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Mo Wonderboy

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15 quid isn't bad, I'd definitely pay that for the TNA ones if they became buyable.

I only watch Mania and usually the Rumble on PPV, go round to someone's house and a few of us have some beers and watch it.

This card is a bit shit:

Randy Orton and Seamus might be decent but Kane/Rey and the Elimination tag match will both be pish. Both include too many awful wrestlers for it to be expected to be good.

The IC match will probably be bad aswell.

The SES vs Big Show match will probably be gash aswell, mostly because Punk won't be heavily involved since they won't want to risk him reinjurying himself by coming back too soon.

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Why's that? It's far from the worst SummerSlam card in history. I've not bought a PPV since WrestleMania but I'm seriously thinking about shelling out for this one.

Rumble and WM are the only ones I pay for as I'm happy saving the £15 and watching them online the next day, but I would buy summerslam as we have had some awesome ones in the past, it's one of the biggest PPVs WWE do, but due to the reasons below I feel that none of the matches intrest me enough to pay for it.

15 quid isn't bad, I'd definitely pay that for the TNA ones if they became buyable.

I only watch Mania and usually the Rumble on PPV, go round to someone's house and a few of us have some beers and watch it.

This card is a bit shit:

Randy Orton and Seamus might be decent but Kane/Rey and the Elimination tag match will both be pish. Both include too many awful wrestlers for it to be expected to be good.

The IC match will probably be bad aswell.

The SES vs Big Show match will probably be gash aswell, mostly because Punk won't be heavily involved since they won't want to risk him reinjurying himself by coming back too soon.

Orton vs Sheamus will end up being similar to when they met at the rumble this year, I can see Sheamus hanging on to the belt.

SES vs Show will be shit imo.

Kane vs Rey is a match we saw plenty last year on RAW when rey won each time, I hate when they put rey against Kane/show/henry as it just rips the pish.

Nexus vs Team WWE will be gay as obviously the Nexus will win otherwise the whole point of them running through the WWE will be pretty pointless, I think Cena and Jericho will be the last 2 vs Wade and Jericho will turn on Cena beat him up and then Leave Nexus to pick up the win thus keeping Nexus on a rampage and setting up a nice to see cena vs Y2J feud.

I imagine that to happen, can't really think of anything else that would happen that would make it worth £15, the best case scenario is Orton to win the belt and Triple H to return.

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Pretty good iMPACT tonight. MCMG/Beer Money was the highlight of the night......again. In saying that though I didn't like the 2 out of 3 falls stip. It was so obvious it was goning to go to the final fall anyway I'd have prefered just a straight up tag match and given the same amount of time. That way it would have been far more dramatic, but to be honest I'm nitpicking, in the same way I was disapointed in HBK/Bret ironman at Mania 12 because it finished 0-0.

To be honest Angle/AJ was nothing special, still decent bout for TV.

Moore/Hardy was good it was actually a decent little surprise match.

Where was Lethal? Was he in tonights episode at all?

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Maybe i'm one of the few but i'm looking forward to Summerslam, it's going to be an interesting show and the matches aren't that predictable, staying up to watch this then again i tend to stay up for all the PPV's when i'm off on holiday. :P

What are everyone's predictions? Here are mine...

Team WWE vs Team Nexus

Sheamus vs Randy Orton

Kane vs Mysterio

Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston

Big Show vs SES

There aren't many matches and i would have added a match for the US Title and perhaps the Tag Titles, however they've probably came up with this line up because the Team WWE vs Nexus match will probably require an hour.

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The Summerslam card isn't that great I reckon. Orton/Sheamus was boring the last time it happened. Kane vs. Rey was boring the last 100 times it happened. I hate handicap matches as a rule. There's only a couple of matches on the card that I'm looking forward to.

Dolph/Kofi should be good though. They're two of the top up and comers in WWE and both have had lots of good matches in the past ? What reason have they given for making anyone think they'd have a bad match ? I also expect Nexus vs. WWE to be a belter too.

