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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Oh f**k I had forgotten about thye trooserslaugh.gif .

I like themph34r.gif ....they remind me of Goldustwub.gif

I fucking love Goldust. I mind when his gear was mostly black. I loved it.


That's the best picture I could find, but it gives me a right hardon.

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Raw was indeed a horrible show last night, just like it always is when it comes from the UK. I never know why this is. The live crowd is certainly different, they seem to get bored far too early in matches, even involving the really big names.

The shows also always seem to be a bit lazy as well. Perhaps the writers are out on the binge when they get over here.

The Bret Hart involvement last night was pathetic. He must be desperate for money. For his own dignity, he needs to go now.

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I can't advise the Jacobs/Whitmer match enough. Click on that link and then go to the Megavideo link for it. Absolutely insane match.

That was tremendous stuff, I have never seen that match before before, great intensity!

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WWE Unforgiven 2000

I'm not half getting through these ! Hopefully have the year finished by the end of the week.

The Dudley Boys and APA vs. Right to Censor ( ** )

Jerry Lawler vs. Tazz, Leather Strap Match ( * )

Al Snow vs. Crash Holly vs. Test vs. Perry Saturn vs. Sho Funaki vs. Steve Blackman - Hardcore Invitational Match

X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho ( ***3/4 )

Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boys, Steel Cage Match ( ***1/2 )

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rikishi ( *1/2 )

Kurt Angle vs. Triple H, No DQ Match ( ***1/2 )

Chris Benoit vs. Kane vs. The Undertaker vs. The Rock ( ****1/4 )

The Dudley Boys and APA vs. Right to Censor

We open the match with Kama and Devon. Kama with right hands and then Devon into the ropes. Clothesline from Kama knocks down Devon and then he misses an Elbow Drop. Spinning Back Elbow and in comes Ray. He works on the midsection and then he's sent into the corner. THE HO TRAIN ... misses. Back Drop Suplex from Rey gets a two count. Into the ropes with Ray. Back Body Drop from Kama and he tags Bull in. He sends Ray into the corner and unloads with rights and lefts. Bull runs into a boot and then a Clothesline and in comes Bradshaw. Bradshaw into the ropes and he comes out with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Knees and right hands in the corner. Nice Springboard Clothesline and then in comes Venis. Back Elbow from Venis and then he taunts Farooq. Venis into the corner hard. Venis into the ropes and he jumps into a Fallaway Slam. In comes Simmons. Right hands from Simmons. Venis into the ropes and a Back Elbow. In comes Devon. Devon into the ropes and he hits a Flying Shoulder Block. Richards with a cheap shot and then the Blue Thunder Bomb from Venis. Kick to the stomach from Kama. Back Drop Suplex from Kama and that gets a two count. Into the corner again and in comes Venis. Body Slam from Venis and then he misses a Running Elbow Drop. Devon tags out and in comes Ray and he's the house o fire. BUBBA BOMB ON VENIS !!! Sidewalk Slam on Bull. BUBBA BOMB ON RICHARDS ... Venis blocks and now everyone into the ring. Most of them brawl to the floor. THE DUDLEY DEVICE ON VENIS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KAMA MAKES THE SAVE !!! Kama gets sent to the floor. STEVEN KICK CATCHES RAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was decent enough tag team fare. I suppose when you have eight guys in the match who are at least semi-competant, you're more than likely not going to have any dead spots, and that's where this match's main advantage comes from. That and the fact that the Dudleys were still motivated as hell at this point. **

Jerry Lawler vs. Tazz, Leather Strap Match

Tazz pulls Lawler into the middle of the ring and then a T-Bone Suplex from Tazz. More right hands from Tazz and then he sends Lawler to the floor. He then chokes Lawler on the floor with the strap. Tazz looks for the jar that JR used in the first match and then Lawler chokes Tazz and then whips him. More whipping from Lawler. Into the ring goes Tazz. Lawler chokes Tazz with the strap. Low blow from Tazz. Lawler then delivers the same whipping that Tazz recieved. Into the corner they go and Tazz with some kicks. Snapmare and then Tazz with more whipping. He chokes Lawler with the strap again. Lawler comes back with right hands. Left jabs and then another right knocks down Tazz. PILEDRIVER FROM LAWLER !!! HE HITS ANOTHER !!! Tazz is still not wanting to stay down. THE THIRD PILEDRIVER AND TAZZ IS STILL NO SELLING !!! Ah, down he goes. Lawler is now touching the buckles. Tazz stops Lawler from getting the third buckle. Lawler chokes Tazz with the strap and down goes the referee. Lawler goes for the fourth one. RAVEN INTO THE RING !!! EVEN FLOW DDT ON LAWLER !!! THE AUDIENCE GOES MENTAL !!! TAZZMISSION FROM TAZZ !!! THE MATCH IS DONE !!!

