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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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And the mask!!!

Any value this ever had would be lost now that we know what the ugly fucker looks like.

On the point of nobody knowing who Paul Bearer is.....given the current target audience of the WWE none of them would have known who Bfret Hart was.



it would seem we could be seeing The Worlds Greatest Tag Team teaming with Angle in TNA in the not too distant future.

I just finished watching RAW and I chuffed that the Hart Dynasty have finally been given theor chance.

And this made me chuckle:

There is said to be legit heat between Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker. Striker reportedly has a reputation for being an elitist, which is rubbing people the wrong way, as Michael Cole isn't a fan of Striker's either. There have been times that Striker wanted to prepare for a show with his broadcast partners but he irritates them so much that they go out of their way to avoid him until showtime.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Any value this ever had would be lost now that we know what the ugly fucker looks like.

On the point of nobody knowing who Paul Bearer is.....given the current target audience of the WWE none of them would have known who Bfret Hart was.



it would seem we could be seeing The Worlds Greatest Tag Team teaming with Angle in TNA in the not too distant future.

I just finished watching RAW and I chuffed that the Hart Dynasty have finally been given theor chance.

And this made me chuckle:

There is said to be legit heat between Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker. Striker reportedly has a reputation for being an elitist, which is rubbing people the wrong way, as Michael Cole isn't a fan of Striker's either. There have been times that Striker wanted to prepare for a show with his broadcast partners but he irritates them so much that they go out of their way to avoid him until showtime.

I don't even see why Striker should be in the commentary position. Lawler had years of experience and fueded with some of the greats like Hart and Piper.

Striker has little experience had how can you take his wreslting advice seriously when he barely had a fued with Lance Cade under his belt.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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Matt Striker was good a few years back commentating ECW, but now he is just shite.

His made up stories, using guys real names, using words that the WWE Universe (Ages 3 - 14) wont know the meaning of and just being an arsehole. I really dont see what Vince see's in him other than him having a tan. It must be because he's gay and he cant fire him :lol:

Edited by KilliePie
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Striker has little experience had how can you take his wreslting advice seriously when he barely had a fued with Lance Cade under his belt.

Forget that, how can you take him seriously when he pulls his "facts" out of thin air.

From Extreme Rules - "...and you have to remember that CM Punk is a 6 time World Champion".

From Wrestlemania a couple of years ago during Kane's entrance in the MiTB match - "Kane is the only participant to win back to back Money in The Bank matches and cash it in both times for a World Title"

King - "That was CM Punk".

He's a nutter. Before I started watching it again I was reading about people saying he's irritating them so much that they can barely watch the show. I thought that was a massive overreaction, but after hearing this crap non stop for the last few months I completely agree with them.

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He's a nutter. Before I started watching it again I was reading about people saying he's irritating them so much that they can barely watch the show. I thought that was a massive overreaction, but after hearing this crap non stop for the last few months I completely agree with them.

He's really started to annoy a lot of folk over the last few months, not least because he's become really poor as a commentator - he's making Mike Adamle look good!

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Adamle was immense! He at least was entertaining, whilst Striker is just a knob!

Having read the spoiler about the number one contender, I nearly choked*. What a shite match that will be!

Also re Bearer, there was a good interview with in on a wrestling mag a couple of months back. He's on a WWE legends contract, so gets paid even when not there. He had to retire from wrestling because of his health, and this was the same reason that he had to be 'concreted'. Basically when they brought him back to be with Taker a few years back he was massively overweight and said he would need to lose weight to come back, and the only way he could do that was with gastric band surgery. WWE paid for this and he came back, but they had to write him back out as he hadn't recovered well enough from his surgery at the point.

Bearer did state thought that he wouldn't rule out a return in the future, but stressed that it only be a one shot type of thing.

He also said the Katie Vick angle made him sick.

*Too far?

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Adamle was immense! He at least was entertaining, whilst Striker is just a knob!

Having read the spoiler about the number one contender, I nearly choked*. What a shite match that will be!

Also re Bearer, there was a good interview with in on a wrestling mag a couple of months back. He's on a WWE legends contract, so gets paid even when not there. He had to retire from wrestling because of his health, and this was the same reason that he had to be 'concreted'. Basically when they brought him back to be with Taker a few years back he was massively overweight and said he would need to lose weight to come back, and the only way he could do that was with gastric band surgery. WWE paid for this and he came back, but they had to write him back out as he hadn't recovered well enough from his surgery at the point.

