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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I remember watching WCW on friday nights on 5 before even getting into wrestling and not knowing who the hell I was watching. I remember they used to show WCW and that Battledome pish one after the other.

The only wrestling I seen back then was that and Sunday Night Heat on channel 4 at 4pm on Sundays :lol:

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I remember watching WCW on friday nights on 5 before even getting into wrestling and not knowing who the hell I was watching. I remember they used to show WCW and that Battledome pish one after the other.

The only wrestling I seen back then was that and Sunday Night Heat on channel 4 at 4pm on Sundays laugh.gif

Phenomenal show laugh.gif

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WCW Worldwide! ONDigital! Battle fucking Dome! This thread is class. :lol:

Battledome's storylines were almost like a piss take of pro-wrestling. They invested a shitload of money into that crap as well. Bought over the LA Sports Centre, or whatever it's called... giant arena XPW used and WWE sometimes taped from. Horrible, horrible product.

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lol. The one I saw, the guy with the biker gimmick finishes his match, not 5 minutes later, the commissioner/authority figure-type woman comes out and announces that said biker guy is missing and presumed dead, but the show must go on .:lol: NO-ONE questions this, the commentators acting as though it's genuine and the story has no holes in it whatsoever, then at the end of the show, his stable have a 'funeral' for him with a big steel coffin, and surprise surprise, he jumps out and attacks the guy he's feuding with. :lol:

Was this on Saturday's? I think I remember watching it while waiting for ECW Hardcore TV on Bravo(often the most poorly produced hour of television you'd see on any given week, but still awesome).

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The first thing of WCW I ever saw was on channel five and featured a small guy wearing a helmet and padding getting speared by Goldberg through a cage to the bemusement of Booker T. I think we all know how that utter disaster panned out.

On the topic of great WWE promo videos, how about the crackers from Wrestlemania 21. I don't know how to imbed videos so I'll just post the links;

Stone Cold as Gladiator:


Eugene as Forest Gump:


Kurt Angle and Christy Hemme in When Harry Met Sally:

Undertaker as Dirty Harry:

Triple H as Braveheart:

Eddie Guerrero and Booker T in Pulp Fiction:

Basic Instinct featuring Stacy Kiebler, Christian, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit:

A Few Good Men featuring John Cena, JBL, Coach:


Everyone else who they couldn't find a part for:

Just watched them all back and some are just absolutely hilarious. The Kurt Angle/Christy Hemme is exceptional, and the reaction at the end of the Basic Instinct one had me laughing out loud in the uni library.

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Dom Dom's Mammoth PBP Reviews

Right here we go.

Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome - ECW July 1998

**** ... sorry, just the usual rating for these guys. Might wanna watch before rating. These two guys started mauling each other from Heatwave 1998 onwards. Once again this is a match I haven't seen.

They face off and we have an exchange of strikes. Chops next. Tanaka into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. The same happens again. Clothesline from Awesome knocks down Tanaka. Big Boot comes next and then Tanaka with a Shoulder Block. Springboard Clothesline sends Awesome to the floor and the fans liked that. Looks like the audience are going to be the third man for this match. Tanaka into the ropes and he runs into a Slingshot Shoulder Block. Awesome into the ropes and a Clothesline sends Tanaka over the top. AWESOME WITH A NO HANDS PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO TANAKA !!! Awesome grabs a chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD !!! Low kick from Awesome and then Tanaka gets sent into the railing. Awesome meets the same fate. Tanaka with right hands and then an exchange of strikes. Chair to the head of Tanaka sends him down and then Awesome with a chair shot to the back. Into the ring they go. Awesome to the top rope and a Top Rope Clothesline from Awesome gets a two count. Awesome has the chair and he hits Tanaka in the gut. RUNNING CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX AND TANAKA WON'T STAY DOWN !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM TANAKA !!! Elbow Strike. RUNNING ELBOW !!! RUNNING ELBOW STRIKE #2 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Head first into the top rope and then Tanaka to the second rope. TORNADO DDT FROM TANAKA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Tanaka tries for a Powerbomb. ALABAMA SLAM FROM AWESOME !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SITDOWN AWESOME BOMB ON THE CHAIR FROM AWESOME !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! AWESOME SPLASH FROM AWESOME !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! AWESOME BOMB ... Tanaka escapes. Exchane of strikes. MASSIVE AWESOME BOMB FROM AWESOME !!! Awesome heads for the floor and he suddenly has ideas, exposes the concrete on the floor and then sets the table over that, because he's a mentalist. AWESOME BOMB OVER THE TOP ROPE ... avoided. ROARING ELBOW FROM TANAKA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are getting a bit annoyed now. ANOTHER ROARING ELBOW FROM TANAKA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Not quite the 4* match I was expecting, but they seemed to be holding back some stuff for later matches and therefore we didn't see some of the trademark spots these guys have been known for. We did see both guys really bust arse effort wise and also seen both men hit hard and hit strong. It seemed that the main point of this match was to get Tanaka over as super tough and it did that job well. ***3/4

Hakushi vs. The 1-2-3 Kid - WWE RAW 05/02/1996

These two guys had a cracking match at Summerslam 1995, but I'm not totally sure what this match was about. I didn't even know that Hakushi was still with WWE at the time.

