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Mo Wonderboy

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A car crash?

I thought Raven - Dreamer was quite good but apart from that it was awful. One Night Stand in 2005 was done at the right time and it was a great PPV.

In a way, yes. It was nostalgia trip. You weren't supposed to take it seriously, well apart from Raven/Dreamer I guess. It was nothing special but I enjoyed it.

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What a terrible Raw, worst I've seen in a long long time, so predictable the outcomes the 2 count outs were laughable, Edge's one was totally cringeworthy, maybe if he speared the steps it would have been better.

If I had paid for that I'd want a refund, And when will WWE finally stop putting Hart in matches when he can't wrestle, they made him get a DQ on sunday as a finisher would have killed him and last night they replaced him with Orton, not because the GM doesn't like him but because Hart is unable to compete.

Tag Titles are utterly awful, they should just disolve the division as Harts vs the Uso's each week is boring.

There are about 20 divas... yet 2 tag teams and 4 or 5 cruiserweights, I know what I would rather watch.

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What a terrible Raw, worst I've seen in a long long time, so predictable the outcomes the 2 count outs were laughable, Edge's one was totally cringeworthy, maybe if he speared the steps it would have been better.

If I had paid for that I'd want a refund, And when will WWE finally stop putting Hart in matches when he can't wrestle, they made him get a DQ on sunday as a finisher would have killed him and last night they replaced him with Orton, not because the GM doesn't like him but because Hart is unable to compete.

I think it's time you stopped watching WWE.

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Apologies not been watching wrestling regulary in a few years now but did K-Kwik really main event at Summerslam unsure.gif that can't be right surely

True. It's part of WWE trying to create more black characters for their audience. Hes not a main eventer but it being a 7 on 7 match they ran out of other guys.

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True. It's part of WWE trying to create more black characters for their audience. Hes not a main eventer but it being a 7 on 7 match they ran out of other guys.

Maybe they shouldn't have saked "the pope" then? R-Truth is utterly useless, The best part of Raw was Cole going "YES YES WE KNOW WHATS UP!"

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JYD would be better, even today. Maybe even Koko.

RAW was murder this week. The Nexus need someone else to help them generate heat. Their big problem was they came in against the likes of Cena, Edge and Jericho straight away. What could have been a great new angle has been doomed since the Summerslam match was made.

Now, if HHH did come back to help guide them, there might be a bit more to squeeze out of this, otherwise I can see them losing a member every week from now on. Then the will all up on Smackdown by November, which might not be a bad thing to be honest.

At the moment though, this whole angle is fucking up other promising talents like Ted Jr who can't even get a decent slot on Raw right now.

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