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Mo Wonderboy

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Aye, some people realised when they seen the lights, and then the place went balls up when the music hit. I loved it when he just wandered out of the arena. Almost as good as when he was starting to walk up the aisle and turned and gave a thumbs up and a "YEAH!". Brilliant. :lol:

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Anyone watching smackdown, this hunico guy on the bike is a funny chap, possibly the most bizarrely cool finisher as well.

It's pretty sweet like.

I'm kind of enjoying SmackDown for a change.

- Heel Bryan with Big Show was pretty good.

- Hunico v DiBiase was pretty decent, as was Air BOOM v Primo/Epico, it's was good to see some really decent tag team action.

- Slater was a couple of punches away from being squashed by Hornswaggle, which was just beautiful.

- I don't know why they keep showing that Kane/Ryder bit from last Raw, it was the dumbest thing I've seen in a while. Shouldn't they be hyping Jericho?

EDIT: Dear Mr. McMahon,

Please let Mark Henry do commentary with Michael Cole every week, for the next infinity.


Edited by ginge123
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Aye great combined submission/pinning combo thing.

I am also enjoying smackdown more and have done for last few weeks actually. It's been a decent show lately

I wouldn't read this spoiler if you haven't finished watching the show yet but:

What a way to pretty much bury Bryan. Having him put Big Show in the LeBelle Lock and let Show get out fairly easily, despite Cole and Matthews both pointing out that Show was "fading" from the front facelock that Bryan had him in not 10 seconds before, which looked like shit in my opinion due to Shows size/Bryan's lack of reach. It actually started out "OK", apart from the opening bit where Bryan just ran around the ring - which was funny but nor really what was needed, with it looking like Bryan was geniunely looking for ways to beat Show and that was good, that's what's needed to make Bryan look legitimate, but it was a stupid way to end the match. Bryan's heel run should be built on his arrogance, not him being a cheat.

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Hunico might be utter gash, but that is very cool. Dibiase/Hunico was... I can't even find words for how boring it was. Technically, it was sound, but it was just so BORING.

I'm definately happy about the Slater spoiler in hindsight, because I'd never have watched the show if I never knew about it. Fucking fantastic. GET IT RIGHT ROUND YE YA DAFT LOOKING FUCKING CUNT!!!

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Hunico might be utter gash, but that is very cool. Dibiase/Hunico was... I can't even find words for how boring it was. Technically, it was sound, but it was just so BORING.

I'm definately happy about the Slater spoiler in hindsight, because I'd never have watched the show if I never knew about it. Fucking fantastic. GET IT RIGHT ROUND YE YA DAFT LOOKING FUCKING CUNT!!!

It was just glorious. I think Lauranitis might be giving Slater a call soon and I'd be surprised if it was to offer him a spot on Raw.

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I really hope this doesn't mean Slater is going to be the new Chavo Guerrero and 'feud' with Hornswoggle, would be even worse than the original was.

Ted Dibiase badly needs new music. If they're pushing him as a 'man of the people, partying with the fans' type face, then that autotuned garbage needs to go.

Completely agree with ginge on Bryan, have him tap Big Show, cut an arrogant "told you I'm a great wrestler" promo next week and you've got your heel turn while legitimately making him look like a world champion, now he just looks like ANOTHER cowardly heel.

Mark Henry getting Cole telt was fucking brilliant.

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I really hope this doesn't mean Slater is going to be the new Chavo Guerrero and 'feud' with Hornswoggle, would be even worse than the original was.

Ted Dibiase badly needs new music. If they're pushing him as a 'man of the people, partying with the fans' type face, then that autotuned garbage needs to go.

Completely agree with ginge on Bryan, have him tap Big Show, cut an arrogant "told you I'm a great wrestler" promo next week and you've got your heel turn while legitimately making him look like a world champion, now he just looks like ANOTHER cowardly heel.

Mark Henry getting Cole telt was fucking brilliant.

When was the last time a proper cowardly heel worked? Has there been one in the last 10-15 years? I mean one where people didn't just go along with it for the first few weeks and then think f**k this shit. That's a genuine question my wrestling viewing tends to be sporadic at times so I might have missed one, maybe JBL? The arrogant heel that Bryan should be playing is his bread and butter it got over in ROH and was one of the reasons he was a star there and despite the WWE being a completely different compeny I'd say that it'd still get over there. Either way I'd imagine that Big Show or Mark Henry, despite his injury, takes the belt at Royal Rumble unless he starts beating Bryan in any encounter they have, in-ring or otherwise, and Bryan wins at the Rumble to save face. The only way Bryan can hold on to the title, with he and Show still coming out of this with any credibility intact, is if he beats him 100% clean at the Rumble, if he beats him and then cuts an arrogant heel promo on the next SD then all should be good and both come out looking good. You could even get what I'd imagine would be a great feud out of it, when Bryan's done with Show and Henry and Punk's done with Jericho, by putting him against CM Punk in a 'Best in the World' kind of deal. Bryan claimed he was the best in the world in ROH, Punk's doing it in WWE let them go up against each other to find out who is the best. Have it at Bragging Rights since that's what that whole PPV is about. Although that is a bit far away for them both to be champions, which would add a bit to it.

Regarding DiBiase, "I come from money" is the least face thing I think I've ever heard, not even the whole song just that line.

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WWE have killed the cowardly heel, and that's why it can't work. Even Mark Henry turned into a coward. The "Best in the World" thing would be good, and he could "not back down" from anyone, knowing he's going to use every trick in the book to win. And the turn would be easy enough to explain too, since he's just trying to hold onto what he has and he'd be trying to justify it.

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They won't do anything that will make sense though.

Bryan is most likely a transitional champion which is disappointing. I think that this whole angle has been rushed because of Mark Henry's injury. Henry's injury meant that they needed to have a heel to face Big Show, or turn Show heel but they don't seem to want to do that, and try and keep continuation of the face/heel thing Show and Henry had. If things had played out the way that they should have I reckon Bryan would have won the title at 'Mania as originally "planned", I put that in inverted commas because I'm not sure if it was actually planned but I mean from what Bryan said at the start of the angle about cashing it in at 'Mania, against someone outwith Henry and Show and he'd still be a face.

I actually reckon that if Henry and Big Show hadn't been the two guys going at it for the title, before Bryan won it, then a feud with the likes of Orton would have been pretty good and could have led to Bryan not going down this cowardly heel route but still being a heel in some form.

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