The Kid walks out with a bottle to represent the crybaby match that he's gonna have with Razor which ended up being his last hurrah from WWE. Hakushi avoids a kick early. Lockup and a Headlock Takdown and reversal and stalemate to open the show. Lockup and we have the same result, except this time Hakushi has difficulty escaping, so he rolls onto his stomach and then flips out to escape. Jerry Lawler calls that escape "fair". Lockup and a Headlock from Hakushi. Shoulder Block and down goes Kid. Hiptoss blocked and then a Superkick from Hakushi. Hakushi hits the ropes and looks to be going for the Space Flying Tiger Drop but Kid does a runner before we can see it. I really hope we get to see that move. Lockup and a shot to the throat and then chops from Hakushi. Hakushi into the ropes and he sweeps Kid down, but Kid just kips back up. Lockup and then Hakushi into the ropes and then he gets sent over the top rope. SLINGSHOT SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM KID !!! Dibiase then stomps away on Hakushi. Hakushi thrown into the ring and into the corner where Kid hits his trio of kicks. Hakushi into the corner and the Running Dropkick in the corner and we go to commercials. Back and we have Kid hitting a Suplex. Kid to the top rope. HE JUMPS INTO A DROPKICK !!! That was a desperate comeback move there from Hakushi. Hakushi is now making his comeback with shots to the chin. Razzle Dazzle in the corner and then a Running Forearm and that gets a two count. Lovely Spin Kick sends Kid to the floor. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA OFF THE TOP FROM HAKUSHI !!! Back into the ring they go and Hakushi heads for the top rope. FLYING SHOULDER BLOCK OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kid into the ropes. SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT ... HAKUSHI WITH A VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! RANA FROM HAKUSHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hakushi is heading for the top rope and he gets stopped up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was okay stuff. It's always funny watching matches like this with Vince McMahon on commentary because it's clear he doesn't know move names and just settles for phrases like "look at that !" as replacements. Like the last match I recapped, both men left a lot of key stuff in the locker. Infact, I'd go as far as to say you could have been watching any two cruiser style wrestlers having that match such was how generic it was in some senses. It was still fun to watch. **3/4

Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boys, Ladder Match - WWE RAW 25/09/2000

This match was basically made as a selling point for the first RAW show to take place on TNN. The two teams had a bit of a war the night before so we were never gonna see a full blown crazy fest in this one.

Edge and Christian have a good tactic of taking a ladder to the ring during their entrance, setting it up right away and climbing, so the Hardys stop them from climbing. Got lucky there I would say. Matt has taped ribs to show the effects of the night before. Ladder set in the corner and Edge gets whipped into it. Christian then gets whipped in and we get Poetry in Motion. DOUBLE LOW BLOW WITH THE LADDER !!! MATT WITH AN ADDED DROPKICK !!! That was kinda brutal. Jeff sets the ladder up and heads for the gold while Matt tries to fight off, but Matt gets thrown into the ladder and that takes Jeff down. Ladder set horizontally across the top rope. Double Flapjack lands Matt onto the ladder. Christian now has the ladder and Edge brings in another one. Jeff gets laid in the ladder. JEFF GETS THROWN INTO THE CORNER FROM THERE !!! ASSISTED STINGER SPLASH FROM CHRISTIAN !!! That was great. Edge and Christian set a ladder each and they make their approach but Jeff and Matt bring a bigger ladder in and knock Edge and Christian off of their ladders with it. Jeff is climbing for the gold and Edge now fights with Matt. Dropkick off of the ladder from Jeff to Christian. Body Slam from Matt and he climbs. Edge throws him off. Jeff is hanging from the belts. EDGE SPEARS JEFF FROM THE BELTS !!! So THAT'S where that spot came from ! Lita comes down and knocks Edge down with a chair. CHRISTIAN WITH A REVERSE DDT ON LITA !!! Christian has the big ladder set but he can't seem to get himself together to make the climb. Christian now begins his climb and Matt stops him from making it. EDGE WITH A FLYING CLOTHESLINE OFF OF A LADDER ON THE FLOOR !!! Christian is heading for the gold yet again. BACK DROP SUPLEX OFF OF THE LADDER FROM MATT !!! JR : "That had to be ten feet above the ring !". Try about three ya pure rocket. Matt is going for the gold this time. This whole thing is a bit pedestrian. ACE CRUSHER OFF OF THE LADDER FROM EDGE !!! I don't really see the point of Edge doing such a move, but there you are. Edge is now heading for the gold this time. Matt stops Edge. MASSIVE POWERBOMB OFF OF THE LADDER FROM MATT HARDY !!! That was crazy. Matt is now heading for the gold. Chair to the taped ribs of Matt. Ladders on either side of Matt and then Edge and Christian climb them with chairs. Jeff and Lita areon the floor. JEFF AND LITA PUSH THE LADDERS AND DOWN GOES EDGE AND CHRISTIAN !!! MATT GETS THE GOLD !!!