Not much better or worse than the last match, and again the ending sent the crowd wild. They really should have blown off the fued first time around though. Was there not a better way they could have used to debut Raven ? Having Tazz no selling two Piledrivers left a bit of a bad taste in the mouth too. *

Steve Blackman © vs. Al Snow vs. Crash Holly vs. Test vs. Perry Saturn vs. Sho Funaki - WWE Hardcore Championship Invitational Match

SATURN SUICIDE DIVES INTO A TRASHCAN LID SHOT !!! That will be a good way to start. FALLING POWERBOMB FROM TEST !!! Crash gets involved too and then so does Saturn. Northern Lights Suplex from Saturn. This is going to be a nightmare to keep up with. Crash dropped over the railing. SUPERKICK FROM SATURN TO TEST !!! Terri is on the apron. TRISH STRATUS AND TERRI GET WIPED OUT WITH SHOTS FROM THE HEAD !!! BIG BOOT TO SATURN !!! Snow into the ropes. HEAD SHOT TO THE BALLS !!! BRUTAL POWERBOMB FROM SNOW TO CRASH !!! HIGH CROSS BODY FROM FUNAKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Crowd : "Aaawww." :lol: Test to the floor and Crash and Funaki are in the ring. Snow stops Funaki from diving. MOONSAULT PRESS OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE CROWD OF WRESTLERS !!! The brawl is heading up the aisle. Terri then slaps Funaki. Chair to the head of Crash. Test and Blackman are now brawling. Blackman has a trashcan. So does Crash. He has more success and gets the first pin. He has the belt. HE RUNS RIGHT INTO A TRASHCAN SHOT FROM SATURN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Right, so Saturn is the champ. SNOW WITH A LID SHOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! It's turning into madness at this point. Shame as it was going quite well. Blackman and Saturn fight at the top of the aisle. We're half way through the 10 minutes. Trashcan to the head of Test. Blackman and Saturn continue their brawl. Snow joins that brawl and we have some crowd brawling. Everyone else joins in the fun now. Blackman is getting the advantage back there. Kick to the stomach from Saturn. Come on guys, lets have something interesting going on here. Three minutes to go in this match. This has been 2 minutes of nothing. Looks like we're heading back to the ringside area. Good. Saturn goes under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick. Blackman has a trashcan. He brings his two sticks into the ring. Snow with a pizza box. Blackman with some excellent stick work on both Saturn and Snow. Back Drop Suplex from Blackman. KENDO STICK TO THE HEAD !!! He then unloads on Snow as well, and then Crash. Nobody is getting away from this. ANOTHER SHOT TO THE HEAD OF SATURN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! One minute to go and Blackman is the man in front. Nobody wants to face Blackman and he takes the belt and wants to leave. Snow comes out and here comes Test. Everyone goes for Blackman. Everyone beats down Blackman. Blackman survives with the belt.

The first couple of minutes of this were superb. The very first move in the match was awesome. If they had managed to keep that level of madness up, it would have been a much better match than it ended up. **

X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho

These two guys had a match 12 months previous to this which was good fun. Jericho runs to the ring and Pac gets the hell out of there. Lockup and into the corner they go. Right hands from Jericho and then a Headlock. Shoulder Block sends down Pac. Pac then comes back with right hands and a Headlock. Shoulder Block sends down Jericho. Hiptoss reversal from Pac and then Jericho with a chop and a Back Elbow. Jericho misses a charge but hits right hands and then another chop. Pac into the corner and Pac then with more kicks. BRONCO BUSTER FROM PAC ... he runs right into a Clothesline. Jericho with a Spinning Heel Kick and Pac gets onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK ... Pac throws him off the top rope and to the floor. SOMERSAULT PESCADO FROM PAC !!! Pac then sends Jericho over the announce table. Jericho is then sent into the timekeeper's table. Baseball Slide from Pac. Back into the ring and Jericho with a comeback. Spin Kick from Pac gets a two count. Chinlock from Pac. Jericho with a comeback. Pac into the corner and then he catches Jericho with a Sleeper Hold. The fans get behind Jericho. Jericho escapes and sends Pac into the ropes. Sleeper Hold from Jericho, but Pac with a Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Pac chokes Jericho in there. More choking from Pac. Choke with the boot from Pac. BRONCO BUSTER FROM PAC !!! Pac then taunts the audience. JERICHO TAKES PAC OUT OF THE CORNER WITH A POWERBOMB !!! Right hands from Jericho and a Clothesline. Jericho into the ropes and a Flying Forearm. That gets a two count. Into the corner and Jericho beats down Pac in the corner. JERICHO WITH A BRONCO BUSTER OF HIS OWN !!! Jericho misses a charge. Pac heads for the floor and he goes under the ring. He has chucks. SCHOOL BOY FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Low blow from Pac. X-FACTOR FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE POWERBOMB INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO FROM JERICHO ... PAC GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! HE DRAGS PAC BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! He has to break the hold though. SPIN KICK FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Bulldog from Jericho. THE LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Pac now heads for the middle rope. HE JUMPS INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! PAC TAPS !!!