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Lookin forward to tonight, well apart from the 2 title matches. Ziggler/Kingston should be nae bad, but to be honest I'm not that highon Ziggler,I am however a big Kingston fan.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with Show and Punk.

Nexus/WWE is the PPV. It's the match which makes me want to watch the PPV.

Its hard trying to figure whats gona happen. I can't see Kane/Rey not having the Undertaker in it at some point...yet I reckon HHH will come back against Nexus.....but would WWE have both comeback...on the sme PPV?

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-3 for pointing out why I don't think Summerslam is worth £15 of my money? laugh.gif Some marks possibly regretting paying for it now too?

We're all marks dude.

That said, I don't get why there's so much negativity about that post either. It's not as if it was all "YOU'RE ALL IDIOTS FOR BUYING IT" or anything like that.

I do, however, think you're all idiots if you're buying it. ;)

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-3 for pointing out why I don't think Summerslam is worth £15 of my money? laugh.gif Some marks possibly regretting paying for it now too?

Spend the £15 on beer and some munchies and get an online stream, thats what I'll be doing thumbup2.gif

We're all marks dude.

That said, I don't get why there's so much negativity about that post either. It's not as if it was all "YOU'RE ALL IDIOTS FOR BUYING IT" or anything like that.

I do, however, think you're all idiots if you're buying it. ;)

Aye, don't get the negativity either. I don't mind paying for it, but don't have a grudge against someone who doesn't want to.

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I can usually get a half decent stream or watch it next day on one of these wrestling video sites the next day, but for the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania I always buy it on box office, didn't buy WM26 as I was abroad at the time though, Summerslam and Armageddon are the other two who I would buy as the cards are normally great.

Summerslam 2000 remains my stand out PPV I've ever seen, what a show that was, they just don't make 'em like that anymore.

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I can usually get a half decent stream or watch it next day on one of these wrestling video sites the next day, but for the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania I always buy it on box office, didn't buy WM26 as I was abroad at the time though, Summerslam and Armageddon are the other two who I would buy as the cards are normally great.

I'm the same ... except I'd buy Survivor Series over Armageddon (or TLC as it's known these days :( ).

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Orton and Sheamus will be decent if they don't give it too long. Sheamus has improved a lot in the ring recently but I'm still not too sure on him in longer matches.

Kane and Rey will be pish, the Undertaker will probably come back after the match setting up a feud with Kane for the fiftieth time.

Nexus vs WWE should be OK. The Nexus must win or they will be completely finished.

The IC match might have been OK if we hadn't already seen it 3 times in the last month. It shouldn't even be on the card tbh.

I can't see Show vs SES being upto much but Big Show and Punk are about the best things on Smackdown along with Cody Rhodes so they might be able to pull something out.

Predicted winners are underlined, who I think should win is in bold:

Orton vs Sheamus

Rey vs Kane

WWE vs Nexus

Kingston vs Ziggler

Show vs SES

Impact was pretty good this week I thought. The ending with RVD was a bit shit but I quite liked the Fortune/ECW stuff at the end. The Guns and Beer Money put on a great match once again. I hate the p***ks in the Impact zone who flash their cameras when the lights go off so you can see what's going on in the ring.

Edited by Marshmallo
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Am I the only one that thought that Armageddon was usually one good match surrounded by a power of shite ?

I remember the 99 and 2000 ones as PPV's I loved, mainly the Kat getting her tits out, with Triple H vs Vince... and in 2000 the 6 man HIAC.

They replaced it with Vengenge in 2001 sadly and I can't remember much about the other Armageddons since then but I have good memories of that PPV also No Mercy and Survivor Series normally are ones that excite, might buy them this year, I had hoped WWE vs Nexus would have been a Survivor series match rather than Summerslam tbh.

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Seamus, Kane, Nexus, SES and Kingston to win the matches.

What PPVs are actually left, from the days off No Way Out and Backlash? Obvious Royal Rumble, Mania and Summerslam are.

