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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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He was fired? Fucking right!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

He was release about a month ago now. Thank goodness, the guy lacked serious charisma.

Only James Storm remains of the TNA originals I think. Storm has charisma and the cowboy gimmick was awesome and his entrance music back then when he had Jacqueline at his side was awesome.

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I'm kind of hoping that with Daniels back in ROH, he can join the tag team ranks as it's the one thing that he could do pretty well. I'd imagine that him and a flippy partner against The Young Bucks would be all sorts of gold. Maybe El Generico would do.

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So anyone got any pre-draft predictions?

They really haven't even given any slight clues as to who will move....maybe apart from Orton. No doubt Matt Hardy will move......for about the 20th time.

I'd like to see Ted DiBiase move to SmackDown. I'd also want to see Triple H and Sheamus move to SmackDown, although the chances of that ever happening are very slim.

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WWE have released;

- Shelton Benjamin

- Mickie James

- Jimmy Wang Yang

- Slam Master J

- Kung Fu Naki

- Katie Lee Burchill

I'm disappointed that they've released Shelton Benjamin. The guy is phenomenal athlete and is one of the better wrestlers in the company, so no doubt he'll end up in TNA. Mickie James going is probably because she is seeking a music career, nevertheless there goes one of the best divas. :(

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Stamford Area P45 Recipiants - S.Benjamin, M.James, K.Burchill, S.M Jesse, A.Chinaman, A.N Other Chinaman.

Last 4 aren't a surprise. I thought Funaki got released at least a year ago for some reason. They were all bottom of the card material (not saying they were talentless).

It has been clear that they have lost interest in Mickie James in recent months. Its a shame she is going out on a sour note as the last thing people will remember is the moronic piggy storyline.

Shelton...pfftt. Bland, half arsed work ethic but he could definetely turn it on when he wanted to.

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So anyone got any pre-draft predictions?

How many draft picks are there?

I'll just give a few predictions the now, i can see Edge, John Morrison and Drew McIntyre being moved to Raw with Randy Orton, Christian and Kofi Kingston going to Smackdown.

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ROH Road to the Title

Biohazard vs. American Dragon ( N/A )

Spanky vs. Paul London ( ***1/2 )

Doug Williams vs. Jay Briscoe ( ** )

Jonny Storm vs. Jody Fleisch ( **1/2 )

Prince Nana vs. Low Ki ( DUD )

The Amazing Red vs. Xavier ( **3/4 )

Christopher Daniels vs. Scoot Andrews ( N/A )

Sumie Sukai vs. Simply Luscious ( 1/4* )

AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn ( ***3/4 )

Jody Fleisch vs. Spanky - ROH Title Match Qualifier ( * )

Doug Williams vs. American Dragon - ROH Title Match Qualifier ( **** )

The Amazing Red vs. Low Ki - ROH Title Match Qualifier ( **** )

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels - ROH Title Match Qualifier ( ***1/2 )

Biohazard vs. American Dragon

Hazard kicks the leg and hits the ropes. Springboard Back Elbow from Hazard and then kicks to the chest. Second Rope Neck Snap from Hazard gets a two count. Knees to the stomach. Gutwrench Suplex and then he misses the Lionsault. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count. Chops and that wakes Dragon up. He goes under and hits a HUGE chop. Running Back Elbow from Dragon. Clothesline from Dragon. Dragon runs into a boot. JUDO DDT !!! REVERSE SUPLEX !!! CATTLE MUTTILATION !!! TAPOUT !!!