I'll be damned. Goes to show that when he was motivated, X-Pac really could go. I was surprised that they went with the clean Jericho win here actually when you consider that the fued was just getting going and Jericho was gonna go on and win at the next PPV anyways. Anyone wonder why X-Pac could be lazy ? Anyways, this was a really good match. ***3/4

Edge and Christian © vs. The Hardy Boys, Steel Cage Match - WWE World Tag Team Championships

Brawling to start the match. Christian into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow and then some double teaming. Double Leg Drops from The Hardys on Edge. The Hardys send Christian into the cage with a Double Powerbomb. POETRY IN MOTION TO CHRISTIAN IN AN ELEVATED POSITION !!! The Hardy Boys are going for the escape and Edge and Christian stop them. Jeff Hardy is on top and then goes to the floor and now Edge and Christian have Matt Hardy in the cage himself. Matt with right hands on Christian. Christian then gets sent into the wall. TWIST OF FATE ON CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... EDGE SAVES !!! Edge and Christian now have Matt, but he's doing a not bad job at the moment. Matt with a Roll Up for a two count. The back of Edge's head gets slammed into the cage. Matt now going for the escape, and Christian manage to stop him. EDGE AND CHRISTIAN BRING MATT BACK INTO THE MATCH WITH A DOUBLE SUPERPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Edge and Christian throw Matt like a spear into the cage. Jeff Hardy is trying to get back in and Edge and Christian do what they can to stop him. Double Flapjack drops Matt face first into the ring. JEFF GETS SENT OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE TO THE FLOOR !!! Christian chooses to stay in the ring and help Edge to defeat Matt. Jeff wants the key. Jeff now has the key to the padlock and he's about to get into the cage. Jeff brought a chair into the match. Christian then goes out and grabs another chair. Christian then locks the cage again and Edge is thrown into the cage wall. Matt Hardy has been busted open. Edge then has the key and puts it in his trunks. Stinger Splash from Christian and they're really doing the damage now. Edge now has the chair. CON-CHAIR-TO ... MISSES !!! Matt with a Double Clothesline and if Jeff can get up on time, he can get himself back in this match. Matt Hardy is heading for the escape now, but Edge and Christian manage to stop him. Jeff threw a ladder and knocked Christian out of the cage. Jeff has a ladder on the floor and has it set next to the cage. Jeff now climbs the ladder so as he doesn't have to climb the cage wall. Edge sees this and he can't reach him. Jeff : "Calm down !". Jeff gets to the top of the cage and Edge stops him entering. Matt with a Back Drop Suplex. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE !!! Lita stops Christian getting into the cage using the ladder. HURRICANRANA OFF OF THE LADDER USING THE CAGE FROM LITA TO CHRISTIAN !!! Chair to the head of Jeff in the ring. Edge is now going for the escape. The Hardys have chairs up there. CON-CHAIR-TO ON TOP OF THE CAGE ON EDGE !!! THE HARDYS WIN !!!

Both teams have done much better than this, and this is the third time I've watched this match recently. I've made the same criticisms and same praises. The cage limiting what the four men can do, and the good point being that it was basically a modified version of the formula tag match. Nothing new to add and no change to the original rating either. ***1/2

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Rikishi - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Rikishi looks a bit miffed at something. Eddie does a bit of dancing about basically mocking the big man. That might not be the best idea. Eddie with right hands and then Rikishi with right hands of his own. He sends Eddie to the floor and then follows. Eddie then gets sent into the steps. Into the ring they go and Eddie into the ropes and he tries a Sunset Flip. Rikishi tries to drop his weight on Eddie and he moves. Eddie wants to leave and Chyna basically says "get into the ring and face him !". Chyna then pushes Eddie. Chyna then just throws Eddie into the ring and that's where Rikishi hits some more right hands. Back Body Drop from Rikishi. Eddie into the corner and then the opposite one. Eddie is now in position. Rikishi goes for the Stink Face, but Chyna pulls him out of the ring. Rikishi isn't too happy with that. Eddie pushes Chyna into Eddie. Eddie to the top rope. HUGE PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM EDDIE !!! Rikishi then gets sent head first into the steps. Into the ring we go again. Eddie back into the ring and to the top rope. The fans chant "Eddie Sucks". FROG SPLASH ... MISSES !!! BUTT BUMP IN THE CORNER !!! RIKISHI DRIVER ... avoided. Eddie into the ropes. ELEVATED ACE CRUSHER FROM RIKISHI !!! Samoan Drop from Rikishi. THE BANZAI DROP FROM RIKISHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CHYNA BREAKS THE COUNT !!! Chyna gets back out of the ring. Rikishi once again isn't pleased with this and he heads for the floor and gets in her face. Rikishi then sends Chyna into the ring. Rikishi shoves Chyna down. SUPERKICK ON CHYNA !!! The referee calls for the bell.