I used to love the Armagedon HIAC matchs.

The elimination chamber matches were good aswell, RVD breaking HHH's sternum when he didn't realise the cage was so low and did the five star off the top.

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WWE Summerslam 2009

The summer extravaganza of WWE. Not much different from any other solid WWE PPV if I'm being honest. Did have some cracking matches on it though.

Rey Mysterio © vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( **** )

MVP © vs. Jack Swagger - WWE United States Championship ( * )

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Cryme Time - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships ( **1/2 )

Kane vs. The Great Khali ( DUD )

Legacy vs. DX ( ****1/4 )

Christian © vs. William Regal - ECW Championship ( N/A )

Randy Orton © vs. John Cena - WWE Championship ( ** )

Jeff Hardy © vs. CM Punk, TLC Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( ****1/2 )

Rey Mysterio © vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE Intercontinental Championship

This is an interesting one. It was as if the bookers said to them "we know we raped you with booking last time, so here's a spot for you to show what you CAN do". Ziggler goes on the attack right off the bat and the referee isn't happy. It's okay for Rey though. Rey into the ropes and he runs right into a Powerslam and that gets a two count. School Boy gets another two count. Into the corner and Ziggler with right hands. He punches down Rey in the corner. Ziggler into the corner and Rey to the top rope. SUPERB MOONSAULT PRESS FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rey stops an Irish Whip. Ziggler charges and ends up on the floor. RUNNING RANA OFF OF THE APRN FROM REY !!! Back into the ring they go. Ziggler sends Rey into the top buckle face first. Rey fights Ziggler off. Rey onto the second buckle. REY LEAPS INTO THE BUCKLE BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Ziggler and the referee is on his case again. Chinlock from Ziggler. Hey, that reminds me of a match I watched recently ? Anyroads, Ziggler keeps the work going in this move, which makes a welcome change from last time. Sidewalk Slam from Ziggler and that gets a two count. Sweat wipe Elbow Drop gets a two count for Ziggler as well. Rey fights out of the move and then Ziggler runs into a Drop Toe Hold. Rey into the ropes and he runs into a BRUTAL Clothesline and that gets a two count for Ziggler. Fireman's Carry into a Gutbuster and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Ziggler. Rey into the corner and then Ziggler misses a charge. Rey with the Seated Senton. He runs right into a kick. Kick to the head from Rey and that gets a two count. Grisham calls it the Side Volley. I might use that. Rey into the ropes and he goes for the Springboard Cross Body and that gets a two count. Right hands again from Ziggler. Ziggler gets a two count from a counter to a Sunset Flip. Brutal Clothesline from Ziggler again gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex is avoided by Rey and he lands the Enziguri. 619 ... avoided. Ziggler sweeps down Rey. FAMEASSER FROM ZIGGLER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rey into the corner and he lifts a boot. Sunset Flip gets a two count for Rey. SWINGING DDT FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick. 619 !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH ... MISSES !!! ZIGGLER WITH THE ROLLUP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUUTTTTT !!! WHOA !!! Ziggler is MAD and goes mental with right hands in the corner. Kick sends Rey to the apron. REY WITH A SUPER RANA TO COUNTER THE SUPER GUTBUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There was major chinlockery again from Ziggler here, but the difference with this match was that the timing and execution were spot on and the audience were hot as hell for the majority of it, rather than being on their hands like their first PPV match. This was an superb opening match which just kept going and going and going at it's frantic pace. ****