Ugh. There was some good spots, but it was as if both teams forgot what psychology and storytelling was. The four of them didn't even try and put the spots together in any sort of logical sequence. I guess that we can't expect too much from a TV match especially when the two teams were in a fairly brutal cage match the night before, but I don't grade on a curve. **

Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin - WWE Survivor Series 2004

There were two reigns of the IC Title which helped to finally gain it some recognition around the mid 00s. The first was Randy Orton's reign. The second was Shelton Benjamin's. That's about all I can offer in terms of a background as I can't remember much about this match.

Lockup and an Arm Ringer from Shelton. I should point out that the production for this show was absolutely brilliant. Right, Shelton takes down Christian and he goes into the ropes before anything can happen. Pussy. Lockup and Christian goes behind and Shelton does the same and takes down Christian, who can't get away so crawls into the ropes again. Shelton is looking like the star of the match so far. Lockup and Christian with a kick and then an Arm Ringer of his own. Shelton won't be taken down though. Arm Ringer and then a Headlock from Shelton. Shelton into the ropes and then he hits a Flying Shoulder Block and Christian rolls into the ropes again. Christian just can't deal with Shelton here. Christian slaps Shelton. Clothesline from Shelton and then he rams the head of Christian into the canvas. Shelton skins the cat. Christian runs into a back elbow. Shelton with a nice Springboard Clothesline and that gets a two count. Kicks to the stomach from Shelton. Knee to the stomach and then chops from Christian. Christian then shouts at Shelton. Christian with a Monkey Flip and Shelton lands on his feet. Big Flapjack and an Oklahoma Roll gets a two count for Shelton. Superkick misses and Christian gets to the floor. Tomko comes over to try and stop Shelton from doing anything. Christian then tries to attack from behind but that doesn't work and Shelton keeps control of the match. Back into the ring. Tomko grabs at Shelton. Shelton is about to dive at Tomko but Christian knocks him off of the apron. Head gets sent into the railing. Back into the ring they go. Choke with the boot and then Christian has some words for the audience. Right hands on the canvas and then a choke from Christian. Shelton into the ropes and he comes out with a Cross Body for a two count. Neckbreaker and nicely done from Christian and that gets a two count. Christian then rips at the face of Shelton. Chinlock from Christian. Shelton manages to fight out of the move so Christian sends him to the floor where Tomko does his damage and sends him into the apron and then back into the ring. That gets a two count for Christian. Shelton attempts another comeback. CHRISTIAN WITH A TORNADO REVERSE DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! That move really should be put over as much more effective than that. Christian then chokes Shelton over the middle rope. Shelton attempts another comeback. Christian gets whipped chest first into the buckles and that might well be enough to turn the match on it's head. Shelton is coming back with Clotheslines. Flying Forearm from Shelton. Russian Legsweep from Shelton gets a two count. Jacknife Pin gets another two count. Christian with clubbing shots. REVERSE SUPLEX FROM SHELTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STINGER SPLASH FROM SHELTON ... MISSES !!! IMPLANT DDT DROPS SHELTON RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Tomko wants into the match. Shelton raises a boot and Christian has the title belt. HIGH CROSS BODY OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM SHELTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! TOMKO WITH THE BIG BOOT BEHIND THE BACK OF THE REFEREE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from both men. T-BONE POWERSLAM ... stopped. Spin Kick sends Tomko off of the apron. THE UNPRETTIER ... COUNTERED INTO THE T-BONE POWERSLAM FROM SHELTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Christian was much more exciting as a heel in control in this match than he was without Tomko by his side. With an added little thug like that, Christian can go places, but he's too uninteresting in offence to make a heel run work without it. Shelton Benjamin was really on a hot streak at this point. It's not nice to see him unmotivated at this point, but so long as he's willing to take risks and put his body on the line, you can't complain too much. It's just a shame to see the difference between this Shelton and the one that's there now. ***3/4

Rikishi vs. The Rock - WWE Survivor Series 2000

I don't think WWE quite realised how this would turn out. The whole "Who Ran Over Austin ?" storyline came with a revelation that it was Rikishi. Revealing "I did it for The Rock.", which is a line which has been mocked and mocked ever since then. The idea was to elevate Rikishi to main event heel status. It made him into midcard joke status.