Bearer did state thought that he wouldn't rule out a return in the future, but stressed that it only be a one shot type of thing.

He also said the Katie Vick angle made him sick.

*Too far?

He's taking booking for wrestling shows again now.

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ROH Crowning a Champion

This is the show that crowned the new ROH Champ in the first 5* match in ROH.

Jeremy Lopez vs. Tony Mamaluke ( **1/4 )

Jacob Ladder and Prince Nana vs. Christian York and Joey Matthews ( N/A )

Michael Shane and Biohazard vs. Paul London and Don Juan ( **1/2 )

Divine Storm vs. Da Hit Squad ( ** )

Jay Briscoe vs. James Maritato ( * )

The Carnage Crew vs. The Natural Born Sinners, Bunkhouse Brawl ( ***1/2 )

Adam Jacobs vs. David Young vs. AJ Styles ( **3/4 )

Low Ki vs. Spanky vs. Doug Williams vs. Christopher Daniels, Iron Man Match ( ***** )

Jeremy Lopez vs. Tony Mamaluke

Lopez goes for a leg and then Mamaluke is the same. Lopez goes behind and then Mamaluke with a quick escape. Lockup and Lopez goes to the arm and Mamaluke flips out and has an Arm Ringer of his own. Lopez with a takedown and he locks in the Bow and Arrow Hold. Mamaluke with a two count from that. I've noticed that there isn't any commentary. I hope it stays this way. Snapmare and a Dropkick to the back of the head from Lopez. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock from Mamaluke. This happens a second time after Lopez escapes the first one. Head Scissors from Lopez and Mamaluke escapes. Headlock from Lopez and he is sent into the ropes and he charges down Mamaluke. Drop Toe Hold drops Lopez throat first on the middle rope and then the Slingshot Leg Drop. Camel Clutch and Lopez gets into the ropes quickly. Back Drop Suplex is blocked and Mamaluke runs right into a Roaring Forearm and that gets a two count. Neckbreaker after a boot and that gets a two count for Lopez. Mamaluke is then set on the top rope. TORNADO DDT OUT OF THE CORNER FROM MAMALUKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Lopez gets a Crippler Crossface out of nowhere. Into the ropes goes Mamaluke. Chop from Lopez. Knee to the head from Lopez and then Mamaluke gets over him. Hiptoss and then the Short Arm Scissors from Mamaluke. Lopez lifts Mamaluke and Suplexes his way out of the move and the audience liked that. Forearms in the corner and then Lopez runs into a boot. Tornado DDT is blocked. TORNADO DOUBLE ARM DDT INTO A GIBSON DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Mamaluke goes behind as does Lopez. SWINGING DOUBLE ARM DDT INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM MAMALUKE !!! LOPEZ TAPS !!!

That was a good solid wee opening match. They kept it very basic and told a good story through the match. Lopez is pretty fluent and looked good in there. It's a shame that ROH didn't get more from him. **1/4

Prince Nana and Jacobs Ladder vs. Joey Matthews and Christian York

Nana is one of them guys that ROH should never have booked in the first place. Nana says nobody has to touch his head because of the potential of serious injury. Nana and Ladder then work over the babyface team. Corino is clearly doing this commentary over the phone. His bill must be huge. York into the ropes and Ladder runs into a boot. Full Nelson Slam from Ladder. Into the corner with Matthews. Nana with an Avalanche. SAMOAN WRECKING BALL FROM NANA !!! York comes back with right hands and Double Enziguri to the head of Nana and he does a runner. Nana decides to leave and Ladder is left with York and Matthews. FIREMAN'S CARRY/LEG DROP COMBO FROM THE YORK/MATTHEWS TEAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What a useless tag team match this was. Nobody cares about Prince Nana and nobody cares about York and Matthews. N/A