Squash match. No rating. N/A

Paul London vs. Spanky

Some reversal stuff to open the match, which is rounded off by a lovely Victory Roll for a two count. I hate the main commentator here. He always has stupid names for simple moves. Spanky goes behind and gets the Hammerlock and then bridges with it. London onto his knees and then he rolls out. He gets the Arm Bar on Spanky. Forearms from Spanky and then he gets sent into the ropes. Monkey Flip from Spanky, but London goes a Drop Toe Hold and a Front Facelock. Charge into the corner from Spanky and then London onto the apron. Slingshot Head Scissor Takedown and then a pair of Arm Drags. Dropsault from London and he gets sent into the ropes. He catches a kick and lands a cracking Spinning Heel Kick. London wants to dive, but Spanky does a runner and London decides against jumping head first into nothing. Shoulder to the stomach and then Spanky into the ropes and he blocks an Arm Drag and lands a Reverse Suplex. BRUTAL BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! London into the ropes and a Jumping Back Elbow from Spanky gets a two count. Cravat from Spanky and then London fights out and lands some forearms. London into the ropes, and then Spanky with a nice knee drop and he wants London on his feet. Running Side Kick from Spanky to the face gets a two count. Spanky clubs away on London and then lands a Snap Suplex into a Cradle for a two count. Forearms in the corner, and London makes a comeback. Spanky gets over London, but London lands the Whisper in the Wind and that gets him back into the match. Spanky runs into a boot. Forearms from London. Rana from Spanky. SUPERKICK FROM LONDON !!! When a Superkick gets a "Holy Shit" chant, you know it looked good. London to the top rope. Spanky pushed into the middle of the ring. SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM LONDON ... MISSES !!! SLICED BREAD #2 ... Spanky gets crotched on the top rope. Springboard Kick sends Spanky to the floor. LONDON WITH A LOVELY SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Back into the ring they go. LONDON WITH THE SLINGSHOT LIONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Spanky comes back with forearms. CHICKENWING FACEPLANT FROM LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Slam from London and then he heads back to the top rope. Spanky manages to stop London from making the dive. SPANKY JUST LANDS LONDON RIGHT ON HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL BRAINBUSTER FROM SPANKY !!! London then crotches Spanky on the top rope, but runs into a kick. SLICED BREAD #2 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking wee match ! The un-necessary head drop off of that Brainbuster near the end left a bit of a nasty taste in the mouth, especially considering that London basically no sold it and got right back up. It also felt a lot more like a major match than most ROH matches to this point thanks to how well it was structured. You can see HBK had a hand in the Texas Wrestling Academy. ***1/2

Doug Williams vs. Jay Briscoe

They shake hands and this thing is well and truly off. Lockup and Williams goes to the arm. Jay with a go behind and then he goes to the arm, and Williams with a belting reversal and he goes to the arm of Briscoe. Briscoe does something not quite as spectacular. Williams with a Judo Takedown and Briscoe gets away from a pinfall. Lockuo and Williams with a Snapmare, and Williams does more rolling about, and then takes down Jay and locks in an Ankle Lock and he is forced to get into the ropes. Mark Briscoe eventually turns up at ringside late. Lockup and a Headlock from Williams and then the takedown into the Side Headlock. Briscoe counters to the Head Scissors. Williams goes to the Headlock again and he gets sent into the ropes. He kicks Jay and sends him into the ropes, and he comes back with an uppercut, but that doesn't do much good and Williams with a BRILLIANT reversal into the Headlock. Back Drop Suplex from Jay to escape from that and he gets a two count. Williams into the ropes and a Dropkick from Briscoe. Snap Suplex and then he rolls through and hits another. Sitdown Front Suplex with the third and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Briscoe with some chopping. Williams whips Jay in and hits the high knee and then the Running Knee. Williams heads for the top rope. BOMBSCARE KNEE DROP FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Williams and Jay drops behind. BRUTAL POWERBOMB FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jay heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! JAY DRILLER ... Williams makes sure that he doesn't land it. Briscoe with a takedown and then into the Butterfly Lock. He gets Williams back up. Williams with European Uppercut. CHAOS THEORY FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I fucking love that move. This match was more of an exhibition of the skills of Doug Williams than anything else, but since when he's on his game he's so much fun to watch, I guess I can take that. Briscoe did get a few wee glimpses of offense here and there I suppose, but this was a one man show. **

