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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Only Taz could ruin TBP's entrance. And I had to laugh at him and Tenay acting surprised at the motorcycle helmet chick being Tara.... was anyone in any doubt as to who it was for one millisecond?

The EV2.0/Fortune tag match was pretty good. Kendrick fits in with the ECW guys quite well.

Edited by RB-Scotland
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I reckon some of you guys may be gutted as Aloisia the Giant has seemingly been demoted back to FCW as she wasn't deemed ready for the step up.

I was interested in seeing her dominate in the ring although i'm not too bothered as AJ Lee is still there. :wub:

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I reckon some of you guys may be gutted as Aloisia the Giant has seemingly been demoted back to FCW as she wasn't deemed ready for the step up.

I was interested in seeing her dominate in the ring although i'm not too bothered as AJ Lee is still there. :wub:

They've already announced her for the show. If someone else takes her place they'll no doubt have her come in near the end of the series and destroy everyone in sight. :lol:

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Hopefully London Brawling (great name) is the end of Nigel's jobbing. He needs to start battering these TNA wankers.

The only thing I am confused about, is why they got a title shot when they've never wrestled before. At least they should've called the Guns out before they put the shopping promo out.

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TNA by far the better of the shows to watch for yet another week. I thought Raw was very poor for a milestone episode.... Also I'mm sick of hearing the word "episonic" Cole was great as usual and the only part of the show I found entertaining was when Punk said katie vick. laugh.gif

TNA was good, loving the London Brawling tag team, hope they get the belts, Abyss talking about "they" again, can't wait to see Bound for glory, should be a massive PPV.

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The only thing I am confused about, is why they got a title shot when they've never wrestled before. At least they should've called the Guns out before they put the shopping promo out.

Aye, your right there. MCMG and Beer Money cannae go on wrestling each other forever but like you say, another tag team getting into the mix should at least have some momentum before getting a title shot.

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Aye, your right there. MCMG and Beer Money cannae go on wrestling each other forever but like you say, another tag team getting into the mix should at least have some momentum before getting a title shot.

They said they have been tearing through the tag division on xplosion.

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Someone said to me that last night's ICW was as close to perfection as a wrestling show can get. Yeah, I'd say that just about sums it up. Even managing to surpass the Dragon Gate UK show from last November, this was just wall to wall mental, and is probably finally the show that they can't top next time around.

Take all of the bells and whistles off of it, and it's basically just a hard sell show for the big 'un in November. And my god it was some sell.

Right ...

We got going with the Wee Man from internet fame of singing with the Ned Kru, who everyone seemed to either love or hate. I was definately in the camp of the former. Remember that song that had "here you, that'll be right !" all the way through it ? This is yer guy. Best moment was when he shouted "IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ... yer maw." :lol: Absolution coming in whipped the crowd into a frenzy thanks to the quite ridiculous stuff from both Absolution and the Wee Man. Great way to open the show.

Jamie Feerick vs. Chris Blake goes to no contest.

Was actually getting going quite nicely. Bloke was kinda weak on the strikes but Feerick seemed to be unloading as if he was owed money. Got to the point where I was disappointed when Absolution continued to ruin parties ( taking cues from the first ICW champ there ) and got paid for it.

Probably the most disappointing of the promos followed, but it delivered the point. Red Lightning makes the first surprise return of the night and demands his shot at the gold. Mark Dallas agrees that he's probably the best fit for the shot. As for Absolution, they get paid money to take on Jester later in the night.

Johnny Moss df. William Grange via KTFO.

MOOOOOSSYYYYYYYYYYYY !!! The madness continues as Mossy obliterates Grange within an inch of his life. Highlights included a Gorilla Press Slam into a wall (~~~), a kick sending a bin into Grange's face and then an Exploder Suplex over the top rope. Clearly sending a message to everyone. The audience for the show didn't NEED to be whipped into a frenzy for this one, so this superb opener just served to make the place fucking rabid.

William Grange after the match says that he cannot be stopped. Oh aye, Joe Coffee turned on Grange before the match, which didn't help to calm the audience down any.

Adam Shame df. Steven Xavier via mad hanging thing.

The theme of the match is death, as Xavier just gets massacred and takes some horrific bumps. The buckle bomb was brutal, as was the Powerbomb near the end of the match. Basically a squash match, but it was as entertaining as a Sid squash, so naturally the audience lapped it up.

Adam Shame says it's a message to the big boys, but he namechecks Johnny Moss about 50 times so there's no doubt where this is going.

Falcon df. El Ligero via Jig N Tonic.

Probably a good idea to have a match like this which wasn't full pelt anarchy. God knows that there was enough of it on the show to go around. Good stuff with the slow motion opening exchange. Good moment when a fan shouts something about Generico at Ligero, later on Ligero goes outside and shouts "OLE !" and then gives the fan the finger. It was a fun match.

Anthony Christie df. Kid Fite with the help of Blaze N Rampage.

Anthony Christie captured the imagination of the audience big time. Kid Fite did an awesome sell job of the dancing Leg Drop that Christie did. Also some more cracking comedy spots through this. One of the most satisfying matches I've seen in some time, as Christie angered and angered Kid Fite. After the match, the golden touch on the whole thing was Christie falling as he went to the second buckle to celebrate, and after seeing this, Kid Fite just fell onto his arse completely distraught. Great fun.

Chris Re ...

... not quite. Charles Boddington starts to make his way into the hall and Mark Dallas spots him and has some words with him. I can't remember the exact phrasing but "roided up freak" or something similar was aimed Boddington's way and from that point, Boddington was as you've never seen him before. He even ... wait for it ... KNOCKED BACK A CHANCE TO TALK !!! :o :o Anyroads, this is another thing that's bound to come to a head in November.