MVP © vs. Jack Swagger - WWE United States Championship

These two guys had a cracking match on RAW, so it came as something of a surprise when they couldn't equal it in their PPV efforts. Some reversing to open the match and Swagger with a kick to the stomach. MVP gets over Swagger and then he lands a HARD clothesline. Sidewalk Slam. BALLIN' ELBOW DROP ... Swagger rolls to the floor and the fans are LIVID. Pescado from MVP cheers them up somewhat. Into the ring they go again. That gets a two count. MVP gets set on the top rope. Swagger then sweeps MVP right down from there. Ouchies. Body Slam into the buckles from Swagger. Well, that's new. Forearm to the back from Swagger and then another. The fans are already kinda lost here. I'd say that's kinda harsh, but I suppose after that last match, it wasn't gonna take much. Abdominal Stretch from Swagger. Short Arm Clothesline from Swagger and that gets a two count. Again. MORE ! Camel Clutch from Swagger. MVP battles to his feet and drops Swagger with the Electric Chair Drop. That gets a two count. MVP ducks right hands and hits right hands of his own. He drops Swagger with a final one and then lands the Knee 2 Face and down goes Swagger. BALLIN' ELBOW DROP FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! School Boy gets a two count for Swagger and then into the corner they go. MVP is down and Swagger goes for his Running Vader Bomb and hits nothing but knees. YAKUZA KICK FROM MVP !!! PLAYMAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

For the majority of this match, the fans were just sitting on their hands waiting for the next big spot. It was all that they deserved because this match was pretty damn boring. *

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Cryme Time - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships

JTG and Jericho open the match with a Lockup and Jericho gets a Headlock. Shoulder Block from Jericho knocks down JTG. Spinning Back Elbow from JTG and then gets a Standing Blockbuster and that gets a two count. Headbutt from Jericho gets him back into the match and then into the corner. JTG sends Jericho into the ropes and then he comes out with a Walls of Jericho attempt. JTG fights away from that, so Jericho tries a catapult. JTG lands on the second buckle and gets a Reverse Fameasser and that gets a two count. Jericho with a cheap shot. Show then tagged into the match. Show stands on the foot of JTG and then lands a Headbutt. Into the corner and the Open Hand Slap from Show. He then chokes JTG over the middle rope. Headlock from Show. JTG attempts a fightback, and that doesn't work. He then lands a big right hand to the stomach. Into the corner they go and another Open Hand Slap from Show. Show charges and hits the boots and Shad is tagged into the ring and he lands some rights and lefts. Clothesline and Show doesn't go down. Show misses a charge and then the Military Press Slam on Jericho. SPEAR FROM THE BIG SHOW !!! That will change the momentum right into the favour of The Big Show in a hurry. Open Hand Slap in the corner from Show and now it's JTG taking the beating from the champs. Jericho comes into the match and lands some right hands. Jericho then mocks Shad with his kicks. Forearm from Jericho and then he runs into the ropes, but Jericho then runs into a Big Boot. Jericho knocks JTG off of the apron and then kicks Shad and then Jerishow work on Shad behind the back of the referee. The Big Show with the Full Nelson on Shad and then he just tosses Shad to the mat when it looks like he might come back. Jericho misses an Elbow Drop when he's tagged in. Jericho then locks in the Half Nelson. Shad comes back into the match and then gets the Tilt-a-Whirl Powerslam. Hot tag made and in comes JTG. Dropkick on Jericho and then in the corner. JTG lands the Mug Shot. Neck Snap over the top rope on Show. SLING BLADE ON JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SHOW STOPS THE COUNT !!! Cactus Clothesline sends both JTG and Show over the top. SCHOOL BOY FROM JTG ON JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WALLS OF JERICHO !!! JTG makes his way to the ropes to try and save himself. BIG RIGHT HAND FROM THE FLOOR FROM SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was pretty good formula stuff there. The audience was into absolutely everything that The Big Show and Chris Jericho were doing. Especially The Big Show who is brilliant in this team as the big mauler. **1/2