Jonny Storm vs. Jody Fleisch

I can remember this match being a bit of a disaster. I've seen it get some rave reviews in some places though so I'm willing to give it a second chance. They DID have an absolute stormer in CZW. Both men duck right hands and then Jody and Storm miss flips. Both men into the ropes and they both roll through. Both men then go for pins and that gets a stalemate and the fans eat that one up. The pace was definately staggering. Dropkick from Storm and then right hands. Storm then kicks Fleisch to the floor. DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM STORM !!! He didn't connect that as nicely as he wanted to, but I suppose that's not such a big deal. It still looed the part. Fleisch into the corner and he gets over Storm and lands a Japanese Arm Drag and sends Storm to the ropes again. Fleisch then sends Storm flying to the floor. Fleisch is about to make a dive and decides against it, and Storm runs back into the ring and they botch a big move. Storm into the ropes. Superkick from Fleisch and then a Clothesline sends Storm to the floor. FLEISCH WITH THE SPRINGBOARD SHOOTING STAR PLANCHA ONTO STORM !!! That is probably as sweet as he has ever hit that move. Into the ring they go. Back into the ring and Storm into the ropes and he gets a Sunset Flip for a two count and they have the pinfall exchange which they sort of mess up. German Suplex leads to a second load of pinfalls and this is a cracking exchange. TOP ROPE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Fleisch is now set on the top rope. RUNNING DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD RANA FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Storm runs into boots. Victory Roll gets a two count for Fleisch. Kick to the head from Fleisch and then he gets sent into the corner. REWIND RANA FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Fleisch onto the apron. 720 DDT FROM FLEISCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! Fleisch to the apron. REWIND RANA COUNTERED INTO A SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM FLEISCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I'll give the two men credit for putting on a hell of an effort, but this wasn't a patch on other matches that they have had. The badly botched four big spots. That sort of thing is just completely unforgivable. In saying that though, they also did a couple of moves better than they have probably ever connected them in their life. Good stuff to be had here. **1/2

Prince Nana vs. Low Ki

Low Ki has finally switched to those black shorts. Nana attacks him right off the bat and then chops him in the corner. He's not a happy camper. Ki hard into the corner. Suplex from Nana. Stomps to the chest from Nana and then Ki attempts a fight back, but Nana just lands more chops. Nana with an Avalanche. THE SAMOAN WRECKING BALL FROM NANA !!! The fans are right behind Low Ki here, but it's not doing much good at the moment. Into the corner and then Nana with more chopping. SAMOAN WRECKING BALL A SECOND TIME !!! Ki attempts a fight back, and Nana just clubs down Ki. Ki then comes back with chops. Another Samoan Wrecking Ball and that move is getting old fast, and even the fans are turning on this. Ki chops down Nana a couple of times. This needed that. Into the corner and chops from Ki. Avalanche and then Samoan Wrecking Ball misses. ENZIGURI FROM KI !!! The referee stops the match.

This was a pretty terrible match. Prince Nana's limitations were there for all to see, and Low Ki was even limited being in the ring with him. The effort was there, but when that isn't matched by ability it won't do much good. Poor show here, and that's shocking considering how short it is. DUD

The Amazing Red vs. Xavier

The winner of this match faces Low Ki. The fans chant "NYC". Lockup and a HUGE Hiptoss from Xavier. Xavier misses a charge and a Clothesline. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT FROM RED !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Good to see they aren't wasting any time heading for the big moves. Into the corner they go and chops from Red. Red with a kick. RED WITH A WHISPER IN THE WIND AND JUMPS RIGHT INTO A BRUTAL POWERBOMB !!! Into the corner and knees from Xavier and then to the head. Knee Lift from Xavier gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Xavier. Red goes behind. RANA FROM RED RIGHT INTO A HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM XAVIER !!! AWESOME !!! Kick to the head and then an Enziguri. Red into the ropes. CODE RED FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick and then a knee to the stomach. KISS YOUR X GOODBYE FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Xavier now heads for the top rope. 450 SPLASH ... MISSES !!! BACKFLIP SPRINGBOARD DDT FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE RED ALERT ... Xavier stops him. Lionsault misses. HURRICANE KICK FROM RED !!! THE INFRA RED !!! RED STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That's about as good a match at that length as you are ever likely to see. Red took some mammoth bumps as Xavier played the powerhouse brilliantly. Red pulled out some pretty insane moves too. If you're going to do a spotfest, do it right and do everything cleanly. These two guys did those two things. **3/4

