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Mo Wonderboy

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So these guys should constantly be doing moves that threaten their careers, maybe lives, definitely their health, so that you can "pop"?
A high flying, mental move is great when done once in a blue moon, at Mania or whatever. If you want people doing 900 degree spin drops constantly, you're asking far too much.
Having a 83 star rated match for me is about the anticipation and build up, then the story told in the ring. Not how many idiotic high flying moves someone does that makes no sense.

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1 hour ago, TheGreenMonster said:

Reports that Hideo Itami has been given his release after asking for it.

This feels like it has been coming for a while, he was barely recognisable on Sunday night.

I think going to New Japan would make most sense for him.

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48 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

So these guys should constantly be doing moves that threaten their careers, maybe lives, definitely their health, so that you can "pop"?
A high flying, mental move is great when done once in a blue moon, at Mania or whatever. If you want people doing 900 degree spin drops constantly, you're asking far too much.
Having a 83 star rated match for me is about the anticipation and build up, then the story told in the ring. Not how many idiotic high flying moves someone does that makes no sense.

Of course I don't. In fact I've used guys like Owens and Nakamura's previous stuff as prime examples of what I'd like to see. They weren't exactly known for high flying death defying moves (well apart from Owens with his moonsault but he still pulls that out now and then) but they were known to have a great variety of strong matches. Aside from a few notable exceptions, I don't see a lot of ridiculous death defying stuff in ROH or NJPW presently and it's by and large quite entertaining. 

By high risk I don't mean potentially neck breaking moves, I mean a faster, more fluid style of match with stuff called on the fly (again.... not high flying). Cena and Punk were masters of it. They never had the same match twice. It should be allowed to happen a lot more often and does happen in NXT without folk putting their lives on the line, that's why the match quality in larger shows is consistently praised. 

There is a rather large middle ground that we've both missed between well choreographed play fight and reckless stunt show. You seem to have gone straight to the other end of my extreme to make your point which is fair enough. These guys do good stuff at times even within the constraints they have.

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Almost everyone mentioned by dj has looked brilliant most of the time they've been there. Rey has been absolutely amazing this time out. And Rollins has improved in pretty much every area since joining WWE.

The only one I'd say has disappointed is Nakamura, and it's not as if he's not been given opportunities. 

WWE always get the blame for ruining people when those people weren't any good in the first place and Ambrose is another example. He was bang average on the indies and still is.

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Nakamura's came to WWE and started working like Hogan in WCW because he's like 40 and senses an easy pay day. Mysterio's been having absolutely class bouts with Andrade every week on Smackdown. The major problem I think the WWE has atm is having to cram so much talent into one PPV as the weekly shows are having some pretty good wrestling atm. Smackdown's been on good form for months now with its main event bouts consistently delivering.

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I don't see WWE as having a "problem" really.  No two wrestling companies are really similar, and they're all going to have their own styles and things.  WWE are unique, nothing like NJPW and for the most part a million miles away from the indies.  They can go shopping in these companies for the "best" wrestlers, and it would make business sense to, but there's no telling whether or not they'll be able to turn that skill into something that's useful for WWE themselves.  I didn't see anything of Kenta/Itami before WWE (and not much in WWE either to be honest) but it sounds like he's been severely neutered in terms of style.  Just isn't really a good fit for there.  Nakamura's similar - he's been given opportunities and looked so exciting in NXT and the very beginning of his main roster run, but he very much looks like he's happy to rest on his laurels and let his body recover.  And that's fair enough - if I was his age doing something so gruelling, I'd probably be eyeing up the future if I was on such good money.

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The "IWC" getting a collective stauner as Taker has apparently removed all WWE references from his social media platforms and has an email for "bookings".


Besides him putting up some pictures, I don't recall seeing any references to the Fed in the first place and that booking contact has been up since his accounts first appeared. 


Despite the silly money no doubt available, I don't see "Mean Mark" in AEW anytime soon.

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Interesting times for wrestling with the emergence of AEW (Bit of an indy name though)

Apparently they've offered a top WWE star big money to sign for them. Must be Ambrose or Styles. I doubt Ambrose would offer much and I reckon Styles would prefer to stay with WWE after already being part of the rise and fall of TNA. 

Hopefully AEW will at least give the WWE something to think about because they've been resting on their laurels since the end of WCW. I'm only listening to podcasts and catching the odd Youtube clip these days on the WWE's channel. Cancelled the network back in November and don't miss it either.

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44 minutes ago, thepundit said:


Apparently they've offered a top WWE star big money to sign for them. Must be Ambrose or Styles. I doubt Ambrose would offer much and I reckon Styles would prefer to stay with WWE after already being part of the rise and fall of TNA. 




Randy Orton apparently. Or at least they've put the feelers out for him.


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So OTT in Ireland have a show on the 17th of the month. It's main evented by David Starr vs. Jordan Devlin. OTT posted a hype video for it, and it's quite rightly getting a lot of praise from all over the place. I'm suddenly desperate to see the match.


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