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Mo Wonderboy

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f**k sake man..... this is unreal.... anyone know the figures of Wrestlers under the age of 50 that have died since 2000?

What was the cause of death? Sadly I am sure it will be Suicide, Heart problems or O.D. sad.gif

Absolutly gutted, just like Kanyon, Umaga and Test this year, Cade wasn't a wrestler I really liked or thought was a great talent but to see them die so young is really sad.

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We are sad to report that former WWE superstar Lance Cade (real name Lance McNaught) was found dead today. He was 29 years old and leaves behind two young daughters.

Cade was trained by former WWE superstar Shawn Michaels in late 1990’s at Michaels’ wrestling academy in San Antonio, Texas. He held WWE tag team gold with his partner Trevor Murdoch and had a brief run as Chris Jericho’s protege during Jericho’s feud with Shawn Michaels a few years ago. During that program, he was released from WWE after an incident on an airplane where Cade took too many painkillers and went into a seizure. He was brought back to WWE developmental last year but was never used on television and was released again earlier this year.

Cade spoke openly in several interviews about his struggle with sleeping pills. He had been working for independent promotions and in Japan over the past year.

We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Lance McNaught.

Following the news that former WWE superstar Lance Cade was found dead this morning at the age of 29 due to apparent heart failure, several people from WWE and TNA have posted messages on Twitter regarding the news:

Jim Ross: “Multiple sources have reported that Lance Cade passed away a few hours ago of heart failure. Our condolences go out to his family & friends”

Shawn Michaels: “5min aft my morning tweet I got the call about Lance. No words will b good enuff. 1 of my boys is gone.”

Matt Hardy: “Was saddened to hear about the passing of Lance Cade today. My condolences & thoughts are with his family & children. It’s a sad situation.”

Christopher Daniels: “RIP Lance Cade.”

Mick Foley: “I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Lance Cade. Only 29 – I had no idea he was so young. My thoughts go out to his family.”

Taz: “More deepest condolences to Lance Cade’s family. I got to know Lance slightly in WWE, He was a good guy with tons of potential…RIP. “

Matt Morgan: “Very sad to hear loss of Lance Cade! Great young performer,lance trained in ovw with alot us and had limitless potential! Our condolensces to Lance’s family. He had two beautiful daughters. RIP buddy. I hate that this keeps happening. “

Shannon Moore: “My thoughts and prayers go out to Lances family and kids. I have many great memories of lance and was fortunate to spend a great amount of time with him when we lived in Cinci for WWE. You will be missed!!!!”

So WWE claims it was heart failure...no need to guess why I suppose.

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f**k sake. Another one to pass, 29? I had no idea he was that young. As long as they keep "allowing" the wrestlers to use steroids while over-working them then they will, sadly, keep dying. Unnecessery.

And Kris Boyd about the impact ending:

When I read the review at work I knew immediately what they were doing.

After the feud has ended, I'd keep Sabu, Spike Dudley and maybe Rhino and Raven, depending on how fit they actually are, can't really judge on a "one off" show. Stevie Richards looked quite fit aswell. I certainly wouldn't keep the Sandman, he's fat as shit. I'd also see how decent Jerry Lynn is now, he could come in and do a job.

I'd get rid of Sting and Nash, bring in the ECW guys. Raven looked decent enough, he could be the leader of some stable that doesn't wrestler as much as the others.

It all depends on who Abyss' group is since it's obviously not the ECW guys, who I thought it would be. I hope it's not a WCW group like someone, Hero of the Day(?), suggested. That would involve both Sting and Nash and would be like a retirement home putting on a wrestling show.

Gutted that Gregory Helms wasn't the one to take on Jeff Hardy, don't see why Lethal didn't come out, Shannon Moore? Wtf. Why is one of the top five guys in TNA wrestling someone like that? Specially since TNA, and myself, have been collectively wanking over Lethal recently because he is amazing. Brian Kendricks should be taking that spot ahead of Moore.

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And Kris Boyd about the impact ending:

When I read the review at work I knew immediately what they were doing.

After the feud has ended, I'd keep Sabu, Spike Dudley and maybe Rhino and Raven, depending on how fit they actually are, can't really judge on a "one off" show. Stevie Richards looked quite fit aswell. I certainly wouldn't keep the Sandman, he's fat as shit. I'd also see how decent Jerry Lynn is now, he could come in and do a job.

I'd get rid of Sting and Nash, bring in the ECW guys. Raven looked decent enough, he could be the leader of some stable that doesn't wrestler as much as the others.

It all depends on who Abyss' group is since it's obviously not the ECW guys, who I thought it would be. I hope it's not a WCW group like someone, Hero of the Day(?), suggested. That would involve both Sting and Nash and would be like a retirement home putting on a wrestling show.

Gutted that Gregory Helms wasn't the one to take on Jeff Hardy, don't see why Lethal didn't come out, Shannon Moore? Wtf. Why is one of the top five guys in TNA wrestling someone like that? Specially since TNA, and myself, have been collectively wanking over Lethal recently because he is amazing. Brian Kendricks should be taking that spot ahead of Moore.