The lack of heat for Rikishi is poor considering who he is facing and who he ran over. The Rock sprints down the aisle and hits right hands and he is going mental. BACK BODY DROP ON RIKISHI !!! WOW !!! The Rock heads for the floor and gets himself a chair and the referee steps in. Superkick knocks down Rock. Stomp to the gut from Rikishi and then Rock comes back with right hands and hits the ropes and runs into a Back Elbow. Leg Drop from Rikishi. Rock is battling to his feet and Rikishi with a shot to the injured chest of Rock. Right hands in the corner from Rikishi to the chest. He continues to work over the injury in the corner. Okay, they might wanna switch things up here. Rock comes back with right hands and then he's in the corner. Sidewalk Slam from Rikishi and that does more damage. That gets a two count. Stomp to the chest from Rikishi. More stomping. Rikishi into the ropes and Rock sends him over the top rope. That was merely a time buyer. Rock decides to go right out and meet him though and sends him into the ringsteps. He's interested in nothing but beating up Rikishi. Rock's head is bounced off of the timekeeper's table. Rock is then dropped chest first on the railing. We have a ref bump and then into the ring goes The Rock. Rikishi wanders around the ring and then he brings out the sledgehammer that he used on The Rock to injure the chest in the first place. Even Jerry Lawler is backing The Rock to get away from this. THE ROCK COMES BACK WITH RIGHT HANDS !!! THE ROCK BOTTOM FROM THE ROCK !!! The ref is back in. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The referee sends the sledgehammer to the floor and then Rock with a series of right hands on Rikishi. Rikishi with a Headbutt to the chest and that stops the momentum of The Rock in short order as the referee is still a little hurt. Falling Headbutt to the chest of Rock. Rock attempts another comeback and hits some right hands. Rock into the ropes. He runs right into the Samoan Drop from Rikishi. Uh oh. STANDING BANZAI DROP FROM RIKISHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are going mental for The Rock now after that big kickout. Rock set in the corner. RUNNING BUTT BUMP RIGHT INTO THE CHEST !!! THE STINK FACE TO THE ROCK !!! THE FANS ARE FUCKING HATING THIS !!! That might not have been the smartest move though. THE ROCK FUCKING MURDERS RIKISHI WITH A CLOTHESLINE !!! I told you it wasn't a good idea. Rikishi with a right hand to the ribs. Superkick misses. SPINEBUSTER FROM THE ROCK !!! THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW FROM THE ROCK !!! The Rock's ribs are injured though. He eventually makes the cover. ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The WWE were always willing to hide the weaknesses of Rikishi in ways, and this match used two ways. 1) They made The Rock really sell the ribs meaning that anything Rikishi did to them was major. 2) They added some overbooking so as drama was added to the match in that way too. The tactics worked too as the rib work was pretty good. Probably the best normal rules match that Rikishi ever had. ***

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle - WWE Wrestlemania X-7

This started off purely as a "who's the better man" kinda deal and the fued hadn't evolved beyond that at this point, which is fine by me.

Kurt Angle spends some of the pre-match ripping into the fans. The fans weren't truly into Benoit here. They were more anti-Angle than anything else. They'd rectify that later in the year. "Lose the cowboy hats. You're not seven years old !" :lol: We open the match with a lot of reversing which gets an ovation from the audience. They go through this a couple more times. Into the corner on the third attempt and we have a clean break from that. Benoit gets the better of an exchange and tries for the Crossface but Angle gets into the ropes before any real damage can be done. Lockup and Angle goes to the leg and we go to a series which leads to another Crossface attempt and Angle gets into the ropes and then heads for the floor. Angle back into the ring and we're gonna get it on again. The same thing happens a third time. Benoit argues with the referee and Angle takes the oppertunity to get a cheap shot and then throws Benoit to the floor. Head first into the railing and then into the Spanish announce table. The referee has a go at Angle. Benoit is whipped HARD into the steps and Angle is proud of his work. Back into the ring we go with Angle in control of the match. Suplex gets a two count for Angle. Back Drop Suplex from Angle and that gets a two count. Into the corner they go and Angle with more right hands. Angle then drops an elbow across the throat of Benoit and does that a second time. Benoit comes back with chops. Angle sends Benoit into the ropes and lands a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that'll stop the comeback in short order ! Belly 2 Belly Suplex again from Angle and he has some words for the audience. Short Arm Clothesline from Benoit to stop him being whipped to the ropes again. Right hands from Angle. Right hands from Benoit and then chops. Angle with chops of his own. Knee to the stomach from Benoit and this is very topsy turvy stuff. Right hands from Benoit. Angle into the ropes and a Running Back Elbow gets a two count. Snap Suplex from Benoit and that gets a two count. Forearm from Benoit and then Angle is set on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Angle chest first into the corner. THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! ANGLE TAKES BENOIT DOWN AND GOES FOR THE ANGLE LOCK !!! BENOIT COUNTERS INTO AN ANKLE LOCK OF HIS OWN !!! Angle kicks his way out of it. THE CROSSFACE ON ANGLE ... ANGLE COUNTERS WITH ONE OF HIS OWN !!! That looks like it's a vicious Crossface. Benoit gets into the ropes. Ref bump. CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT !!! ANGLE TAPS !!! Of course, there is no referee to see Angle tapping out. Benoit isn't happy and goes over and gets the referee. THE ANGLE SLAM FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Angle and he heads up. ANGLE WITH THE MOONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Benoit heads for the top rope. THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Low blow from Angle. ANGLE WITH A SCHOOL BOY AND THE TIGHTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a good introduction to what these two guys were capable of doing with each other. The first portion of the match was very enjoyable, and it kind of took a downturn when the brawl kicked off as the change of styles in the match was just brutally done. They picked up steam heading into the final stretch though. Cracking finisher exchange between the two men. I hope I reach the Rumble match between them soon. ****1/4

