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Pregnancy And Parenting

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Ive got one at two and a half and the mrs is pregnant with number two as we speak but my wee boys birthday is the 28th of aug and the due date of the next one is the 30th aug. Anybody got sisters or brothers born on the same day or next day (obviously a couple of years apart)? Im wondering how the wee fella is going to react:blink:

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Kids coming along great. Youngest child just turned 1 few weeks ago and he is just about walking on his own. Oldest is 3 n a half and is a handful.

Anyone dealt with any children at a young age with traits of autism?

Thomas might be on the autistic spectrum. We've not so far pushed for an assessment but there are some indicators of mild autism, though many of the better indicators he doesn't have.

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Yep, I've never heard of anyone dropping a baby so far. And I've heard of a lot of people who have worried about it. Quick conclusion: folk just don't drop babies.

They're a lot tougher than we think. They don't break and you worry too much about hurting them that it just wouldn't happen anyway.


Kurt Warner's adopted son Zachary was brain damaged when he was dropped as a baby by his real father.

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Congrats Doonhamer!

We were slightly concerned with Charlie's behaviour at the start of the year, and to me he showed signs of autism. As time has gone on he is a lot better, and can sit for longer with one thing than he could at the start of 2013, so not really sure. He's desperate to get to school in August, but there was some suggestions that we defer him for a year, but that has been firmly put to bed. He is incredibly intelligent, he is reading, with ease, the Biff, Chip and Kipper books at stage 6, which some children two or three years older than him would struggle with. He can add and subtract numbers really well, and can count backwards from 100. He struggles holding a pen or pencil, but we are working on that each day, so hopefully he will be up to scratch come August.

Whilst I wouldn't change anything about my life as it is now, I'm so glad that it's not us starting all over again when I read about new expectant parents on here. I think if the wife told me she was pregnant again I would burst into tears. :lol:

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Congrats Doonhamer!

We were slightly concerned with Charlie's behaviour at the start of the year, and to me he showed signs of autism. As time has gone on he is a lot better, and can sit for longer with one thing than he could at the start of 2013, so not really sure. He's desperate to get to school in August, but there was some suggestions that we defer him for a year, but that has been firmly put to bed. He is incredibly intelligent, he is reading, with ease, the Biff, Chip and Kipper books at stage 6, which some children two or three years older than him would struggle with. He can add and subtract numbers really well, and can count backwards from 100. He struggles holding a pen or pencil, but we are working on that each day, so hopefully he will be up to scratch come August.

Similarly with Thomas his intelligence isn't in question and his visual skills are way ahead. He's doing jigsaws for children 2 or 3 years older than him. He loves them. But there have been some concerns with his co-ordination just as you describe. He couldn't use safety scissors properly until recently but he's now doing it. He wouldn't move his hands across his body / reach across himself for anything. He struggles a lot with the co-ordination to dress himself whereas his year younger brother whizzes through that sort of thing. His social interaction has been slow to develop also which is often an indicator of autism apparently. He doesn't like big noisy groups of children but is fine in groups of three or four. However he will talk to them but not listen to answers. When he's snack helper at nursery he does a great job of going round the other children and asking what they want but he doesn't always pay any attention to the actual answers and just brings them what he thinks they'll want regardless!

He loves books though he's not reading per se yet. He definitely recognises some words though and he's been known to shout out the name of episodes of cartoons when they come on screen without anyone actually saying them.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Nuala is 11 weeks today shuggie and isn't identifying colours, hate to break it to you but I think you have unrealistic expectations on your 7 week old!

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Our wee boy is now 7 weeks old, feel like we have had him around the place for ever!

On a side note, when did your little ones begin to grasp colours?

About 14 months for my lad and about 18 months for my oldest lassie,

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I think we have been dealt a very good hand so far. Manny is so calm and happy, eating 6 ounces no problem but wants them like clockwork so he doesnt really have a long sleep overnight yet. Smiling a lot. 9 weeks old now.

when did y'all start giving them human food?

The other morning i was like a zombie making up bottles and counted 10 scoops of powder into 6 ounces of water before i snapped out of it.

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Nuala is 11 weeks today shuggie and isn't identifying colours, hate to break it to you but I think you have unrealistic expectations on your 7 week old!

It our oldest I'm asking about. She is 2 in three weeks time and still doesn't know her colours. I would have imagined she would at least have a grasp of them by now.

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I've always liked this thread, but the more I read it, the more I realise just how different our lives are. Milestones for our children and the expectations we all want them to reach can be so different

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Yes I did know that, clearly my attempt at funny wasn't!

Naki, I weaned my big two at 6 months.

It our oldest I'm asking about. She is 2 in three weeks time and still doesn't know her colours. I would have imagined she would at least have a grasp of them by now.

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It our oldest I'm asking about. She is 2 in three weeks time and still doesn't know her colours. I would have imagined she would at least have a grasp of them by now.

Ach fella every kid is different, and advance in some things and take their time in others. Your wee one will know her colours soon enough.

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Just playing the waiting game now, the missus is complaining of backache and occasion cramps! We thought she would start last night but the wee lass seems to be waiting for her moment! They expect her to be bigger than our son who was 9lb 12oz!

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Just playing the waiting game now, the missus is complaining of backache and occasion cramps! We thought she would start last night but the wee lass seems to be waiting for her moment! They expect her to be bigger than our son who was 9lb 12oz!

Good luck! That'll smart a wee bit...

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