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Mo Wonderboy

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Also I think the reason Funk hasn't had that kind of send off is because he has retired about a dozen times. :lol:

I've got the wrestling DVD Beyond the Mat and Funk certainly gets a massive send-off in that. Not sure what time retirement that was though.

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Funk got a send off from Japan. Absolutely crazy send off from there actually. He came back for a one off when he was way into his return when he did the IWA King of the Deathmatch 1994. Incidentally, when you ask people what Puro tape was their first, it's either that or Super J Cup 1994. For me it was both.

Anyhoos, more reviews coming soon from all over the map. Might start posting the MOTY lists for each year once I've got loads and loads of stuff together.

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Starrcade : The Essential Collection Disc One

There's going to be a hell of a mix of matches here.

#25 - Hollywood Hogan vs. Roddy Piper - WCW Starrcade 1996

Piper is still in great shape here, but not in great in-ring shape. This match is just a whole load of overbooked crap, and not unlike all of the other Hogan matches from around this time. The only difference was that this match was particularly big because they did an amazing job of building Piper, and he did a great job on the mic, which is just what he always did. Historic match I suppose, but nothing worth seeing here. DUD

#24 - The Great Muta vs. Sting - WCW Starrcade 1989

This was sort of like a micro-version of all of their longer and better matches. This thing had nowhere near the natural flow of those matches, and also came across as disjointed and stuff. It's also Muta and Sting that's in there though, so you have to consider that the match is going to be awesome no matter what version of these guys turns up to the match. **3/4

#23 - Barry Windham and Bryan Pillman vs. Shane Douglas and Ricky Steamboat - WCW Starrcade 1992

Now this is more like it. I don't think WCW ever had a disappointing tag team match. It's as if the guys running the show rammed the formula into their heads and taught them every way of making it work in the best way possible. Sensational ending to a sensational tag match which just goes to show that sometimes, simplicity is the best answer. ****1/2

#22 - Kevin Nash vs. Goldberg - WCW Starrcade 1998

Coming into this match, Goldberg had a run of 173 matches unbeaten. That is still a quite remarkable stat, although some question that some of the matches even took place, but surely there's some proof of house shows and such. I believe it happened. This match isn't nearly half as bad as you might think it would be. They go to the mat quite a bit and keep it credible, and then they demolish each other. The ending is horrible, and the match isn't exactly stunning, but it's still worth a look. **

#21 - Battlebowl - WCW Starrcade 1991

I usually hate Battle Royals, but there was lots of nice wee additions to this match in terms of rules which helped the drama of the match. It didn't help much though. It was a big mammoth clusterfuck for the most part. Once the wrestlers started to leave one by one, we were actually left with some right rank rotten wrestlers and that meant that the match never got much better. I'll give marks for innovation and some cool drama, but that's it. *

#20 - Dustin Rhodes vs. Steve Austin, 2/3 Falls Match - WCW Starrcade 1993

Not exactly a match that I can understand being on here. It wasn't particularly good and it wasn't particularly historic either. It contained some well timed high spots from both guys who were only gradually improving at this point. They spent most of their time in WCW at this time in tag team matches, so this match exposed the two of them as the mediocre talents they were. They'd get better, but that's not evident here. A wee funny side as the lights go out and they have to use a spotlight. *1/2

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Not posted on this in a while, however i must say Raw really does suck these days. The fact that Mr i want all the spotlight Ric Flair has returned is just a joke. I have a strong instict that Triple H will comeback and accidentally cost Batista the title which will lead to a triple threat match at Summerslam between all three, since the commentators have been toying with the Evolution theme for ages now.

Smackdown on the other hand is the main show for me, mainly because Edge and Chris Jericho are awesome, i can see those two fueding after Jericho's rivarly with Rey Mysterio. I loved how Jericho acted as a Mysterio fan then attacked him, i pissed myself it was that hilarious. There are so many fresh fueds and talented superstars on Smackdown, while the matches are more longer and entertaining. Raw is too predictable and focuses far too much on promos and shit. I can see Edge winning at Extreme Rules because i don't think Jeff Hardy has signed a new contract with WWE yet, so it wouldn't make sense to have him win the World Heavyweight Title if he's leaving.

