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Mo Wonderboy

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Austin is officially the biggest draw in WWE history, is he not ?

Not sure, but he is the man who has made the most money in a single year, so doends how you interpret that. Surely he was a bigger draw than Hogan.

If the list is based on superstars and not workers then my list is thus:

1) Stone Cold

2) Hogan

3) The Rock

4) Undertaker

5) Cena

6) HBK

7) Vince McMahon

8) Mick Foley

9) Chris Jericho

10) HHH

Not surprising really that most of the biggest superstars are from the attitude era, in fact all of mines are, apart from Hogan and Cena, given the explosion that wrestling that wrestling had during that time amd the success those guys had.

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Austin might have been a bigger draw than Hogan but let's not forget that Hogan took the WWF out of bingo halls and put it in MSG. Hogan established the Wrestlemania brand as well. Austin was absolutely awesome but he started with the company on a different level to what Hogan did.

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WWE In Your House : Premiere

Can't wait to get on with this stuff right here.

Hakushi vs. Bret Hart ( **** )

The Roadie and Jeff Jarrett vs. Razor Ramon ( **1/2 )

Mabel vs. Adam Bomb ( N/A )

Yokozuna and Owen Hart © vs. The Smoking Gunns - WWE World Tag Team Championships ( ** )

Jerry Lawler vs. Bret Hart ( * )

Diesel © vs. Sycho Sid - WWE World Heavyweight Championship ( *3/4 )

Hakushi vs. Bret Hart

I have no idea who Hakushi's manager is. "We Want Bret" chant breaks out from the audience. I love the Bret backstage interviews that you used to always get. The bell rings and we're underway. Lockup and Hak with the Headlock. Bret tries to fight up and sends Hak into the ropes. Hak with a cartwheel and Hart just backs off a bit. They lock hands and Bret with a kick and then Hak yanks the hair and sends Bret down. Bret nips up, but Hak just reverses right away. Hak into the ropes and then he lands a Flying Shoulder Tackle and that gets a two count. Arm Bar from Hak. Hak then drops the knee on the arm of Bret and continues his work on the arm of Bret. Bret into the ropes and he drops behind and gets a rollup for a two count and then gets an Arm Drag and an Arm Bar. Hak battles to the feet and then sends Bret into the ropes and gets charged down. Elbow to the back of the head from Hart. Hiptoss and then another pair of Arm Drags from Hart and Hakushi heads for the floor to take a breather. Back in and shots to the throat from Hak. Body Slam from Hak and then a Vader Bomb and that gets a two count. Bret beat into the corner, and Hak with the Bronco Buster. That is some brutality right there. The manager seems to like that as well. Bret into the ropes. Bret avoids a slam but gets sent to the floor through the ropes where Hakushi's manager lays the boots in. Bret back in the ring and he gets whipped into the corner. Chinlock against the corner and the manager also does what he can to distract the referee. Hakushi then chokes Bret over the middle rope. The manager also gets involved again behind the back of the referee. Hakushi chops down Bret following that. In the corner and Hak with chops. Bret into the corner and a Cartwheel into a Back Elbow. Bret comes back with right hands, but Hak with a rake to the eyes and a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker gets himself a two count. Hak to the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH ... MISSES !!! Bret is back up and he's an angry man and he lands some right hands. Punch to the gut and the Russian Legsweep gets a two count. Bulldog also gets a two count. Backbreaker now from Bret as he now begins to go through the gears. Diving Elbow Drop from Bret. SHARPSHOOTER ... manager gets on the apron. Manhattan Drop from Hart. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM BRET !!! Headbutt from Hart and now he has Hak draped over the top and he lands a series of right hands. The manager sweeps Hart. SUICIDE DIVE FROM HART !!! Back in and Hakushi lands a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Suplex from Bret and both men wind up going over the top rope. This is some quality action right here. Bret gets into an arguement with the manager. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM HAKUSHI !!! Hakushi is now back in the ring and Bret battles his way back into the ring. Bret onto the apron and he drops behind. VICTORY ROLL FROM BRET !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I think the celebration fireworks were a bit of a touch too far for what was the opening match of the evening. The match was terrific though. I was surprised that Hakushi wasn't unloading the major offense as much, but when they headed into the second half of the match I began to see why as he really unloaded with the big shit. Bret Hart as always was solid as f**k and he brought the awesome in spades here. Great opening match. ****

The Roadie and Jeff Jarrett vs. Razor Ramon

Ramon was as over as rover at this point. JJ looks to get a cheapshot in there and Razor sees it coming. Roadie distracts Ramon again and JJ uses the chance to fire right hands, but NOBODY hits a right hand like Ramon. More right hands from Ramon and JJ gets the hell out of there. Ramon into the ropes and JJ misses a Dropkick and Ramon sends him over the top rope with a Clothesline. Ramon taken out of the ring but that doesn't go too well for him. Roadie is now attacking from behind with a cheapshot and that should turn the tide of the match. Back into the ring they go now. Ramon into the buckles and that hurt. The same again. Kick is caught but JJ lands the Enziguri and he looks pretty proud of himself. Ramon sends JJ into the ropes and a Cross Body Block is caught. Fallaway Slam from Ramon and that gets a two count. Roadie is now tagged into the match and Ramon into the ropes. Clothesline from Roadie. Ramon into the ropes again and he ducks a shot. Roadie then slams the head into the canvas and then Elbow Drops from Roadie and JJ is going a bit mental as well. The audience aren't big fans of what's going on. JJ in the ring and he tries for a Sunset Flip but eats a right hand. Elbow Strike from JJ lands an Elbow Strike. Suplex is blocked and Razor gets a Small Package for a two count and JJ gets out of there and in comes Roadie. Kicks from Roadie as the fans get behind the babyface here. Ramon comes back with right hands. JJ then attacks from behind and that changes the tide again and in comes JJ. JJ to the middle buckle and he jumps right into the right hand of Ramon and then an Atomic Drop from Ramon. Razor's Edge is blocked as Ramon is sent over the top rope and now Roadie goes to the middle buckle and hits a Clothesline. Back into the ring and JJ tries a Cross Body but that gets countered. Dropkick from JJ and once again Ramon kicks out. Swinging Neckbreaker from JJ. JJ now chokes Ramon on the middle rope but then tries to drop his weight across the back and that misses. Both men now collide in the middle of the ring and JJ has the clear advantage with the man advantage at the moment. Back Drop Suplex from Ramon but once again, he has nowhere to go here. JJ is looking for the tag and he gets it. Roadie and he heads to the middle buckle and lands the Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Roadie now locks in the Chinlock on Ramon. Ramon is fighting back and then he hits the ropes and slams the head of Roadie into the canvas. Tag is made by Roadie but then Ramon comes back with right hands. Discus punch from Ramon. JJ and Roadie collide in the middle of the ring though and now right hands from Ramon and into the corner they go. Roadie set on the top rope. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM RAMON !!! Ramon signals for the end but then JJ kicks the knee and then takes him down. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK ... countered. RAZOR'S EDGE ON JARRETT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

They basically decided to go with the tag formula with this one, and just modified it to include one guy. For much of the match, The Roadie actually looked stronger than Jarrett as he was able to take down Ramon while Razor made his comebacks against JJ. I found that a bit weird. Good little match though. **1/2

Savio Vega gets involved at the end, thus making his debut in the match.