Christopher Daniels vs. Scoot Andrews

Both men land right hands right off the bat. Daniels with a Clothesline and down goes Andrews. Into the ropes and then he runs into a Tilt-a-Whirl Faceplant and then a Dropkick gets a two count for Andrews. Knee to the stomach and a Swinging Neckbreaker from Daniels. Right hands from Daniels and Andrews misses a charge. Bulldog is countered to an STO from Andrews and that gets a two count. Jabs from Andrews and then he goes for the Force of Nature. He was never getting that. GIBSON DRIVER FROM ANDREWS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CROSS ARM EDGE-O-MATIC FROM ANDREWS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Andrews runs into an STO. BEST MOONSAULT EVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was just a bunch of moves thrown together as they really didn't get much time to build anything. N/A

Sumie Sukai vs. Simply Luscious

This is the first ladies' match in ROH. Victory Roll gets a two count for Simply and then a Backslide gets a two count for Sumie. Running Dropkick from Sumie and then a Dropkick to the back. Body Slam from Sumie and that gets a two count. Sumie into the ropes and she runs right into a Dropkick. Sitdown Powerbomb from Simply and that gets a two count. Right hands send down Sumie and then stomps to the stomach from Simply. Sumie into the corner. DOUBLE SPRINBOARD DROPKICK FROM SUMIE !!! TOP ROPE DROPKICK TO THE FACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Simply avoids a move and then hits a Suplex and that gets a two count. Mongolian Chops from Sumie to come back into the match and then the Abdominal Stretch from her. Simply gets out. Slam from Sumie. MOONSAULT FROM SUMIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Points for some of Sumie's stuff, but this was not very good mainly thanks to Simply Luscious not being very good. 1/4*

AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn

After those last two matches, we really did need something like this. "One of the most memorable matches in recent history.". These commentators do my head in. Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break from there. Lynn goes behind and Styles with a reversal. Fireman's Carry into the Arm Bar from Lynn and then Styles goes to the arm and Lynn with some flipping about. Styles with the same and he goes to the arm. Arm Drag exchange and a stalemate from that. Lockup and Lynn with the go behind and then a Hammerlock from Styles. Arm Drag fom Lynn and then a forearm from Lynn. Lynn and Styles go over each other and then both men with Arm Drags and both men go for an Arm Drag and we have a stalemate from that again. Lockup and a Headlock from Lynn and a knee to the stomach and Styles fights out. Lynn charges down Styles with a Shoulder Block. Styles with a slap and Lynn with the Headlock. Lynn into the ropes and he lands a Clothesline but his arm is still kinda hurt. He gets a two count. Kick to the back from Lynn. Bow and Arrow Hold from Lynn. Styles counters to a two count from that. Right hands from Lynn and he takes down Styles with those. German Suplex is countered by Styles and he's sent into the ropes and Lynn hits a HUGE Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker for a two count, which the commentator calls a "Side Suplex Powerbomb". f**k off you wee scrote. Lynn into the corner and Styles runs into a boot. TORNADO DDT ... countered by Styles. NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX SENDS STYLES INTO THE CORNER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The Gory Special follows for Lynn. Styles gets out and misses a Spin Kick. SUPERKICK FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Suplex is blocked by Lynn, so he hits a nice Swinging Neckbreaker. That gets a two count. Into the corner and then Styles runs into a boot. Second Rope Bulldog and that gets a two count. Styles blocks a move using the top rope and then kicks the arm. Single Arm DDT from Styles and this might be a new focal point. Cross Armbreaker from Styles. Right hand from Styles and he works on the arm. Arm Dragon Screw from Styles. Another one of them and then he has a Hammerlock. Kick to the stomach and then a chop from Styles. Styles onto the apron and he then ducks right into a Guillotine Leg Drop from Lynn. Suplex/Neckbreaker from Styles and both men are down, but Styles crawls over for a two count. Styles then goes back to the Cross Armbreaker, but Lynn holds off the move, so Styles mounts him and hits some right hands. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Back Body Drop from Lynn. Enziguri from Lynn and both men are down. Lynn now has Styles up. Sunset Flip and now we have a pinfall exchange between the two men. Not as good when it was done well earlier on in the night. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM LYNN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SWINGING DDT FROM LYNN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... NO !!! Lynn clubs away at Styles and then sent into the ropes. CRADLE BREAKER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Styles heads for the top rope. Lynn then stops him up there. Styles pushes him down. SPIRAL TAP FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! I have to admit, I thought that was the end. Styles into the ropes. DDT from Lynn. TKO FROM LYNN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! STYLES WITH THE STYLES CLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Points are being taken away for the arm work. Firstly, if you're going to start the arm work that late into the match, you have to make it an integral part of the match. Secondly, Lynn completely forgot about the arm when they started hitting the big moves. It was a good slick match though between two solid pros though, and it went to expose some of the stuff ROH was putting on at the time. ***3/4

Following that is an absolute mess of a tag team war between a whole bunch of guys.