FULL MATCH : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x49ouv_wrestlemania-17-kurt-angle-vs-chris_sport

Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Bret Hart - WWE Wrestlemania VIII

Simple fued here really. Bret Hart loses the IC title unfairly to The Mountie. Roddy Piper wins the title soon after and grants his friend a shot at the title. Interesting pre-match as Piper is in good spirits and Bret Hart makes him bring the game face. Here's an interesting tidbit. Go back and look at Roddy Piper's run in WWE and see how many matches he lost clean.

The commentary from Heenan is magnificent. "Two ugly people looking at each other. That's fun." :lol: I won't be quoting much of his stuff. Just get the show. They seem cautious. Arm Drag from Piper and that's an early moral victory for the Scottish hero. Lockup and neither man seems ready to give an inch, so Hart repays the favour by doing an Arm Drag of his own. Lockup and Piper takes down Hart. Waistlock and Hart sends Piper to the floor. Piper gets in the ring and spits at Hart in pure anger. This match is about to go to another level ladies and gents. Piper suddenly wants a Test of Strength. We get one actually. Piper comes out with an Arm Ringer, and Hart quickly escapes and punches away at the arm. Piper tries to strike his way out of the move. He tries to go into the ropes and that doesn't work. Hart has enough and just grounds him and locks in the Hammerlock. Into the ropes goes Hart. Running Dropkick from Hart but he appears to have hurt his shoulder. Piper wants to take a dig at him and the referee wants him. SMALL PACKAGE FROM HART !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Piper slaps Hart as retaliation for that little trick. Headlock from Piper and Hart gets one of his own. Hart into the ropes. High Cross Body and both men go over the top rope. That move is so hard to get right and no surprise to see two established pros manage to get it wrong. Piper holds the ropes open for Hart to get into the ring. CHEAP UPPERCUT TO THE EYE FROM PIPER !!! That's enough to bust open Hart. Blood on an early WWE show in anything other than the main event ? Wow. Piper works over the eye and sends it into the top buckle. A cheap shot to the eye. THE BULLDOG FROM PIPER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Piper bites at the cut. Hard Irish Whip sends Hart crashing into the corner. Knee Lift from Piper and that gets a two count for the champ. Another shot to the eye of Hart and Piper sends him into the ropes. Sunset Flip gets a two count for Hart. Piper isn't happy with that and he unloads with jabs to the eye. That gets a two count. Hart attempts a fight back with right hands. Running Forearm sends Piper to the floor. Piper gets back into the ring and both men hit Clotheslines and both men are down. Piper is heading for the top rope. Hart stops him up there and then pulls him into the ring and slams his face into the canvas. Manhattan Drop from Hart and then a Suplex gets a two count. Russian Legsweep from Hart and that's another two count. Backbreaker from Hart and then he heads for the legs. THE SHARPSHOOTER ... Piper blocks the leg. Elbow Drop from Hart does for him. To the second buckle, but he jumps right into a boot. "This is a hell of a match !". Indeed. Right hands from both men on their knees. Headbutt from Hart. Big ref bump. Clothesline sends Hart to the floor and Piper follows. Face first into the steps goes Hart and then Piper has the ringbell. Piper doesn't seem sure about doing it. Crisis of conscience ? Piper's facials during this whole episode is amazing. "Remember the old saying ! What the hell ! Use the bell !". Piper throws the bell away. SLEEPER HOLD FROM PIPER !!! HART USES THE BUCKLES TO REVERSE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

You don't get many matches that tell a story better than this one did. Right from the opening bell, the thing escalated in super fashion. Roddy Piper was the MVP of the match here. It was his annoyance and anger that made the match what it is. It helped that blood meant something back then, and Bret Hart being busted open by the punch of Roddy Piper was major stuff back then. Cracking match. ****1/2

FULL MATCH : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x49pzm_wrestlemania-viii-roddy-piper-vs-br_sport

The Great Muta vs. Sting - NWA 09/03/1989

I don't know much backstory here. I do know these two guys had a couple of belting matches.