Mabel vs. Adam Bomb

Mo gets in the face of Bomb and Mabel takes the chance to club down Bomb. Mabel with the Avalanche in the corner. Avalanche again misses and Bomb comes back with right hands. Flying Shoulder Block and to the floor goes Mabel. PESCADO FROM BOMB !!! Wow ! He then sends Mabel back into the ring. Slingshot Clothesline from Bomb gets a one count. Bomb heads for the top rope. Top Rope Clothesline gets a one count for Bomb. Spinning Heel Kick from Mabel. FRONT SLAM FROM MABEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Squash match. N/A

Yokozuna and Owen Hart © vs. The Smoking Gunns - WWE World Tag Team Championships

Billy wants to start the match. Yoko wants to wave his flag a bit. Different priorities I suppose. Owen to the apron and then back into the ring we go with Billy and Yoko. Billy into the ropes and he gets charged down. Billy into the ropes and he gets under Yoko and then lands a pair of Dropkicks. Arm Ringer from Billy and in comes Bart with the Double Axe Handle. Headbutt from Yoko and then in comes Owen. Owen runs into a Gorilla Press Slam from Bart. Dropkick from Bart and then in comes Billy. Dropkick/Suplex gets a two count for the Gunns. Enziguri lands for Owen. Into the corner and then Yoko into the ring and he lands a Clothesline. Karate chops now from Yoko. Yoko is simply laying the beating on. Snapmare from Yoko and then he locks on the Nerve Hold. Owen back into the ring. Neckbreaker from Owen and that gets a two count. Sunset Flip gets a two count for Billy, and then Owen lands the Spinning Heel Kick and Billy heads for the floor. Yoko charges on the floor but he hits the ringpost and then Billy gets back in the ring. Owen misses a charge. Bart into the match and he lands the Back Drop Suplex. BACK DROP NECKBREAKER FROM THE GUNNS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LEG DROP ON THE FLOOR FROM YOKOZUNA !!! Yoko now sends him back into the ring. OWEN MAKES THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That wasn't a bad match. Yokozuna was booked to perfection, basically acting as the muscle while Owen Hart came in and picked up the scraps. **

Jerry Lawler vs. Bret Hart

Bret was playing possum and he lays on a horror beating here on Lawler. Right hands and kicks from Hart. Headbutt from Hart and down goes Lawler. Lawler does a runner and he can't get away from the angry Hitman. Lawler takes more beating from Hart here. Back into the ring and Lawler backs into the corner and Hart lays on a beating. Snapmare and then a Leg Drop from Hart. Back Body Drop from Hart. Shot across the back from Hart. PILEDRIVER FROM LAWLER !!! Hart gets up quickly and he lays on more of a beating. Bulldog from Hart. PILEDRIVER FROM HART !!! Elbow Drop from Hart and he's reaching for his lady and now Bret chokes Lawler over the bottom rope. Bret rakes the face of Lawler on the top rope. Rake to the eyes from Lawler. Body Slam from Lawler and all of a sudden he has a chance here. He heads for the top rope. Hart is up though and he buries a punch to the stomach. More right hands from Hart. Back Elbow from Hart. Headbutt and then more right hands from Hart. Hakushi's manager gets on the apron. The referee is now trapped in the ropes. Russian Legsweep from Hart and now he heads to the middle buckle. Diving Elbow Drop. Hakushi in there. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM HAKUSHI TO HART !!! ANOTHER FLYING HEADBUTT FROM HAKUSHI !!! ANOTHER FLYING HEADBUTT FROM HAKUSHI !!! JACKNIFE PIN FROM LAWLER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This would have been much better if Hart had completely dominated the match before that ending, but the smattering of offense from Lawler kind of took away from the shock of it all. *

Diesel © vs. Sycho Sid - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Diesel takes Sid down early with the Flying Clothesline and Sid gets the hell out of there. Sid then drags Diesel to the floor, but Diesel lands some right hands of his own and back into the ring they go. Sid with a big knee to the back of Diesel and now he goes out after him. Sid then scoops up Diesel and drops him facefirst on the apron. The fans aren't liking this at all. Kick to the stomach then from Sid and some more of the same. Sid then rams the back of Diesel into the ringpost. Sid now makes the charge and kicks Diesel in the head and that is going to cause some problems for our hero on the floor ! Back into the ring goes Diesel and Sid clubs on the back and then some more of the same. More shots across the back from Sid and then a Double Axe Handle across the back of the head. Diesel now looks to make a comeback. Diesel runs into an elbow and then Sid lands the Clothesline on the champ. Diesel looks to take an oppertunity, but Sid just clubs him right back down again. Sid just continues to club away on Diesel. I suppose he has a one track mind. Sid now locks in the Camel Clutch. The fans get behind Diesel. Dibiase causes some bother on the apron as the audience is desperate for some Diesel Power ! Diesel tries to fight out and Sid just drops his weight on the back and then Sid with the Leg Drop gets a two count and now Sid goes back to the Camel Clutch. Diesel manages to escape from the move again this time with Sid missing the weight drop on the back. Diesel comes back into the match. CHOKESLAM FROM SID !!! Sid is now signalling for the end. POWERBOMB FROM SID !!! He now taunts the crowd. I hate when people do that. Of course, we get the obvious kickout. Why book the finisher to be done in the first place if you want to keep it protected ? Sid charges and misses. Snake Eyes from Diesel. BIG BOOT FROM DIESEL !!! JACKNIFE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TATANKA SAVES !!! The ref calls it.

