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f_c must have her baby by now...

Cal's being a nightmare... Grrrrr!!! He's hardly eaten today and wont latch on. The only time he stopped crying was when I put him down on his playmat and then he fell asleep when I started expressing milk. Driving me mad.

Unlucky. The Chaz man is in quite a good mood today. I went for a shower about an hour ago as he seemed quite content, then whilst in the shower I realised that he was awful quiet, so I got out to see him attempting to put the controller for the Playstation in his gob!

Went down for a sleep about 10 minutes ago so I should now be able to get some housework done. :ph34r:

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Glad he's doing well, G!

I'm having a hellish time at the moment. Colic is awful. :( He does nothing but cry all afternoon and evening unless he's eating. Night time is usually ok, but last night he was up almost every hour. Health visitor is coming round today for his 8 week check and I've written everything that's stressing me out down because I just forget when they're round or pretend that everything's ok, when it's really not. :(

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Glad he's doing well, G!

I'm having a hellish time at the moment. Colic is awful. :( He does nothing but cry all afternoon and evening unless he's eating. Night time is usually ok, but last night he was up almost every hour. Health visitor is coming round today for his 8 week check and I've written everything that's stressing me out down because I just forget when they're round or pretend that everything's ok, when it's really not. :(

Cameron was a nightmare with colic for the first 3 months fo his life. We took him to a women who was an expert in the Bowen technique (nothing to do with 'here's what you could have won').

She stripped him, and massaged his torso, for 5 or 10 minutes.

2 sessions at £10 each cured Cameron and he has slept like an angel since.

*edited to say, watch what you say to the HV, as they diagnosed MRS WB with PND, after she admiited she was struggling to cope, once we got his sleeping sorted we were fine, and the prescription for happy pills was never used.

Edited by Whistle Blower
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Cameron was a nightmare with colic for the first 3 months fo his life. We took him to a women who was an expert in the Bowen technique (nothing to do with 'here's what you could have won').

She stripped him, and massaged his torso, for 5 or 10 minutes.

2 sessions at £10 each cured Cameron and he has slept like an angel since.

Fortunately we never had the slightest problem with colic but one of the other mums and babies at the group Maureen is attending had horrible trouble with it and did exactly that as you say. Cured it completely too. Seems to be the way to go. :)

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Fortunately we never had the slightest problem with colic but one of the other mums and babies at the group Maureen is attending had horrible trouble with it and did exactly that as you say. Cured it completely too. Seems to be the way to go. :)

Out of interest, what are these classes like? Does your wife rave about them? I was thinking of taking Charlie along but I'm not too sure if they will be any good. Plus, I don't want to seem like a total wazzock. :ph34r:

We had a bit of a rough time with colic with Charlie. He would normally start crying about 6pm and that would be him until bedtime at around 10pm. Went on for a couple of months I'd say. Seemed to get a lot better when he was going to sleep at a more reasonable time. Looking back, I can't believe at how much of your time a newborn takes up. Up at the crack of dawn, not asleep till at least 10pm (in our case) and up during the night! Kids are great.

He is being a wee bugger this morning, he was sat on the rug playing with his toys whilst I was hanging some washing on the rail, everytime I put something on, he was trying to pull it off. Also, he normally has a sleep after his breakfast but the past few days he just hasn't been interested. It's not that he doesn't need the sleep anymore, he does, he just doesn't want to! :(

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Out of interest, what are these classes like? Does your wife rave about them? I was thinking of taking Charlie along but I'm not too sure if they will be any good. Plus, I don't want to seem like a total wazzock. :ph34r:

It's not a 'class' per se. I'm not even sure exactly which one she met the people in question on. She attends a couple of different 'Mother & Toddler' groups. I think they just meet for coffee and suchlike and occasionally maybe someone will demonstrate something or other. She used to go to 'Baby Massage' with him, which he liked, but that finished due to funding for it being withdrawn. She also goes to 'Beat Babies' where a load of mums and babies meet to sing nursery rhymes. He seems to enjoy that too. Nothing he enjoys more than the visits to the swimming pool though! He fair loves the water.