That was a pretty okay match, given the distractions that Chyna was making in the match. I guess we'll never know if they could have had a better match without that though. I'm actually wondering how Rikishi got so over. He has zero charisma. *1/2

Kurt Angle vs. Triple H, No DQ Match

Mick Foley is the special referee and HHH is nursing injured ribs. The bell rings and both men look ready. Angle goes right to the ribs. Arm Ringer and then a kick to the ribs. Right hands from Angle. Short Arm Clothesline from HHH and he's back in the match. Angle into the ropes and a Back Elbow and then another right hand. Angle into the ropes and he comes out with a kick. Angle sent over the top rope and to the floor. Head first into the announce table goes Angle and then to the timekeeper's table. Head first into the steps goes Angle. HHH then sets the spanish announce table, and then Angle comes out with right hands. Angle gets sent into the railing and then HHH meets the same fate, and Angle with a Clothesline. Spear from HHH and then a series of right hands. He sends Angle into the corner and then kicks in the corner. HHH into the corner and Angle runs into a boot. Double Axe Handle is blocked and Angle with the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Kicks to the stomach from Angle. Right hands in the corner from Angle and then stomps and a choke. Right hands from Angle and then HHH tries to come back. HHH into the ropes and then he hits a DDT and that gets a two count. German Suplex gets a two count for Angle. HHH with right hands and then a Back Drop Suplex from Angle and that gets a two count. More right hands from Angle. Another gets another two count. More right hands from Angle. Kicks to the ribs from Angle. HHH tries to come back with right hands. Kicks to the stomach then from HHH. Angle into the corner and he ducks a Clothesline. Neckbreaker from HHH. Right hands from HHH. Angle runs right into the High Knee. HHH then with a Knee Drop. That gets a two count. Into the corner they go and HHH with kicks to the stomach. HHH is whipped into the corner and then over the top rope and Angle has the advantage back. Head first into the announce table and then Angle gets sent into the steps. HHH then sets another announce table. Angle follows HHH around the ring. Suplex on the floor from HHH. HHH now has a chair and lands it across the back of Angle. HHH then has Angle on the table. PEDIGREE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE ... blocked. Low blow from Angle. ANGLE SETS HHH THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE WITH A BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX !!! Back to the ring we go. Shoulder Blocks to the ribs from Angle in the corner. Angle charges and hits a final shoulder charge. Hard Irish Whip causes more damage for Angle and then he drops an Elbow. Angle with a big Baseball Slide Dropkick sends HHH to the floor. Back into the ring they go and Angle with stomps to the ribs. More right hands from HHH. Angle then with another shoulder block. Angle then misses a charge and he hits the ringpost and HHH with right hands. Knee to the stomach from Angle puts a stop to the momentum and then he sets HHH on the top rope. Right hand from Angle and then to the top rope. SUPER BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Abdominal Stretch from Angle and he's putting the pressure on big time. HHH escapes, and Angle drops elbows. Angle heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT FROM ANGLE ... MISSES !!! HHH tries to fight his way out of a move, and then all of a sudden comes back with right hands. Angle sends HHH into the ropes and he comes out with the Knee 2 Face. PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! He could only use one arm and he hasn't made the cover. Stephanie into the ring to check on her man. STEPHANIE WITH A LOW BLOW TO ANGLE !!! PEDIGREE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a good fun match. I wouldn't say I was completely happy though. These two men were capable of much, much more than that. This match was like two non-brawlers doing the Austin style brawl from the late 90s. This isn't exactly the style that these two guys are great at, and as a result, disappointing. Really good match from them though. ***1/2

The Rock © vs. Kane vs. Chris Benoit vs. The Undertaker - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

The bell rings and this match breaks down. Benoit and Taker pair off, as do Rock and Kane. Rock and Taker take over the control of the match. Rock with a Back Elbow on Kane and then he goes face to face with Taker. Kane and Benoit attack from behind though and they take control of things. Right hands from both The Undertaker and Kane, while Benoit and Rock brawl through the crowd. Remember that there are No DQs in a match like this. Clothesline from Kane knocks down Taker and then he goes to the top rope. Flying Clothesline from Kane gets a two count. Right hands from Taker and then he gets sent into the ropes, and he comes out with a Flying Clothesline of his own. Benoit and Rock continue their battle on the floor. Big Boot from Taker gets a two count. Benoit gets into the ring and he attacks Taker. Rock tries to drag Kane out, but Kane drags him in and hits a pair of right hands. Taker and Benoit brawl on the floor. Samoan Drop from Rock and that gets a two count on Kane. Rock runs into a Running Powerslam from Kane and that gets a two count. Kane chokes Rock. Face first into the top buckle goes Rock and then we go to the floor where Benoit throws Taker into the ringpost. Back in with Kane and Rock, and Kane hits a Clothesline. Taker drops Benoit chest first on the railing on the floor and gets back into the ring, where he assists Rock in beating the shit out of Kane. Kane sent into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow. Double Clothesline sends Kane to the floor and we're left with Rock and Taker and The Rock with right hands. Taker into the corner and Rock runs into an elbow and then Taker with right hands of his own. Rock onto the apron and then a Snapmare sends Rock over the top rope. Sidewalk Slam from Taker gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Taker and then he goes to the top rope. Rock throws Taker back into the middle of the ring. Clothesline sends Taker over the top rope, but Kane with a Clothesline to Rock and he signals for the end. TOMBSTONE ... Rock drops behind and we now have a ref bump. DDT FROM THE ROCK !!! Aye, NOW Kane can be beaten by a DDT. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM TAKER TO ROCK !!! BENOIT WITH A BIG CHAIRSHOT TO TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TAKER WITH THE FOOT OVER THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! THE REF COUNTS THE THREE !!! BENOIT WINS THE TITLE !!! Mick Foley once again is the man who ruins Benoit's big moment, and says that Taker's foot was over the bottom rope. Benoit must HATE Mick Foley for constantly doing that to him. Taker, Kane and Rock stand on the aisle in an AWESOME visual and then everyone decides to turn on Benoit. Benoit gets sent into the big shutters on the entrance area. Right hands from Kane to Rock and this battle is heading back towards the ring. Taker and Benoit back into the ring and the chairs are still in there. Taker and Benoit battle in the ring and Benoit unloads with kicks and right hands. Kane comes in and helps. What happened to everyone being pissed with Benoit. Low blow from Benoit to Kane. Head first into the apron goes Taker. ROCK HITS TAKER IN THE HEAD WITH THE STEPS !!! Into the ring and we have Rock and Benoit. Against the ropes and Benoit with some choppage. Benoit into the ropes and he runs right into a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that gets a two count. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Back Drop Suplex and a hard one from Benoit and then he heads for the top rope. HUUUGE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kane and Taker are continuing their brawl on the floor. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM THE ROCK TO BENOIT !!! Taker comes in and breaks up the pin and then sends The Rock over the top rope. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE TO TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... BENOIT MAKES THE SAVE !!! Kane floors Benoit and Kane. KANE RUNS RIGHT INTO THE SPINEBUSTER !!! PEOPLE'S ELBOW ... BENOIT BREAKS IT UP !!! The fans HATE that ! Benoit with stomping and then Rock comes back with right hands and sends Benoit to the floor. LAST RIDE FROM TAKER TO THE ROCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KANE MAKES THE SAVE !!! Clothesline sends Taker over the top rope and then Kane and Taker get attacked with a chair. CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT TO ROCK !!! HE MIGHT NOW WIN THE MATCH !!! TAKER MAKES THE SAVE !!! Rock lasted a long time there. CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER TO BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KANE DRAGS TAKER OUT OF THE RING !!! Taker and Kane then have their brawl on the floor again. Benoit and Rock are down in the middle of the ring and the referee is counting. Rock and Benoit to their feet. ROCK BOTTOM FROM ROCK TO BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEE !!!