The bell rings and this one is on. Muta tries to land a kick early and that failed. Sting gives out a big "Whoo !" to the audience. Both men are cautious and lock hands and go into the corner. Sting backs off and we have a clean break from that. Lockup and Muta with the Headlock Takedown which is quickly reversed and it's back to square one. Lockup of the hands again and both men kick each other. Sting gets the better of that exchange, so Muta just breaks and unloads with right hands. Choke in the corner with the boot and then some kicking. Muta into the corner and a School Boy gets a two count. Sunset Flip gets a two count for Sting. Small Package gets the same. Reminds me of Steamboat. Body Slam and Sting heads for the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM STING !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Muta gets out of the ring as he's in trouble. Terry Funk wants into the ring and he spits at Sting. Sting wants some of Funk and Funk decides to just stay on the floor. Gary Hart is telling Terry Funk to leave. Muta attacks from behind and then lots of quick punches and a Shoulder Block. Hart on the floor with a choke with a towel. Sting then gets sent to the floor where Muta will be feeling comfy. Sting gets sent into the railing. Body Slam on the floor from Muta. Hart with more choking with the towel. Muta is proud of his work. Choke over the top rope. Sting isn't staying down and Muta with more right hands and Sting falls. Sting into the ropes and he comes off with a kick and then a Bulldog to get back into the match. Muta gets sent to the floor and Sting with a series of kicks. Sting breaks the referee's count and then drops Muta on the railing. Sting takes Muta around the ring and just brawling with him, and doing it well. Back into the ring they go. Sting with a shout to the audience. Muta gets his head planted into the canvas. Suplex from Sting and that gets a two count. Muta into the ropes and a Clothesline from Sting. Muta then gets thrown to the floor again. Exchange of kicks on the apron. Sting misses a charge and hits the ringpost. Sting into the corner. Cartwheel Back Elbow in the corner from Muta. Headlock from Muta. Sting sends him into the ropes and Muta charges him down. Hot Shot from Sting but the referee gets wiped out of the match and Gary Hart is checking. STINGER SPLASH FROM STING !!! THE SCORPION DEATHLOCK !!! HART WITH A WEAPON SHOT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF STING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The audience LOVES that. Sting is battling and battling. Suplex from Muta and nicely done. That gets a two count. Slam from Muta and he signals for the end. MOONSAULT FROM MUTA ... HITS THE KNEES !!! THE STINGER SPLASH FROM STING !!! Punches in the corner and Gary Hart gets on the apron and sends Sting to the floor and the referee calls for the bell.

The match was an acceptable wee TV match but nothing more than that. Some ridiculous overbooking here. I don't even think that anything came of the Sting/Funk stuff, so why in god's name did it play such a crucial part of this match ? Neither man brought the A game, but they put together a solid title match. **1/2

Too Cold Scorpio vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW Living Dangerously 1998

This match doesn't have much backstory, but it didn't need it and was a major selling point for the PPV. It was seen as a bit of a dream match at the time. Rob Van Dam was in his Mr. Monday Night mode completely at this point.

