If you meant the testing for child benefit then you have a point but as regards being able to claim 40% tax relief on childcare vouchers then I don't think people should be able to and it matters not what the other members of their household earn. To allow that is to effectively say higher earners can have cheaper subsidised childcare than lower earners and that's a nonsense. It's right that the childcare tax breaks should be available at the same rate for everyone. They should never have been available at a higher rate in the first place. That's a loophole that's being closed.

The point is this (assume for the sake of argument that the threshold for paying higher rate tax is £40k): family A has one person working and earning £41k - the family earns £41k gross and can't get the full childcare vouchers. Family B has two people working and both earning £39k - the family earns £78k gross, almost double family A, and does get the childcare vouchers. This is clearly unfair.

While it's not clearly unfair, I would also dispute your point that it's a "loophole" that higher rate tax payers have been getting tax relief on full amount of vouchers. The reason they get a higher level of relief is that they pay a higher marginal tax rate. If they weren't paying more tax in the first place, they wouldn't be able to save more tax. You can legitmately make a case to say that higher rate tax payers shouldn't get the same benefit as lower earners, but that's a matter of politcal opinion. It's certainly not a nonsense or a loophole.

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The point is this (assume for the sake of argument that the threshold for paying higher rate tax is £40k): family A has one person working and earning £41k - the family earns £41k gross and can't get the full childcare vouchers. Family B has two people working and both earning £39k - the family earns £78k gross, almost double family A, and does get the childcare vouchers. This is clearly unfair.

While it's not clearly unfair, I would also dispute your point that it's a "loophole" that higher rate tax payers have been getting tax relief on full amount of vouchers. The reason they get a higher level of relief is that they pay a higher marginal tax rate. If they weren't paying more tax in the first place, they wouldn't be able to save more tax. You can legitmately make a case to say that higher rate tax payers shouldn't get the same benefit as lower earners, but that's a matter of politcal opinion. It's certainly not a nonsense or a loophole.

I wasn't really conscious of exactly how the change was working though I have now just looked it up. I was under the impression that you could still claim the same vouchers but relief was only given at lower rate. In fact you can claim less vouchers if you are a higher rate taxpayer. That equalises the tax but means higher rate taxpayers are worse off in NIC terms albeit it's a minimal difference.

You're right it's an opinion, but I stand by it, and it is a loophole I think and that's why it's being closed. Higher rate taxpayers pay more tax because that's the way the economy works. You can argue it should be based on household income if you like and I wouldn't necessarily disagree though it would be completely impractical to work (what is a "household"?).

I think that's quite distinct from the amount of govt subsidy that should in effect be offered to parents to continue working. And I do think it's in principle quite wrong that the "wealthier" individuals (again I accept they may not be wealthier in household terms) should get childcare that works out cheaper than lower earnings people. However, I understand the point you make now. There's no right answer to these kind of things.

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So having been to the surgery and opened the consultation with "I feel that the practice has let Niamh down and why do you only do something for her when the Health Visitor intervenes" my GP has managed to get her a dermatology appointment for next Tuesday and is awaiting a call back from her consultant paediatrician.

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So having been to the surgery and opened the consultation with "I feel that the practice has let Niamh down and why do you only do something for her when the Health Visitor intervenes" my GP has managed to get her a dermatology appointment for next Tuesday and is awaiting a call back from her consultant paediatrician.

Progress, then. Sometimes complaining is the only way forwards.

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It's nothing serious, reflux and excema and she smiles away anytime they see her and is gaining weight. They don't see her screaming in pain and scratching as she's itchy alot of the time.

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