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Thomas is 30 weeks old today. He still has less hair now than Oliver does.

You and Mrs MB coping well? Got him in the Junior Blues yet or is Thomas still the youngest?

We're both fine, though it's not easy coping without too much sleep and holding down a full time job. Mrs MB is doing well and is a great mum. He isn't a Junior Blue; I think we'll wait until next season for that. I don't suppose Thomas has been to a game yet?

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We're both fine, though it's not easy coping without too much sleep and holding down a full time job. Mrs MB is doing well and is a great mum. He isn't a Junior Blue; I think we'll wait until next season for that. I don't suppose Thomas has been to a game yet?

No, he hasn't. Timings are lousy in that he's due a feed at 4pm and until we get that changed to later it's not realistic to have him at a game really. I'm hoping to take him to one at the back end of the season but we'll have to see how it goes. Realistically it'll probably be next season.

Thomas generally slept really well so I haven't had a lot of problems with work the next day, although last night was a rare devil of a night. I might have managed five hours sleep in total.

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Sorry, G, don't know what to advise as I have no experience with formula fed babies. I do know that formula milk is a lot harder for babies to digest than breast milk, so could it be something to do with that? I've seen that you can get formula that's called "easy digest" or something? Would it be worth switching to that? I'm just taking a stab in the dark here. I'm guessing if he's putting weight on well, he's probably ok. :)

f_c_dundee must be in the hospital... hope she's had her little one by now. :)

I think Callum's having a bit of a growth spurt as he's eating a stupid amount and then sleeping a lot. He's really tall - has really long legs. :) Going to be a big strong centre half, I reckon! ;)

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Son is struggling to poo. He does sometimes like rabbit drops. Really trys his hardest to push. Midwfie said he is fine but just think we can do more to help him. In 3 days he has had 1 runny poo nappy.Been sick 4 times now also. Yet the midwife says he is doing great.

At night he is sleeping well. Just need to bath him earlier but will keep doing what we are doing.

Health visitor on monday now

If he's on formula, he does stand more chance of getting constipated than a breast fed baby, unfortunately. The odd drink of cooled boiled water between feeds would probably help. Don't do it too soon before a feed is due, or his tummy will be too full of water and he'll be less likely to take his milk.

The trying hard isn't always a sign of anything wrong - some babies do that even when there's no problem at all. It's really what's in his nappies you need to look at. You can feel them a special fennel drink designed for constipated babies, but you'd be best to check with your midwife/health visitor/doctor before doing so as I'm not sure what age it's safe to give them that.

The best answer is, if there's anything you're not happy with or unsure about, check with your doctor. It's what they're there for, and they'll understand your concern.

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Sorry to disappoint...

P&B kept crashing my browser all yesterday, downloaded an alternative so back on.

Coincidentally I am just back from the hospital though... been sent home as I am not in labour enough yet.

Been monitored etc cos I lost a lot of liquid in the early hours, got to go back if required by me or for check up tomorrow. Had pains since yesterday evening.

Goin for a sleep now. I think I might be shit at pain if i am currently only contracting mildly. :lol:

hopefully better news next time. :rolleyes:

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Son is struggling to poo. He does sometimes like rabbit drops. Really trys his hardest to push. Midwfie said he is fine but just think we can do more to help him. In 3 days he has had 1 runny poo nappy.Been sick 4 times now also. Yet the midwife says he is doing great.

If you go back through the thread far enough you'll find I posted at some early point about Thomas going a few days with no pooing too. I wouldn't worry too much about that. Just seems to happen. Thomas was formula fed from the word go. It often looks like bird seed when they start although we were told that rabbit drops were more worrying. However, if you've said that to the midwife and she's not concerned then it's probably nothing to worry about.

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Sorry to disappoint...

Bugger, I was sure that was it! Good luck when it happens!

I cooked a big joint of beef today and made a big Sunday dinner - roast beef, yorkshire puds, mashed tatties, brocolli, carrots then apple crumble and custard for pud - and the munchkin woke up as we were just tucking in... typical. So I put him in the sling and managed to feed him without actually holding him and I had two free hands to eat my dinner! Fantastic! :D

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Cheers. The wife will be speaking to the health visitor tomoro about this. Thats really our only problem. He slept and was feeding great last night. Did 2 poo's this morning but still hard ones. Still bathing him at 12 at night and it still works great so far. This will change when we feel ready. Firstly want him to poo normal and take it from there.

Yeah i still feel its rabbit drops he is doing. But like i said earlier hopefully the health visitor will give some answers. Havnt tried any cooled boiled water yet as he is pooing its just not what we want or he wants.

The thing with formula milk is that it only provides food, rather than a drink - unlike breast milk which provides both. It's quite easy for an exclusively bottle fed baby to get dehydrated, which is where the water comes in. Some babies don't seem to like it very much though, which can be a bit of a problem when you know you're only trying to help them! My eldest was quite constipated and absolutely refused to drink anything but his milk, but it did eventually sort itself out - and these things often seem to. Try and not worry yourself too much, it can be scary when you think things aren't working as they should, but the health visitor should be able to point you in the right direction tomorrow.

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The thing with formula milk is that it only provides food, rather than a drink - unlike breast milk which provides both. It's quite easy for an exclusively bottle fed baby to get dehydrated, which is where the water comes in. Some babies don't seem to like it very much though, which can be a bit of a problem when you know you're only trying to help them!

Thomas isn't keen on water and although we've started in the last week or two to make him take some he's basically not drunk anything other than milk in six and a half months. He's never had a dehydration problem or a constipation one to any extent.

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Thomas isn't keen on water and although we've started in the last week or two to make him take some he's basically not drunk anything other than milk in six and a half months. He's never had a dehydration problem or a constipation one to any extent.

Neither Charlie nor Ashley, my second, had any trouble at all either - thankfully! - and both are bottle babies. Charlie does love his water and juice though, it's a shame that he prefers to spray it all over the living room.

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Bugger, I was sure that was it! Good luck when it happens!

Could still be.

Been getting contractions regularly pretty much all day, started off >10 mins apart, now nearer 6 mins apart.

Not sure when to phone the hospital back and find out when I should go in. Am just about coping with breathing and moving around but it is getting more uncomfortable.

What fun!

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G_man, beware of health visitors, they're not familiar with our particular baby and don't take their ideas as gospal. Go with your instinct.

My health visitor is utterly useless and I had my suspicions confirmed......she didn't have kids of her own.

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f_c must have her baby by now...

Cal's being a nightmare... Grrrrr!!! He's hardly eaten today and wont latch on. The only time he stopped crying was when I put him down on his playmat and then he fell asleep when I started expressing milk. Driving me mad.

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