Michael Shane and Biohazard vs. Paul London and Don Juan

The fans chant for TWA before the match gets going. London and Hazard are gonna open this match, but London wants Shane. Hazard tells him that it's not gonna happen. He decides to tag Shane in and we have a battle. Shane with the takedown, and Front Facelock. London with a Headlock. London into the ropes and he hits an Arm Drag and then another. We clip. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM LONDON TO SHANE AND HAZARD !!! In comes Don and he's in there with Shane. Kicks to the stomach in the corner from Shane and then Don gets over him. Don into the ropes and a Running Forearm and then a Clothesline gets a two count. London with forearms. Shane into the corner and London onto the apron. London flips over Shane. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX SENDS LONDON INTO THE CORNER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the ring goes Hazard and he lands a right hand. Knees to the stomach and then a Gutwrench Suplex and then the Leg Lift Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. London into the corner and Hazard runs into a boot. Flying Head Scissor Takedown and Don comes in with a Sunset Flip for a two count. Hazard with a Jawbreaker and a Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count. Shane into the ring. Shane sets Don on the top rope. SUPERPLEX FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hazard then back into the match and he comes in with a Second Rope Neck Snap. Shane then tags himself in and gets a two count. Into the ring with Hazard again. Forearm takes down Don and then a Rolling Samoan Drop and a second rope Moonsault hits the knees. DDT from Don. Hazard tags out as does Don and we have London as the house o' fire. Back Body Drop on both of the heels. DROPSAULT ON BOTH GUYS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Don gets sent out to the floor. London with a slam. SECOND ROPE MOONSAULT FROM LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! "Back Suplex Moonsault." Whit ?!?! Shane into the corner. SUPERKICK FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... DON MAKES THE SAVE !!! Second Rope Neck Snap misses from Hazard and he gets kicked in the back. Clothesline from Shane to London while he has Hazard in a Head Scissors. OUCH ! Haas of Pain from Shane. Don Juan makes the save and Hazard comes into the ring. Dragon Screw from Don. PICTURE PERFECT ELBOW ... HITS HIS OWN PARTNER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... LONDON SAVES !!! London wanted to win the contract. LONDON DDT AND SUPERKICK FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! THE REF AWARDS IT TO MICHAEL SHANE !!!

If you stick rigidly to the formula, it's hard to get it wrong, and with four talented guys, it's going to turn out pretty well. Most of the match seen a lot of plot, as Michael Shane rarely went away from his arsehole persona. The rest of the guys seemed to just basically revolve around that, and it allowed the match to have a good structure. **1/2

Divine Storm vs. Da Hit Squad

Three tag team matches in a row ? Is there any need for that ? These guys are gonna hit each other hard. Storm has a lot of things to say. Storm : "YOU'RE SHIT !". Mack and Storm brawl in the ring. Mack misses a Lariat, and Storm with a takedown. Roaring Elbow and another. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Mack. Back into the ring and it's Mafia and Divine. Hair Toss from Mafia. Burning Hammer is countered. DIVINE WITH A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kick to the stomach. Spinebuster from Divine and that gets a two count. Right hands from Divine. Running Forearm from Divine but he misses an Ace Crusher. DIVINE GETS SWEEPED AND LANDS ON HIS HEAD !!! CANNONBALL FROM MAFIA !!! CAPTURE BUTTERFLY SUPLEX FROM MAFIA !!! FROG SPLASH FROM MACK !!! Storm comes back into the ring though and and a BRUTAL Running Elbow. FROG SPLASH FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Storm then catches Mafia on the top rope. ACE CRUSHER FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Storm gets thrown to the floor. Divine into the corner and he gets over Mack. BURNING HAMMER ... stopped. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM MACK !!! SPEAR FROM MAFIA SENDS BOTH HE AND STORM TO THE FLOOR !!! Divine into the ropes. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Divine to Mack. Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag from Divine. BRUTAL POWERBOMB LANDS DIVINE ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

They kept it short which meant they kept the limitations of the four men hidden. The strength of Divine was a running theme in the match and it was always good to see. Da Hit Squad were impressive as hell. **