Kane vs. The Great Khali

JR : "It won't be pretty !". No shit Sherlock. Kane uses his speed. You don't see that very often. Khali clubs away on Kane in the corner and then he hits some kicks. Kane with a big uppercut and then right hands. Khali sends Kane over the top rope. Neck Snap over the top rope from Kane and then he runs into a Clothesline. Khali misses a Leg Drop and Kane lands a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Elbow Drop from Kane. He then signals for the Chokeslam. I'm not even gonna pretend that I think he's gonna get this. Sure enough, Khali breaks and grabs Kane. Kane runs into a Clothesline and then Khali with the Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Khali mounts Kane and lands some right hands. Khali lands the big Open Hand Slap. Kane with a boot to the face and then he heads for the top rope. FLYING CLOTHESLINE SENDS DOWN KHALI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! That was hardly even a kickout there. Kane now with the Chinlock. Kane runs into a Back Elbow and then a Big Boot from Khali. CHOP TO THE HEAD FROM KHALI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! VICE GRIP FROM KHALI !!! Kane gets into the ropes. Kane drags the translator into the ring. Dropkick to the knee from Kane. DDT FROM KANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match really is awful. The Great Khali needs someone in there that actually can bump like a crazy person to make him look good and Kane is not that person. DUD

Legacy vs. DX

I absolutely loved the angle they did before Summerslam where they had DX come down, but couldn't finish their spiel when Legacy attacked them, causing the audience to absolutely despise them. This whole fued made Legacy look amazing actually, which makes me wonder why they didn't have Legacy as the team to dethrone the tag champs, but there you are. HHH starts the match with Dibiase. Lockup and against the ropes they go and the referee breaks them. Dibiase tries to get a cheap right hand and HHH knocks him down. Headlock from HHH and against the ropes they go again, where Dibiase works over HHH with right hands. HHH reverses and lands some right hands of his own. HHH explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline and then he lands a Suplex. Into the ropes and he lands a Knee Drop and the control goes to DX early. Dibiase into the ropes and he comes out with a kick and tags out. Rhodes runs right into the High Knee. Rhodes is in the wrong corner here. Rhodes then slaps HBK. Rhodes doesn't care about either man and that slap gave Rhodes the chance to create space. HBK is now tagged into the match. Lockup and a Headlock from HBK. HBK into the ropes and he charges down Rhodes. Rhodes ducks a Clothesline and slaps HBK again. HBK doesn't know what to make of that. He decides to opt for a slugfest and Rhodes gets the better of that. Thesz Press from HBK and he lands some rights and lefts and then slaps Rhodes. Sweet Chin Music from HBK is avoided twice. Drop Toe Hold from HBK when Rhodes charges. Headlock from HBK. Back Drop Suplex from Rhodes. Dibiase is tagged into the match and he misses an Elbow Drop. Into the corner and HBK lands chops. HBK hard into the corner and Dibiase with a BIG Clothesline and that might be a game changer there. Dibiase then with right hands on HBK. That gets a two count and in comes Rhodes. Rhodes stomps away on HBK, almost a wee bit reminiscent of Orton. Body Slam and then a Knee Drop from Rhodes, which hurts more from him because he has no knee pad. Dibiase back into the ring and an Elbow Drop gets a two count. Chinlock from Dibiase and that is also Orton-esque. HBK comes back with a chop and then lands a big DDT on Dibiase and he wants to get a tag. HHH tags into the match and wants a piece of both men, and that is enough to give Legacy control again, but that doesn't last long and HHH with a Clothesline. Spinebusters on both members of Legacy. PEDIGREE ... stopped, and HBK sends Rhodes to the floor. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP FROM HBK TO RHODES !!! LOW BLOW FROM DIBIASE BEHIND THE BACK OF THE REFEREE !!! Dibiase is up to his feet at the count of six and then Rhodes comes into the ring. Dibiase in and we have quick tags between the two men in the corner. Good work from Legacy. Dibiase distracts the referee allowing Rhodes to get some shots in there. Right hands from Dibiase again and then he goes for the Chinlock again. HHH tries to tag out of the match, but Dibiase manages to take the match down to the canvas. Back Drop Suplex from HHH and that allows him an oppertunity to attempt a tag. Rhodes is tagged into the match and he charges. DDT ON HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jacknife cover gets a two count for Rhodes too, as he keeps the offense quick and keeps HHH down to try and allow Dibiase some time to recover. The audience is getting behind DX again here. Back Body Drop from HHH. Dibiase knocks HBK off of the apron after being tagged in to make sure that HHH doesn't reach his corner again. HHH kicks his way out of the corner and then lands some right hands. Kick from Dibiase and then he gets sent into the corner. HHH runs into an elbow. Dibiase charges and now HHH sends him over the top rope and makes another attempt to reach the corner. Rhodes sends Dibiase back into the ring to try and get the tag. HOT TAG !!! HBK is a house on fire on Rhodes and an Atomic Drop and a chop. Rhodes sends HBK into the ropes and he comes out with the Flying Forearm and the kip up. Dibiase with a Clothesline to the back of the head on HBK. HHH takes Dibiase to the floor and then sends him into the front row. Rhodes is heading for the top rope. TOP ROPE FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM RHODES !!! HBK to the top rope but Rhodes then stops him up there. Rhodes with right hands on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM RHODES ... blocked. HBK sends Rhodes into the middle of the ring. TOP ROPE FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK ... HITS THE KNEES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CROSSRHODES ... blocked. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HBK !!! Dibiase comes in and breaks that and then HHH into the ring. PEDIGREE ON DIBIASE ... Rhodes makes sure that is blocked. Rhodes and HBK battle. CROSSRHODES FROM RHODES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HHH MAKES THE SAVE !!! PEDIGREE ON RHODES !!! DREAM STREET ON HBK !!! HHH and Dibiase then do battle on the floor. So once again we are left with HBK and Rhodes. SWEET CHIN MUSIC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was some top quality tag team wrestling right there. That final exchange between Rhodes and HBK after the hot tag was awesome. The Legacy control segments were decent as most of it seen them in their best "pack of wolves" mentality. It was when one of the two of them lapsed from that, DX was able to come back into the match. HHH and HBK did their best to make Dibiase and Rhodes look like stars here. ****1/4