Edited by Parscelona
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Not watch RAW this week Pars ? ;)

More Random Stuff

I've been enjoying going back and watching a whole bunch of good stuff that I have never seen before, and some stuff that I have fond memories of.

Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera - WCW Road Wild 1998

Dean Malenko is the special guest referee for this one, and it's disturbing that he is the exact build and has the charisma of a referee. If he had more to him, he'd have been a star. He was certainly an under-rated wrestler. Chris Jericho gets some major heat from the bikers in the crowd, which is pretty impressive considering how passive they tend to be. Nowhere near the best these two are capable of, but they are still good enough to provide some goodness. Didn't like potential finishing moves being used as moves in the middle of the match to do bugger all though. ***1/4

Ricky Steamboat vs. Steve Austin - WCW Saturday Night 01/08/1992

This must be one of the earlier incarnations of this match then. Steve Austin was as green as leaves at this point so it'll be interesting to see how he does in this match. Austin is painfully inexperienced here, and it's up to Steamboat to do the work of two men and 1) make Austin's offense which wasn't up to much and make it look like gold, and 2) basically walk Austin through the finish. He did a decent job, but these two guys would do much better. **1/2

Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Eddie Guerrero - WWE Backlash 2001

I'm in the mood for something a wee bit shorter this time and something with a decent pace, and I am pretty sure that this match is going to give me exactly what I want. Well, I got exactly what I wanted. All sorts of cool three way spots and a cracking innovative use of the DDT using the apron and the floor from Christian and Matt Hardy. They kept this thing flowing big time. ***

Kid Kash vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW July TV 2000

The picture quality on this match is horrible. The match isn't much better. You just can't have Rob Van Dam in a match like this. Inexperienced young up and comer, and he is made to look like a tool, as RVD taunts after every move and Kid Kash just stands there and watches him. No, nevermind trying to do moves. Then they just run through a bunch of highspots. The crazy thing is that this is exactly like most RVD matches in ECW. How did this guy become so popular ? *

I'll stress again that he became a terrific wrestler in WWE. No surprise considering the roster that he was working with on a regular basis.

Owen Hart, The British Bulldog and The New Rockers vs. Philip LaFon, Doug Furnas and The Godwinns - WWE Survivor Series 1996

They make their WWE debut here, and this really gets their fued with Bulldog and Owen going. Hilarious spot in this match, as British Bulldog runs into a Dropkick from Furnas, but rather than sell it, he actually runs through it. Anyways, regardless of that, this is four passable - great tag teams in there, so you know you're gonna get a great match here. LaFon and Furnas were just coming out with all sorts of outrageous head dropping and kicking that wasn't seen in WWE that often. ***1/2

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE RAW 10/06/2002

This is a part of the "prestigious" King of the Ring tournament of that year. This was under 12 months after RVD's in ring debut in WWE, and the improvement you can see here is almost frightening. This is almost all Eddie, has he tries to decimate RVD, but the timing on the comebacks from RVD is terrific here, and while you don't give RVD a chance of beating Eddie some of the time, he does give you glimours of hope. You also get to see a spot that he dropped for stupidity reasons, but it makes a lot more sense here. The final stretch is absolutely super stuff. Well worth watching. ***3/4

Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. The Steiner Brothers - WCW Clash of the Champions XIX 16/06/1992

This match has a LOOOONG feeling out process at the start, but it's good because the whole thing comes across as rough and you still feel that these guys are hurting each other. Also, there's a couple of big moves in there too which come across as great, and then when the match explodes, the fans go mental. I might start doing a thing with spot of the match for each match, because Williams doing the Lariat to Rick Steiner is godly. The match breaks down towards the end, but this is a really good tag match which they would top later in the year. ***1/2

Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome - ECW TV February 2000

A match between these guys which I have never seen before. That can't be a common thing ! You probably get the drill anyways. This was one of their last, maybe their last old ECW match, so what they did was the switched some of the moves, and countered some of the old classics leading to some nice wee surprises from the match and this was better than it might have been had it been the match that they had been doing in ECW for the best part of 18 months. It still wasn't a patch on what they did before. Decent match with decent spots. **3/4

The FBI vs. Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck - ECW TV August 2000

Crazy pacing for this match as both teams just have about 6 minutes to put on the best match possible. It's far too short to do anything memorable, but what they do is just obliterate each other and keep the fans hot with some fluid as hell tag work, and Tajiri with his big kicks constantly. **3/4

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Not watch RAW this week Pars ? ;)

I did indeed! :P, although i wasn't impressed.