Jay Briscoe vs. James Maritato

Maritato and Briscoe look to shoot and Jay takes his elbow pads off. Jay with the go behind and then Maritato gets caught in a Head Scissors. Maritato with a Full Nelson and then Briscoe goes to the Headlock. Headlock from Maritato. Fireman's Carry from Maritato, but Briscoe then works the leg. Spinning Toe Hold and then Briscoe with right hands. Fujiwara Armbar from Maritato and Briscoe has to get into the ropes. Briscoe with a takedown and he has the STF. Briscoe then goes for the Cloverleaf and Maritato with the rollup and we have a stalemate. Maritato with a takedown and into the Cross Armbreaker, but Briscoe gets away quickly. Kicks to the stomach. BACKPACK STUNNER FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hand from Briscoe and then he goes up. SUPER RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP ... misses. Briscoe jumps right into a Clothesline. Cross Armbreaker attempt again from Maritato and Briscoe gets into the ropes. Dropkick misses and then Maritato misses a Springboard Splash. Maritato into the ropes and Briscoe with the Death Valley Driver and that gets a two count. Maritato into the ropes and a Dropkick gets a two count for Briscoe. Briscoe into sends Maritato into the ropes. Sitdown Front Powerbomb from Briscoe. Into the corner from Briscoe and he sets Maritato on the top rope. Maritato knocks Briscoe back into the middle of the ring and hits the Second Rope Dropkick. That gets a two count. Briscoe misses a charge and is on the middle rope. SUPER SITDOWN FRONT SUPLEX FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! POWERBOMB FROM BRISCOE LANDS MARITATO ON HIS ARSE !!! MARITATO COMES BACK WITH A DROPKICK !!! Maritato then onto the middle rope. SICILIAN SLICE FROM MARITATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Neckbreaker avoided. Kiss of Death is avoided. SWINGING DDT FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Mark Briscoe is now walking away. KISS OF DEATH FROM MARITATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was an awkward as hell match. Neither guy seemed sure what the hell they were doing in there. Big move and then both guys would sit on their hands wondering what the hell to do next. *

Natural Born Sinners vs. The Carnage Crew, Bunkhouse Brawl

This match gets going right off the bat. Jabs from Boo to Loc and Homicide takes kicks and right hands from Vito. Vito into the corner and Homicide with an Avalanche in the corner. Vito comes back. BOOT TO THE HEAD OF HOMICIDE !!! Loc with right hands to Boo in the corner and then he uses the cowbell. Vito uses the wire that's in the corner. The Sinners come back. "The Sinners. The Sinners. The Natural Born Sinners.". How does that guy get work ? Homicide rakes the face of Vito using barbed wire. Homicide then uses the fork to rake the face of Vito. Back Drop Suplex lands Homicide on his head and we have blood on the camera. BRUTAL GERMAN SUPLEX ON LOC FROM BOOG !!! BRUTAL CHAIR SHOTS TO THE HEAD OF HOMICIDE !!! Acid Drop in the ring from Loc. Chair to the head of Vito while Loc uses the cowbell in the ring. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF DEVITO !!! Homicide then rakes the face of Vito into the cage. Choke with rope from Loc and then Homicide gets into the ring. COWBELL TO THE HEAD OF LOC !!! CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF CIDE !!! BOOT TO THE HEAD OF VITO !!! This is madness. Right hands from Vito and Homicide. HOMICIDE THROWS THE RAILING AT THE HEAD OF VITO !!! Right hand from Vito to Boog. BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF BOOGALOO !!! Vito then just unloads with chair shots to the back. Homicide whips Loc with his belt and then rakes the head with the buckle. Homicide then whips Vito and Loc. Boo joins the fun with some chair shots. Vito misses a Dropkick and he's knackered. Chair to the back. SHINING WIZARD FROM HOMICIDE TO VITO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! COP KILLER ... avoided. Short Arm Clotheslines. NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX INTO THE BARBED WIRE CORNER FROM VITO TO HOMICIDE !!! Vito then heads for the top rope. Vito puts wire on Homicide. VITO WITH THE MOONSAULT ONTO HOMICIDE AND THE BARBED WIRE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... BOOGALOO MAKES THE SAVE !!! Boogaloo wraps the arm in wire. ACE CRUSHER ON LOC !!! LARIAT WITH THE BARBED WIRE FROM BOOGALOO !!! Homicide now into the ring. TOPE CON HILO AND HOMICIDE ENDS UP IN THE FRONT ROW !!! BARBED WIRE CROSSFACE AND DEVITO TAPS !!!

Sweet jesus that was one violent, bloody and messy match. You'd think these two teams had been fueding for years as it was absolutely vile stuff. Amazing effort from all four men who took some stupid shots. ***1/2

AJ Styles © vs. Adam Jacobs vs. David Young - TNA X Division Championship

They haven't bothered to clean the blood from the camera. Young takes control in the match early. Jacobs sent into the corner. HUGE SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM YOUNG TO JACOBS !!! Styles with chops and then he's sent into the ropes. Young over Styles and he hits a Rana. Young with a Swinging Neckbreaker and that wasn't good. Jacobs onto the apron. Sunset Flip and both men try and pin Young. Roundhouse Kick from Styles to Jacobs and this is a nightmare to keep an eye on. Styles misses a Moonsault and gets sent head first into the apron. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM YOUNG TO STYLES !!! Jacobs then heads for the top rope. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM YOUNG TO JACOBS !!! Styles is now busted open. Into the ring and that gets a two count. Right hands from both Jacobs and Young and Styles gets involved. DOUBLE QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kick to the chest from Styles to Jacobs and then a right hand. Styles with the Dropkick in the corner. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON STYLES FROM YOUNG !!! POWERSLAM ON JACOBS !!! Young is now heading for the top rope. STYLES CLASH ... stopped by Jacobs. Kicks in the corner from Jacobs to Styles and then he is set on top. SPINEBUSTER FROM YOUNG TO JACOBS !!! DRAGON RANA FROM STYLES TO YOUNG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Young misses a big charge on Styles and he heads for the top rope. SPIRAL TAP FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! David Young eliminated.