Sid at least managed to carry things in a sort of "one track mind" sort of way. His plan was to club Diesel into submission and that is exactly what we got from this one. Didn't make the match very exciting but at least it had a stable story going through it. The spot with the Powerbomb from Sid REALLY annoyed me. There was no need to have it happen in the match at all. It was solid stuff if a little boring. *3/4

You know, this wasn't a very good PPV actually. There was some awful booking going on at times and the only match which really stood out was the opener. After that it was all downhill.

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I would leave Flair out of it. You deny he is great but apart from a 1 year run in the early 90's and his recent WWE run all his greatness was in NWA/WCW. I can also see why Lawler is there but all his accomplishments are outwith WWE.

The list isn't just about achievements within WWE (hence the inclusion of Lawler and Bockwinkel - even if the former is ranked far too highly). Which is why Flair should be a little bit higher than #17.

Austin might have been a bigger draw than Hogan but let's not forget that Hogan took the WWF out of bingo halls and put it in MSG. Hogan established the Wrestlemania brand as well. Austin was absolutely awesome but he started with the company on a different level to what Hogan did.

WWE were regulars at MSG before Hogan came along, but I broadly agree with the rest of your point.

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More PBPs

Stan Hansen vs. Vader - NJPW 10/02/1990 ( ***1/4 )

Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat - NWA Chi-Town Rumble 1989 ( ***** )

KENTA vs. Low Ki - ROH Final Battle 2005 ( ****1/2 )

Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Batista vs. Chris Benoit, Elimination Chamber - WWE New Year's Revolution 2005 ( ****1/2 )

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu, Stretcher Match - ECW The Doctor is In 1996 ( **** )

Royal Rumble Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2004 ( **3/4 )

Stan Hansen vs. Vader - NJPW 10/02/1990

They start hooking up before the bell even rings and that must be a good sign. Hansen stalks Vader around the ring. He won't get away with his bullying here. Forearms from Vader and then slaps but Hansen comes back with chops of his own. Both men battle and then go to the eyes. Vader now goes to the arm but Hansen is in the ropes. Vader unloads with more forearms and then Hansen slaps away at Vader. They lockup again and so far we have a bit of a war going on. Vader decides to keep going to the eyes. Shot to the head from Vader. Well played sir. Kick to the chest from Vader and then Hansen makes a fight back. This is some hard hitting shots. There's stuff going on in the ring while we look at a commentator. Okay, we're back, and Vader has Hansen down. Hansen battles back to his feet. Vader decides to take the mask off because his eye is absolutely knackered. He's basically fighting with one eye at the moment. When the audience see that, they're disgusted. Vader with an Avalanche in the corner. That's fucking disgusting. Tokyo Dome : "Eeeewwww". I agree. Hansen with right hands and then head first into the top buckle goes Vader. Hansen then puts in a Chinlock. Vader with strikes to the body and the head of Hansen. That eye is a distraction at this point. Vader misses an Avalanche. Back Drop Suplex from Hansen and that impresses. We clip to further on in the match and Hansen runs into the brick wall of Vader who's sporting the most disgusting black eye in history at the moment. Kick to the head and that sends Vader to the floor. Hansen follows him out and then sends him into the ring post. HE SENDS HIM IN EYE FIRST !!! SHIT !!! Vader gets sent into the railing, but then catches Hansen with a big Body Block. Vader slams Hansen gut first into the railing and then charges him into the front row. Back to the ring they go and the audience are delighted that we are going to see more of this madness. Knee to the head from Vader. Shots to the ribs from Vader. Kick to the stomach from Vader and he's really doing a number on Hansen at the moment. Stomps to the gut from Vader and Hansen rolls to the floor. Hansen tries to run away and we can't see anything through the mountain of press. We finally get a view of what's happening. Right hands from Vader and then back into the ring. Powerslam from Vader and that gets a two count. Vader to the top rope. AVALANCHE OFF THE TOP FROM VADER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Hansen is clearly a hardcore mofo. Chinlock from Vader. He then has Hansen down and starts landing some hard elbows to the gut. Elbow Drop to the gut from Vader and that gets a two count. Vader continues his beating and sends Hansen to the ropes. Hansen runs right into a Lariat and that sends Hansen to the floor. VADER MISSES AN AVALANCHE AGAINST THE RINGPOST !!! Brawl continues on the floor. Back into the ring they go yet again. Why does the audience always go so mental for the guys going into the ring ? Kicks to the face from Hansen and then a knee to the face. To the floor again and Vader gets charged over the railing and Hansen goes over there and lays a beating on him. Back to ringside and Vader launches a fight back and then back into the ring to a massive pop. f**k sake. Elbow Drop from Hansen and that gets a two count. Knee Drops from Hansen and that gets a two count. Hansen is now warming up the Lariat arm. Vader into the ropes but he sends Hansen in. Dropkick from Vader and that allows him to get back into the match. Lariats from both men and both men send the brawl to the floor again. Vader lays the beatdown and this thing might not make it back to the ring this time. Double count out.

Okay, I'm trying to understand how this match can be seen as a classic. Both guys brawled and gave us something that was fun, but that was a horrible ending which just deflated the whole thing. As for the match, there was plenty of hate in it, but it was so stop-start that I couldn't buy into it, and the match was also hurt by Hansen's usual "I'm so shit I can bring anyone down to my level" style of wrestling. ***1/4

Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat - NWA Chi-Town Rumble 1989