Christian © vs. William Regal - ECW Championship

Regal doesn't get his jacket off. KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Umm ... yeah. N/A

Randy Orton © vs. John Cena - WWE Championship

This match had better be better than I can remember it being. Waistlock Takedown from Cena to get this one going. Orton reverses to a Hammerlock. Cena rolls out and then the duelling chants get going. Cena with an Arm Ringer, and Orton stops that with a right hand. Orton with some more right hands in the corner and then kicks. Kicks to the chest from Orton and then he stomps the head of Cena. Cena spears down Orton and lands a series of right hands. Bulldog from Cena and that gets a two count. Orton sends Cena into the ropes and lands a Back Elbow. Kick to the stomach from Orton. Rake with the boot from Orton. Orton with a series of right hands and then more kicks. Into the corner with a hard Irish Whip and Cena is taking some big punishment at the moment. The same thing happens in the opposite corner. Orton then goes around the body and lands his series of stomps. Knee Drop from Orton comes. Too many people use that move, but Orton hit that thing from some distance across the ring. That gets a two count. They should stop everyone not named Cody Rhodes from doing a Knee Drop, apart from Orton of course. Cena comes back with kicks and right hands. Orton Backbreaker to a huge pop and that gets a two count. The Chinlock from Orton. Cena battles to his feet while in the move, but he then just fades away. Cena battles to his feet again and forces Orton into the corner. Shoulder Charges from Cena. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... Orton sends Cena into the ropes and lands a Powerslam for a two count. Orton stalks around the ring and Cena is out. Knee Drop misses the mark from Orton and Cena comes back with more rights and lefts. Cena misses a big Shoulder Charge and ends up on the floor. Cena onto the apron and then Orton sets him. THE HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE PUNT ... avoided. Flipping Bulldog from Cena and then he heads for the top rope. LEAPING FAMEASSER FROM CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... Orton hangs on. Double Clothesline and both men go down. They get to their feet and we have the "boo ! yeah !" right hand exchange. This crowd is NUCLEAR at this point and Cena is in the match. Back Body Drop from Cena and then Orton hits the referee and gets DQed. The referee decides that this isn't going to happen and gets him back into the ring. Cena sends Orton to the ropes and lands a Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Orton gets the hell out of the ring and then sends Cena into the steps. Back into the ring they go. Orton goes to the floor and grabs his belt and decides that he is leaving with it. This match is going to be restarted. STF attempt. Both men battle. ORTON WITH FEET ON THE ROPES AFTER A SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Another referee runs to the ring and says that the feet were on the ropes and Orton is getting annoyed with this. Match has been restarted. STF FROM CENA !!! SOMEONE FROM THE AUDIENCE JUMPS INTO THE RING !!! Orton is now on the floor. RKO OVER THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! RKO FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The structure of the match when the bullshit wasn't going down was much better than I remember it being. It certainly had the same epic big match feel like a couple of their other matches, with big counters at the right time and the audience being right into it. Once they had the false finishes starting though, it was all over the place, and it eventually reached a point where it was unforgivable. **

