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Mo Wonderboy

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See all the folk who were laughing at the guy who was adamant that Y2J was the guy the clips were alluding to and were themselves suggesting Brodus Clay?

What was YOUR reasoning behind that ludicrous guess? Was it any more ridiculous than the reasoning behind the lad's guess at it being Y2J? Indeed as we know it was Y2J, and not a relatively new wrestler, for whom it would make no sense to be built up in such a way, and who has now reappeared with a mid to low card gimmick that is amusing but doomed to fail in the end.

I thought it was Taker because it's always Taker and it was a bit "creepy".

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Aye it did look like a typical Taker one. Will he be back for the Rumble you reckon?

I'd doubt it now tbh, it did seem a little early to be bringing him back if he had come on the 2nd and I can't see him in the Rumble. If he was to enter the Rumble it wouldn't do his aura much good if he wasn't to win it, and if he did win he couldn't lose at Mania but they wouldn't put the belt on him as he can't work a schedule any more. I think they'll go with HHH-Taker at Mania in a double retirement stipulation and the build probably won't start for a few weeks yet.

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I'd doubt it now tbh, it did seem a little early to be bringing him back if he had come on the 2nd and I can't see him in the Rumble. If he was to enter the Rumble it wouldn't do his aura much good if he wasn't to win it, and if he did win he couldn't lose at Mania but they wouldn't put the belt on him as he can't work a schedule any more. I think they'll go with HHH-Taker at Mania in a double retirement stipulation and the build probably won't start for a few weeks yet.

I'd say its certainly looking that way, especially after Triple H saying a while back that he'd killed the streak or words to that effect when 'Taker couldn't leave the ring on his own feet (think it was in the build to the Nash match?). Would imagine they'll start building to it after the Rumble, unless Triple H is an entrant right enough, could either have 'Taker coming back and helping to put him out, or even just have the gong go distracting him and leading to his elimination. Certainly hope it's the match they go with as there's definitely 'unfinished business' there that they could work with.

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I'd say its certainly looking that way, especially after Triple H saying a while back that he'd killed the streak or words to that effect when 'Taker couldn't leave the ring on his own feet (think it was in the build to the Nash match?). Would imagine they'll start building to it after the Rumble, unless Triple H is an entrant right enough, could either have 'Taker coming back and helping to put him out, or even just have the gong go distracting him and leading to his elimination. Certainly hope it's the match they go with as there's definitely 'unfinished business' there that they could work with.

That's a possibility certainly. If I was booking it though I'd have HHH get the better of Taker on near enough every meeting to try and make people think it's possible that the streak could end. People have to buy into it.

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Not Undertaker v Triple H again, we've already seen it twice at WM, i don't want to see it again.

Been watching some old attitude videos and i came across this segment,


Absolutely hilarious from Stone Cold, mocking the ECW diddies. :lol:

Edited by Parscelona
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Absolutely hilarious from Stone Cold, mocking the ECW diddies. :lol:

Stunning Steve Austin became Stone Cold in ECW.

Probably old news to most, but I just seen this and thought it was worth sharing. The head slide at 2.18 is awesome...

I've seen that before and some other stuff from Chikara online, I think it looks fairly entertaining. I keep meaning to watch it and give it a chance. CP Munk and Colt Cabunny is genius.

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CHIKARA is a great example of a good PG product with compelling storylines and decent wrestling. I've never thought their in ring product has been top notch but it's ALWAYS solid. Plus, the King of Trios tournaments are great.

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That's a possibility certainly. If I was booking it though I'd have HHH get the better of Taker on near enough every meeting to try and make people think it's possible that the streak could end. People have to buy into it.

That would make it quite obvious that taker would win though IMO.

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Watched the Funkasaurus for the first time. Even down to the dance moves, dancers and camera angles used during the entrance it's just Flash Funk wearing a trackie.

They had ditched his dancers after a couple of months. I wonder how long Clay's will get.

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CHIKARA is a great example of a good PG product with compelling storylines and decent wrestling. I've never thought their in ring product has been top notch but it's ALWAYS solid. Plus, the King of Trios tournaments are great.

It looks like a good laugh, and I've heard there is some decent wrestling in it too. Anything you'd recommend as kind of entry level stuff? I think I'll watch Waltman-El Generico at some point as I've heard good things about it.

