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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I actually thought King was winning that. At least they have finally turned Cole heel.

That was like the Jeff Hardy - Taker ladder match in 2002 and they Kurt Angle - Essa Rios match in 2000, where everyone thought that the underdog was actually gonna win it for a minute.

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I actually thought King was winning that. At least they have finally turned Cole heel.

That was like the Jeff Hardy - Taker ladder match in 2002 and they Kurt Angle - Essa Rios match in 2000, where everyone thought that the underdog was actually gonna win it for a minute.

Have to say when they announced the main event I thought it was another pointless non-event. But as the show went on, starting to bear in mind that the writers have a habbit of ballsing everything up, I feared they would actually destroy 'the Awesome Era'. I really enjoyed the match and throughout I felt there was a genuine chance they were going to give the win to King. Glad they didn't but enjoyed the possibility.

Good way to push Cole right over the edge as a heel. Wonder how this will affect the announce lineup...

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Was it just me, or was Punk really quiet after the came back from the break? I wonder if he got a bollocking for the "two kings and a queen" comment.

Seemingly Punk is doing well on commentary;


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I fell a sleep before the main event and have just watched it on Youtube.

It was an excellent main event and i must admit i thought Lawler was excellent in it. For a guy of 61 he looked really good and much better than he usually does in his "one off" matches.

The crowd reaction too was superb

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