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Tom and Jerry is a favourite. My 5 year old has graduated onto Victorius and Sam and Cat. I had no what it was, she watches it with older kids at childminders, but I am hooked on it now!

The show is gash but Arianna Grande........Ooooooft

Might try to get them interested in that, then...

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My oldest is addicted to Pop and Tiny pop which basically means she is continually watching Littlest Pet Shop, My Little Pony and Totally Spies who had a baddy called "Milan Stilton" the other day who was an heiress.. I wonder who that could have been based on..

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Our second wean was born on Friday morning - a boy this time.

I'm pretty certain that's us done.

How big is your family P&B? And why are you not tying a knot in it / giving up so early (delete where applicable)?


Just the one boy at the moment, little girl due 23rd December. I think that will be us done as well but never say never.

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Just the one boy at the moment, little girl due 23rd December. I think that will be us done as well but never say never.

Ahh the gentleman's family? I had never heard that phrase before this year - but I like it.

In my incredibly limited experience, girls are far easier to deal with than boys. You've done it the right way round.

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Ahh the gentleman's family? I had never heard that phrase before this year - but I like it.

In my incredibly limited experience, girls are far easier to deal with than boys. You've done it the right way round.

Funny you should say that, a few people have now said that to me and its not something I'd heard before either.

The boys 3 and a half now and he's been brilliant if I'm being honest, another one like him and we'll be very lucky. He's really excited to meet his sister too.

Edited by Mallo_Madrid
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Ahh the gentleman's family? I had never heard that phrase before this year - but I like it.

In my incredibly limited experience, girls are far easier to deal with than boys. You've done it the right way round.

I've told you before.....wait till she hits the teens....she'll make your life HELL.

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Point taken about the teenage years - but I'm actually quite confident about being able to cope when conversations can be had. Its the baby nonsense that I can't control or even have much influence over.

This new one screams (I'm shocked by how loud considering he's 3 days old) when he's hungry and nothing will settle him. I could easily distract my daughter and get her to calm down by giving her some attention, bouncing her about, making silly noises.

This lad is having none of my shit. A right grumpy wee b*****d so he is.

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Our 'wee lass' will be 18 this coming March.

She has been a joy (most of the time) but as time moves on so do the problems challenges...

Right now she is learning to drive, looking at university courses/locations, confirmed that she and her 'friend' are now officially Girlfriend/Boyfriend, pretty much dicates what we eat (she's obsessed with healthy eating) etc etc etc.....

I'm sure many of the 'older' P&B community have been here already.. ;)

Nae wonder I have Grey Platinum hair.....

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Our 'wee lass' will be 18 this coming March.

She has been a joy (most of the time) but as time moves on so do the problems challenges...

Right now she is learning to drive, looking at university courses/locations, confirmed that she and her 'friend' are now officially Girlfriend/Boyfriend, pretty much dicates what we eat (she's obsessed with healthy eating) etc etc etc.....

I'm sure many of the 'older' P&B community have been here already.. ;)

Nae wonder I have Grey Platinum hair.....

Very much so - now the granddaughters are entering their teens...so it's not actually our problem, and there is a certain sense of schadenfreude watching their mothers' reactions.

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Our second wean was born on Friday morning - a boy this time.

I'm pretty certain that's us done.

How big is your family P&B? And why are you not tying a knot in it / giving up so early (delete where applicable)?

Two boys, born within one year of one another (just). We're definitely done. Started a family late (I was 39 when the first was born) so absolutely no intention of having any more.

Anyway, I actually came on here to ask if by chance anybody's kids are collected the Panini Planes 2 Sticker Album. My eldest is and getting him stickers has been great as a reward for doing his homework from school now he's started. We've ordered what he needs to complete it now but I've got at least 100 "doubles" sitting here if anybody needs them?

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My youngest is three next Monday and he is definitely the last. I had a c-section with him and the tube-clamping was booked months before we even got to theatre. I decided a fortnight ago that the nappies were going. We left it late because he just wasn't remotely interested and got quite upset at accidents so it wasn't worth it before now. First day was a nightmare, second day he was at nursery and had two accidents. Third day much better and by the fourth day he was dry. I'm so glad I left it as late as I did because it just made it so much easier for us and him.

And now I never have to deal with nappies again! :D

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My youngest is three next Monday and he is definitely the last. I had a c-section with him and the tube-clamping was booked months before we even got to theatre. I decided a fortnight ago that the nappies were going. We left it late because he just wasn't remotely interested and got quite upset at accidents so it wasn't worth it before now. First day was a nightmare, second day he was at nursery and had two accidents. Third day much better and by the fourth day he was dry. I'm so glad I left it as late as I did because it just made it so much easier for us and him.

And now I never have to deal with nappies again! :D

With our oldest we left it quite late and it made it a lot easier as she was ready for it. Some kids seem keen to do it earlier, some don't.

We have two - 5 years and younger one 8 months. Definitely be the last, both births especially the second were pretty traumatic and probably unwise to push that.

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Got 12 weeks till due date and have only now started getting nursery ready.

Whoever designed the no spill easy roller I bought can kiss my ass. Ended up using the £2 roller I bought from b and q(for the free tray no less) as it actually bloody rolled and was less of a mess.

That said, I have never been so happy to do home decorating before. It brings it all home why I am actually doing this.

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I've got three, 6 in couple weeks 3.5 and 19 months. Almost does having me last so I'm def done. Plus I'm now on my own now.

Eldest doing great at school, really pleased I defered him.

Expecting triplets, are you?

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