Yeah, I loved that. It hit the ground running. I don't think the Benoit thing was really bought by anyone because it was far too early in the match and they still had a good way to go. After that point though, it was awesome as everyone turned against Benoit, and then all four men just put on a balls to the walls brawl. The punishment Rock took also made it look like there was a decent chance that anyone could have taken the pin from him. Very good main event. ****1/4



I can't help but feel that this is a wee bit of a forgotten gem. There's four matches here that are very good or better and that should make it a good enough show to give it a look and also a cracking main event. Plus, there's Steve Austin doing his bit by beating people up through the show. All in all, give this one a look.

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For anyone attending ICW on Saturday - my band might be playing, so you know, that's that.

In other wrestling related news, I got a cheeky haircut today. I'm no longer sporting the James Hetfield look. I'm now sporting a lovely Sheamus, although my hairline isn't quite up to scratch!

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Kaz Hayashi in AJPW

Who remembers the Yung Dragons ? This guy was clearly the standout of that group. I will be reviewing stuff he did last year for AJPW. Included in this are ...

Kaz Hayashi vs. Naomichi Marufuji - AJPW 06/02/2009 ( ****1/4 ) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KJTDLWYY

Kaz Hayashi vs. Minoru - AJPW 14/03/2009 ( ****1/2 ) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CV5Z0I6Q

Kaz Hayashi vs Shuji Kondo - AJPW 30/08/2009 ( ****3/4 ) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T0I6QF01