Kicks from Jacobs. SUPERKICK FROM JACOBS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hand from Jacobs and then Styles with the Running Forearm. Styles comes back with chops. Jacobs gets set on the top rope. TORNADO DDT FROM JACOBS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Jacobs into the ropes. STYLES WITH AN ELEVATED BOSTON CRAB ON JACOBS !!! Body Slam from Styles. Jacobs then stops Styles from making the jump. TOP ROPE STYLES CLASH FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a great exhibition of the Wildside guys. All three men had their time to shine. David Young and Adam Jacobs got the most time as is to be expected as they were the guys that were new to the crowd. It also fit with the X Division as it was a total spotfest. **3/4

We have some clipped action after that. If those are the matches that DIDN'T make the show, I'd hate to see what they were like.

Low Ki vs. Spanky vs. Doug Williams vs. Christopher Daniels, Iron Man Match - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Daniels wants himself some of Ki right off the bat. Daniels then tags Williams in and does a runner. You get 2 pts for a fall, and you lose a point if you lose the fall. Williams rolls and grabs a leg and then ducks the Enziguri. He has the legs of Ki locked. He then adds a Butterfly Lock to that. Ki rolls through and gets the Arm Bar on Williams. Arm Drag from Williams and he gets one of his own, and Ki with a Head Scissor Takedown and that takes Williams into the corner. Lockup and the Arm Bar from Williams. Hiptoss from Ki, but Williams manages to hold onto the Arm Bar. Ki tries to kick his way out. Ki tries to roll out and Williams just keeps the Arm Bar. Ki tries something, but that doesn't work either. Overhead Wristlock is quickly countered by Williams. Williams takes Ki into the guard and then stretches him. Ki strikes his way out of that and gets a Jacknife Pin for a two count. Spanky comes in and he wants himself some of Williams. They then lock hands and Williams with the Japanese Stranglehold. He then drives his knee in the back. Spanky tries to escape, and that goes nowhere. Spanky escapes and gets taken over. Spanky with a takedown, but that doesn't last long and Williams with the Cravat, and Spanky needs to tag out. Arm Ringer from Daniels and then Williams rolls through and he locks in one of his own. Daniels attempts a flip to escape and that doesn't work. Daniels with a nice little escape. Williams tries to roll through and Daniels rolls with him. Williams opts to just throw Daniels' shoulder into the corner. Hammerlock from Williams. Sunset Flip gets a two count for Williams and then he finally tags out and in comes Spanky. Arm Bar from Spanky. Knee Drop to the arm and then a Bridging Hammerlock from Spanky. Back to the Hammerlock he goes. Headlock from Spanky. Spanky into the ropes and he knocks down Daniels and locks in a Headlock. Back Drop Suplex is avoided, and Spanky with the Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock on Daniels. Spanky to his feet and into the ropes and he charges Daniels down. Daniels into the ropes and he runs into an Arm Drag. Headlock from Spanky. BRUTAL BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELS !!! Daniels with an elbow shot to the back of the head. Kicks to the back and then he gets a cheap shot in at Low Ki to tag him in. Ki with a Mongolion Chop. Snapmare and a Head Scissors from Ki. Spanky goes to the leg and that will change things and he brings Williams back into the match. Chop Block and that looked nasty from Williams. He is twisting at the leg of Ki. Standing Leg Lock from Williams and he continues to work. Ki tries to chop his way out. That is NOT going to work. Williams with forearms to ensure that and then he tags Daniels in, and Daniels with a Leg Lock of his own. In comes Spanky and he kicks the leg. Elbow Drop from Spanky to the leg and he works over the leg. KI WITH THE DRAGON CLUTCH ... Spanky gets into the ropes and Daniels tags back in. Daniels clubs away on Ki. Body Slam is blocked and Ki chops down Daniels. Headbutt to the back of the head from Daniels and then a Forearm and Williams comes in to meet Daniels. They lock hands and Daniels with right hands and Headbutts. Williams wants more punishment and then he hits some forearms. Cross Armbreaker from Williams and Daniels gets into the ropes quickly. Daniels into the ropes. European Uppercut from Williams and then more. Kick to the chest from Daniels and then he knocks Ki off of the apron. Daniels into the ropes and Williams catches him with a Clothesline. Spanky tagged into the match and he stretches the arm over the top rope. Right hands to the arm of Daniels. Roaring Forearm from Spanky and then Daniels into the ropes and an Arm Drag and Arm Bar. Daniels into the ropes and a Swinging Neckbreaker brings him back into the match. Reverse Bulldog gets a two count for Daniels. Williams comes back into the match to meet Spanky. Chinlock with two knees in the back from Williams and Spanky somehow manages to tag out and Ki comes in. Snapmare and a Chinlock from Ki. Jawbreaker from Williams. Williams goes right back to work on the leg. Knee Drop on the leg from Williams. Daniels comes in and gets some cheap shots in on Ki. TORTURE DEVICE FROM WILLIAMS !!! He then just drops Ki and in comes Spanky. Kicks to the leg from Spanky and then Ki comes back with right hands and then chops. Spanky into the ropes and a Dropkick to the knee gets a two count. Knee Breaker from Spanky. Spanky then elbows the leg, but Ki with a kick to the face. Kick to the back of the head and then he stays in the ring. Why ? Spanky gets whipped into a kick from Daniels and that gets a two count. Snapmare and a Neck Snap from Ki and that gets a two count. Front Suplex has Spanky draped on the middle rope and then Daniels with a cheap tag. Spanky comes back into the match. Suplex from Daniels. That gets him a two count. Bridging Chinlock from Daniels. Spanky then locks the arm of Daniels and then he rolls through and gets a two count. Headbutt to the back of the head from Daniels and then the Cravat. Spanky with forearms and then a Shoulder Block from Daniels. Spanky lifts a foot. Tornado Knee 2 Face from Spanky. Ki comes in. Ki is now in there with the Angel and Williams jumps from the apron to make sure Daniels has to face Ki. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK ON DANIELS !!! He tries the kicks, but the foot is hurting, so he uses the left leg. He misses a third kick and Daniels with the chop block. Chop exchange when they get back to their feet. Missile Dropkick from Spanky and then everyone comes into the ring. All four men are in there. REVOLUTION DDT FROM WILLIAMS TO DANIELS !!! SLICED BREAD #2 ON WILLIAMS !!! RELEASE TIGER SUPLEX ON SPANKY FROM KI !!! NOVACAINE FROM DANIELS TO KI !!! ALL FOUR MEN ARE DOWN !!! Spanky gets sent to the floor and we are left with Ki. DANIELS WITH A CHOP BLOCK ON KI IN MID CARTWHEEL !!! LAST RITES ON KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Daniels 2, Williams 0, Spanky 0, Ki -1