Sandman, Jerry Lynn, Balls, Axl, FBI minus Guido and Mamaluke, 2 cold scorpio, LSD, Justin Credible.... I would all get rid of, I would keep Rhino, Raven, Dreamer, Guido and Mamaluke, Sabu, Foley, CW Anderson (what a left hook) Team 3D, Nova, Stevie Richards.

I think there will be 3 main Factions which will be the ECW guys 7 or 8 main guys, Fortune which is Flair, AJ, Kaz, Beer Money and possibly Desmond wolfe and Doug Williams.... And finally the nWo Red Wolfpac, Sting, Nash and Steiner headed up by Bischoff.

There is enough talent to have a 2nd Smackdown like show, But I would keep it as one brand, what I mean by that is not to do a WWE and have 2 world titles, 2 US/IC titles, 2 Tag titles (now unified) 2 Womans titles ect....

Abyss NEEDS James Mitchel as Abyss is shite on the mic and the sinister minister does the heel manager so well!

Get rid of the TNA Womens Tag team titles

Bring in Joey Styles

Bring in Heyman

Take the show on the road or at least have every other PPV on the road.

I think bound for glory will bring a lot of things together and we will get a lot of answers to questions then.

I've not put spoiler tags as it is just my opinions/suggestions on things that could happen.

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+1 cheers, when I searched I just found lists and not much info, good link, I would imagine the figure being about 112-120 now.

If we are talking WWF/E, WCW and ECW guys then yes, but if we include wrestlign as a wholeI reckon it'd be much higher than 120. It shows you the state if wrestling today. I text my mate earlier to let hik know about Cade and his reply was "Aye thats a sore one but we were due anohter on by now."

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Sandman, Jerry Lynn, Balls, Axl, FBI minus Guido and Mamaluke, 2 cold scorpio, LSD, Justin Credible.... I would all get rid of, I would keep Rhino, Raven, Dreamer, Guido and Mamaluke, Sabu, Foley, CW Anderson (what a left hook) Team 3D, Nova, Stevie Richards.

I think there will be 3 main Factions which will be the ECW guys 7 or 8 main guys, Fortune which is Flair, AJ, Kaz, Beer Money and possibly Desmond wolfe and Doug Williams.... And finally the nWo Red Wolfpac, Sting, Nash and Steiner headed up by Bischoff.

There is enough talent to have a 2nd Smackdown like show, But I would keep it as one brand, what I mean by that is not to do a WWE and have 2 world titles, 2 US/IC titles, 2 Tag titles (now unified) 2 Womans titles ect....

Abyss NEEDS James Mitchel as Abyss is shite on the mic and the sinister minister does the heel manager so well!

Get rid of the TNA Womens Tag team titles

Bring in Joey Styles

Bring in Heyman

Take the show on the road or at least have every other PPV on the road.

I think bound for glory will bring a lot of things together and we will get a lot of answers to questions then.

I've not put spoiler tags as it is just my opinions/suggestions on things that could happen.

Why not Jerry Lynn? We've not even seen how he performs in TNA. I think they could do a RVD vs someone match, but the opponent no-shows and Lynn comes out, once he's recovered from his back injury. Depends how long it's gonna take for him to recover.

People like Justin Credible and Nova are young enough that they'll be able to lose the weight, and get in decent shape. Sandman, Chair Swinging Freaks and the others are a wee bit too old for it. In the Sandman's case, it's more to do with the amount of beer he'll be drinking that will do it.

I wouldn't keep CW and I would assume that there's a reason why Nova did properly get involved. 3D would be one I'd get rid of, but like Sting, they are too invested in the company and their merch sales will be good, positives outweighing the negatives etc.

I think Raven could do a job for Abyss, although Mitchell is amazing at the Sinister Minister.

Yeah to the rest of them, they should roll out of the Impact zone and next year have Bound For Glory in London. I'd probably convince one or two people to come down to London to see it, or any other PPV. Knockout's Tag belts do nothing for me. Heyman, yes. Styles, yes. A second show count work aswell.

I'd also look to improving the X-division, get Chris Daniels back in. Use Amazing Red more. Homicide, is he injured? Get Max Moon Konnan to be his manager if/when he comes back.

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When Lynn came back in 06? to feud with Sabin he just didn't look as sharp then, I can't imagine that sitting on his backside the last 4 years has improved his skills, I think he is passed it as much as I did like him, he is probably too old now and should not risk his good name in wrestling by stringing it out too long.

3D are still an amazing tag team and the most legandary team working today, They are my favourite tag team, I really wanna see beer money get the belts back as they really have a chance to be an absolute great team, they have it all.

TNA could see out London no problem! They should really understand how popular they are here, a PPV here is a must! and not a shitty insurexion type thing.

Nova YES YES YES, Justin Credible.... I'm not so sure, if he is fit and trim again then he could be a champion if he puts his mind to it, but right now he looks out of shape.