Jody Fleisch vs. Spanky - ROH Title Match Qualifier

Lockup and Spanky goes to the arm. Fleisch with some flipping and then an Arm Ringer. Spanky with the Hammerlock and then he rolls back and takes down Spanky. Arm Drags from both men and a School Boy gets a two count from Fleisch and Spanky gets to the apron. Hammerlock from Spanky and then he lands a nice Snapmare, but Spanky rolls through with it. Spanky blocks a second one of them and then a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Fleisch and then a Spinning Heel Kick. Fleisch tries a Springboard move, but Spanky crotches. Slingshot Senton to the back from Spanky. Spanky with a Suplex and he floats over for a two count. Leg Lariat gets a two count for Spanky. Cravat from Spanky. BACK DROP SUPLEX LANDS FLEISCH ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SLICED BREAD #2 ... blocked. FLEISCH WITH A TOP ROPE ASAI MOONSAULT AND LANDS ON THE RAILING !!! Fleisch gets up and the fans love that. Fleisch to the top. Shooting Star Press goes nowhere. Sunset Flip from Fleisch. Spanky misses a charge. 720 DDT ... MISSES !!! ROLL UP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SLICED BREAD #2 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

They didn't blow anything at least. They kept it short as they clearly didn't trust either man to do double duty, and given the past experiences with both men, you can see why. *

Doug Williams vs. American Dragon - ROH Title Match Qualifier

Lockup and Williams with the takedown. Lockup and Dragon goes to the arm and takes Williams down. Williams grabs a leg and an Enziguri from Dragon. Lockup and Williams goes to the arm. Snapmare and a Chinlock, but that's quickly escaped by Williams. This happens a second time. He opts to kick the back and then lock the Chinlock in. Williams still escapes quickly though. Dragon Screw from Williams. Williams with a takedown and then he locks the legs and kneels on them. Forearms from Williams and then Dragon rolls Williams over and grabs a Head Scissors. Williams rolls out and then has the legs again and goes to a Front Facelock. Dragon with a takedown and then he twists the knee. Williams with a nice escape. Judo Throw from Dragon. Lockup and they lock hands and Williams stretches Dragon in his guard. Forearm from Dragon and then from Williams and Williams has some sort of scissors. Abdominal Stretch from Williams. Williams blocks a rollup and lands some kicks. Williams with a big Backbreaker and then he stretches the back of Dragon over his knee. Bow and Arrow Hold from Williams follows that. Dragon grabs the ropes. Hammerlock Suplex from Williams and that gets a two count. Gory Special from Williams. He then charges Dragon into the corner from there and lands a Dropkick on the elevated Dragon. European Uppercut and then the High Knee. Running High Knee and Williams heads for the top rope. BOMBSCARE KNEE DROP FROM WILLIAMS ... JUMPS INTO A DROPKICK !!! Dragon Screw from Dragon and then he stretches the leg. Leg Grapevine from Dragon. Dragon rolls to the floor holding the move. Back onto the apron. WILLIAMS SENDS BOTH MEN TO THE FLOOR WITH A SUPLEX !!! Dragon avoids a Suplex and then does the Rolling Cradle and gets a two count from it. European Uppercut from Williams and he runs into a boot. REVOLUTION DDT FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! European Uppercuts from Williams and Dragon goes to the backslide. JUDO DDT FROM DRAGON !!! Commentator thinks that's a "Front Face Chancery Suplex Takedown". Fucking imbecile. Into the corner and Dragon and Willliams trade uppercuts and then forearms. HUGE YAKUZA KICK !!! JUDO DDT AGAIN !!! THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon and Williams now trading. CHAOS THEORY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Spin Kick and a Roundhouse Kick from Dragon and then he sets Williams on the top rope. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! CATTLE MUTILATION ... COUNTERED TO THE REVERSE SUPLEX !!! CRADLE PIN FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a superb technical battle there. It was just an excellent display of technical wrestling and, as usual, Doug Williams is the guy that comes away from it looking like an absolute star. Especially the counters to the Chinlocks early in the match where he'd just keep coming and coming and Dragon had no answer, and it'd appear Dragon didn't have much of an answer to anything else either. ****