Kaz Hayashi vs. Naomichi Marufuji - AJPW 06/02/2009

The look on Kaz's face says it all really. He really doesn't like Maru. The fans are behind Kaz from the start. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Clean break. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Chop from Kaz and he's bringing the intensity ! Lockup and a Hammerlock reversal exchange. Kaz with a nice takedown and then he goes to the legs. Headlock from Maru and then Kaz goes to the arm. Some flipping from Maru and then Kaz kicks Maru away. Lockup again and Maru goes to the arm of Kaz. Kaz with a Hammerlock and then Maru rolls and takes down Kaz and goes to the legs. Stomps to the face from Maru. Kaz stays down and backs away. To their feet and a Headlock from Maru. Maru into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Kaz into the ropes and Maru misses a Lariat. Both men miss kicks. Shiranui and then Kaz has a finisher countered and the fans loved that. Hopefully this match is gonna kick into a second gear pretty soon. Chop from Maru and then a forearm. Forearms in the corner from Maru. They're actually looking kinda weak. Kaz misses a charge, but hits a huge flapjack and then sends Maru crashing into the ringpost. Looks like Maru has harmed his shoulder, which will no doubt be the focal point of Kaz now. To the floor they go and back into the ring. Cobra Clutch from Kaz and then the Japanese Stranglehold. Kaz adds knees to the back. LOVELY reversal from Maru into a hold of his own. Kaz manages to escape and then Waistlock Takedown and a stomp to the back from Kaz. Forearms from both men now. Kick to the head from Maru. Drop Toe Hold from Kaz. LIONSAULT FROM KAZ TO THE BACK OF MARUFUJI !!! Forearms in the corner from Kaz and then he runs into a boot. Head Scissor takes Kaz into the bottom buckle. Running Leaping Back Elbow from Maru. HANDSPRING IS COUNTERED WITH A DROPKICK TO THE FACE FROM MARU !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kaz then gets sent to the floor. Kaz gets whipped into the railing and then he slams the gate in the face of Kaz. BRAINBUSTER ON THE APRON FROM MARU !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chinlock from Maru. Kaz gets into the ropes. Maru is now the man in control. Kaz comes back with forearms though. Both men face off in the middle of the ring. Kaz with forearms and then he hits the ropes. LARIAT FROM MARU !!! Into the corner and Maru chokes Kaz over the middle rope and the fans don't like that. RUNNING DROPKICK TO KAZ WHO IS DRAPED OVER THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! Niiiiice. Back into the ring. Kaz drops behind. Both men with reversal. HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM KAZ !!! Kaz is looking to pick Maru up and can't. Spinebuster and then a Slingshot from Kaz. Running Spinning Heel Kick from Kaz and then he skins the cat. He runs into a boot but ducks an Enziguri. Running Back Elbow and a Russian Legsweep. Running Knee to the back of the head and then a big Stinger Splash from Maru. Both men blocks Suplexes. Snapmare. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE FOREHEAD FROM MARU !!! SUPERKICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Forearms from both men now. Kaz into the ropes. KAZ DROPS MARU INTO AN ACE CRUSHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Maru blocks a Back Drop Suplex attempt. SHIRANUI FROM MARU ... COUNTERED INTO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! MARU GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! KAZ DROPS MARU RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Maru knees out of a finisher attempt from Kaz. Right hands from Kaz and then he's sent to the ropes. HUGE Dropkick from Maru and Kaz heads for the floor. MARUFUJI WITH A DROPKICK OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO KAZ ON THE FLOOR !!! Maru gets back into the ring. Kaz gets into the ring. SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK FROM MARU CATCHES KAZ COMING IN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM MARU !!! SHIRANUI ... blocked. SUPERKICK FROM KAZ !!! SHIRANUI FROM KAZ !!! THE FINAL CUT FROM MARU TO KAZ !!! Kaz runs into an Enziguri. MARU CATCHES KAZ IN A SCISSORED COBRA CLUTCH !!! COBRA CLUTCH SUPLEX FROM MARU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK !!! SHIRANUI FROM MARU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SHIRANUI AGAIN ... Kaz sets him on the top rope. SUPER SHIRANUI ... Kaz blocks. FINAL CUT OFF OF THE TOP ROPE FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE FINAL CUT AGAIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MARU REFUSING TO STAY DOWN !!! Kaz heads for the top rope. Maru with a Dropkick there. SHIRANUI KAI FROM MARUUUUU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! POLE SHIFT ... KAZ BLOCKS !!! SPIN KICK FROM MARU !!! SUPERKICK IN THE CORNER FROM MARU !!! Kaz blocks a Superkick. REVERSE BRAINBUSTER FROM KAZ !!! THE FINAL CUT FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM MARU !!! Both men trade shots. KICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM KAZ !!! THE SCHWEIN FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

This match was pretty feckin' good. The first thing that can be noted from this is that Kaz really brought an intensity to the table. You could believe that he really didn't like Marufuji. Maru was his usual awesome self. He has had so many great matches and you can just feel free to add this to it. ****1/4

