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Mo Wonderboy

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Christian vs. Sheamus

Pretty much the minimum you expect from these two guys. Meaning that it was a very good match between two guys who have excelled in the ring in the last 18 months in WWE. Christian matches tend to have a million reversals and you start to not believe that any move is actually going to happen without being countered at least once. He needs to seriously tone that shit down. There's no need for it. Other than that, very good.

Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara

No. Just... no. The match started with some decent exchanges between the two. When it came to actually putting the rest together, the entire thing just fell to shit. It was as if they wanted to have a lucha match, but realised that the style just didn't work in the US, so actually had no idea what to do whatsoever in the ring. It turned into an utterly horrible match. Not quite the worst of 2010, but possibly the worst in WWE this year.

Air Boom vs. Team Vickie

Quality tag team wrestling. Probably the best tag title match in WWE since Jericho/Show vs. Batista/Rey. Bourne is amazing as the guy that bumps like a maniac around the ring for a bit. Ziggler remains looking brilliant, and added to his new found mic skills, this is someone to watch. Also, given the new focus on guys like him and Swagger, Air Boom come out looking strong with a clean win again. Very good match.

Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton

Slow match, but if anyone came into this match wanting more than that, then they deserve a slap. What we wound up getting was probably Mark Henry's best match yet. The only thing I don't get is that they hardly used the cell. Compare this to the main event where they got some brilliant use out of it. This would have been equally as good as a No DQ match. Of course, I won't take that away from the guys in the match. Because they put together quite a nifty match, and considering it was a 10+ minute match involving Mark Henry, that is shocking, but Randy Orton has been far and away the best in ring talent in WWE this year and this is just another example of that. Really good match with the right result.

Cody Rhodes vs. John Morrison

First off, loving the IC title belt. Secondly, this match was pure filler. I can see why they booked it the way they did, because it just adds to the whole "conspiracy" that Cody Rhodes has now got himself caught up in. Decent enough, but not that great.


SUCH a step below their last PPV match. Just not that good.

John Cena vs. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio

I'll start with the negative. Alberto Del Rio winning. Right, the more productive negative is this. What's the point in having Del Rio job to Cena if he's just going to win the title back? They've just now shown that Del Rio knows he can't beat Cena. The match itself was brilliant, and the use of the cage was terrific with some nasty shit going into it. Punk in particular took some painful shit both into the cage and then the nasty landing through the table. The action in the ring was great and felt like a proper epic main event match. The ending with one guy getting locked out WAS quite good, and the only thing that detracts from it is a result from the last PPV so I'm not going to let it. Match of the night and a terrific match.

The ending is amazing untill you actually put some thought into it. Made for a terrific visual though.

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Post-match, the cell was raised to allow The Miz and R-Truth to get into the cage and lay into everyone. The cage was put back down. They couldn't get the cage back up and couldn't figure why, so they focused all of their attention on getting into the cell. Now, all of that is fine. Then the WWE roster in it's entireity comes down and tries to help. They shake the cell in an attempt to tear in. That's the bit that I don't get. Why do most of them even give a f**k?

Anyways, the last gem is when the police bring bolt cutters down and arrest both The Miz and R-Truth. The Miz and R-Truth give themselves up easily. Why was Del Rio not arrested for the same attack on RAW?

Fucking stupid, but greatly intriguing to see where it goes next.

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I'm willing to accept the stupid in this instance I reckon, because the bigger picture feels massive. RAW has been must-see stuff since Money in the Bank for me, and the reason for that is the twists and turns that seemingly ONE storyline has created. Some things answered, others then come up, but the one major thing is where it's all going. It's like an old school slow burn storyline with one major "who's behind all of this?" under the whole lot. Something tells me Triple H's influence is being felt in this as well.

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Caught up on the last third matches.

Any match in which John Morrison is made to look foolish I will happily accept. Loved the "woo" s when Cody slapped the figure four on. I prefer the old black strapped belt if I'm being honest. Decent enough match.

Women's match was alright, not quite as good as NoC but I'm glad Beth got the win. At least we'll probably get some more matches with them cause of the ending.

The main event was good. Punk really made it though, he bumped like a muthafucker. He got put into the cage a good 4 or 5 times, through a table and take some shots from the pipe. I don't like the Del Rio win, yeah it makes him losing two weeks ago stupid, definitely makes sense to have HHH and Punk vs Awesome Truth at Vengeance. Mark Henry and Sheamus with Cena vs Alberto Del Rio for the Raw main event.

edit: loved the promo for Vengeance, but I'm a massive Pulp Fiction fan.

Edited by forehead7
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Anyways, the last gem is when the police bring bolt cutters down and arrest both The Miz and R-Truth. The Miz and R-Truth give themselves up easily. Why was Del Rio not arrested for the same attack on RAW?

Because ADR is actually supposed to be there as he is a WWE wrestler. Miz and Truth are meant to be 'fired' ??

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I can definately see Vince being the mastermind behind it all though as he along with Awesome Truth and Nash was given his marching orders by HHH

I called this right at the beginning. But whats the point in trying to create the authority figure in HHH only for the original one to come back. But I'm thinking Vince is issuing orders to Laurinitus.

The ending of the match was terrible I thought. Cena gets locked out, Del Rio fucks Punk with the pipe 1-2-3? Very poor I thought. The ending to the PPV was phenomenal. The way Miz/Truth caused maximum damage and then simply surrendered to police, but the bit with Laurinitus telling HHH that they were in the building and kicking the shit outta people clearly points to the fact that he is with Miz/Truth, no?

All in all a pretty meh PPV with a superb ending.

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Was quite disappointed with the PPV as a whole. Expected much more from Sheamus and Christian; it wasn't bad, but both are capable of much better. Sin Cara v Sin Cara was terrible, but we got through it by counting the botches. Surprisingly only four major ones, although there were several occasions where both stood still not having a clue what to do. Incidentally, all easily noticeable botches were the fault of the one in the blue (I honestly can't remember if that's Hunico or Mistico anymore). Henry v Orton is obviously not going to be match of the year but happy with the outcome, hopefully it moves to different feuds now so we don't have Orton permanently in the title picture. Liking the new IC belt, glad that Rhodes retained but JoMo getting a shot? The guy who's just been jobbed out and nothing else lately? Get him released, don't involve him in title matches. Glad Pheonix finally won, but it was the worst match they've had.

Triple threat was a good match. Feared some ridiculous Cena win when Del Rio locked him out, but thankfully not. Ending with Awesome Truth became a bit of a cluster f**k, but I'm interested to see where they go with it.

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