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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Totally disagree, Jim Ross and Lawler together are the best commentary pairing in Sport IMO. It's a pity JR doesn't want to commentate anymore and unfortunately, Lawler just looks out of place when he's with someone as exuberant as Michael Cole. dry.gif

On a totally unrelated note, I went to see WWE in Aberdeen a few month back and whilst it was entertaining it was NOTHING compared to TNA in Glasgow the other week. WWE looked like an amateur company compared to TNA. Not just the fact, that TNA had a titantron, huge lights and an excellent seating system in place but the effort they went to was unreal. They managed to get Greg Hemphill (Victor from Still Game) as a special guest referee and they pushed Earl Hebner as their biggest heel. Throughout the show, they handed out backstage passes as well. This was totally in contrast to WWE who just had a ring and had dozens upon dozens of children running to the front only to be ignored by the wrestlers. WWE had no titantron and made very little effort.

At first, I thought fair enough, it'd be hard to do what they do in the US and the fact, I'd only seen it on T.V may have covered up a few of the botched moves but I was totally blown away by TNA and I'd 100% go again. Absolutely fantastic.

Him and JR worked well as they played off each other so brilliantly. Without JR King is just terrible.

And it's funny that WWE doesn't put the effort in that TNA does for house shows. If only TNA were as good and made as much effort in their programming then they might just start to become the threat that WWE so badly needs.



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Have to agree and echo the comments on some on here. For the first time in a long time the WWe has positioned the stories with factions. Now in all the years I remember watch the best stories have nearly always included factions. The Nation, the original DX, the McMahon Administration etc. My person highlight was the whole invasion thing - I loved it - turns and betrayals and beat downs - brilliant!

The WWE are not nearly making the most of the Nexus. At first they were great and really caused disruption. Using Super Cena to take them all out in the rumble was fucking pathetic and sadly fully alligned to the kids pg tv they have embraced.

I'd love to see more factions - seeing McIntyre and seamus working together it would be great to see some sort of redcoat/kings guard faction with the brits linking up in the future. Should mason ryan become a player you could have mcintyre and barrett supporting seamus as leader (not sure if barrett would ever follow though) and Regal as manager/overseer. A good strong heel group that could cause chaos and would get a pop in the uk similar to the canadians used to get when heel.

Anyway, I think in the end it is this stupid PG TV pish that is ruining it. Can't remember the last time we saw someone split open with a chair or run over by a car or hit with a sledge hammer!! Fair enough WWE if you need to have that then fine - put Misterio, Cena and all these other superhero boring fuckers on a PG Smackdown and put the Orton's, the factions and the extremists on a RAW show that is indeed raw!!

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Have to agree and echo the comments on some on here. For the first time in a long time the WWe has positioned the stories with factions. Now in all the years I remember watch the best stories have nearly always included factions. The Nation, the original DX, the McMahon Administration etc. My person highlight was the whole invasion thing - I loved it - turns and betrayals and beat downs - brilliant!

The WWE are not nearly making the most of the Nexus. At first they were great and really caused disruption. Using Super Cena to take them all out in the rumble was fucking pathetic and sadly fully alligned to the kids pg tv they have embraced.

I'd love to see more factions - seeing McIntyre and seamus working together it would be great to see some sort of redcoat/kings guard faction with the brits linking up in the future. Should mason ryan become a player you could have mcintyre and barrett supporting seamus as leader (not sure if barrett would ever follow though) and Regal as manager/overseer. A good strong heel group that could cause chaos and would get a pop in the uk similar to the canadians used to get when heel.

Anyway, I think in the end it is this stupid PG TV pish that is ruining it. Can't remember the last time we saw someone split open with a chair or run over by a car or hit with a sledge hammer!! Fair enough WWE if you need to have that then fine - put Misterio, Cena and all these other superhero boring fuckers on a PG Smackdown and put the Orton's, the factions and the extremists on a RAW show that is indeed raw!!

The what? The Corporation was what it was called.

I heard McIntyre and Sheamus being referred to as the Celtic Connection at the RR, not sure whether that a stable or not.

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The what? The Corporation was what it was called.

I heard McIntyre and Sheamus being referred to as the Celtic Connection at the RR, not sure whether that a stable or not.

Just a throwaway remark, I think. If they end up on the same brand at some point, though, I can see them going with that.

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Unpopular wrestling opinions?

The Attitude Era is overated.

It was the best period in wrestling history.

MIchael Cole has always been sh*te.


Mine would be:

Whilst Sting is good, I've never really thought of him as a true great.

The Rock was better than Austin.

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Tna is nothing but a place where WWE rejects stay(most of them)

Rob Van Dam is over-rated

All Rey Mysterio's matches are the same

Hulk Hogan should stay away from any wrestling promotion

Adam Bomb was awesome lol

Yeah, I was gonna post the same about RVD but wasn't sure if he was still rated.

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- The Rock was better than Austin and Hogan

- Ric Flair is good but he's over-rated

- RVD is boring, all he does is his stupid poses about twenty times a match

- John Morrison is lame

- I liked Batista as a face as well as a heel

- I liked Jack Swagger's personal mascot

Edited by Parscelona
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