He tries for the second cover, and Spanky breaks it. Spanky then tags himself in and goes after Daniels. Dropkick from Spanky and that gets a two count. LOVELY Back Drop Suplex gets a two count for Spanky. Daniels into the ropes and then he just sends Spanky down using the hair. Williams tags in and locks the Cravat on Spanky. Camel Clutch then follows that. He gets a two count. Knee 2 Face from Spanky and he tags Daniels back in. Williams into the ropes and a Dropkick from Daniels. Suplex is blocked by Williams. Williams then takes down Daniels with the Fujiwara Armbar. Daniels gets into the ropes. Williams with Knee Drops onto the arm. Then a big jumping Knee Drop on the arm from Williams. He then tags in Spanky with a chop. Spanky looks absolutely knackered. Daniels into the ropes and Spanky runs into a boot and then Daniels lands a DDT. That gets a two count. Snapmare and then Daniels with a Neck Twist on Spanky. Fujiwara Armbar from Spanky to get out and he brings Williams back into the match. Monkey Flip with the arm from Williams. He's awesome to watch in this match. Into the corner and Daniels breaks with forearms and then Williams into the corner. Daniels misses a charge and hurts his shoulder. Cross Armbreaker from Williams. Daniels gets to his feet and then breaks the move. Rake to the eye from Daniels and then a nice Sitdown Spinebuster. Spanky into the ring to meet Williams and he gets a two count from Daniels' move. Spanky stands on the hands of Williams to try and pin him down and that gets a two count. ACE CRUSHER FROM WILLIAMS !!! No commentator, not a Diamond Dust Drop. Fucking tit. Head Scissors from Williams, but Spanky grabs a leg and that makes a counter. Daniels then tags into the match. Sidewalk Slam from Daniels actually drops Spanky right on his head. Russian Legsweep from Spanky to Daniels and that gets a two count. Neckbreaker gets a two count too and then Williams comes in and lands a Knee Drop right off the bat. Williams then has the arm of Daniels. Short Arm Scissors follows that from Williams. Daniels gets a two count from a reversal, so Williams just decks him with a Clothesline and that gets a two count too. Knee to the back of the head from Spanky to Williams after tagging in, and then after that he brings Daniels back into the match. Backbreaker from Daniels. SLINGSHOT SENTON FROM SPANKY !!! That was nice double teaming. Williams then comes back into the match by fighting both men off. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Williams to Spanky. CHAOS THEORY ON SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DANIELS BREAKS IT !!! Body Slam reversed. Williams runs into a boot. NOVACAINE INTO THE KOJI CLUTCH FROM DANIELS ON WILLIAMS !!! KI WITH THE WARRIOR'S WAY TO BREAK THE MOVE !!! Corino is adament that Daniels pinned Ki with the Novacaine. Ki chops down Daniels. Gory Special from Williams and then he runs Ki into opposite corners before then hitting a Dropkick and this action is absolutely stunning. European Uppercuts from Williams to Ki. Ki set on the top rope and he chops. Leaping Rana from Ki. TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM KI !!! Williams breaks by simply slamming Ki, so Ki goes to the Cross Armbreaker. Williams breaks that by using his strength to Suplex Ki while holding the move. Ki with Mongolian Chops to Williams. Ki with a big Forearm. Spanky tags himself in. CHAOS THEORY ... SENDS KI RIGHT INTO THE DRAGON CLUTCH ON SPANKY AND HE TAPS !!! WHAT A FUCKING MOVE !!!