Jeff Hardy © vs. CM Punk, TLC Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and against the ropes they go. Right hands and knees from Punk. Punk then just unloads with stomps on Hardy. Hardy gets sent to the floor. Punk has a chair. Chair to the gut from Punk and then the chair to the back. Punk is now heading for the gold and Hardy gets in there and stops him. TWIST OF FATE ... stopped, but Hardy with a Running Forearm and then he beats down Punk in the corner. Swinging Dropkick in the corner from Hardy. Hardy heads for the belt and Punk gets into the ring and stops him. Punk gets sent face first into the ladder now. Poetry in Motion ... PUNK CATCHES HIM AND DROPS HARDY'S BACK ONTO THE EDGE OF THE CHAIR !!! Punk now wedges the chair between the top and middle buckles. Punk then drops the ladder on the back of Hardy. Running Leg Lariat from Punk. Hardy gets sent to the floor again. PUNK WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE ONTO HARDY !!! Punk limps his way around the ring and gets a table ready. Punk tries to wrap a chair around the head of Hardy but can't. He misses a chair shot as well. Punk jumps right into a chair shot after jumping onto the steps. Hardy then lands a Poetry in Motion, sending Punk's side into the railing and he's clearly in some pain. Chair to the already hurt back of Punk and that clearly didn't go down well with him. Hardy then puts Punk on a table on the floor and heads for the top rope. BIG SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP ROPE BUT HE GOES THROUGH THE TABLE WHEN PUNK MOVES !!! Punk then takes a ladder towards the ring and puts it in there. Punk now heads for the gold but Hardy manages to stop him. Hardy goes around Punk. HARDY AVOIDS A SUPER GO 2 SLEEP WITH A SUNSET BOMB OFF OF THE LADDER !!! Hardy now heads for the gold. PUNK PUSHES HARDY DOWN AND HE CRASHES INTO THE CORNER !!! That looked pretty painful there. Punk has Hardy set. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX OFF FROM PUNK TO HARDY ONTO A LADDER !!! THAT IS VILE !!! Punk tries a Suplex and it gets blocked. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! He then heads for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Punk with the Bulldog ... HARDY BLOCKS AND THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE THROUGH A TABLE !!! Hardy heads for the gold, but Punk catches him with a Springboard Clothesline and then heads for the floor and gets a chair. Punk wraps the chair around the head, but gets stopped. Hardy gives Punk a BRUTAL beating with a chair. MONITOR TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM HARDY !!! Punk set on the announce table. SWANTON BOMB OFF OF THE TOP OF A MASSIVE LADDER THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! Hardy is knackered and gets taken away in a stretcher, leaving Punk to go for the gold, but no, Hardy hasn't QUITE had enough yet, because he's a lunatic. Punk has the easy task of knocking down Hardy though and he grabs the gold for the win.

