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My son is about 2 and a half and he's very nearly toilet trained now (we have about a 90% success rate, just need to keep at it now). Thankfully he picked it up very quickly, we started him off by sitting him on the potty for a bit as part of changing him and he soon got the idea. He learned to warn us about poos very quickly which I will remain eternally thankful for.

Will probably finally be free of the cursed nappy just in time for child number two who is arriving at Christmas and is currently causing me angst because we can't agree on any names that we both like...

Call the new kid Marmaduke.

On toilet training, my kids could not have been more different. The boy took months and months of gradual weaning on to the potty, and had loads of accidents along the way. My girl simply refused to use the potty, full stop. Eventually one day she woke up and we told her there were no nappies left. She cried for 10 minutes and then used the potty. Hardly ever had an accident with her. In fact, she's a bloody camel. I've known her to go till 8 pm before her first pish of the day (whilst matching her brother drink for drink)

My son stayed at my mums a feww weeks back. Mum told me that on the way there he was complaining of a sore stomach. When they got to her house, he went to the toilet for 45 minutes. When he left, mum said she had to open all the downstairs windows and bleach the bowl. She described his post-flush leavings as "a dead rat". I was so proud.

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My six year old daughter lost another tooth today. Just played the role of tooth fairy as mum is out and put £1.50 under the pillow. Not sure what the going rate is? Anyway was going to give a pound but as she got stung by a wasp at school I gave her an extra 50p as a bonus. I'm so generous.

I have a mate who gave his wee girl a fivver a tooth....absolute lunacy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our oldest has always been a terrible sleeper but she had improved slightly. Now she's getting worse again. Will often resort to banging her head violently against the wall to stop herself from going to sleep. Her record is being taken to bed at 9pm and still being awake at 3:45am. Even when this happened she was still wide awake again at 7:30am.

Incredibly frustrating and I can feel myself getting angrier and angrier with her at bedtime. Terrified I'm going to lose my temper and roar at her.

An update to this. The past four nights our oldest has taken over an hour and a half to go to sleep. She will constantly nearly fall asleep and then do something to wake herself up, like bang her head against the wall.

Her maw is downstairs with the weeest one, but at least she can sit on a couch and watch some telly. I'm sitting in near darkness for nearly two hours every night. I come home from work, tidy the house, spend about an hour playing with her, then try to take her up to bed. By the time she's asleep I'm exhausted and starving.

This is fucking shite. Looking forward to when she's a teenager so I can wake her up at 6:30am every morning.

Edited by Gaz
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An update to this. The past four nights our oldest has taken over an hour and a half to go to sleep. She will constantly nearly fall asleep and then do something to wake herself up, like bang her head against the wall.

Her maw is downstairs with the weeest one, but at least she can sit on a couch and watch some telly. I'm sitting in near darkness for nearly two hours every night. I come home from work, tidy the house, spend about an hour playing with her, then try to take her up to bed. By the time she's asleep I'm exhausted and starving.

This is fucking shite. Looking forward to when she's a teenager so I can wake her up at 6:30am every morning.

I can relate Gaz. Our oldest takes at least an hour every night to go to sleep, regardless of how tired he is.

Wish I could give you some advice, but sadly I think it is one of those things, just know that you're not going through it alone!

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This is fucking shite. Looking forward to when she's a teenager so I can wake her up at 6:30am every morning.

It's only since have a wean that I realise why my mum was so keen on hoovering at 8am on a Saturday when I was a teenager. Payback. Cannot wait

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An update to this. The past four nights our oldest has taken over an hour and a half to go to sleep. She will constantly nearly fall asleep and then do something to wake herself up, like bang her head against the wall.

Her maw is downstairs with the weeest one, but at least she can sit on a couch and watch some telly. I'm sitting in near darkness for nearly two hours every night. I come home from work, tidy the house, spend about an hour playing with her, then try to take her up to bed. By the time she's asleep I'm exhausted and starving.

This is fucking shite. Looking forward to when she's a teenager so I can wake her up at 6:30am every morning.