Time for a stallfest. RVD wants a kick and Scorpio isn't having any of it. Alfonso gets on the apron and this is going to get old fast. RVD has his fans even with the heel gimmick. Both men with Waistlocks. This leads to a particularly flippy series of reversals from both men. RVD gets into the ropes and then just sits on the ramp. RVD gets back into the ring. Lockup and Scorpio and RVD trade Hammerlocks. Scorpio with a Snapmare and RVD lands on his feet. He's proud of that and bows to the crowd. Lockup and RVD with a Hammerlock. Scorpio drops behind RVD. Knee and then a Superkick from Scorpio sends RVD to the floor. Bill Alfonso has words for RVD on the floor. Too much stalling here. Have they been asked to go 25-30 minutes or something ? They lock hands and RVD gets bridged back. RVD comes back and bridges back Scorpio. RVD stands over Scorpio. Monkey Flips from both men and Scorpio lands on his feet and we have a stalemate at the end of that. Kick from Scorpio and RVD does a runner. Scorpio follows and RVD gets whipped into the railing. RVD then gets thrown into the front row. Back to the ringside area and Scorpio with right hands and chops. RVD into the ramp. Moonsault Press off the ramp misses. Spin Kick misses. Hot Shot lands RVD on the railing. That was actually a cracking wee exchange there and made Scorpio look amazing. Kick to the chin of Scorpio. Stinger Splash against the railing from Scorpio. RVD THROWS A CHAIR AT SCORPIO'S HEAD !!! Kicks to the head and right hands. Scorpio gets whipped into the railing and gets back into the ring. Slingshot Leg Drop from RVD gets a two count. Kick to the back from RVD and then into the corner where Scorpio takes advantage and hits Shoulder Blocks to the stomach. Scorpio runs into a boot. Running Spinning Heel Kick from RVD. RVD to the top rope. SPINNING WHEEL KICK OFF THE TOP FROM RVD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rolling Thunder into a Splash gets a two count for RVD and some of the fans chant "Boring" at him. Scorpio attempts a fight back and gets a kick. RVD avoids a second. Spinning Leg Drop gets a two count for RVD. The fans The Sandman. Scorpio into the corner. Rolling Monkey Flip misses it's target. Scorpio comes back with right hands. Kick to the stomach from Scorpio. HUGE POWERBOMB FROM SCORPIO !!! That was pretty mental. Somersault Leg Drop from Scorpio. SLINGSHOT 450 SPLASH FROM SCORPIO !!! HOLY SHIT !!! He doesn't go for the cover. This is ridiculous. Leg Drop from Scorpio. Back Drop Suplex and that one landed RVD right on his head. Scorpio heads for the top rope. SPINNING SPLASH FROM SCORPIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Yup. After about four finishers RVD kicked out at two and the fans didn't buy it. MOONSAULT FROM SCORPIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! RVD is using the ropes to try and get to his feet. Scorpio sets RVD on the top rope. Scorpio slaps RVD but gets knocked to the canvas. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH !!! Scorpio with a knee to RVD and it's as if that never happened. Body Slam from Scorpio and he wants to do something big. Second Rope Somersault Leg Drop gets a two count. RVD into the corner and Scorpio misses the Stinger Splash. Springboard Side Kick and RVD is back in the match. Slam from RVD. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM RVD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! RVD into the ropes. Rana from RVD. Spin Kick sends Scorpio to the floor. RVD follows him out there. Superkick from RVD. Face first into the ringpost and then onto the ramp they go. RVD has a chair. VAN DAMINATOR ON THE RAMP !!! The brawl is on the aisle still. PILEDRIVER ON THE RAMP FROM SCORPIO !!! A KNEES FIRST PILEDRIVER ON THE RAMP ?!?!?! IS HE FUCKING MENTAL ?!?!?! Scorpio now drags RVD towards the ring. RVD with a low blow and is now back in the match. We now have a ref bump. Aye, that's what this mess of a match needed. A ref bump. Big Boot from RVD and then he drags Scorpio into the corner and goes up top. 450 SPLASH FROM RVD ... MISSES !!! Powerbomb from Scorpio and then to the top rope. 450 SPLASH FROM SCORPIO !!! SABU TO THE TOP ROPE AND HE DROPS THE ARABIAN FACEBUSTER ON SCORPIO !!! THE REF IS UP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE SANDMAN HITS THE RINGSIDE AREA AND GOES AFTER SABU !!! Scorpio into the ropes. HURRICANE KICK FROM SCORPIO !!! WHEELBARROW VICTORY ROLL FROM RVD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I should point out that the Slingshot 450 Splash meant I was never going to give this a DUD, but I really should. There was no resemblance to a wrestling match to be had here. All the two guys did was do a bunch of moves and no story there. In fairness to Scorpio, he did some right amazing stuff, but this was the worst of RVD. All style and no substance like much of his ECW output. *

Chavo Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit, No DQ Match - WWE Smackdown 19/01/2007

This was the blowoff to a couple of months of fueding between the two. How come Chavo Guerrero got so many high profile fueds ? He wasn't up to much at this point.