Daniels 2, Ki 1, Spanky -1, Williams 0

Daniels tags himself in and he clubs down Ki. Body Slam gets a two count for Daniels. Forearms from Daniels and then Ki into the ropes and a Clothesline. LIONSAULT FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Daniels runs into a boot and blocks a kick. Roll Up and then Daniels with the Leg Grapevine on Daniels. Spanky breaks that and then tags himself in. Flying Forearm on Daniels and he heads up top. FROG SPLASH FROM SPANKY ... MISSES !!! Novacaine misses from Daniels and Spanky with a School Boy gets a two count. Daniels runs into a boot. TORNADO PEDIGREE FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jawbreaker from Daniels and Williams comes into the ring. Wheelbarrow Face Plant from Williams and that gets a two count. Spanky into the corner and a High Knee. Running High Knee on Daniels and then Williams heads for the top rope and lands a High Knee on Ki who was on top of Daniels. Forearms from Daniels and then Williams knocks Ki to the floor. Spanky with a two count from a Roll Up. SLICED BREAD #2 ... Ki blocks. Fisherman Suplex from Williams and Ki blocks that. KAWADA KICKS FROM KI TO WILLIAMS !!! That hurts, so Ki goes with Headbutts and Forearms. Daniels tags himself in. STO from Daniels. THE BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... WILLIAMS KICKS OUT !!! ANGEL'S WINGS ... Williams counters and sends Daniels to the apron and Spanky tags in. Ki tags himself in now. KI WITH THE TARANTULA DRAGON IN THE ROPES !!! He breaks on the count of five. Daniels comes in and now everyone is in there. Palm Strike from Daniels. SLICED BREAD #2 FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DANIELS SAVES !!! KI WITH THE PHOENIX SPLASH ON WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Ki 3, Daniels 2, Spanky -1, Williams -1

