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Mo Wonderboy

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Having not seen the rap(yet) then I'll reserve who's better until then but that concert was ok, but resorting to mum jokes is a pretty good indication that you're struggling for things to say. And not rhyming any of the "Cleveland rocks" with cock, especially around the mum parts was most disappointing, PG or not.

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Anyone else think that the We Will Rock You song ruined the Rock concert? Rest of it was good I thought but he'd have been as well just leaving the last song out.

Yeah, a great way to spend money on music rights only for him to be out of time through it all.

I thought the rap was just alright as well. Cena probably took it just because he didn't have to resort to mum jokes.

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Stop it

Must have missed this last night.

It's true that Christian's return makes Smackdown credible, as he brings in starpower, which Smackdown has been sorely lacking.

The brand has gone downhill ever since Bryan won the title, you just need to check the ratings to indicate this. Christian and even Mark Henry's title reigns brought in higher ratings than the current figures.

The pair of them also enticed more viewers to watch Smackdown than when Orton's been champion, as even though he's been pushed like hell throughout his WWE career, he still doesn't draw anything.

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I thought the Rock's concert was great he is getting better each week, the cena rap was ok as well tbf. The Jericho thing was to far yesterday the WWE always bring up a Family member and add it into a feud, which goes against most of what they do like th e"be a star" promotion etc, they do need to change this and fast, if they allegations were true about Punk then he deserves more credit for fighting and staying loyal to his principles IMO.

Brodus Clay done the exact same thing time for another month's vacation from Raw.

I hope Mr Entertainments team win at wrestlemania, Teddy Long is passed it and becomes tedious with the same material each week, at least his last match will e a Tag Team match playa's.

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I hope Mr Entertainments team win at wrestlemania, Teddy Long is passed it and becomes tedious with the same material each week, at least his last match will e a Tag Team match playa's.

I agree with this, Teddy Long managing both brands would be worse than Cena defeating The Rock.

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I agree with this, Teddy Long managing both brands would be worse than Cena defeating The Rock.

Mother of god, there'd be tag team matches everywhere.

Something is seriously up if Long's team wins, especially if it is as I said last night (Otunga, Henry, Christian, Del Rio, Ziggler and Swagger against Santino, Kofi, Truth and whatever other no name faces they recruit). You can't have a team of 4 former World Champions lose to midcarders. Thinking about who else they could bring in, they'll probably be forced to take Khali sad.gif

edit: aye, Teddy needs to go. I don't see how Laurinaitis got escorted out of last week's Raw when Long was running it but Laurinaitis didn't do the same to him this week, he let him come up and push him over!

Edited by forehead7
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About to watch this now. The only bits I've seen were Cena walking backstage in his old gear to his old music (didn't hear what he had to say), Eve's lovely tits, and the Funkasaurus' match.

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