So far as I can tell (and I'm at work so I haven't been to any of them personally), these things are as much for the benefit of the mums to get out and talk to others, relax with a coffee, swap stories, etc as they are for the benefit of the kids. She seems to think they are good though. Don't see what you have to lose really. If you go and don't like it or end up looking "like a total wazzock" then just don't go back. None of them seem to involve making any long term commitment at the start.

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It's not a 'class' per se. I'm not even sure exactly which one she met the people in question on. She attends a couple of different 'Mother & Toddler' groups. I think they just meet for coffee and suchlike and occasionally maybe someone will demonstrate something or other. She used to go to 'Baby Massage' with him, which he liked, but that finished due to funding for it being withdrawn. She also goes to 'Beat Babies' where a load of mums and babies meet to sing nursery rhymes. He seems to enjoy that too. Nothing he enjoys more than the visits to the swimming pool though! He fair loves the water.

So far as I can tell (and I'm at work so I haven't been to any of them personally), these things are as much for the benefit of the mums to get out and talk to others, relax with a coffee, swap stories, etc as they are for the benefit of the kids. She seems to think they are good though. Don't see what you have to lose really. If you go and don't like it or end up looking "like a total wazzock" then just don't go back. None of them seem to involve making any long term commitment at the start.


Sounds alright actually. As long as we don't have to sit in a circle holding hands then I'll give it a shot.

Charlie loves swimming too. Keep saying that I am going to take him to the swim class on a Monday but he always ends up sleeping through it! Going to go tomorrow, perhaps his Mum can come if she isn't too busy with studying!

Have you taken him along to a Queens game yet? I keep saying I am going to take him to a Clyde game, but I don't think it's a good idea taking him to watch the rubbish we produce too early in his young life! :lol:

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Have you taken him along to a Queens game yet? I keep saying I am going to take him to a Clyde game, but I don't think it's a good idea taking him to watch the rubbish we produce too early in his young life! :lol:

No. He gets a feed at 4pm and is still too young for that to be moved significantly. As he's formula fed (and now at the stage of having some solid food as well) there's no practical way to do that at a match so he hasn't been. Realistically it will not be this season.

He does have a season ticket though and, according to his granny, spent the early part of yesterday evening blowing raspberries at the tv coverage of our game (which if it was Quisling cheat Boyd on screen at the time, would be remarkable perception on his part at such an early age!).

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No. He gets a feed at 4pm and is still too young for that to be moved significantly. As he's formula fed (and now at the stage of having some solid food as well) there's no practical way to do that at a match so he hasn't been. Realistically it will not be this season.

He does have a season ticket though and, according to his granny, spent the early part of yesterday evening blowing raspberries at the tv coverage of our game (which if it was Quisling cheat Boyd on screen at the time, would be remarkable perception on his part at such an early age!).


Yes, you can't really feed them whilst you are at a game which is a bit of a shame. Like you said, next season will not be far away.

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I took Cameron to see the Rovers just before his first birthday, he was only in for the last 10 minutes.

It was a surprise for my dad (who used to go to the Rovers with his grandpa), it was so selfish and at least I can say he had been to the Rovers with his Grandpa, the wee fella didn't like the noise and cried.

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I have absolutely no intention of taking Kirsty to the football until she's at least five. I've seen people at the football with toddlers younger than that, it looks way too much hassle.
I took Cameron to see the Rovers just before his first birthday, he was only in for the last 10 minutes.

It was a surprise for my dad (who used to go to the Rovers with his grandpa), it was so selfish and at least I can say he had been to the Rovers with his Grandpa, the wee fella didn't like the noise and cried.

Yep, can see both points of view there. I'm slightly different in that I have Access All Areas at palmerston so if he's crying or unhappy in any way then he can be taken away into a room inside if needs be. It's possibly not quite the issue that it would be as paying public.

Anyway, he won't be going any time soon. Pre-season friendlies next season might be an opportunity.

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