Chavo is complaining to the ref and then a low blow and he takes down Benoit. Right hands from Chavo. European Uppercuts and then a lovely Back Drop Driver from Chavo and a kick to he ribs. Chavo then exposes the steel under one of the top buckles. Another Back Drop Driver from Chavo. It's scary to think that move killed Misawa. Hot Shot into the steel buckle from Benoit and then a Swinging Neckbreaker. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT ... Chavo blocks a second one and kicks the ribs again. Backbreaker from Chavo and then he stretches the back over the knee. Benoit knees his way out and then goes to the Crossface, but it's way early for that and they head for the floor. CROSSFACE ON THE FLOOR !!! Chavo uses his positioning to send Benoit into the ringpost. Chavo now has a chair. Chair swing misses and Benoit gets into the ring. Chavo takes the chair into the ring. CROSSFACE TO COUNTER THE CHAIR SHOT !!! Chavo is doing everything he can to block the move so Benoit clubs. Both men turn over and end up in the ropes. Body Slam from Chavo. Chavo is determined to use that chair. SNAP SUPLEX ON THE CHAIR FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee to the head and then chops from Benoit. Right hands from Benoit. Chavo sends Benoit chest first into the exposed buckle. Chair to the back of Benoit and that gets a two count. Chair to the gut and then to the back from Chavo. Chavo then chokes Benoit with the chair. Chavo now has the chair in the seated position. SINGLE ARM DDT ON THE OPEN CHAIR !!! Quality there from Chavo. That gets a two count. Benoit comes back with some chopping. Chavo misses a Dropkick. Catapult sends Chavo over the top rope and to the floor. Baseball Slide sends Chavo crashing into the railing. Knee to the head and then chops from Benoit. Head first into the steps goes Chavo. TITLE BELT TO THE HEAD FROM CHAVO !!! Back into the ring and Chavo takes the belt in with him. THE THREE AMIGOS FROM CHAVO !!! ONE ON THE CHAIR AND ONE ON THE TITLE BELT !!! Chavo is now heading for the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM CHAVO ... MISSES AND HITS THE CHAIR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SNAP SUPLEX ON THE CHAIR AGAIN FROM BENOIT !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! SNAP SUPLEX ONTO THE TITLE BELT FROM BENOIT !!! ANOTHER RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! Benoit is heading for the top rope. THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT ... MISSES !!! CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM CHAVO ... COUNTERED TO THE SHARPSHOOTER !!! CHAVO TAPS !!!

That was a nice wee match. Was particularly good when both men were going Suplex mental. Some inventive use of the chair as well. The match wasn't overly violent or heated but it didn't have to be. Good stuff. ***1/4

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In the Spoiler Tags will be a real time review of TNA Impact. No PBP you'll be glad to hear. Just thoughts.

They're saying that the big tag match is possibly gonna open. Is THAT why I need to watch the first five minutes ? I sure hope not.

I'll be doing this in Bullet Point form btw. Just thoughts while it's on.

Hogan and c**t vs. Flair and Styles

* Flair and Styles make a fun tag team.



* Hogan in a "taking a good chair shot" shocker ! Surely we're gonna see someone come down and help the babyfaces here.

* No DQ between HBK and Taker apparently. This is fun though, so I'm sticking with it. I'll confirm later. Match is done here.

* Hogan has the mic and says that the match is gonna happen later and it's a No DQ match. Fair play.

* Sting wanders the backstage area. He grabs Dixie. Does she have to be involved in TNA ? Get that rodent off of my TV screen. Sting owes her nothing. Good. That gets her telt.

* Abyss acts like a Swampy. No change there then.

* The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels is No DQ and must have a winner. Nice. Anyways, back to TNA.

* Brooke Hogan is here with her amazing acting skills. What is it with pointless bints on the TV tonight ?

* Kazarian is in the ring. YUSS ! Lets get this show back on track.

* Kaz came back to reignite the flame of the X Division. You've been there the whole time ya dick. Played any shite gimmicks yet ?

* Oh look, Daniels is here. We needed a ballet dancer.

* "I am X." What a catchphrase ya tool. Doug Williams comes out and instantly becomes the best wrestler in the hall.

* Whenever a wrestler says "seven years ago" in a promo, you can render what he's about to say redundant. Can this promo end ? It's shite.

* Eric Bischoff turns up. Thank god. He talks the X Division up. We're getting Kaz vs. Williams tonight. Oh right, it's a three way. It was sounded good untill Daniels was added. MATCH NOW !!!

Daniels vs. Dougie vs. Kaz

* Cool as f**k Northern Lights Suplex spot from Kaz there.

* We're getting more Dixie Carter after this match. Aye, that'll put bums in seats. This match WILL put bums in seats. Kaz is awesome.

* Okay, credit to all three men, this is good.

* DOUGIE WINS !!! biggrin.gif Good wee TV match there. ***

* Shannon Moore hits the ring and attacks after the bell. The worst cruiser ever gets a match at Destination X. Crap. sad.gif

* Right, Dixie Carter with Jeremy Borash. Sting has a match later and he finds out who against when everyone else does. Sounds intriguing.

* The Beautiful People are going to be up next. All good.

Triple Threat Knockout Tag Title Match

* Aye, this is gonna keep people watching.

* Was that the most uninteresting match ever ? Might have been. DUD

* Hemme is with The Pope. Awesome. The Pope gets a title shot in April. Wolfe attacks The Pope during his interview. Wolfe works over the injury of Pope.

* f**k it, this show is terrible. I'm stopping.

Edited by DomDom
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