Daniels isn't happy and he hits the ring. The match comes to be a bit of a mess, as Spanky doesn't know how to approach the match now. Ki and Daniels decide to just unload on each other. Clotheslines from both men. Standing Rock Bottom from Daniels. BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS ... MISSES !!! Ki now heads for the top rope. PHOENIX SPLASH ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Spanky is now tagged in and he comes in and works on Ki. Snap Suplex and a floatover gets a two count for Spanky. SLICED BREAD #2 ... COUNTERED INTO A TOMBSTONE FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... DANIELS SAVES !!! Daniels now tags into the match and has Spanky. BURNING HAMMER FROM DANIELS TO SPANKY !!! Williams into the match. PILEDRIVER DROPS DANIELS ON HIS FUCKING HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! Williams into the corner. SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SPANKY SAVES !!! Very close and in comes Spanky. He sets Ki on the top rope and this thing is getting a bit wild. Spanky dropped in the ring. 450 SPLASH FROM KI !!! He hurt himself and he rolls to the floor. Spanky avoids a slam and hits a DDT for a two count. Spanky to the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KI MAKES THE SAVE !!! A lot of the fans are on their feet and quite rightly too. This is great. BRUTAL BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Spanky into the ropes. SOMERSAULT PESCADO ONTO WILLIAMS FROM SPANKY !!! Daniels tagged in before that and he gets a couple of nearfalls from that. The Stroke from Daniels and that gets a two count. WILLIAMS WITH THE REVOLUTION DDT ON THE FLOOR OFF OF THE APRON ON SPANKY !!! That might well take those two men out of the match. Headbutts from Daniels to Ki. Into the corner and Daniels with forearms. Ki blocks one. BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! It's standing room only in the hall now. Ki sweeps down Daniels to ensure that he can't club away anymore. LAST RITES FROM DANIELS ... blocked. DRAGON CLUTCH FROM DANIELS TO KI !!! Ki is doing what he can do. KI COUNTERS AND HITS THE LAST RITES AND WINS THE TITLE AS THE TIME RUNS OUT !!!

This match really is must-see stuff. All four men busted a gut big time to produce a match to be proud of. The story between Daniels and Ki right through the match was superb. The ending was also great with both men hitting the other man's finishers, but Daniels not even being able to get the better of that exchange. Doug Williams was the standout though, as he controlled the pace for most of the match, and came out with some cool-ass submissions and the best spot of the match with the Chaos Theory/Dragon Clutch awesomeness. Can't help but feel Spanky was nothing but a bit-part player, but he did play his role perfectly. All in all, the first 5* match in the ROH cannon. *****



I suppose that this show was always going to be an essential thanks to such a good main event, but this show also has a cracking tag team brawl. The rest isn't worth anything at all really, but does it need to be ?

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Ive jus finished watching a load of iMPACT episodes and it is infuriating as f**k. They have the guys there to have a phenomenal promotion but somehow they continue to make honking decisions.

1) The whole Hulk/Abyss angle is embarassing. I find the whole Abyss character embarassing these days when you think back to what he used to be. The secret for Abyss is to stop him talking, turn him heel and bring back James Mitchell.

2) They need to take they tag titles from striker. Their tag division was the main reason I watched TNA for a long time. WWE has completely neglected this aspect of wrestling and TNA has the oppertunity to offer us something which WWE doesn't. They should put the titles on Beer Money and have 3D, Gen-Me and MCMG feuding to become #1 contender. Even looking at their roster maybe thye are a little light on legit tag teams too. Maybe by brining in another team they could havesomething on teir hands.

3) They need to put more emphasis on the X-Division. These days its become like the cruiserweight title in its dying days. I mean Amazing Red? Shannon Moore? Come on to f**k. Get Kaz, Williams, Wolfe, Suicide etc in the mix and bring Joe back, put the title on him and start from the bginning this time in puching him to the moon.

4) With the amount of ex-ECW talent thehy have its about time they did something with it. I'd like to see the face ECW guys vs heel ECW guys Raven/Rhino etc lead by Bischoff vs 3D/Dreamer etc lead by Heyman. Plus there are plenty of other ex ECW guys out there who could do a job.

5) I still have noidea how they have managed to take Hardy, a guy who was the most over wrestler in WWE over the past 2 years and turned him into nothing.

To be fair to TNA, I loved the idea of putting AJ with Flair. It became thourghly, thourghly entertaining and the best that the Nature Boy has been in a long, long time.

If thye manage to get a few of the points I mentioned right then I think they could begin to get the ratings they crav.

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2) They need to take they tag titles from striker. Their tag division was the main reason I watched TNA for a long time. WWE has completely neglected this aspect of wrestling and TNA has the oppertunity to offer us something which WWE doesn't. They should put the titles on Beer Money and have 3D, Gen-Me and MCMG feuding to become #1 contender. Even looking at their roster maybe thye are a little light on legit tag teams too. Maybe by brining in another team they could havesomething on teir hands.


Damn Matt Striker, singe-handedly ruining WWEs commentary and TNAs tag division!

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