That would make it quite obvious that taker would win though IMO.

It's already pretty obvious though, I'm sure you'd agree.

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It's already pretty obvious though, I'm sure you'd agree.

I dunno. Both guys could realistically lose a career match which is apparently the way they want to go.

It looks like a good laugh, and I've heard there is some decent wrestling in

it too. Anything you'd recommend as kind of entry level stuff? I think I'll

watch Waltman-El Generico at some point as I've heard good things about it.

They're too consistant. The Young Lions Cup in 2008 might be the best place to start as the seeds get planted for the main BDK angles.

Watched the Funkasaurus for the first time. Even down to the dance moves,

dancers and camera angles used during the entrance it's just Flash Funk wearing

a trackie.

Except the guy doing it this time actually 1) has some charisma about him and 2) isn't a spot monkey.

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Is it just me that thinks this Funkasaurus stuff is awful? I remember Santino and Zack Ryder were amusing once, now I go for a pish when they appear on my screen. WWE is currently overrun with shite comedy mid-carders and I think Brodus Clay will be a permanent fixture on Superstars within weeks.

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Is it just me that thinks this Funkasaurus stuff is awful? I remember Santino

and Zack Ryder were amusing once, now I go for a pish when they appear on my


Zack Ryder was NEVER amusing on screen. Ever. Santino was good as a heel and then when he became babyface, the good just sort of vanished. And the thing with Ryder is that he seems like he can back his comedy up by actually winning and doing it well, as does Clay by murdering folk.

It's too early to judge obviously, but I'll enjoy it for what it is for now. Very entertaining stuff.

Edited by DomDom
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The thing with Brodus is that yeah the gimmick is fun and could potentially provide a fair bit of comedy, but unlike with Santino he's also an absolute monster and could quite clearly destroy the majority of guys on the roster. Add that in with his obvious charisma and idiosyncratic mannerisms in the ring and it could be a very successful gimmick with him having fun to start with, then getting pissed off and destroying fools.

Remember doing somthing smilar wih Big Show a few years back now where he was the fun loving giant, doing impressions of people, dressing up as Hulk Hogan and a few others and generally being good fun, then after a couple of minutes in to the match his opponent would slap him or something similar, he'd snap and destroy them, could easily do something along the same lines with 'the Fukosaurus'.

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The thing with Brodus is that yeah the gimmick is fun and could potentially provide a fair bit of comedy, but unlike with Santino he's also an absolute monster and could quite clearly destroy the majority of guys on the roster. Add that in with his obvious charisma and idiosyncratic mannerisms in the ring and it could be a very successful gimmick with him having fun to start with, then getting pissed off and destroying fools.

Remember doing somthing smilar wih Big Show a few years back now where he was the fun loving giant, doing impressions of people, dressing up as Hulk Hogan and a few others and generally being good fun, then after a couple of minutes in to the match his opponent would slap him or something similar, he'd snap and destroy them, could easily do something along the same lines with 'the Fukosaurus'.

Isn't that what happened on Monday? He came out dancing and messing around, Hawkins clocked him with a big punch and the big man ended him.

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Isn't that what happened on Monday? He came out dancing and messing around,

Hawkins clocked him with a big punch and the big man ended him.

Pretty much aye, but he was unleashing some violence before that. Like when he just grabbed him and lobbed him face first. And that headbutt too. Should change the finisher though. The Cross Body worked with Knox but I don't think Clay does it as well as he did.

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See all the folk who were laughing at the guy who was adamant that Y2J was the guy the clips were alluding to and were themselves suggesting Brodus Clay?

What was YOUR reasoning behind that ludicrous guess? Was it any more ridiculous than the reasoning behind the lad's guess at it being Y2J? Indeed as we know it was Y2J, and not a relatively new wrestler, for whom it would make no sense to be built up in such a way, and who has now reappeared with a mid to low card gimmick that is amusing but doomed to fail in the end.

When did anyone suggest it actually would be Brodus Clay?

The guy wasn't laughed at for simply thinking it was Jericho. Btw, the videos still don't make any sense for Jericho.

Is it just me that thinks this Funkasaurus stuff is awful?


Somebody call my momma.

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