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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I'll hazard a guess at Jericho with Broadus Clay as his bodyguard/backup.

It had such a weird, anti cliactic feeling to it that there has to be more to it. I mean it really did look like Jericho did mock the big return and it just didn't match the vignettes at all. They were dark and eerie yet Jericho was playing up to the crowd like the Jericho of old. It has to have been intentionally fucked up or it has just been utterly pish poor writing.....or has been mentioned Jericho was oot his tits!!!

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Any opinion expressed must be a lift from Twitter. It's impossible two people could have roughly the same thoughts on something.

I've changed my mind again this morning - it was a shit return and the ironic nature was pushed too far. Nowhere near as bad as the end of the main event mind.

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WWE's website has a new article up looking at how Chris Jericho has used viral videos over the years. They're also teasing more to Jericho's WWE return than we saw on RAW last night:

"Still, there are plenty of questions left unanswered between the videos and Jericho’s shocking appearance on Raw SuperShow. For example, the fourth video refers to a mysterious “she.” According to the clip, “she” holds the answers to the return of Chris Jericho, and that when he calls her, he will begin to reclaim what is rightfully his.

What does all this mean for the WWE? No one but Chris Jericho knows, and until he decides to let the rest of the world in on his ultimate goals, all the WWE Universe can do is conjecture. Certainly, Jericho has left us plenty of material to do precisely that."

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Just watched Raw there, only Y2J could take the piss out of the WWE like that by saying nothing. I am sure the segment will get better after Jericho decides to stop playing the WWE like a child. He will be a Heel and hopefully he wins the WWE title later this year as he is "The Best In The World At What He Does" and yesterday he was the Best at being a w****r. To top it all off they have a piss main event with no imagination at all what a load of shite. Next week should be good thoughlaugh.giflaugh.gif

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How long is Jericho staying? I am asking because is he not still with his band?

With the amount of hype it got I'd imagine he's here for the forseeable future. Would be fucking stupid to build him up they way they have to then have him for a few weeks before he leaves again to join up with his band.

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With the amount of hype it got I'd imagine he's here for the forseeable future. Would be fucking stupid to build him up they way they have to then have him for a few weeks before he leaves again to join up with his band.

I would hope so and they are just as well to make 1 show now as with Jericho back on Raw, Raw is just going to put Smackdown to shame even more.

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I would love to see TNA take the piss out of this huge let down by having a clean shaven / silly hairstyled Eric Young come out at random times during other peoples matches and stand about and milk the crowd for ages with a leather jacket with Christmas lights on it, they could call the new character "Ericho"

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Not many folk are even noticing that Brodus Clay didn't get his return yet again. This is weeks it's been going on now. Surely it's going to build into an angle where he's majorly fucked off with Johnny Ace for overlooking him time and again for others despite promising he'll be debuting.

Edit: Seems to be the case, from JL's twitter:

And to those wondering why Brodus didn't debut tonight, I have my reasons, He will debut next week, I promise. Why would I lie?

Edited by djchapsticks
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