Steamboat into the ropes and he catches Flair with the Headlock early. He avoids a Suplex and gets a two count from the O'Connor Roll and Flair heads for the floor to get a bit of a breath. Clipped and we go to Steamboat with the Headlock on Flair. Thankully the match isn't being completely butchered here, meaning I can still review the match. Big chops from both men now and these are hard chops. Flair with another chop. BIG chop from Steamboat and that gets a two count and Flair gets to the floor again as he did feel that he nearly lost there. Back into the ring goes Flair. They lock hands and Steamboat seems to be backing off, and Flair gets annoyed. "You got no guts ?! Come 'ere !". Lockup and against the corner they go. Flair with a chop and then Steamboat jumps over him and lands a Hiptoss and then a Head Scissor Takedown and a Dropkick. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Steamboat and he's well in control of this match at the moment. Elbow to the back of the head and then Flair with a chop and more elbow strikes, but Steamboat comes back with chops. Steamboat charges down Flair, but then runs right into the Back Elbow from Flair, but Steamboat comes back with chops and right hands. Chop sends Flair over the top rope and the referee says that it wasn't a deliberate move so the DQ is not going to be called. Flair tricks Steamboat into a brawl on the floor and then sends him into the railing and does all sorts of cheating out there before chopping Steamboat down. Head first into the railing goes Steamboat and Flair is doing what he feels it takes to walk away with the gold in this match. Elbow strike to the nose from Flair and then a knee to the back from Flair. Snapmare from Flair and then he lands the Knee Drop. That gets a two count for the champ. Butterfly Suplex from Flair and then he lands another chop. More chops from Steamboat as he now tries to come back into the the match. Flair runs to the top rope, but he misses a Cross Body and Steamboat gets a two count from that. Manhattan Drop from Flair. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM FLAIR !!! Flair has to break as the referee spots him using the ropes. Steamboat with a BIG chop to come back from that but it isn't enough for him. Flair with chops of his own and now they exchange and Steamboat is now coming back into the match. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM FLAIR AND BOTH MEN GO OUT OVER THE TOP !!! Steamboat then gets launched into the ringpost by Flair and the audience isn't happy with Flair's tactics at the moment. Flair looks for two counts from a Suplex. Back Drop Suplex and that gets another two count for Flair and he's not happy with the count and the referee tells Flair he won't be intimidated. Flair has his feet on the ropes now as he looks for the cheap way out. SCHOOL BOY FROM STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! More choppage from Flair. HIGH CROSS BODY OFF THE TOP FROM STEAMBOAT ... MISSES !!! Some reversing from both men leads to the Butterfly Suplex from Steamboat and Flair gets the foot on the bottom rope. Steamboat runs into a move, but gets a Backslide and that gets a two count for the challenger. Right hands and chops from Steamboat, but he gets sent into the corner, and he comes out with a Clothesline. Karate Chop from Steamboat. Flair into the ropes. Flying Chop from Steamboat and then he heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE KARATE CHOP !!! Steamboat heads for the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY ... HITS BOTH THE REFEREE AND THE CHAMPION !!! Flair goes for a School Boy but there's no referee. Steamboat skins the cat and heads for the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY ... MISSES AGAIN !!! FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM FLAIR !!! STEAMBOAT WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! NEW REF !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was an absolute classic of a match between two of the greatest of all time. Just pure drama. I loved Ric Flair just being a total dickhead. Rather than just settle for being a dirty bugger, he also decided to be a nasty one into the bargain and it almost threw Steamboat off his game, but it didn't work. *****

KENTA vs. Low Ki - ROH Final Battle 2005

Get ready for your batch of mental. Ki looks for a low kick early and both men start cautious. Lockup and they then back into the corner and then the ropes. Kick to the head and that one missed by a whisker. They lockup and go against the ropes and the Cross Armbreaker from Ki over the top rope. The fans chant for KENTA now. Lockup and KENTA goes behind. Ki with a nice takedown and then a Head Scissors on KENTA, who tries to escape. He eventually does so and grabs the Side Headlock. Ki then goes to the Arm Ringer and then he keeps the move on. Kick to the chest, but KENTA escapes and gets a Hammerlock. Ki tries to battle back and against the ropes they go. Ki with a big chop from there and KENTA isn't happy with the cheap shot getting taken. Lockup again and then Ki with the Headlock. Ki into the ropes and he charges down KENTA. Kicks to the chest from Ki. Ki into the ropes and he runs into a Back Elbow. More kicks to the chest from KENTA and then he lands a big knee to the stomach and that gets a two count. Mocking kick to the face from KENTA and that's not going to end well. Ki comes back with chops and we have an exchange of slaps. KENTA runs into the kick and then a kick to the back of the head from Ki. Two count comes from that for Ki. Chop from Ki. More chops in the corner from Ki. Back Elbows to the chest from Ki and those look brutal. KENTA into the corner and Ki runs into a boot. Tornado DDT over the top rope from KENTA and then a Hanging Sleeper Hold. To the top rope goes KENTA and he lands the Top Rope Dropkick and that gets a one count. Snapmare and a hard kick to the back from KENTA and that gets a two count. Kicks to the chest from KENTA and then he throws Ki to the floor. More kicks to the chest and then he sends Ki to the railing. Into the ring goes KENTA and he kicks Ki who is hung up in the ropes. Slingshot kick to the side of the head from KENTA and the audience like themselves some of that. It gets a two count. Chops vs. forearms and KENTA wins that exchange. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! Front Suplex drops KENTA on the top rope and then Ki punts him to the floor. SPACEMAN PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM KI !!! Into the ring and Ki with the same mocking kicks as KENTA and then a European Uppercut and that wakes up KENTA who lands some forearms. Enziguri from Ki and down goes KENTA. Body Slam from Ki and that gets a two count. Body Slam again and then a kick to the back from Ki and that gets a two count. Ki with a big chop and then a Snapmare and a Body Scissors from Ki. KENTA reaches the bottom rope. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE CHEST FROM KI TO COUNTER THE SUNSET FLIP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Waistlock from Ki. KENTA reaches the ropes again. Chop from Ki and then he slaps KENTA. Kick to the head and then kicks to the chest from Ki. ROLLING SAMOAN DROP INTO THE RAILING FROM KI TO KENTA !!! Back into the ring and Ki sends KENTA into the ropes. DOUBLE STOMP OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE BACK FROM KI !!! That gets a two count for Ki. Ki with more chops and then KENTA into the corner and Ki runs into a boot, but he runs into a Back Elbow. Powerslam from Ki and down goes KENTA. KENTA with a running kick to the head of Ki. More kicks to the chest from KENTA and then he lands a Springboard Dropkick and that gets a two count. More kicks to the chest from KENTA and then Ki tries a chop and gets caught with a Bridging Butterfly Suplex. Cross Armbreaker from KENTA and Ki finds the bottom rope. Falcon Arrow gets a two count for KENTA. KENTA now puts Ki on the top rope. TOP ROPE FALCON ARROW ... countered and Ki beats down KENTA. THE TREE OF WOE DOUBLE STOMP FROM KI !!! Back up and Ki with some chops to the chest. MACHINE GUN CHOPS FROM KI !!! Kick to the chest and a Mongolian Chop. Spin Kick from KENTA. Flurry. TIDAL CRUSH FROM KI !!! KAWADA KICKS FROM KI !!! Ki now goes to the top rope. KENTA WITH THE LEAPING TOP ROPE FALCON ARROW ON KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are right into this action. Slap to the face and again and now we have a battle of the slaps. Ki with a flurry. Elbow Strike gets a two count for KENTA. BUSAIKU KNEE STRIKE ... COUNTERED INTO THE KI KRUSHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KENTA into the corner. TIDAL WAVE FROM KI !!! KI KRUSHER ... stopped. TIGER SUPLEX FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Flurry from KENTA. JOHN WOO DROPKICK FROM KI !!! WARRIOR'S WAY FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Ki now drags KENTA into the corner. PHOENIX SPLASH FROM KI ... MISSES !!! GO 2 SLEEP FROM KENTA !!! THE BUSAIKU KNEE STRIKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was an insane match as far as exchanges between the two men go as both guys just unloaded with hard kicks and big moves. There wasn't much psychology with the two men which takes a wee bit away, but this is must-see stuff. ****1/2

Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Batista vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels, Elimination Chamber - WWE New Year's Revolution 2005

The referee is Shawn Michaels for this one. Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit are opening this match. Lockup and against the corner they go. Benoit with a right hand coming out of the corner. Jericho goes behind with the Waistlock and he takes down Benoit who spins out. Jericho to the Headlock. Benoit with the takedown and looks to get the arm. They standoff. Lockup and against the ropes they go. Knees to the stomach from Jericho and right hands. Benoit comes back with a big chop. More chops. Running chop from Benoit. Head first into the top buckle goes Jericho and then more chops and right hands. Jericho comes back with chops of his own. Benoit into the corner and Jericho runs into a boot. SHARPSHOOTER FROM BENOIT !!! Jericho rolls through. Walls of Jericho is blocked. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! Jericho fights out. Benoit goes for the Crippler Crossface, but Jericho counters and Benoit turns him over and lands some right hands. Knees and chops. Benoit runs into the Sleeper Slam and that gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex from Jericho gets a two count. Running kick to the stomach from Jericho. The fans chant for HBK as Jericho heads for the top rope. Benoit with chops. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM BENOIT !!! The fans countdown to the next man in Spanish. Good. In comes HHH and he unloads on Benoit. This is a HOT crowd. Benoit into the corner HARD. Jericho runs right into the high knee. Hard Irish Whip sends Benoit into the corner too. Jericho comes back and lands some chops on HHH. HHH explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline. Benoit gets sent out to the steel. Benoit sent face first into the chains. Benoit has been busted open and that gets the fans going. What is this ? The 80s ? HHH then sends Benoit face first into the chain again. Into the ring and that gets a two count. PEDIGREE ... Jericho stops that from taking place. Right hands from Jericho. PEDIGREE ON JERICHO ... Jericho sends HHH hard over the ropes onto the steel floor. Jericho then drops HHH on the steel back first again. Jericho taunts Batista. That's not a good idea. Suplex brings HHH back into the ring and that gets a two count. Benoit chops down Jericho. In comes ... Edge. IMPLANT DDT ON HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SPEARS AHOY !!! Benoit is back up and he runs into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Edge. Right hands from Edge. HHH into the ropes and he runs into a Back Body Drop, but then Jericho with a Dropkick on Edge. Springboard Dropkick on Edge who's on the outside. Jericho sends Benoit into the ropes and lands a knee to the stomach. Jericho to the steel platform, where he gets Catapulted into the chain. HHH with a running knee to take Edge down. HHH gets catapulted into the chain again. Edge to the top rope and he lands a Clothesline on Benoit and that gets a two count. Jericho is busted open. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ON EDGE ... Edge gets his way out of it. Jericho with the Running Enziguri on Edge. ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HHH into the ring and Jericho with right hands. Spinebuster on Jericho from HHH. Northern Lights Suplex from Benoit to Edge gets a two count. PEDIGREE ON JERICHO !!! HHH can't capitalize. Edge heads out to Jericho. Randy Orton is the next man in the match and he goes right to Edge. Orton heads for the top rope and lands the Cross Body on HHH and then some right hands. Right hands and boots in the corner. European Upeprcut and then HHH sent into the chain. Right hands from Orton. Powerslam from Orton. RKO ON JERICHO !!! RKO ON BENOIT ... COUNTERED TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! HE'S GOT IT !!! HHH is taunting Orton and slapping him in the face. BENOIT SWEEPS HIM DOWN AND LOCKS IN THE SHARPSHOOTER !!! THE AUDIENCE IS GOING MENTAL !!! RKO ON BENOIT !!! EDGE WIPES OUT THE REFEREE WITH A SPEAR !!! SPEAR ON ORTON !!! There's no referee though. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON EDGE !!! LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! HBK was PISSED. Edge is out.

ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES ON HHH !!! Benoit then heads for the top rope and then to the top of the chamber. FLYING HEADBUTT OFF OF THE CHAMBER FROM BENOIT TO HHH !!! JERICHO LOCKS IN THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! BENOIT ADDS THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! WHOA !!! THE REF CAN'T OPEN THE CHAMBER !!! Batista at the last second manages to get in there and break the hold. Wow. Jericho sent over the top rope as well as Benoit. Spinebuster on Orton. HHH and Batista go face to face. Benoit and Orton go at Batista before they can battle. Jericho and HHH battle. GORILLA PRESS SLAM WIPES OUT A CAMERA MAN !!! RUNNING POWERSLAM ON BENOIT !!! Benoit with a chop block and that is going to cause some bother. They're now getting the camera man out of there. Orton gets launched face first into the cage wall. BULLDOG ON THE STEEL FROM JERICHO TO HHH !!! Batista with stomps and then a choke with the boot on Benoit. Benoit with chops but he runs right into a Spinebuster. SPINEBUSTER DROPS JERICHO ON BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Chris Benoit is out.

Batista now works over Jericho. Orton and HHH out to the steel again. Jericho into the ropes. Powerslam from Batista. BATISTA BOMB ON JERICHO !!! WOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Batista is now tearing through the competition here. Back Body Drop on the steel and then Batista goes out and helps his leader. Into the ring they go and it looks like it's going to be Evolution vs. Randy Orton at the moment. HHH slaps Orton and the fans aren't happy with that. Right hands from HHH. Running Powerslam from Batista and Orton kicks out and HHH isn't happy. Spinebuster on Orton and that gets a two count. HHH into the ropes and he DECAPITATES Orton with a Clothesline and again that gets a two count. Batista lays the beating on Orton. Orton comes back with right hands on both men. BATISTA BOMB ON ORTON ... COUNTERED WITH THE LOW BLOW !!! RKO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Batista is out.

