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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I just got round to watching th 2nd episode of Tough Enough. I'll add spoilers incase anyone hasn't yet.

Pretty shocked at the elimination, although was he ever really going to win it? He's a 9 year pro, he describes himself as a highflyer, yet we saw f**k all of his highflying. I reckon that, as much as Eric has been geting abuse fromthe trainers, he wil go qite far due to his look and size. Howver, I still can't see past the boy Luke winnng the hole thing. He's been qiet and hasn't come in for any criticisim yet.To be honest, none of the women have fucking chance of winning,altough I dare say they will end up in WWE either way.

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I just got round to watching th 2nd episode of Tough Enough. I'll add spoilers incase anyone hasn't yet.

Pretty shocked at the elimination, although was he ever really going to win it? He's a 9 year pro, he describes himself as a highflyer, yet we saw f**k all of his highflying. I reckon that, as much as Eric has been geting abuse fromthe trainers, he wil go qite far due to his look and size. Howver, I still can't see past the boy Luke winnng the hole thing. He's been qiet and hasn't come in for any criticisim yet.To be honest, none of the women have fucking chance of winning,altough I dare say they will end up in WWE either way.

Rima Fakih will definately end up in the WWE considering she's Miss USA.

I agree with your prediction though, Luke is certainly going to win this thing, however i hope the Maven lookalike guy gets eliminated next as he's a complete tool.

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Just back from Smackdown in Newcastle - was quite entertaining I thought.

Battle Royal to determine who would face Barrett for IC title - won by Kofi Kingston

Brotus Clay defeated Trent Baretta pretty easily

Chavo Guerrero defeated Drew McIntyre - Big Drew got the most heat off the night by a mile as he was on mic and called the English scum and said he hated them :lol:

Some Diva Match that was bizarrly the longest match of the evening

Big Show and Kane defeated Slater, Gabriel and Jackson

Mysterio defeated Rhodes in what was probably match of the night

Barrett defeated Kingston in what was also a very good match. Crowd were loving Kofi

Christian defeated Del Rio with a spear which was a nice touch. Edge came out which got the loudest pop of the night by an absolute mile. Congratulated Christian, said some farewells, did some flash photography poses etc. Crowd was buzzing for him

All in all decent first WWE show for me. Would do again, but prices for EVERYTHING was a rip off

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Rima Fakih will definately end up in the WWE considering she's Miss USA.

I agree with your prediction though, Luke is certainly going to win this thing, however i hope the Maven lookalike guy gets eliminated next as he's a complete tool.

Mikael...f**k off pla, yer names Michael. It's got to be Skidmarks. Big Bill just can't stand him. Two weeks he is there and he's writing letters to his burd? Man the f**k up. How are you ever gona be able to be ont he road 300 days a yer.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Mikael...f**k off pla, yer names Michael. It's got to be Skidmarks. Big Bill just can't stand him. Two weeks he is there and he's writing letters to his burd? Man the f**k up. How are you ever gona be able to be ont he road 300 days a yer.

Oh aye, Skidmarks. :lol:

Yeh he's a definate goner, he even hinted that he would leave his dream behind for his girl when he was talking about her, yet later told Stone Cold that he wouldn't give up his dream for love? :lol:

I only see potential in Luke and Eric, the other guys don't have the right look for the WWE.

Call me crazy yet i'm staying up to watch TNA Lockdown.

The Main Event interests me as TNA have actually built this match up well, plus there is mystery surrounding it as someone is either going to turn or something big is going to happen, also the Jarrett v Angle match should be a good watch.

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Call me crazy yet i'm staying up to watch TNA Lockdown.

The Main Event interests me as TNA have actually built this match up well, plus there is mystery surrounding it as someone is either going to turn or something big is going to happen, also the Jarrett v Angle match should be a good watch.

I'm staying up as well so if you need a link then just post and I'll supply mine.

Those two and Lethal Lockdown should be good, I'm more just expecting Daniels/Kazarian and/or Abyss to do something crazy in it.

The X-Division match should be good, so many high flyers in a cage will have some nice spots.

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I'm staying up as well so if you need a link then just post and I'll supply mine.

Those two and Lethal Lockdown should be good, I'm more just expecting Daniels/Kazarian and/or Abyss to do something crazy in it.

Cheers, i've got a link that's working for now, so i should be alright.

Abyss will probably bring out the thumb tacks or something, although i have feeling that Daniels may turn heel as he is fits in with the older group in Immortal, rather than the younger Fortune.

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My link seems to be working well, picture isn't perfect, not sure what's wrong with it but it's not crystal clear but it's watchable.

I don't think Daniels will turn heel, his connection is pretty good with him being AJ's best friend but if he did and AJ comes back I would love a feud between them. Roode and Storm are 34 and 35, respectively, with Kazarian being 33 so they aren't that young compared to Daniels(who's 40) but I get the point.