It's pretty disturbing that as the WWE Champion, Orton was getting the hell beaten out of him by a pensioner until his two sidekicks came along to save him. Then Batista comes out in attempt to make the save, which has been happening for weeks and weeks. I didn't understand why Batista couldn't just climb over the cage to attack Orton, while Orton missed the punt on Flair! :angry:

Also I hate how Legacy are booked, they are shown to be so weak it's unreal. I've lost count of how many times Cody Rhodes has had the hell beaten out of him by Triple H and Batista without getting in any real offense. The group desperately needs a fourth member who has a bit of muscle and personality while Rhodes and DiBiase need to win the tag titles, for Legacy to gain any credibility.

On a side note, i was pretty disappointed with the MVP vs Kofi Kingston match, i felt that given more time they would have put on a better match.

Maybe i'm being too harsh on the Raw main event fued, but i'm just bored of the revenge storyline. The problem with Raw is that the main players on there have fought one another several times, which is unlike Smackdown where they are many fresh fueds, i know which brand i prefer watching.

Edited by Parscelona
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It's pretty disturbing that as the WWE Champion, Orton was getting the hell beaten out of him by a pensioner until his two sidekicks came along to save him. Then Batista comes out in attempt to make the save, which has been happening for weeks and weeks. I didn't understand why Batista couldn't just climb over the cage to attack Orton, while Orton missed the punt on Flair!

Well, even with two guys, Randy Orton can't get rid of a non-wrestler untill three months later. At least Ric Flair is someone who knows loads and loads of tricks and has about 30 years experience on Orton.

Also I hate how Legacy are booked, they are shown to be so weak it's unreal. I've lost count of how many times Cody Rhodes has had the hell beaten out of him by Triple H and Batista without getting in any real offense. The group desperately needs a fourth member who has a bit of muscle and personality while Rhodes and DiBiase need to win the tag titles, for Legacy to gain any credibility.

I actually like watching Cody Rhodes get the crap beaten out of him at every turn. Someone who looks like Cody Rhodes should be nowhere near a wrestling ring. I can't believe for one second that it actually took Batista as long as it did for him to beat the wee skinny idiot. Ted Dibiase at least has a good look. That would be why HE isn't the one you've lost count of getting beaten up btw.

On a side note, i was pretty disappointed with the MVP vs Kofi Kingston match, i felt that given more time they would have put on a better match.

Not sure that's true. Kofi Kingston is still fairly green and they actually got quite a bit of time. Certainly more time than most RAW midcard singles match ever get. I don't think they have a better match in them.

Maybe i'm being too harsh on the Raw main event fued, but i'm just bored of the revenge storyline. The problem with Raw is that the main players on there have fought one another several times, which is unlike Smackdown where they are many fresh fueds, i know which brand i prefer watching

That's the main problem. It's unreal how stale things have gotten. It's a bit of a problem when John Cena being in the RAW main event scene is fresh.

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Chris Masters. The only one with a more irritating entrance than Randy Orton. At least now my thoughts on Orton are put in perspective.

He had a decent match with Shawn Michaels, and had a good showing in the chamber but was horrible most of the time. His build looks really good and natural now. Will be interesting to see if he's got a bit more flexibility.

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I remember seeing photos of him not long after his release and the difference was night and day.........he almost looked skinny.

He was so bad that it was painfully and quite often I found funny that a guy with such little wrestling ability could get a job in the E.

Oh and I dont find Ortons entrance irritating, Masters on the other hand was extremely irritating. I still don't get why such an insignificant guy got a drawn out entrance like that.

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