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Mo Wonderboy

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Kurt Angle has apparently made some abusive comments about Stone Cold and Shawn Michaels.

Called Austin a wife beater, and Shawn a baldy cocksucker.

He has since deleted the posts and apologised:


He didn't say anything like that, just jokingly challenged them to a shoot fight. Storm in a teacup.

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I can't see Teddy Long being GM on both shows so surely Team Johnny will win. :lol:

Instead of this match though they should have had most of the same superstars but in a MitB match. :angry:

Edit: I'd love to see Angle back in the WWE.

Edited by Paulo Sergio
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The MITB was the original plan for mania but Barrett was booked to win so instead they started the teddy vs johnny feud and created a MITB ppv for later in the year

Why can't they just have someone else win it and push Barrett at a different time? Or have Barrett challenge the MITB winner beat him for the case.

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I find it hard to believe that they cut the MITB idea just because Barrett got injured.

The Teddy v Jonny feud had existed before Barrett had got hurt by the clumsy Big Show, the reason why there's no MITB match at WM this year is because the card doesn't require one.

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Exactly my thoughts, Dolph would be good with the case. So would Cody

I don't think Dolph needs it, he was main event before the Elimination Chamber, they should've carried that feud on into Mania. Cody would work, but really they should be using it to push faces, IMO. I guess you could turn some of the heels but they're all so good atm that I wouldn't want to.

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Austin Aries is far and away the best thing in TNA, and has been for a while. This guy shouldn't be wasted in the shitey X-Divison*. He should be a main eventer. He's more over than the current (and very boring) heavyweight champ.

*I hate how they've made the X-Division a cruiserweight division. It used to be one of the best and most innovative divisions in wrestling and was something that let TNA stand out and gave their wrestlers great experience of wrestling against others with different styles. But Bischoff and Hogan had to change that, the utter tossers.

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Not fussed about the booking. They usually provide a cracking spotfest. The two last year were both fucking terrific in their own way, and there's never been an actual bad one.

I love the matches themselves, perhaps I didn't make myself clear - it's the after effects of the match. They use it to shove somebody into the main event scene without building them properly and making them believable in the main event. Guys should be ready and built properly for it rather than just giving them the ball and seeing if the sink (eg Jack Swagger) or swin (eg Daniel Bryan).

Austin Aries is far and away the best thing in TNA, and has been for a while. This guy shouldn't be wasted in the shitey X-Divison*. He should be a main eventer. He's more over than the current (and very boring) heavyweight champ.

*I hate how they've made the X-Division a cruiserweight division. It used to be one of the best and most innovative divisions in wrestling and was something that let TNA stand out and gave their wrestlers great experience of wrestling against others with different styles. But Bischoff and Hogan had to change that, the utter tossers.

I love me some A double, the guy is a class act in every aspect of the game.

I'd disagree on Roode though, he has a fair degree of star power IMO and has been a pretty detestable b*****d since they turned him heel. I'm looking forward to the Roode-Storm match at Lockdown, which I hope they have the balls to put on last.

I've never really got the whole X-Division thing - obviously it's a style of working, but does that really need its own division and name? Why not let the wrestlers work this style in "normal" matches? IMO it's a style of working which will never get over or draw in a serious way but they could put the likes of Styles, Kaz or Aries in matches against each other and get them to work that style at the level just below the main event without it being in a separate division.

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I love me some A double, the guy is a class act in every aspect of the game.

I'd disagree on Roode though, he has a fair degree of star power IMO and has been a pretty detestable b*****d since they turned him heel. I'm looking forward to the Roode-Storm match at Lockdown, which I hope they have the balls to put on last.

I've never really got the whole X-Division thing - obviously it's a style of working, but does that really need its own division and name? Why not let the wrestlers work this style in "normal" matches? IMO it's a style of working which will never get over or draw in a serious way but they could put the likes of Styles, Kaz or Aries in matches against each other and get them to work that style at the level just below the main event without it being in a separate division.

Yeah, Aries was pretty much the only PPV-worthy thing on the Victory Road card. Although the AJ/Mr Anderson and Daniels/Kazarian match was decent. Daniels and AJ had a really good part of it, AJ went for a hip toss and Daniels side-stepped it into an abdominal stretch, it really was a brilliant reversal. Apart from those, it was a god awful card.

Yeah, Roode's been great. It's Sting I can't stand. I'm also not a huge fan of Hardy or Storm, Roode's doing the best he can and yeah, he's a complete c**t.

I agree. It's always seemed like a cruiserweight division to me. Hopefully Austin Aries outburst and subsequent main event match will see the X-Division get more involved with the main card.

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