How old is your oldest Gaz? My 5 year old (most nights) will try to occupy herself for as long as possible before finally trotting off to bed half willingly. Sometimes she will get up and out her bed using the "i need tucjed in" excuse, usually about 10 mins after she has been tucked in already i might add! Although she also attempts to suck up with cuddles at the same time..She is normally asleep by half 8 though.. There have been the odd occasions where she has told us she's tired and needs her bed but that's not very often.
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It was getting the hangover I enjoyed. the hangover? Not so much... :whistle

You know fine it was the kids I meant! :lol:

I rarely drink these days and when I do I suffer for it. By the time they get old enough for all that carry on, I'm going to relish waking them at 6am by jumping on the bed and asking if they'll make my breakfast while I watch Zack and b*****d Quack.

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How old is your oldest Gaz? My 5 year old (most nights) will try to occupy herself for as long as possible before finally trotting off to bed half willingly. Sometimes she will get up and out her bed using the "i need tucjed in" excuse, usually about 10 mins after she has been tucked in already i might add! Although she also attempts to suck up with cuddles at the same time..She is normally asleep by half 8 though.. There have been the odd occasions where she has told us she's tired and needs her bed but that's not very often.

She was two a couple of weeks ago.

She's always been a terrible sleeper - like, well past midnight most nights until she was a year and a half - but I've been trying to get her off to bed at 9pm at the latest. Some nights she's asleep within 10 minutes, some she can fight it for a couple of hours.

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I sympathise with you also Gaz, I've had a very similar situation to yourself and much as I'd like to tell you it will get better my wee one is 5 now and whilst she goes down a bit easier at night she will pay us a visit later on every single night. It's a vicious cycle as the only way to stop is to take her back through to her own bed but I'm too tired/grumpy to do anything about it so I just mutter at her aggressively.

I miss uninterrupted sleeps, I think I've had about 6 in the last 5 years......actually scrap that it's closer to 6 years as the wee dev... I mean angel used to kick the shit out of me all night long before she was even 'oot', yet her mum slept on completely oblivious! :(

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Does she still sleep during the day?

My wee boy (just 2) still needs a nap during the day but if he does have that nap he'll lie talking to himself for an hour before going over at night. He's not crying or upset tho just singing his nursery rhymes so we just leave him to it unless he is upset

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You know fine it was the kids I meant! :lol:

I rarely drink these days and when I do I suffer for it. By the time they get old enough for all that carry on, I'm going to relish waking them at 6am by jumping on the bed and asking if they'll make my breakfast while I watch Zack and b*****d Quack.

Zack and what? New one on me.

The only good thing about being up before 7 most mornings these days is an hour of Tom & Jerry on Boomerang. Or sometimes Ben & Holly followed by Mr Men on Milkshake. Tremendous!

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Zack and what? New one on me.

The only good thing about being up before 7 most mornings these days is an hour of Tom & Jerry on Boomerang. Or sometimes Ben & Holly followed by Mr Men on Milkshake. Tremendous!

Zack and Quack on Nick Jr. It's awful!

I get subjected to endless repeats of paw patrol. What's worse is there only ever seems to be about 6 episodes repeated.

Oh, there's loads of episodes of Paw Patrol! I've seen them all. At least 15 times an episode.

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I find it best to sky plus most of the favourites- the ones that you can stand - so they are available quickly. Ben and Holly, peppa (although I don't see the need as it's seemingly always on one of the nick Jr channels) and the Simpsons. I was delighted when the Simpsons became a favourite. I'm happy when the TV is on as it means a break from yet another viewing of Frozen/Tangled.

Our youngest - 9 months- decided to hurl herself from her cot last night.

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Children's TV doesn't bother me that much. The in thing in our house just now is YouTube on the telly. Some of the utter shite I catch him watching is unreal. He likes to watch videos of people playing that Pou game, rather than play it himself. Bizarre.

And I'll never understand why anyone would want to get up at half six on a Saturday morning. I cannot wait for them to go out on the piss when they're older, then I'll have my revenge.

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Grandson nr 5 (4 past in July) has graduated to Art Attack, which used to bring on a mini tantrum if we happened to drift into it.

Tom and Jerry has become a great favourite, too.

Curious George seems to have been sidelined.

Peppa Pig is still watched, along with Jake and the Neverland Pirates., although more so by his younger brother.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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Check out ToyTrains4U on YouTube. It's a grown man and a woman that basically spend their days playing with Thomas The Tank Engine trains and making up stories and games. They've also started with Peppa Pig, Pocoyo, Disney Princess and Angry Birds.

Drives me up the fucking wall.

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