HHH attacks from behind on Orton. Orton is sent over the top rope by HHH. Face first into the chain goes HHH again and again. RKO ON HHH !!! Flair into the ring. BATISTA WITH A CLOTHESLINE ON ORTON !!! PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There's some dead spots, but this is a fabulous match. The spell of action before Batista got into the match was absolutely amazing as the drama was kicked up about one hundred notches. Especially when Batista was locked in the chamber and they couldn't open it while HHH was moments away from tapping. All sorts of amazing in this one. ****1/2

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu, Stretcher Match - ECW The Doctor is In 1996

Sabu jumps and tries to go for the leg. Both men trying for it and the fans are hot for this. Dropkick to the knee and that one connected as both men are very cautious. RVD then with the Dropkick to the knee of his own. RVD and Sabu now with right hands and RVD gets the advantage here. Leaping kicks from RVD and then a Snapmare. Springboard Spinning Leg Drop from RVD, but then Sabu kicks RVD in the face. Sabu rolls up RVD and then locks in a submission. RVD kicks his way out of that one. Sabu and RVD lockup and against the corner they go. We have a clean break from that. Kick to the stomach and right hands from Sabu. Springboard Leg Lariat from Sabu and then a Slingshot Headbutt. Kicks to the back from Sabu. RVD then lands a Double Underhook Powerbomb. RVD now tries for a Slingshot move, but Sabu with the Dropkick sends him to the floor. SLINGSHOT SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM SABU !!! Sabu now bridges the apron and the railing with a table and both men do battle on the floor. Leaping Side Kick off of the apron from RVD and then he drops Sabu on the railing and lands a Leg Drop. Sabu then starts throwing chairs at RVD and throws him over the railing and sends a chair into the ring. Chair to the head of RVD. RVD then gets set on the top rope. RVD crotches Sabu on the top rope and then lands a Spinning Heel Kick. Sending him to the apron. Slingshot Leg Drop across the face with the chair on there from RVD. RVD now wants the stretcher to be brought over and the referees oblige. Sabu gets put on the stretcher and the fans start to chant his name. Sabu isn't ready to go and RVD with a Knee Drop. Leaping Side Kick again from RVD. Jacknife Powerbomb from RVD as he looks to hit the big bombs at the moment. Leg Drop to the back of the head from RVD. Sabu into the ropes and he gets over RVD, but then get leg sweeped. Standing Moonsault from RVD follows that and then he heads for the top rope. Sabu then stops him up there. Neck Snap across the top rope from RVD and now he gets another chair. Dropkick from Sabu sends RVD to the apron. Front Suplex drops RVD on the top rope and then he puts the back of the head on a chair. LEG DROP FROM SABU SENDING THE HEAD OF RVD INTO THE CHAIR !!! Stomps and kicks from Sabu. Sabu takes the chair to the top rope. ARABIAN FACEBUSTER FROM SABU !!! Sabu heads back to the top rope. ARABIAN FACEBUSTER AGAIN !!! Sabu now wants the stretcher to be brought into play. RVD won't stay down though. Sabu now has a chair in the seated position. Clothesline from Sabu. TRIPLE JUMP MOONSAULT FROM SABU !!! Chair set near the corner and RVD set on the top rope. RVD then knocks Sabu out of midair. RVD rolls to the apron with Sabu still in control. RVD is laid on a stretcher. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM SABU TO RVD ON THE STRETCHER !!! Sabu is the one who gets put on the stretcher now. SABU WITH A SPRINGBOARD LEG DROP OFF OF THE RAILING ONTO RVD WHO'S ON ANOTHER STRETCHER !!! Sabu and RVD are now heading back towards the ring and the audience are loving this at the moment. RVD kicks a chair into the face of Sabu. MOONSAULT PRESS OFF OF THE APRON FROM RVD !!! Sabu throws the chair at the head of RVD when they get back into the ring. RVD into the corner and then he gets set on the top rope. TRIPLE JUMP RANA FROM SABU !!! Joey Styles calls is a reverse Victory Roll. No. RVD now on the table bridge. RVD WITH THE FISHERMAN BUSTER THROUGH THE TABLE ON SABU !!! Sabu is now being taken out of the ECW Arena on a stretcher. Sabu rolls off the stretcher and neither man wants to give up the ghost here. Back into the ring they go. Kicks to the chest from RVD and then he mockingly drops a chair on Sabu's face. Both men collide and RVD lands the Springboard Leg Lariat. FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM SABU !!! TRIPLE JUMP MOONSAULT ... INTO THE CHAIR SHOT FROM RVD !!! Sabu is getting wheeled to the back. RVD WITH THE SOMERSAULT SENTON ONTO SABU ON THE STRETCHER ... AND HE HITS NOTHING BUT STRETCHER !!! RVD GETS WHEELED TO THE BACK !!!

The match was an absolute mess, but given the way the match went, I can't help but feel this was the intention. Both guys looked like warriors here as both men went through hell and neither man wanted to give up the ghost. A chaotic match here and very enjoyable. ****