This is a vile, brutal war of a TLC Match. In what was some amazing psychology, every big move that Hardy took in this match seen him suffer a major blow to his back. This meant that when he tried to do his MAMMOTH spot at the end to take Punk out, it did more damage to him because his back was absolutely knackered. You don't see a story to a TLC Match often, but they created a good one there. That creates the problem that Hardy should have known this would happened, but since that doesn't come to mind when the match is on, that can be taken. ****1/2

Punk stands over Hardy with the gold, but the lights go out. When they came back on, he's standing over someone else. THE UNDERTAKER !!! CHOKESLAM ON CM PUNK !!!

Three 4* matches ? Even if every single other match was terrible, this would still be well worth looking out.

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I remember the 99 and 2000 ones as PPV's I loved, mainly the Kat getting her tits out, with Triple H vs Vince... and in 2000 the 6 man HIAC.

They replaced it with Vengenge in 2001 sadly and I can't remember much about the other Armageddons since then...

Armaggedon '03 was Evolution's greatest night (all 4 members won/retained titles that evening), Armageddon '06 had the Kane/MVP inferno match and the Fatal 4 Way Ladder match where Joey Matthews had his face busted. The others haven't been that memorable, though.

Seamus, Kane, Nexus, SES and Kingston to win the matches.

What PPVs are actually left, from the days off No Way Out and Backlash? Obvious Royal Rumble, Mania and Summerslam are.

All that's left are the big four - RR, Mania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series.

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I like the tradition of having the same named events each year and WWE are ruining it.... Fully loaded was the first to go thats been all kind of names, King of the ring ohmy.gif shockingly went years ago WHY! it was a Famous name on the PPV calendar! Backlash (cool set and all) sadly went, Judgement day is offski, which leaves us with only SS, WM, RR and Summerslam as the traditional PPVs.

PPVs like Bragging rights, over the limit, TLC, HIAC should all be scrapped, MITB is a PPV idea I like though, that is the exception to the rule, HIAC was an awful PPV, they bigged up the PPV so much as it being such a hardcore dangerous match that makes people famous, then they had 2 or 3 tame matches in them, no blood, no weapons, nothing special.

I hope TNA keep to their set PPV calendar they have been very good in that respect, only peice of tradition that they have changed from their PPV set up is no king of the mountain match at Slammiversary this year.

On a different note: What is happening with Christian atm? I don't catch Smackdown, but the lack of big things and/or title shots for him makes me think that he should have stayed at TNA, he would be right in the title picture there, same thing crossed my mind with Matt Hardy, he is rapidly becoming a jobber now, WWE don't have a plan for him really for him, if he were to go to TNA him and Jeff would get given the tag team title which I think is Matts best shot at glory and re-hyping his career, plus he would get a less hectic schedule and be closer to his home like jeff and shannon are.

I'm rapidly starting to desire ordering tonights box office PPV ph34r.gif

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Why get rid of Bragging Rights, a PPV which makes the RAW vs. Smackdown concept feel like a big deal, and want to keep Money in the Bank, which completely devalues what was one of the most consistantly enjoyable Wrestlemania matches of the last few years ?

Christian being a no mark midcarder in WWE is much better than being a no mark TNA main eventer that even less people will give a f**k about.

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Why get rid of Bragging Rights, a PPV which makes the RAW vs. Smackdown concept feel like a big deal, and want to keep Money in the Bank, which completely devalues what was one of the most consistantly enjoyable Wrestlemania matches of the last few years ?

Christian being a no mark midcarder in WWE is much better than being a no mark TNA main eventer that even less people will give a f**k about.

Bragging rights is one that just I don't personally enjoy as much as I should as I think it could have potential to be standout PPV but the last one wasn't all that good. MITB is an exellent idea for a match and I hope they keep it as a WM match but I also like the idea of seeing more of the unpredictibility of a new champion being crowned at any time.

As for the Christian thing, it's the same scenario as if it's better to be an SPL champion winning lots of medals and getting the spotlight in that division, or to go join the big league and be a birmingham level player never making the top of the tree but being in the biggest pond.

As Billy Bremner once said, you can't live off memories and what could have beens but I can look at all the medals, cups and championships I've won any time I like.

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