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Is the Lethal Lockdown usually the main event? Thought it'd be the World Title match, but I guess the champion is sometimes involved in LL so it wouldn't be on the card normally.

edit: Just had a look at the past Lockdowns to see, it changes year to year but I noticed that last years Lethal Lockdown was Team Hogan(Abyss, RVD, Jarrett and Hardy) vs Team Flair (Sting, Storm, Roode and Wolfe). That highlights one of TNA's problem, only RVD is the same persuasion a year later since Abyss, Jarrett and Hardy have turned heel and Sting, Storm and Roode have went face(presuming Sting was a heel then) and Wolfe's not on TV anymore.

Edited by forehead7
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Lockdown was actually pretty good, probably rewatch it when it's shown over here.

Opening match was good, twas the Xscape. Loads of good wee spots, as you'd except with the X-division. Glad to see Amazing Red getting some match time since he tends to get buried when he's on TV. My only problem would be that quite a lot of the pinfalls were from non-finishing moves.

Tag match was decent. Eric Young is funny (I find him a lot more amusing than Santino) but he's being wasted since he's actually a really good worker. Again, some good spots, I'm always a big fan of when it all breaks down and each man hits a big move then receives one from the next.

Missed the Knockout's match, went to make a cheese and ham toastie and came back to see Mickie holding the title, not surprising though since she isn't going to go bald.

Joe and Pope was barely watchable, Pope is just so slow and it means that Joe has to slow down, I mean he's not the fittest but it doesn't make him look good.

I wish I'd skipped Morgan and Hernandez to go and get the toastie, very poor. Morgan doesn't make me wanna cheer, Hernandez doesn't make me want to boo. Anarquia is just a poor man's Homicide, he doesn't instill fear and probably can't go in the ring.

Jarrett and Angle was really good. Not sure if they're gonna continue this feud as you'd expect Angle to win to end the feud. So decent stuff in there, 'specially some of the reversals for Angle into the ankle lock. Thought he was gonna dive onto Gunnar off the top but the moonsault was incredible. Not really sure why he wouldn't have just dived onto him when he was swinging the chair, Gunnar ain't gonna stop a man jumping on him with a puny chair. Referee bans Karen from the ring but doesn't mind her being there at the end?

The title match was alright, bit difficult to get a good triple threat when you have two faces and a tweener(although Anderson is looking more and more like the heel). RVD was doing some heel stuff but he just isn't a heel, EVER. I was enjoying a lot of the spots where two of them would be going at it and just as they finished the third would cut one of them off. I was expecting a little more from it though. When you have two and a half faces(new tv show?) a heel turn probably would've been coming, I guess they're just waiting to see if Hardy cleans himself up(or if he retires) The problem is that they don't have any Heavyweight Title challengers that are full heels just now, maybe Jarrett. But you have RVD, Sting, AJ, Angle and Samoa Joe who could be it(Joe has held it) and are all faces. Jarrett shouldn't be it and Anderson isn't a full on heel. Without Hardy there is no one which is why this match sucked more than it should've.

Lethal Lockdown was really good. It's always a spotfest, which is why you love and watch matches like these. Got really scared when Hardy botched the back drop on the top with Daniels, thought he was gonna fall. Loved when he dived off the top though. Flair looked like a burned corpse at one point though cause he was bleeding so much. AJ coming back was fantastic since I feared he'd be out for a while. Glad they didn't turn Daniels or anything as that would've sucked(although a Daniels and AJ feud would be awesome)

Overall, it's definitely TNA's best PPV. Not better than any of the WWE ones thus far, but that's because it's up against the Rumble, Mania and two really good Elimination Chambers(Smackdown's was excellent). It's got a decent chance of being better than Extreme Rules though unless Christian and Del Rio blow the roof off.

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Avoided reading about Lockdown there, might actually go download it and give it a watch. Shall be my first time watching TNA since the shiteyness that was Bound for Glory last year which put me off TNA completely. Only thing I've watched since then was that Sting - Junkie Hardy match, but that was for shits and giggles.

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My mate just sent me this on facebook. WWE obviously couldnt use Dusty Rhodes real theme on a dvd so dubbed over it with the theme from Wheel of Fortune! :lol:

Absolutely class!

Edited by KilliePie
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What about the canned applause/booing on Impact just now that is another fucking joke.

I meant to mention this last week after I'd watched Impact. Thought I was imagining it at first, but it's clearly there. They desperately need to get away from the Impact Zone and all the assorted bell ends and mongs that frequent it and help make the show even shitter.

Read that Hogan may be getting involved with the TNA ttitle this year. That's breathtaking if true. The man should never wrestle again and certainly should be nowhere near any sort of title. However it wouldn't suprise me in the slightest, seeing as TNA are clueless and the vast majority of the people posting in this thread would be able to book it far better than it is.

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