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Jack had his first set of immunisation jags yesterday. He was smiling up at me just before they injected him - it was horrible seeing his wee face crumble and start to cry. We managed to settle him after a couple of minutes but he then slept most of the day (abit grumpy when he woke) but seems to be his cheery/happy self again

Baby Gaz due round about the first week of August :)


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Baby Gaz due round about the first week of August :)

Congrats :thumsup2

Yeah I'll have to wait and see if he gets in, too, as the nursery is full at the moment. Apparently there are 7 kids going up into P1 in the summer though, so *hopefully* the boy will get in.

We registered Ethan for school last week too. Heard the other day that there have been 37 P1 kids registered, all from the catchment area and the school only has one classroom! Thank god we managed to move into the catchment area a couple of months ago

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My two go to nursery while i'm at work. They love it. I put ruairidh in on a Thursday when I don't work as he enjoys it so much. He had a wee pal from nursery round to play on Saturday and is still talking about it!

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Thomas goes to nursery on Thursday and Friday mornings because we felt it would be good for him and it absolutely has been. He's come on leaps and bounds since then.

He's supposed to start funded sessions in April at the local pre-school though that has been deferred so that he can stay at the same nursery he's currently at instead as they can help him more with his social skills which apparently are deemed a minor concern at the moment. He's in theory due to start school properly in August 2013 though it's probably better than 50/50 that he'll be deferred a year to 2014 and remain in nursery for a further year. We shall see.

Steven doesn't go anywhere yet though we think it's about time he probably did. When Thomas starts getting funded in April Steven will start going voluntarily to the same place, though they'll be in different groups. However, Steven is due to start school in August 2013 too and at this point looks unlikely to be deferred so there's every chance they'll actually go to school together even though they are a year apart. I'm not sure that this is a good thing, on balance I'd guess not.

We shall see.

Congratulations and good luck to madwullie and Gaz. :)

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Thomas goes to nursery on Thursday and Friday mornings because we felt it would be good for him and it absolutely has been. He's come on leaps and bounds since then.

He's supposed to start funded sessions in April at the local pre-school though that has been deferred so that he can stay at the same nursery he's currently at instead as they can help him more with his social skills which apparently are deemed a minor concern at the moment. He's in theory due to start school properly in August 2013 though it's probably better than 50/50 that he'll be deferred a year to 2014 and remain in nursery for a further year. We shall see.

Steven doesn't go anywhere yet though we think it's about time he probably did. When Thomas starts getting funded in April Steven will start going voluntarily to the same place, though they'll be in different groups. However, Steven is due to start school in August 2013 too and at this point looks unlikely to be deferred so there's every chance they'll actually go to school together even though they are a year apart. I'm not sure that this is a good thing, on balance I'd guess not.

We shall see.

Congratulations and good luck to madwullie and Gaz. :)

My husband and I decided that if we had a child later than mid December we would defer as the educational benefits for boys especially are well documented. Not just in early years but also at exam time too.

As it happens they are Sept and April so it's not an issue. My wee cousin started at 4.5 and was then held back at P1 as he was struggling and the year made all the difference.

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My husband and I decided that if we had a child later than mid December we would defer as the educational benefits for boys especially are well documented. Not just in early years but also at exam time too.

Thought you could only defer if they were a January or February birth? :unsure:

I think it's very likely Thomas will be deferred. He was assessed a couple of months ago (he's not 3 until next month) as having the visual skills of a 4 year old but lacking in sensory areas / social interaction and his manual dexterity. That's why he's remaining at his existing nursery where they will give him a specialist individual care worker to work on these things rather than mainstream pre-school where they don't have the time or manpower to do it. No final decision will be taken though until we see how he responds to it. If he goes really well he might just switch over to pre-school within a few months.

Steven on the other hand has clearly been here before! He's a problem solver and is way ahead of where his brother was at every stage. Mostly that's through seeing Thomas do things and copying them of course but in some areas, particularly eating, cleaning his own teeth, things that involve hands he's doing far more. He also walked down the stairs himself yesterday rather than sitting and "bumping" down as Thomas still does. Lot of water to flow under the bridge between now and then but I'm not sure we'll be able to hold him back!

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The wife and I are amazed/aghast that our 7 week old has started to roll over onto her front. FFS she'll be getting me booze from the offy before the end of the month! :P

We've got a commando crawler, shes slithering about the living room like a snake!!

She also can't resist herself from grabbing the couch and standing up by herself as long as someone is there to support her.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I'm pretty sure anyone from Dec onwards can choose to defer! Shiws how different kids are. Niamh way more vocal but kess dextris (sp?). She was evicted from baby room yesterday as was making too much noise at nap time so she went and played with the younger kids.

Shes just vomitted, not reflux proper sick.

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Re. deferring entry to school, I think it's the case that you have to have started school before you turn six, therfore anyone born in September or later can defer. Generally those whose parents decide to defer primary school entry are January or February birthdays though.

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I'm pretty sure anyone from Dec onwards can choose to defer!

Re. deferring entry to school, I think it's the case that you have to have started school before you turn six, therfore anyone born in September or later can defer. Generally those whose parents decide to defer primary school entry are January or February birthdays though.

In reality though, it's only really kids in Jan/Feb that can defer as councils pretty much insist on it. There's nothing stopping you withdrawing them from state education completely though...

I didn't really know that much about it. When the woman from the Council came to see us she said that those born in January or February had an automatic right to defer entry for a year. Nothing was said beyond that since clearly both of ours are February and we did have that right. I just presumed that meant those born before that didn't (but probably could in extreme circumstances).

Having now looked it up McB is absolutely right. Per the info on the Scottish Govt website:

Children become eligible to start primary school in the August when they will be between 4 ½ and 5 ½ years old. Parents have the right to defer their child’s entry to primary school provided that the child is still 5 years old when he or she starts school. Parents of children with birthdays in January or February, who choose to defer their child’s entry to primary school, are entitled to continue to receive a free, part-time pre-school place for an additional year. The children will start school the August after their fifth birthday. However, children with September to December birthdays will only be able to access an extra year of free pre-school education at the discretion of their local authorities. If you wish to defer your child’s entry to primary school you should discuss this with your local authority’s education department.

So basically, anyone born September or later can defer if they insist but if they were born earlier than January the Council can refuse to fund the extra year of pre-school.

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