The Amazing Red vs. Low Ki - ROH Title Match Qualifier

The fans chant "You Killed Nana !". Red with a cheap shot. Ki then with a kick to the leg. What transpires from there is a crazy martial arts exchange where they do possibly the greatest stalemate spot of all time. The fans stand and applaud that. They lock hands and into the corner they go and the referee wants a break. Judo throw from Ki. Forearms from Ki and then Red gets kicked into the corner. Takedown from Ki. Kick to the chest from Ki and a second kick. Third kick ducked, sweep. RED STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Red means business ! Chops from Red. Red to the middle ropes and a Reverse Bulldog gets a two count. Red with a chop. Red gets over Ki. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! Into the corner and Ki with some chopping. CARTWHEEL ... RIGHT INTO A FUCKING DROPKICK FROM RED !!! Red onto the apron. Kick to the mouth and Red just collapses. Ki misses a 619. Cartwheel Kick misses from Ki. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK SENDS RED TO THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Ki with a hairtoss and that gets a two count. BRUTAL kick to the back from Ki. Red can take those kicks all night long. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT FROM RED !!! Dropkick sends Ki down to the floor. RED RUNS RIGHT INTO A KNEE TO THE HEAD !!! Back into the ring and he gets a two count from that. KI KRUSHER ... RED COUNTERS TO A JUMPING SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! REVERSE RANA SPIKES KI RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! That looked nasty. INFRA RED ... MISSES !!! Red under Ki. European Uppercut. KI KRUSHER FROM KI ... HE TURNS IT INTO THE KRUSH RUSH AND RED FALLS TO THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring they go. Ki heads for the top rope. PHOENIX SPLASH ... MISSES !!! Ki to the middle rope. HURRICANE KICK FROM RED !!! Ki has Red up there. KI WITH THE SUPER KI KRUSHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Low Ki was the perfect opponent for Red on this night. Ki was in the middle of a hot streak and with the right opponent, Red was capable of looking amazing, and he was certainly looking great here. The first minute is something that has to be seen though. Just an amazing piece of work. Not much time passed either between brutal spots, but it was never overdone. Another great Low Ki match from ROH. ****

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels - ROH Title Match Qualifier

