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Mo Wonderboy

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Oh no! Daniel Bryan? sad.gif I got it into my head that Triple H was sure to return.

Cole is really ripping into Daniel Bryan early one!! Don't make him grab your tie mad.gif

Well I'm off to sleep, glad I'm not £15 down, I'll find the main event online in the morning, although we all know the Nexus will win, who will screw them, I don't know, Bryan, Miz or Jericho imo.

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Well, that really WAS a stunning match. Fair play to the booking, making Daniel Bryan look absolutely terrific, busting out some more of his ROH goodness, and he now has a bonafide finisher in the Crippler Crossface.

So this is saved from being the worst ever Summerslam as 2003 didn't have anything spectacular to save it, nor did 1990.

That main event was special though. Absolutely special.

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Well, that really WAS a stunning match. Fair play to the booking, making Daniel Bryan look absolutely terrific, busting out some more of his ROH goodness, and he now has a bonafide finisher in the Crippler Crossface.

So this is saved from being the worst ever Summerslam as 2003 didn't have anything spectacular to save it, nor did 1990.

That main event was special though. Absolutely special.

Bryan looked a million bucks, aside from that, I'm struggling to find the positives in this match. Wade Barrett could have came out much better, but having him tap in 2 or 3 seconds just squashed that. Sheffield looked not too bad I thought at times too right enough when I think about it again. His work looks stiff as shit.

Edited by Lambies_Apprentice
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I thought the whole thing, untill the Barrett/Cena ending was superb. Just the way every elimination made sense and the whole thing just clicked on every level. Heath Slater even added to it by making me want his wee skinny shitarse to get kicked all over the place with every elimination he was responsible for. I marked out in a big way all through the match.

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Question is:

What the f**k are they going to do now? They've spent months hyping the Nexus, only to squash them in their first pay per view match. Jericho/Edge v Cena and Miz, Daniel Bryan feud seems likely. Unless they have some sort of in fighting storyline with the Nexus, then there is nothing they can take from this tonight and make money out of down the line.

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When did Danielson's suspension start btw? If it's 90 days bringing him back as the 7th man for team WWE would be quality.

That's shout of the year from me.

It was a firing, not a suspension. After that, there's a 90 day no-compete thing to get over as far as TV and PPV for ANYONE goes.

NEVER doubt me again DomDom :D

Didn't watch Summerslam but having read detailed results it sounds pretty poor.

Obviously having the Nexus lose after Miz, Jericho and Edge all turned on WWE is stupid beyond belief. The Nexus are pretty much done now, which doesn't make any sense to me as they could have been used until Survivor Series at least. f**k knows what they are going to do with them now, a potential feud with Mark Henry or the like for Barrett isn't too exciting. Edge and/or Jericho against Cena could be OK though if it's booked right (it won't be), and Miz/Danielson should be excellent.

Also, if they are trying to build Sheamus up to be a dominant monster, why have him hold on to the title in such a weak fashion after winning it and retaining it previously in dodgy circumstances? If they aren't willing to push him properly they'd have been as well putting the title on Orton.

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I think we could see a card at Night of Champions like this...

WWE Title: Sheamus vs Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Title: Kane vs Undertaker

Some sort of Cena/Nexus match?

US Title: The Miz vs Daniel Bryan

Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston

Tag Titles: Edge/Jericho vs Hart Dynasty

Divas Titles Combined: Laycool vs Melina

I don't have a clue where they'll go with the Cena and Nexus angle considering Nexus should have went over at Summerslam. Perhaps Edge/Jericho may be involved in a fued with Cena although that would leave Nexus with nothing to do. :mellow:

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I feel that none of the matches intrest me enough to pay for it.

Orton vs Sheamus will end up being similar to when they met at the rumble this year, I can see Sheamus hanging on to the belt.

SES vs Show will be shit imo.

Kane vs Rey is a match we saw plenty last year on RAW when rey won each time, I hate when they put rey against Kane/show/henry as it just rips the pish.

Nexus vs Team WWE will be gay as obviously the Nexus will win otherwise the whole point of them running through the WWE will be pretty pointless, I think Cena and Jericho will be the last 2 vs Wade and Jericho will turn on Cena beat him up and then Leave Nexus to pick up the win thus keeping Nexus on a rampage and setting up a nice to see cena vs Y2J feud.

I imagine that to happen, can't really think of anything else that would happen that would make it worth £15, the best case scenario is Orton to win the belt and Triple H to return.