Kaz Hayashi vs. Minoru - AJPW 14/03/2009

Lockup and Minoru goes to the arm. Kaz with a flip and then some other stuff. This audience seems to be very laid back. Minoru tries to take the back and can't. Kaz goes to the floor to regroup after the first exchange of the match and Minoru holds the ropes open for him. Kaz comes in on the opposite side. Headlock from Minoru. Kaz escapes and hits the ropes and both men collide in the middle of the ring. Forearms from both men now. Kaz into the ropes and a Running Forearm. He hits the ropes again and does the same. Minoru ducks one and then both men miss German Suplexes. Dropkick from Kaz and Minoru heads for the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM KAZ !!! Back into the ring and right hands from Kaz. Kaz onto the apron. LUNGBLOWER FROM KAZ !!! Running kick to the leg and it appears that we now have Kaz's focal point for the match. Kaz works over the leg. Kaz turns Minoru over and REALLY adds pressure to the leg. Stomps to the leg. This video still has 30 minutes on it. We going to be seeing a bit of an epic here ? Kaz works over the leg and then stomps on the back of the knee. Dragon Screw from Kaz and then he works the legs again with another submission. Minoru gets into the ropes. Kaz continues his work. Kaz runs into a boot, but he catches Minoru on top. Minoru works on the arm up there and this could change the match in a heartbeat ! Kaz falls to the floor and he's in deep trouble. Minoru kicks the arm of Kaz into the railing. Setting up for the Minoru Special here ! Back into the ring they go and Kaz begs off. Minoru with a Knee Drop onto the arm and then he locks in the Arm Bar. Minoru now goes for the Key Lock. Kaz manages to escape, but Minoru just works the arm in another way. Minoru just lets the hold go as his knee is hurt. Stomp on the arm from Minoru. Kaz blocks a Suplex. FUJIWARA ARMBAR FROM MINORU !!! That's the great thing about Minoru. He can win a match out of nowhere. Kaz gets into the ropes. Arm Ringer and then he takes Kaz to the corner and kicks the arm. He then stretches the arm using the top rope. Elbow onto the arm of Kaz. Arm Ringer again and then he does it again. Elbow to the arm. Kaz comes back with a forearm and then another. Kick to the arm from Minoru puts a stop to that. Arm Ringer from Minoru. THE MINORU SPECIAL !!! OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Kicks from Minoru after Kaz escapes. Kaz gets onto the apron and drops the throat of Minoru onto the top rope. LIONSAULT FROM KAZ !!! TOMBSTONE FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz heads for the top rope. Kick to the head from Minoru and Kaz falls to the floor and this match is beginning to break down a bit. Kaz gets sent into the ringpost. Kaz sells that like a trooper. Head first into the ringpost again goes Kaz. Minoru with a series of right hands on the floor. Elbow to the back of the head from Minoru. Kaz gets sent into the railing. SUPERKICK FROM KAZ !!! Kaz looks PISSED. BRAINBUSTER ON THE FLOOR FROM KAZ !!! Note to self : Do not piss off Kaz Hayashi. Both men beat the referee's count, but I don't think the audience really thought any of them would be counted out. RUNNING SCHWEIN INTO THE CORNER FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz misses a charge. DOWNWARD SPIRAL INTO THE SECOND BUCKLE FROM KAZ !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! This has been a bit disjointed between these two guys so far. THE FINAL CUT FROM KAZ ... Minoru escapes. HANDSPRING GETS COUNTERED INTO A GERMAN SUPLEX !!! MINORU WITH THE DRAGON SUPLEX !!! BUZZSAW KICK FROM MINORU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz is going for the ropes. HALF AND HALF SUPLEX FROM MINORU !!! BRUTAL KICK TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Minoru sets Kaz for the end and heads for the top rope. 450 SPLASH FROM MINORU ... MISSES !!! MINORU SPECIAL !!! KAZ TURNS THAT INTO THE CROSSFACE !!! COUNTERED !!! Spin Kick from Kaz. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM KAZ !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! FINAL CUT ... COUNTERED !!! FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM MINORU !!! MINORU WITH THE SCHWEIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Minoru heads for the top rope. Kaz stops him up there. SUPER DVD ... Minoru does his best to stop that, but Kaz with a kick. SUPER FINAL CUT FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! THE FINAL CUT FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Forearm exchange. SUPERKICK FROM KAZ !!! SCHWEIN FROM KAZ ... Minoru blocks. HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM KAZ !!! Kick to the back of the head from Minoru. RUNNING JOHN WOO DROPKICK TO THE FACE FROM MINORU !!! Kaz gets set on the top rope. Kaz knocks down Minoru. KAZ JUMPS INTO A DROPKICK !!! SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM MINORU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Minoru now heads for the top rope. 450 SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE CROSS ARMBREAKER !!! KAZ COUNTERS TO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CROSS ARMBREAKER AGAIN !!! KAZ GETS THE ROPES !!! Kicks to the arm from Minoru. VERTEBREAKER FROM KAZ AND A KICK TO THE HEAD !!! ONE COUNT !!! HOLY SHIT !!! REVERSE BRAINBUSTER FROM KAZ !!! THE FINAL CUT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WHAT A FUCKING MATCH !!! SCHWEIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

How amazing was that ? Those two guys went out there and left nothing behind. Minoru has an amazing "can win at any point" quality about him, and it drags you into the match at the most unexpected times constantly. Kaz Hayashi once again brought the intensity. He clearly didn't want to be outdone by his opponent. Another cracker there. ****1/2

After the match, Kaz Hayashi wants a handshake from Minoru. His partner cheap shots Kaz though.

