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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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That's what matters.

Does it though? Afterall it is a wrestling show and TNA have the better wrestling product. It's not PG so they get away with stuff the WWE wouldn't. WWE gets ratings because it's recognised, people don't like change and has better production.

TNA is the best product in terms of wrestling.

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If he's booked right then he could well be soon.

It's PG Raw doesn't get 5 and 6's like the used to in the 90s.

once again Impact was TWICE the show that raw was, as for raws legacy with divas wrestling, another slap in the face to any women serious about wrestling as there was longer time spent focusing on women in a hot tub than in the ring with that 7 second match, poor beth phoenix looked pretty pissed off that she got all dressed up and along with 80% of the women there didn't get any action in that match

TNA was brilliant, they even managed to Fire the nasty boys, TNA is really getting it's stuff in order, all they need to do is punt bubba the love sponge out, because 99.9% of the world find him unfunny, obese, stupid and a waste of time.... unfortunatly hogan likes him.

TNA got bad ratings but the Raw after wrestlemania is normally the biggest raw of the year, Without HBK and now with J.R. hanging up the cowboy hat WWE is going to need to rely on younger stars, I really like Di Biase but Rhodes and Swagger don't cut it with me, only ted and drew are the real young guys who have world title gold ahead of them imo.

I don't know if I'd get rid of Bubba just yet. The NWO thing he has going on might be interesting. Here is a guy that everyone hates and to get the NWO as heels it could work. Hes a good talker and atleast he will see character rather than him take JB's spot.

Nobody can top JB at what he does right now.

The Smackdown thing can only help TNA. Just about as stupid as Abyss' character right now.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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That was in reply to the spoilers .. not your post.

Ahh right I thought it might have been mate!

I've not looked at the spoiler yet, It must be something stinking with the reaction of everyone on here! No doubt R-Truth has just been handed a title shot or something haha.

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Ahh right I thought it might have been mate!

I've not looked at the spoiler yet, It must be something stinking with the reaction of everyone on here! No doubt R-Truth has just been handed a title shot or something haha.

I would rather R-Truth got a title shot than what has actually happened!

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Does it though? Afterall it is a wrestling show and TNA have the better wrestling product. It's not PG so they get away with stuff the WWE wouldn't. WWE gets ratings because it's recognised, people don't like change and has better production.

TNA is the best product in terms of wrestling.

I think it comes down completely to ratings and money. If I was the owner of either company I know whose position I'd rather be in.

It's PG Raw doesn't get 5 and 6's like the used to in the 90s.

Wrestling isn't as popular as it was in the 90s.

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I think it comes down completely to ratings and money. If I was the owner of either company I know whose position I'd rather be in.

You're not, though. You're a fan. You enjoy what's good, not what's putting money in the pockets of people you don't know. Neither of the big 2 are much good, but you get my point.

The ROH show from Mania weekend sounds a cracker, by the way.

1. Kenny Omega beat Rocky Romero

2. Daivari beat Human Tornado with a roll-up using the turnbuckles. Tornado didn't have an afro. Sad.

3. Kevin Steen beat Scott Lost with the package piledriver.

4. The Briscoes, Necro, and Rasche Brown beat Claudio, Prince Nana, Bison Smith, and Joey Ryan when the Briscoes hit a spike Jay Driller. Match sort of fell apart in the middle with Claudio visibly being confused as to who the legal man was between him and Ryan. Rasche looked really, really good.

5. Jerry Lynn beat Steve Corino in a hardcore match. They battled throughout the crowd, both bled heavily, and Lynn pinned Corino after Generico interfered with a big boot to Corino.


6. Kenny King beat Scorpio Sky. Both men looked good but this was probably the lowest point of the show.

7. Cabana and Generico beat The American Wolves when Cabana used his submission move that is like a wheelbarrow camel clutch or whatever. Great fucking match, Cabana and Richards jawed at each other the entire time. Generico hit a turnbuckle brainbuster on Richards and Edwards tapped. Post-match Steen ran out and got in Generico's face and dared him to hit him, called him a bitch, Generico just spit in his face.

8. Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong was what I would call a No Contest after Roderick fell off the top rope to the outside through a table and played up a shoulder injury, with the refs throwing up X's and Cary and Cornette running down. Aries challenges Black to a title match there and then. Halfway through Roderick comes back down and it becomes a three way, ECW style.

9. ROH World Title: Tyler Black beat Aries and Strong with an armbar on Strong's bad shoulder.

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I got a text from my mate this morning which read " you wont beleive what happened on smackdown, its unbeleiveable. dont read the spoilers though it will waste it". What a p***k.laugh.gif After a text like that I had to look, I thought HBK was on SmackDown now or something. I never read SmackDown spoilers, I completely wastes it for me.

In the actual point of Swagger now being WHC. WTF? He's gash. As a wrestler he is average. On the mic he is absolutely abysmal. Having him win MitB made absolutely no sense whatsoever....having him win the title is a decision even more honking than Sunday. I know some people will compare it to Sheamus. But Sheamus had a character for a start. Sheamus also got a push on the build up to it. Swagger at no stage of his WWE career has looked remotely like being a world champ....even when he was ECW champ.

Who the f**k is he going to feud with? It will now likely bollocks up an awesome and prolonged Edge/Jericho feud.

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Meh, I like it.

Loved Swagger on ECW, where he showed a lot of potential, and at best they'll now give him the ball to run with, giving him some big wins and seeing how he does, while the worst case scenario is it's a pointless reign like Punk's first but a sign that they see him as being at that level in the future.

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It's PG Raw doesn't get 5 and 6's like the used to in the 90s.

That's not the point. If Orton keeps getting the reactions he's getting and the writers don't f**k it up big style, then who's to say Orton can't be the man to lead WWE into higher ratings? If you have a star like that then more and more people will pay attention. Just because WWE is PG doesn't mean it can't be massively popular. There are a LOT of children in the world after all.

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That's not the point. If Orton keeps getting the reactions he's getting and the writers don't f**k it up big style, then who's to say Orton can't be the man to lead WWE into higher ratings? If you have a star like that then more and more people will pay attention. Just because WWE is PG doesn't mean it can't be massively popular. There are a LOT of children in the world after all.

Have a wee green one for that.

Oh ...

There's a major positive to Swagger being the champ. We now have a WWE where anyone can win the prize. Unpredictability is good in my book. It's a shame that they went with Swagger for this though. The guy has been a non-entity for so long. He's a good midcarder and fairly reliable. He didn't look out of place on Monday either. I wasn't liking the idea of him winning MitB but I'll see how it goes.

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Swagger reminds me a bit of Owen Hart sometimes, but for him to be champion this early is a bad move, sheamus and swagger as the 2 champions seriously would f**k things up, shite guy to head up the show imo. useless giving him the belt when Jericho and Edge could have had a string of title matches that would have been more popular

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According to ProWrestling.net, Ric Flair and Orlando Jordan's new on-air male companion got into a confrontation at a bar after the Impact tapings on Tuesday night.

According to the report, Flair saw the male companion dancing at the bar and got so upset at him being there and being in the TNA locker room in general that he got in the guys face and verbally unleashed on him.

Apparently Jordan's male companion was so shaken by the exchange that he decided to just leave the bar.

:lol: Can just imagine this incident.

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How anyone can say TNA is a better wrestling product now is beyond me, since they brought in WCW circa 1999, it has turned into rehash after rehash of old angles and old wrestlers with a load of backstage skits and nonsensical matches- a woman's first blood match? Really? What kind of sadist wants to watch that?

Anyone think JR could perhaps be in line for a role as a mentor/manager of Swagga?

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Anyone think JR could perhaps be in line for a role as a mentor/manager of Swagga?

Cant see it. I think the reason hes packing it in is that the travelling is becoming too much for him.....Im actually equally as gutted at him leaving as i am at HBK leaving.

PS. This is just a page full of spoilers now....cant we just say what it islaugh.gif

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Looking back to Mania now, if they wanted to have someone win then cash in and take the WHC then there are least 4 other guys who I would have given it to before I'd give it to Swagger. Ziggler, McIntyre, Christian and Kofi are 4 guys who have twice the charisma and character Swagger will ever have....still thinking him winning MitB was a honking decision.

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