Right about everything apart from Nexus winning, which still has me scratching my head.... cena no sells a DDT on concrete and then wade taps out to the STF when it wasn't even locked in, at all.

Not worth the £15, I hope night of champions will have a better card.

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I said WWE would win. No way would Vince have Cena, Edge and Jericho job to what many of his audience still see as a bunch of nobodies on one of his biggest PPV's of the year. To be honest I don't think this is the end of the WWE vs Nexus thing. I can see them continuing until the Nexus look unbeatable and eventually have them beat the WWE.

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I said WWE would win. No way would Vince have Cena, Edge and Jericho job to what many of his audience still see as a bunch of nobodies on one of his biggest PPV's of the year.

And this is why Nexus won't EVER be seen as unbeatable. Because they're not.

cena no sells a DDT on concrete and then wade taps out to the STF when it wasn't even locked in, at all.

He didn't actually no-sell the DDT on concrete. He sold the move for as long as I've ever seen such a move sold, unless they were doing an injury angle.

I think they might have rushed that STF ending actually because they were running out of time, but still no excuse.

What the f**k are they going to do now? They've spent months hyping the Nexus, only to squash them in their first pay per view match. Jericho/Edge v Cena and Miz, Daniel Bryan feud seems likely. Unless they have some sort of in fighting storyline with the Nexus, then there is nothing they can take from this tonight and make money out of down the line.

Well, they didn't squash them. Infact, Nexus dominated almost the entire match. If that's counted as a squash, then most matches that babyfaces win are squash matches.

The Jericho/Edge vs. Cena fued thing is interesting. I think that turn actually just happened to get Jericho and Edge back together as a team. I reckon the fued with Cena might continue on RAW for a couple of weeks and then get Cena back to Nexus business. Nexus might also be looking at Sheamus.

There's also the storyline of the next GM, which they could have escalate a lot more in Nexus' favour and keep them busy with that.

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I said WWE would win. No way would Vince have Cena, Edge and Jericho job to what many of his audience still see as a bunch of nobodies on one of his biggest PPV's of the year. To be honest I don't think this is the end of the WWE vs Nexus thing. I can see them continuing until the Nexus look unbeatable and eventually have them beat the WWE.

Contradiction. There is no way Team WWE will lose to them, but then you can see them losing later on?.... when they look unbeatable? That was the Most unbeatable the nexus will ever be up until last night as they put out numerous people and hadn't lost once in the months they have been here..... they were unbeatable.

You say you can see them continuing until Nexus look unbeatable, well, they just did look unbeatable and they will never look like that again because of last night, they Were beaten and will never get that much of an unbeatable hype again.

The smart thing to have done was like at invasion, have team wwe lose and then Really work up the storyline and some heat in it until survivor series and then have team WWE win.... after having team WWE win last night I cannot see where the Nexus will go from here...

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Contradiction. There is no way Team WWE will lose to them, but then you can see them losing later on?.... when they look unbeatable? That was the Most unbeatable the nexus will ever be up until last night as they put out numerous people and hadn't lost once in the months they have been here..... they were unbeatable.

Way to bolden only half of the sentence, did you tire yourself out half way through? If you read it again I said they wouldn't loose AT ONE OF THE BIGGEST PPV'S OF THE YEAR. Of course I can Nexus winning at a later date, and not on one of the big four PPV's.

Oh and they weren't unbeatable....I don't know how to break this to you, but they lost.

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I usually don't have a problem with John Cena being invincible as there has always been a wrestler who wins despite being on the back foot for most of the match but last night they went too far. To be fresh as a daisy just after taking a DDT to the concrete is too much in my opinion.

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Way to bolden only half of the sentence, did you tire yourself out half way through? If you read it again I said they wouldn't loose AT ONE OF THE BIGGEST PPV'S OF THE YEAR. Of course I can Nexus winning at a later date, and not on one of the big four PPV's.

Oh and they weren't unbeatable....I don't know how to break this to you, but they lost.

Well obviously, no one is unbeatable. But that is as hyped as the Nexus will get, WWE beat them I see no reason for them to have a return match. ONE OF THE BIGGEST PPV'S OF THE YEAR and one of the fucking worst, that was honking, Nexus winning would have continued their run of terror in the WWE now they are no longer this unstoppable group going through the whole roster without fail. But your beloved cena showed them up, another exellently boring ppv well worth the £15, all hail vince.

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