Royal Rumble Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2004

Benoit and Orton get this thing going and Benoit goes to work on Orton. Snap Suplex from Benoit. Orton now making a comeback and then he lands a series of kicks. Benoit looking to get some sort of Chinlock and then the #3 man in the ring is going to be Mark Henry. He's got Teddy Long as a manager at this point. Benoit is looking to get rid of Orton. Henry now makes a run and looks to unload strikes on Benoit. Henry now chokes Orton with the boot. Benoit tries to come back with right hands and chops. Orton now comes back with right hands on Henry. Benoit now unloads with big right hands and now the countdown is on again. Tajiri is now heading for the ring. Tajiri avoids a Suplex. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! Orton now looks to get rid of Henry again. That is not going to get you very far kid. Orton avoids going over the top rope. Standing Dropkick from Orton and then some forearms. The countdown is back on. #5 is Bradshaw. Clothesline from Hell on Orton, but then Bradshaw winds up over the top rope. Leaping European Uppercut from Orton to Henry and the countdown is back on. #6 is Rhyno. Benoit dumps Henry out of the match. Tajiri isn't far behind him, and now we have Benoit, Rhyno and Orton in the ring. The countdown is back on. #7 is Matt Hardy. Matt now lays a beating on everyone in the match. Matt with the Side Effect on Rhino. Benoit almost dumps Matt but that doesn't work out well for him. Orton and Benoit are still doing battle in there. Rhyno with the Shoulder Tackle in the corner. Rhyno tries to drop Matt over the top rope and the countdown is going again. #8 is Scott Steiner. Steiner is Suplexing people all over the shop when he gets into the ring. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES ON STEINER !!! That will put an end to Steiner's reign of terror. Matt is looking to get rid of Orton, but Benoit makes the save. Why ? #9 is Matt Morgan. Morgan with the Carbon Footprint to Matt. Morgan chokes Orton in the corner. Shoulder Charges in the corner from Morgan to Orton. Morgan then unleashes the same beating on Hardy. Orton now attacks from behind. Rhyno and Benoit are battling in the corner in the meantine. #10 is The Hurricane. Rhyno is getting the advantage on Benoit, but Benoit makes a fightback. Matt kicks his way out of the corner and we now have another countdown. There's an awful lot of nothing going on here. Booker T. is the next man in the match now. Booker and Steiner are now doing battle and Booker lands some chops. Booker now kicks down Steiner in the corner and chokes him with the boot. Booker with a kick to the stomach. SCISSOR KICK FROM BOOKER TO ORTON !!! Morgan and Benoit are exchanging chops. The countdown is on and #12 is Kane. Steiner has been eliminated while all of this is going on. CHOKESLAM ON BENOIT !!! Morgan then attacks and he tries for a Powerbomb. That fails. CHOKESLAM ON MORGAN !!! Sidewalk Slam on Hardy. GORE ... into the big boot. CHOKESLAM ON ORTON !!! Right hand from Kane to Matt and now the fans countdown the clock. #13 is The Undertaker's gong and the audience goes BATSHIT. Booker then eliminates Kane. Spike Dudley it turns out is #13 and Kane lays the beating on Spike. CHOKESLAM ON THE RAMP FROM KANE !!! Benoit now has Matt on the top rope and tries to dump him. #14 is Rikishi. He's using the Too Cool music ? So he's back in line with the fans then ? You wouldn't think it as the audience are silent. Superkick on Benoit. STINKFACE ON MORGAN !!! Rhino was eliminated. #15 is Rene Dupree. French Tickler on the ramp. WIN~~~!!! Rene lays a beating on Matt. Matt onto the apron and then Rene sends out Matt with a Dropkick. FRENCH TICKLER~~~!!! SUPERKICK SENDS RENE OVER THE TOP !!! The countdown is going on again. #16 is A-Train. Train lays a beating on Rikishi and the fans are actually into this. Rikishi with right hands on Train and meanwhile, Benoit eliminates Morgan. People try to get rid of A-Train, but Orton takes a chance and sends out Rikishi AND Booker. That's what you call being an oppertunist. The countdown is going again and it's Shelton Benjamin as #17. Shelton lays more beating on here. Side Kick misses from Shelton and Orton sends him out of the ring. Benoit and Orton are now in the ring and we're over half way through. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit. Ernest "The Cat" Miller is now heading for the ring as #18. He dances with style here. :lol: So THIS is why so many people loved this guy. This is top quality dancing. Benoit is now back to his feet. Both dancers get eliminated and that got a mixed reaction. Orton and Benoit now battling. #19 is Kurt Angle and now the audience has been woken up. "You Suck !" chant continues without the music. Back Elbow from Benoit to Angle. Benoit then unloads with the chops and then right hands on Angle. Angle runs into an elbow, but then Benoit runs into a Clothesline. Suplex from Angle. Angle now looks to eliminate Benoit and the countdown is underway again. #20 is Rico. Orton with the Standing Dropkick on Rico as JR puts over Rico. Right hands from Orton and Rico now as Benoit and Angle continue. Knee 2 Face and a climbing kick from Rico in the corner. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES ON ANGLE !!! RKO FROM ORTON TO RICO !!! Orton just dumps Rico over the top rope and Benoit heads for the top rope. Angle crotches Benoit and tries to get him out. Test is the next man in the match as #21. RKO FROM ORTON TO ANGLE !!! Test didn't come out. Test has been laid out backstage and Steve Austin is back there. Austin sends the guy that attacked Test to the ring. So that means #21 is Mick Foley and Orton isn't happy. MICK FOLEY IS HERE !!! HE'S FUCKING RAGING !!! Orton and Foley go crazy on each other and that has woken the audience up in a big way. Right hands from Foley in the corner. Cactus Clothesline wipes out both Foley and Orton. The referee wants the match to be taken to the back and Foley isn't really up for that. Foley now chokes Orton with the wire on the floor. #22 is Christian. Foley now has the steps. FOLEY KNOCKS FLAIR OUT WITH THE STEPS !!! BRUTAL CHAIR SHOTS FROM ORTON TO FOLEY !!! Orton now with right hands. FOLEY GETS RAMMED BACK OF THE HEAD FIRST ON THE RAMP !!! Low blow from Foley and now a Clothesline on the ramp from Foley. Foley now has socko and here comes the next man in the match. Nunzio is next as #23. FOLEY WITH THE MANDIBLE CLAW ON NUNZIO !!! Orton with a low blow and he gets the hell out of there. After all of that, Angle is in trouble in the ring and the guys come close to sending him out. Chop from Christian to Benoit. Release German Suplexes on Christian and then Benoit from Angle. The countdown is going again and who's next ? The Big Show is the next man in the match as #24. Show is now laying the beating on everyone in the ring. Show is clubbing away at Angle. Christian gets up and he thinks he stands a chance. He doesn't. Slaps from Show and then a HUGE Hiptoss from Show. #25 is Chris Jericho. He is unloading with right hands on Angle. Kicks to the stomach from everyone to Angle. Jericho tries his hand at taking down Show and that doesn't end well. Everyone goes for Show and Benoit adds his weight, or lack of it, to the attempt. Show gets his way away from that with Headbutts and we have the next guy heading for the ring. Charlie Haas is #26. Haas goes for Christian which is the best bet, but Jericho gets him. Double Suplex from Christian and Jericho on Haas. Nunzio is still sitting on the floor. Jericho and Benoit doing battle and then they try and get rid of Benoit, but that doesn't work. Jericho avoids an escape. Christian gets elevated over the top rope. The countdown is done and #27 is Billy Gunn. FAME-ASSER ON ANGLE !!! FAME-ASSES ON JERICHO !!! Gunn lays the beating on Show. FAME-ASSER ON SHOW !!! That's more success than most have had with that guy ! Gunn now tries to get Jericho out as the confidence is quite clearly high. The countdown is on again and we're close to the end. #28 is John Cena and he heads for the ring. The Big Show wants himself some of Cena. Show gets Cena into the corner and lands the slaps. Nunzio thinks this is a good time to go for the elimination and he gets slapped down. Cena looks for the elimination and the countdown is on again. #29 is Rob Van Dam. Show eats a big kick from RVD. Jericho saves Show, but runs right into the Spin Kick. Nunzio now looks for the elimination. Angle lays a beating on Cena. We're one more away from the end, but I honestly have no idea who it is. F-U FROM CENA TO ANGLE !!! #30 IS GOLDBERG !!! SPEAR ON SHOW !!! SPEAR ON GUNN !!! Goldberg then lays beatings on everyone. Nunzio jumps the back. BRUTAL slam from Goldberg to Nunzio. GOLDBERG FUCKING KILLS NUNZIO WITH A SPEAR !!! Oh, so it's THAT match. Nunzio is gone obviously.