Chris Renfrew df. Lionheart via brutal Sitdown Spinebuster.

And the madness commenced yet again. Just an insane brawl between these two guys who can make you think that they really want to hurt each other.

After the match things REALLY take a nasty turn as both guys go to work on each other and this was so heated that even I believed it could have been real at times. Some right nasty shots. Anyways, Last Man Standing next time.

So we go to intermission and it all goes well. I go get my juice. Sit down, and settle and then the doors to the hall from the back start going nuts and then out them two fuckers come pouring to continue to settle their dispute, causing me to have to move my leg so fast I pull something. Fuckers.

Jester df. Absolution via Modified Pedigree.

Okay, so it was also with the help of Highlander, but who cares ? In my second hurting of the night, Noam Dar throws a chair and it belts me in the shoulder. Fucker. Madness really as Noam Dar really let Jester that he won't be messed with untill Highlander comes out and you don't see him again. It was about as good as a handicap match can be.

After this, Kay Lee Ray comes out and in the latest twist, Carmel comes out and lays her out with some Orton-based violence before standing on her to stop her getting pulled out. :laugh: More stuff set for November as it's Nikki vs. Carmel.

Andy Wild df. Liam Thomson via help from Blaze N Rampage after Kid Fite runs out.

Always the thorn in Kid Fite's side, Blaze N Rampage decide to piss off BOTH members of Fight Club. This match seen the audience finally calm down a bit after everything that had come before. After all, they DID need a rest, but then this match slowly but surely sucked everyone in, and then exploded the hall when Wild kicked out of the Backpack Lungblower. An absolutely brilliant match here, which finally confirms to me just how good Andy Wild is.

Kid Fite is LIVID ( when is he ever not though ) and he wants Fight Club vs. Blaze N Rampage at the next ICW show to close this awesome chapter. While this is going on, some imbecile of a fan runs into the ring. Idiot.

BT Gunn df. Red Lightning via Super Booty Shaker to retain the ICW Championship.

What an absolutely incredible match this turned out to be. The match was already all sorts of amazing and fun before the interferences started, and when that got going, wowzers, this thing picked up. MAAAAAAAD dive from BT Gunn off of a ladder had me leaping about a foot off of my seat. Everything was coming to a head, and I thought for sure that Red Lightning had the win, but it all settled down and BT Gunn finally took the win.

The only thing that could have sent the crowd even more rabid was the returning Darkside, and sure enough, in a mask, the former ICW Champ returned, sending the place through the fucking roof, and ...

Darkside df. BT Gunn to win the ICW Championship.

... all is right with the world again. Although incidentally, I thought the mask was a bad idea. Some people would have guessed that it could only have been one person. As soon as he appeared I was fucking stunned, because I KNEW who it was even with the stupid mask. Anyways, that's how it all ended.



Looking back over that, I don't think I did the show any justice really. It's easily the best live wrestling experience I've ever had. Just utter insanity from first moment to the last, and I think finally answering the question "Can They Top That ?". Umm ... no. If they do, it won't be close to perfection.

Incidentally, that leaves us with a likely card for next time of ...

Darkside vs. BT Gunn

Johnny Moss vs. Adam Shame

Renfrew vs. Lionheart - LMS

Nikki Storm vs. Carmel

Blaze N Rampage vs. Fight Club

I'd also hazard a guess at Jester and Highlander vs. Absolution in a Falls Count Anywhere/Deathmatch or something like that but that'd then leave us wondering what's going on with Wolfgang and Red Lightning, if the latter is back for good.

Maybe it WILL be better actually ...

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Dudleys, Beer Money, FBI, Generation Me. Obviously Beer Money wouldn't get another one, they seem to be in a small feud with the FBI, well part of the larger EV 2.0 vs Fourtune. Dudleys haven't been seen since the impact after Hardcore Justce. I think Gen Me shoulda got one before London Brawling. My problem is that they should've at least introduced themselves, on Impact, and called out the Guns and demanded a title shot, calling the Guns cowards if they refused. I might start watching Xplosion if I can be arsed.

The card for tonight looks amazing, my picks are in bold with a wee bit of explaining afterwards:

Just so I don't annoy anyone I'll put it in a spoiler tag.

Angle vs Jeff Hardy

Anderson vs the Pope

Guns vs London Brawling

AJ vs Tommy Dreamer

Sting and Nash vs Jarrett and Samoa Joe

Douglas Williams vs Sabu

Rhino vs Abyss

Velvet Sky vs Madison Rayne

Angle and Anderson are no brainers, Angle is continuing on his quest and he will beat Hardy and then Anderson taking out the next two on the top ten contenders list. Not sure if he'll beat Abyss, maybe later. Guns are on a high, best tag team in Wrestling atm imo, as they said on Impact; they didn't go through that five match series to lose to a newly formed team like London Brawling. The whole feud with AJ and Dreamer, and with the two stables, would come to a halt if Dreamer lost, could see it doing the same if AJ lost, that's why I picked Dreamer. Couldn't really care less about the has-beens and Joe match. They need to give the X-division belt to someone who fits into that catagory. Abyss is not gonna lose a main match until Bound For Glory, when "they" are revealed. Velvet Sky is hot.

I might stay up for it, decide once the streams come up, if they are decent enough then I will. Heard the TNA website are doing something for PPVs starting with Bound For Glory, some kind of paying service or something. Interested to see that.

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