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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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* I appreciate that Punk and Cena didn't try and match their first match and went down a totally different kinda old school match. So while it wasn't as good, it felt fresh and you couldn't even notice Triple H most of the time. I clocked it at about ***3/4 but I was drunk.

If this hadn't followed what they gave us last month people would be going on about how good it actually was. It was never going to top MITB, but it was a great match.

* Thought Christian/Orton was match of the night. The chemistry between these two guys was amazing as it always is. It built very well and they used their time perfectly. Great ending and I'd call it around ****1/4

Something about it just didn't click for me. I mean it was good, but it was slow as f**k and eventually got a bot boring. Then there was the finish...I hate Orton almost as much as I hate Cena. It's the same old shite, he looses and then wins it back in less than a month. PISH!!!

* The opening six man tag was really good fun even if it was a bit basic. The action kept going from start to finish.

Not terrible, but I thought it was the worst match of the night I thought.

* Sheamus/Henry was a good fun big man match and Mark Henry shows what he did when he was in ECW. He might be immobile but he can tell a decent story in the ring so long as you don't expect 20 minute classics from him.

As good a big man match as I've seen in a while... hopefully Henry gets pushed as a top heel on SD and gets a title shot.

* Kelly Kelly is by far the most exciting diva in WWE. Her selling is spot on and she has bags of charisma which in turn makes people give a toss. Match with Beth last night was good fun.

Beth is by far my favourite, as gay as this sounds, I was gutted she didn't win the title.

* Went mental when Nash turned up. Then just got pissed off with what it led to.

RAW tonight is now a must watch, even if it's just to see what the f**k is going on.

Kevin Nash ran blink.gif

I'm surprised his knees survived the huge cimb over the guard rail.

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Orton is just the Smackdown Cena. Boring, predictable pish. They've pretty much just eliminated any contenders to Orton. Who will challenge now? He's beaten Sheamus (is he even on Smackdown?), Christian and Barrett before. No one else could be a credible contender.

Think when someone said that Barrett may take the MITB case from Bryan could be spot on.

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Im pretty sure HHH will come out and act shocked. Stephanie will say it was her that hired Nash. Then it will turn out HHH knew about it all along, the devious swine, allowing him to feud with CM Punk.

No real surprise though to see the big spot go to HHH's geriatric best pal, rather than someone with a future though :rolleyes:

Triple H, still a p***k.

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Fake Sin Cara back, Del Rio the new champion. It's almost as if they are going to touring in Mexico soon....

aye, same way they gave Justin Gabriel the World Title just before they toured South Africa.....:rolleyes:

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aye, same way they gave Justin Gabriel the World Title just before they toured South Africa.....:rolleyes:

Yes but Gabriel hasn't been ridiculously pushed in such a short period of time though.

I think Del Rio has potential, however the guy has been pushed far too quickly by winning the Rumble, MITB and the WWE Title within what, a year?

The guy doesn't even get that much of a reaction.

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Did HHH say much. Had momentary technical difficulties.

He sorted Nassh out with SummerSlam tickets, but had no idea what he was gona do.

He doesnt blame ADR for cashing in as thats oart and parcel of MITB.

He's going to apologise to Cena for fucking up.

He introduced Del Rio,

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