Right, lets move on now that everyone has come into the match. Brock Lesnar comes in. THE F-5 ON GOLDBERG !!! Right hand from Benoit to someone in the corner. Turns out it was RVD. Goldberg is not a happy chappy. Angle then dumps Goldberg over the top rope. Jericho and Angle now doing battle against the ropes. Angle with right hands on Jericho. Kicks to the stomach from Angle and then the guys in the ring see the chance to get rid of Show again. Show manages to shove everyone down before the damage can be down. Chop Block from Angle to Show. We're now down to Jericho, Show, Angle and Benoit as the last four. Jericho onto the apron and he rakes the eyes. Jericho now back into the ring. Show misses a charge and Jericho to the middle rope. WALLS OF JERICHO FROM JERICHO TO SHOW !!! Angle then attacks from behind. Show clubs down Benoit and then goes over to Jericho. CHOKESLAM FROM SHOW TO JERICHO TO THE FLOOR !!! That is the end of Jericho then. Angle is back to his feet and he's battling here. Sidewalk Slam from Show to Angle. CHOKESLAM ON BENOIT !!! Angle can't land the German Suplex on Angle. Angle fights out of a move and lands some elbows. ANGLE SLAM ON THE BIG SHOW !!! Benoit then goes over to Angle. ANGLE SLAM ON BENOIT !!! The straps are down. CHOKESLAM ... COUNTERED THROUGH TO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! Show has eliminated Angle. Benoit brings Show back into the ring which is a lucky break for The Big Show as that wasn't what Benoit intended. BENOIT GOES FOR THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE AND GETS IT !!! Show powers out and gets the Sidewalk Slam. Benoit has a Front Facelock and through sheer willpower, gets Show over the top rope.

I didn't like the idea that The Big Show was tapping out right away to everything. What good does that do him ? This was a decent match I suppose. I can't see why this was seen as some great match though. There was nowhere near enough story and fued building to fill the hour that they were out there and for me it was quite boring most of the way through. **3/4

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Austin might have been a bigger draw than Hogan but let's not forget that Hogan took the WWF out of bingo halls and put it in MSG. Hogan established the Wrestlemania brand as well. Austin was absolutely awesome but he started with the company on a different level to what Hogan did.

It was in MSG long before Hogan. It's a Northeastern promotion, so obviously they played there. But I get where your coming from, Hogan took wrestling and put it firmly in the mainstream which Austin then came in and took to millions upon millions of homes in the western world.

Anyone think that if Hogan had been around during attitude, he would have otudrawn Austin?

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Austin is officially the biggest draw in WWE history, is he not ?

See Marshmallo below...

Austin might have been a bigger draw than Hogan but let's not forget that Hogan took the WWF out of bingo halls and put it in MSG. Hogan established the Wrestlemania brand as well. Austin was absolutely awesome but he started with the company on a different level to what Hogan did.

It was in MSG long before Hogan. It's a Northeastern promotion, so obviously they played there. But I get where your coming from, Hogan took wrestling and put it firmly in the mainstream which Austin then came in and took to millions upon millions of homes in the western world.

Anyone think that if Hogan had been around during attitude, he would have otudrawn Austin?

Very different time period and no one knows how Hogan would have been used in the Attitude Era. Wrestling was definately a lot more mainstream when Austin came around, and a lot of that is down to Hulk Hogan.

Just like with music in the 80s and 90s. In the 80s everybody had to be a power ballad type singer to be in a band, and then in the 90s with Cobain, Staley and grunge music. If someone can see the comparison I am trying to make. In the 90s Austin was much like that being the anti-hero.

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They were also regulars in the Boston Garden and LA Sports Arena.

They were regulars in smaller arenas just look at some of the places RAW was being filmed at from 93-94. But when Austin was around they were doing all the NBA arena's in cities that had national teams in national leagues around America.

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I don't see any reason why Hogan couldn't have been a massive draw in the Attitude era if he was at his peak.

It's all could've and would've but no one knows how Hogan would've been used. All about the booking and with Hogan already having that stardom from the early 90s I'm sure he would have been used well, infact I'm sure WWF would have turned him heel at some point as well.

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Maximum Impact tour announcement:

Immortal Champion Jeff Hardy, Rob Vam Dam and "Nature Boy" Ric Flair head up the roster of stars coming to Lyon, Paris, Dublin, Berlin, Glasgow, Manchester and London. They'll be joined by "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, Mr. Anderson, Mickie James, Motor City Machine Guns, "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero, Beer Money, Madison Rayne, "Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore, Tara, Kazarian and Angelina Love. Plus there will be more names and tour details announced in December.

Anderson :D


The Guns :D

Ric Flair :D:D :D :D

No word on Samoa Joe yet though

Edited by Marshmallo
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All we need now is Joe and AJ to have his old entrance music and I will mark, and mark again!!!

The way they've worded it makes me think the main event will be RVD vs Hardy. With things as they stand just now that could possibly mean Anderson vs AJ?

"Get ready to fly"

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I think I will go. Last one I went to was better than any WWE house show I've been to in Glasgow. Main event was Jeff Jarrett and AJ vs Angle and Scott Steiner (MEM was going strong at the time). Samoa Joe faced Doug Williams as well. This was before Doug Williams was even on TV i think.

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