How many times did these guys wrestle ? Hammerlock and then Daniels goes behind. Styles with the takedown and then the Front Facelock and both men look for a pin and can't get it. Hammerlock again from Styles. Daniels rolls out and then gets the hold again. Waistlock reversals from both men now. Daniels with a La Magistral Cradle is countered to a Headlock. Styles with a Hammerlock and then a takeover gets a two count. Styles goes back to the Hammerlock. Daniels blocks a kick and gets a School Boy for a two count, and then has the Arm Drag and an Arm Bar. Head Scissors from Styles. Styles clubs away at the back, and then Daniels has a Side Headlock. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Daniels. Daniels blocks an Irish Whip and then has an Arm Bar. Arm Bar from Daniels and then Styles fights out of the move. Rebound Dropkick gets a two count for Styles and then the Arm Drag and Arm Bar. Daniels seemed to look for the Last Rites there, but he eventually gets a Cravat. Styles with an escape and he looks for some sort of Full Nelson move. He goes for the leg instead. Daniels gets out and locks in the Front Facelock. He then locks in a Headlock. He charges down Styles and gets a Drop Toe Hold and a Headlock. Daniels into the ropes and he charges down Styles. Kip Up Rana from Styles out of nowhere. Into the corner and Daniels is whipped to the opposite side. Daniels out of the corner and he lands forearms. Daniels onto the apron and then AJ with a Dropkick to send him to the floor. CORKSCREW PESCADO FROM STYLES !!! Styles tries a charge and Daniels stops him. He tries to Suplex Styles out. Both men on the apron. Low kick from Daniels and then he goes back into the ring. Daniels then charges Styles to the floor and then wants the applause from the audience. Styles is now busted open. Right hands from Daniels. Back into the ring they go. Daniels then lands a right hand on Styles. Head first into the top buckle goes Styles and then a headbutt. Head first into the railing goes Styles and then he rakes the eyes. Back into the ring they go. Knee Drop from Daniels. Right hands to the cut of Styles. Styles into the ropes and a Flapjack from Daniels. Daniels into the ropes and he lands a Clothesline. LIONSAULT FROM DANIELS ... MISSES !!! BRUTAL BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! Styles then drives Daniels to the apron. Slap sends Daniels in. SLINGSHOT GUILLOTINE LIONSAULT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands. DOWNWARD SPIRAL INTO THE KOJI CLUTCH FROM DANIELS !!! Styles nearly gets a three from that, so Daniels breaks and hits a Clothesline. Styles gets dropped stomach first over the top rope, and Daniels with the Guillotine Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Falcon Arrow and that gets a two count for Daniels. Right hands from both Daniels and Styles. PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! DISCUS LARIAT !!! Daniels was way scared to take that. Powerslam gets a two count for Styles. GERMAN SUPLEX ROLLING THROUGH TO THE BACK DROP FACEPLANT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Spin Kick from Styles misses. BRUTAL STO FROM DANIELS !!! Styles into the ropes. BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS ... STYLES STOPS HIM AND HE LANDS ON HIS HEAD !!! CLIFFHANGER DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STYLES CLASH ... DANIELS ROLLS THROUGH AND LOCKS IN AN ANKLE LOCK !!! LEG GRAPEVINE ADDED !!! Styles rolls over and then kicks his way out. Daniels goes behind. Backslide gets a two count for Styles and La Magistral gets a two for both men. QUEDABRA DDT ... COUNTERED TO THE LAST RITES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was kind of like a formula match where the heel dominates and there's nothing too flashy going on and keep the big stuff for the final stretch. It was a good solid match, but both guys have done much better with each other, but probably because they'd get to know each other much better as well. ***1/2



A show with that many good matches can never be anything less than a huge recommendation. Two matches that hit the 4* mark. Three matches at ***1/2 and over, and plus some other fun stuff. It's probably the first must see ROH show.

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For the draft;

- Dibiase and Rhodes to be split up (i.e. on different brands)

- One of the champions will be drafted to the other show, causing the announcers to cream themselves about 'two champions on one show!' before the other one is later drafted to the other show, or loses their belt to someone who is then drafted

- Punk to Raw

- Sheamus to Smackdown

- Christian to Smackdown (him and Edge on the same show; it has to be!)

- Cena to Smackdown

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No way will WWE put their biggest star on their "2nd show" if Orton is moved which looks the most likely move at this point, it'll be one or the other. I hate the idea of Punk moving to RAW.

I'd like to see:



Drew McIntyre



Wade Barretttongue.gif

To SmackDown

The Miz

Big Show


Kofi Kingston

Ted DiBiase


Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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No way will WWE put their biggest star on their "2nd show" if Orton is moved which looks the most likely move at this point, it'll be one or the other. I hate the idea of Punk moving to RAW.

I'd like to see:



Drew McIntyre



Wade Barretttongue.gif

To SmackDown

The Miz

Big Show


Kofi Kingston

Ted DiBiase


The folk you have put on Smackdown = :D :D :D

I really think The Miz would have a great chance of becoming a main eventer on Smackdown. A fued with Taker could be gold with Miz taking the piss outta him.

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A little gem from the vault on SmackDown tonight. Matt Hardy vs William Regal from 2007. Is it just me or is From the Vault just a collection of Matt Hardy matches?

Predictions for Extreme Rules:

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Title

Batista vs. John Cena

Extreme Rules Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger

CM Punk's Hair on the Line

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

Street Fight

Sheamus vs. Triple H

Steel Cage Match

Edge vs. Chris Jericho

Extreme Makeover Match for the Women's Title

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool

Strap Match

Shad Gaspard vs. JTG

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I think there is a very real change of Mysterio winning on Sunday. A hair match with nothing to lose for Mysterio is absolutely pointless, and it's obvious that CM Punk has quite the receding hairline and is thinning like a fucker on top. The fact Rey shaved a decent chunk of his hair on Raw (or Smackdown... who keeps track now?) to me says its bye bye hair.

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