Kaz Hayashi vs Shuji Kondo - AJPW 30/08/2009

These two guys had an absolute belter of a match a couple of years previously. The fans, therefore, are NUKED for this. Kondo looks about 40 years older than he did last time around. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Clean break from Kondo. Lockup and Kondo goes behind. Kondo then goes to the Arm Ringer and Kaz does some flipping around which the audience appreciates. Kaz kicks Kondo away from him and the fans applaud that exchange. Lockup and Kaz goes behind to counter a Wristlock but Kondo gets the Headlock anyways. Kondo really grins that bad boy in. Kaz with a shot to the gut and then he sends Kondo to the ropes. Headlock Takedown from Kondo and it looks like we're gonna be getting some headlockery early. Side Headlock from Kondo and Kaz manages to battle to his feet. Kondo manages to keep the hold going however. Kondo into the ropes and he runs right into a Back Elbow from Kaz. Stomps to the head from Kaz and then he locks in a Headlock of his own, clearly to send some sort of message, but Kondo counters and gets sent into the ropes. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and an Arm Drag from Kaz. KAZ WITH AN INSANE PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO KONDO !!! Back into the ring with Kondo and Kaz is on the apron. Kondo with a Dropkick to the knee. SLINGSHOT LIONSAULT TO THE BACK OF KONDO !!! That was nicely done there. Bearhug from Kaz and the focal point will now be the back of Kondo. Kondo escapes, but Kaz manages to get right back into the Bearhug. Clubbing blows to the back and then a knee to the stomach breaks the move. Big forearms from Kondo but he runs right into a knee in the gut. Both men onto the apron now. Kondo goes for the Elevated Powerslam but Kaz manages to block, having been hit with it before. GUTBUSTER OFF OF THE APRON FROM KAZ !!! Back into the ring goes Kaz. TOPE CON HILO FROM KAZ ... KONDO FUCKING CATCHES HIM !!! HE SPINS KAZ THROAT FIRST ONTO THE RAILING !!! That was an incredible move there from Kondo. These two guys are clearly throwing it all out there. Back into the ring goes Kaz. DDT from Kondo and the work continues on that neck and head area from Kondo. Great link to the first match there with the big spots on the floor and apron. Kondo goes back to the Side Headlock. My god. How is THAT for psychology ? Kondo then sets Kaz on the top rope. SUPER NECK BREAKER OVER THE KNEE FROM KONDO !!! That is just major sick there. That gets a two count for Kondo. Kondo then stretches Kaz's neck using the middle rope. Kaz into the corner and Kondo runs into a boot, but he catches it and hits a Lariat. Well that won't help ! KAZ WITH THE HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Kaz misses a charge and Kondo runs into a boot and then a Downward Spiral into the second buckle. Running Knee to the back of the head from Kaz. Knee of Kondo is over the middle rope now. Kaz drives his own knee into the forehead of Kondo. CODE RED FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The fans bought it so I'm counting it as a big nearfall. Should be noted that this was easily the biggest threat to Kaz's title reign at this point. Kaz heads up top and Kondo goes up. SPRINGBOARD TOP ROPE RANA ... COUNTERED TO A SUPER BOMB ... COUNTERED TO A SUPER DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! AWESOME EXCHANGE !!! THE FINAL CUT ... countered. REVERSE SUPLEX FROM KONDO !!! Kondo uses some of his time here to recover from the big moves he has just taken. Kaz drops behind. HE RUNS RIGHT INTO THE MOUNTAIN BOMB !!! RUNNING STO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz blocks a Lariat. THE QUEDABRA DDT FROM KAZ !!! Both men headbutt each other but are completely knackered. Forearm exchange from both men now and they get to their feet. Kondo gets the better of that exchange. German Suplex blocked. Reversal sequence. FLAPJACK POWERBOMB FROM KONDO !!! SUPERKICK FROM KAZ !!! MORE REVERSALS !!! LARIATOOOOOOOO FROM KONDOOOOOOOO !!! Another brilliant exchange. Loved how they found time to get more reversals in. CRUCIFIX BOMB FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! KAZ WITH A ROLLUP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE FINAL CUT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz heads for the top rope now. FROG SPLASH FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz has Kondo. KONDO FUCKING LAUNCHES KAZ HEAD FIRST INTO THE BUCKLES !!! KAZ IS FUCKING RAGING !!! He can't get up though. CRUCIFIX PILEDRIVER FROM KONDO !!! HOLY SHIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kondo tries now to get Kaz on his feet. HUUUGE LARIAT FROM KONDO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kondo seems to be signalling for the end. KAZ GETS THE FINAL CUT ON KONDO OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE !!! BASEMENT SUPERKICKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KAZ WITH THE SCHWEIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! Kondo just will not die. Into the corner and then Kaz sets Kondo on the top rope. Both men are standing up there. SUPER POWERBOMB FROM KONDO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kondo now has Kaz in the corner and goes to the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM KONDO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! LARIATOOOOO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!! KAZ WILL NOT DIE !!! KAZ COMES BACK !!! SUPERKICK !!! DRAGON SUPLEX DROPS KONDO ON HIS HEAD !!! SCHWEIN !!! IT'S OVER !!! Kaz onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD FUCKING RANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

That was quite magnificent. It loses points on it's "big moves for no reason" section before the big finish, but other than that, this was perfect. They built on the massive match they had previously by coming up with superb counter sequences and little nods to it. That finishing stretch just defied belief. What it also did was make Hayashi look like the king of the universe. It's a shame that I had to knock 1/4* off of this match, it really is, because this was so close to getting the perfect score. It's still a must-see of the highest order though. ****3/4

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The opening segment of NXT was fucking awful. Making the poor buggers stand and talk about Bubblegum and Rainbows. Was a bit dissapointed in Daniel Bryan though who when asked to speak about passion just mumbled a load of guff.

The Susan Boyle of WWE :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Miz IS awesome! :D

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I was just trawling the Daily Record website and came across a few Drew McIntyre relates articles....the level of shite journalism is shocking.

A PROUD mum has told how she was glad to see the back of her wrestling champ son - because he ate her out of house and home. Angela Galloway's son Drew, 23, is a professional WWE wrestler living out his dream in Florida. He even changed his surname to McIntosh to make him sound more Scottish.

Grapple pro Drew, 24, was the first Scot to sign a contract with WWE, the world'sb iggest wrestling championship.

At least get his fucking name right.

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