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When Lynn came back in 06? to feud with Sabin he just didn't look as sharp then, I can't imagine that sitting on his backside the last 4 years has improved his skills, I think he is passed it as much as I did like him, he is probably too old now and should not risk his good name in wrestling by stringing it out too long.

3D are still an amazing tag team and the most legandary team working today, They are my favourite tag team, I really wanna see beer money get the belts back as they really have a chance to be an absolute great team, they have it all.

TNA could see out London no problem! They should really understand how popular they are here, a PPV here is a must! and not a shitty insurexion type thing.

Nova YES YES YES, Justin Credible.... I'm not so sure, if he is fit and trim again then he could be a champion if he puts his mind to it, but right now he looks out of shape.

I don't recall that but it all depends on the future storylines. You don't wanna be bringing like 10 ECW guys and only have like 5 of Fourtune, assuming that one of Desmond Wolfe, Matt Morgan or Doug Williams will join AJ, Kaz and Beer Money. I think who was in the ring is who'll be in the stables tbh. I wouldn't expect RVD to be involved, him being the champ and all.

They should really put their PPVs on Box Office or something at least. I probably would buy them if they were live. How much is a WWE one, like 30 quid? Get five people to chip in a fiver and you're there.

I just finished watching the show.

Really all the matches were great.

AJ and Angle was fantastic.

Anderson, Pope and Morgan was even decent. Although I'm gutted we didn't get to see the Pope's entrance and the ending was a bit poor.

Hardy and Moore was good. As I said earlier, Lethal should've been the one to answer the challenge.

MCMG and Beer Money was amazing. Although they did the same move to win both their falls, they need to create extra finishers.

The RVD and Abyss match was decent but I agree with what's been said, in that, the stipulation was stupid since the weapon is far too destructive to actually use. Also Janice is a stupid name. Why not come up with something better like "Barbie" back in ECW. Basically a pun around what ever weapon it is. I didn't enjoy the RVD match as much as I probably should have, I think the match before it was just too good and it was a let down, compared to the 2 outta 3 fall match.

It's well worth a watch tonight on Bravo.

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I liked Lance Cade's team with Trevor Murdoch, but when he went on his own, he didn't have much going for him. Too bland. Wouldn't have been too upset to see him team with Murdoch in TNA.

As for TNA doing a PPV over here, I don't see why not. If they did something like the O2 Arena, they could do it at good prices ( I mean WWE prices btw ) and still sell it out, and make a bit of money from the gate. Wouldn't be worth it to have a cheap price for tickets for a PPV as they'd run at a loss most likely.

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I liked Lance Cade's team with Trevor Murdoch, but when he went on his own, he didn't have much going for him. Too bland. Wouldn't have been too upset to see him team with Murdoch in TNA.

Thats the one thing thatalways got me with him. He was a decent enough wrestler but as a personality he was ust soooo bland and boring, he got that great oppertunity when they put him with Jericho and still he showed zero personality.

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I don't recall that but it all depends on the future storylines. You don't wanna be bringing like 10 ECW guys and only have like 5 of Fourtune, assuming that one of Desmond Wolfe, Matt Morgan or Doug Williams will join AJ, Kaz and Beer Money. I think who was in the ring is who'll be in the stables tbh. I wouldn't expect RVD to be involved, him being the champ and all.

They should really put their PPVs on Box Office or something at least. I probably would buy them if they were live. How much is a WWE one, like 30 quid? Get five people to chip in a fiver and you're there.

I just finished watching the show.

Really all the matches were great.

AJ and Angle was fantastic.

Anderson, Pope and Morgan was even decent. Although I'm gutted we didn't get to see the Pope's entrance and the ending was a bit poor.

Hardy and Moore was good. As I said earlier, Lethal should've been the one to answer the challenge.

MCMG and Beer Money was amazing. Although they did the same move to win both their falls, they need to create extra finishers.

The RVD and Abyss match was decent but I agree with what's been said, in that, the stipulation was stupid since the weapon is far too destructive to actually use. Also Janice is a stupid name. Why not come up with something better like "Barbie" back in ECW. Basically a pun around what ever weapon it is. I didn't enjoy the RVD match as much as I probably should have, I think the match before it was just too good and it was a let down, compared to the 2 outta 3 fall match.

It's well worth a watch tonight on Bravo.

£14.95 for a wwe PPV, I would order a TNA one, I won't be buying summerslam, I'll watch it online on a shit stream just because I'm not happy with the card.

your spoiler tag bit is spot on, I think RVD will be off impact for a week or two to sell the injury, Abyss will be punished by hogan no doubt.

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£14.95 for a wwe PPV, I would order a TNA one, I won't be buying summerslam, I'll watch it online on a shit stream just because I'm not happy with the card.

Why's that? It's far from the worst SummerSlam card in history. I've not bought a PPV since WrestleMania but I'm seriously thinking about shelling out for this one.

Edited by The Naitch
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