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Mo Wonderboy

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Someone said to me that last night's ICW was as close to perfection as a wrestling show can get. Yeah, I'd say that just about sums it up. Even managing to surpass the Dragon Gate UK show from last November, this was just wall to wall mental, and is probably finally the show that they can't top next time around.

Take all of the bells and whistles off of it, and it's basically just a hard sell show for the big 'un in November. And my god it was some sell

I'm totally gutted that I missed this show. I was with a couple of the guys after the show and they were talking about their match. To be honest, from what they were saying, it didn't seem like my cup of tea, but then I was shown the last 10 minutes of the main event. That crowd sounded incredible.

Hopefully they will just redo the main event spot for spot next time for my benefit, because I really fucking want to see this match.

Failing that, I want a 30 minute Iron Man match. Red Lightning vs Table.

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The main event will be on YouTube as will the rest of the show at one point or another.

November is basically the Wrestlemania of ICW, which makes sense given everything that happened on that last show. If they DO decide to go with Darkside vs. BT Gunn, then it'll probably be the hottest crowd that Scottish wrestling has ever seen.

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TNA No Surrender 2010

At least now there is one match to really look forward to with the Bucks vs. MCMG. There's some stuff that looks like it could be good.

Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Generation Me - TNA Tag Team Championships ( ***1/2 )

Doug Williams © vs. Sabu - TNA X Division Championship ( **1/4 )

Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky ( DUD )

Rhino vs. Abyss, Falls Count Anywhere Match ( *3/4 )

Kevin Nash and Sting vs. Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett ( *1/2 )

AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer, I Quit Match ( ****1/4 )

Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle - TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi Final ( ****1/2 )

Mr. Anderson vs. D'Angelo Dinero - TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi Final ( ** )

Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Generation Me - TNA Tag Team Championships

Both teams are capable of better. This match definately needed a heel/face divide I reckon, as neither team seemed to know what to do here. They started with the counter familiarity thing, and then they decided to go beyond that and into sort of modifying their usual offense so as the other team couldn't scout it out, and then they decided to just do the usual shit at the end which was fun, but as far as both of these teams go, you've seen them do better a million times and every time it has been better. It was a good fun match, but not the showstealer people expected. ***1/2

After the match, Generation Me turn on the Guns. That's good because their heel persona in PWG is awesome and it means that we might well be seeing a fued in the making.

Doug Williams © vs. Sabu - TNA X Division Championship

This match just strikes me as a major clash of styles. I hope they can get over it. Sabu has certainly slowed down a step, although it's to be expected due to his age so I won't complain an awful lot about that. I just thought it was something worth noting. He started off botchy, but as the match went on, he seemed to get more into things and hit his moves a lot more clean. He even very quickly made up for a botch. He still made for an awkward opponent for Williams to work around though, which is exactly what I was expecting from this. Both guys seemed to get the match over through sheer workrate and effort alone so fair play, but I wasn't a big fan. **1/4

Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky

Rayne has Tara by her side, and Sky has Angelina Love. You know that the shit is gonna hit the fan here. There was certainly something about shit in this match, but it wasn't quite what I was expecting it to be. It was a pretty terrible match. DUD

Rhino vs. Abyss, Falls Count Anywhere Match

This is a rematch of a past match. Think it might have been Against All Odds 2006 but my memory isn't the best. Can anyone explain to me what the point of the brawling outside was ? There was nothing close to brutality there. It was about as tame as a WWE No DQ match when they were out there. Once they get back into the Impact Zone, things aren't much better, and then they go under the stage and we don't see anything after that, as if to enforce that this match really isn't very good at all. Don't get me wrong, there's some good stuff in this match, but when you consider what Abyss brawls used to be like, you can't help but feel that this is just a watered down version. *3/4

Kevin Nash and Sting vs. Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett

Not as brutally bad as I feared it was going to be. Certainly not as bad as the storyline surrounding it. Sting just doesn't look very good at the moment. Kevin Nash is great though as someone who doesn't really do much in the ring, but what he does in there, he does it very well. I guess it was a decent short formula match. The commentators trying to put the ending over as some sort of weird thing, but really, it wasn't. It's typical Jeff Jarrett. *1/2

AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer, I Quit Match

The difference between this and the brawl earlier in the show is that these two guys looked to tell a story in the match. The violence wasn't any more shocking than what was on before for the most part, but what made everything seem more brutal is how they incorperated injuries into the match and then used weapons and tools to work on them injuries rather than just unload on each other with weapons making the whole thing seem meaningless. I also liked how the match evolved after the reversed figure four leg lock, as it felt as if it was coming into another level after that. Having AJ Styles make Tommy Dreamer quit is a huge deal, but not as big as it would have been if Tommy Dreamer had any sort of record in TNA. Cracking match regardless. ****1/4

Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle - TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi Final

This was really fucking good. Jeff Hardy looked right up for it and brought his A game which is probably the first time he has done so for TNA. Cracking two sided match where both guys just unloaded the heavy artilery on each other from start to finish and made it seem like the world title was the most important thing in the world. Both guys came out with things that they've never done before as well, and the audience was right into it. My only problem is that you never felt that either man was going to win with the Twist of Fate or the Angle Slam, yet they were built as major nearfalls. Ach, minor gripe. I'm also willing to forgive the 20 minute time limit because of it being a tournament match. Epic stuff here. ****1/2

Mr. Anderson vs. D'Angelo Dinero - TNA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi Final

How are they going to top what just came before ? It turns out that they're not going to even attempt it. Maybe someone on here could tell me why these two guys were main eventing the show ahead of two guys who are actually ... you know ... big names ? It was a decent enough match. If it had been part of the midcard I wouldn't be complaining much, but it isn't. It's two jobbers to the stars main eventing a PPV. Not good enough. **

Certainly not a PPV without it's moments. Dreamer/Styles and Angle/Hardy were both terrific but everything else was either 1) disappointing or 2) horribly misplaced on the card.

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I wouldn't call Anderson and the Pope "jobbers". Bit harsh. I was surprised that it was the main event over Angle n Hardy, especially since every knows Angle's gonna win the title at BFG. Only seen half of the Abyss/Rhino and the AJ/Dreamer match as I turned it on late and couldn't stay awake, respectively.

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