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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I can see the WWE and WHC becoming an undisputed title this year and a merger of brands - something to spice things up again. They need just one main belt, not two. They devalue each other.

Edit: and it would make Smackdown more relevant as well.

I also like Lesnar's theme.

Edited by Paulo Sergio
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Really? I can't even remember from hearing it 20 minutes ago...unsure.gif

Surely you must have known it from the first time he was in though? It does the job, nothing too flashy and a bit generic but it fits Lesnar perfectly.

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I have never seen this Lesnar guy before, is he actually any good? At wrestling I mean? To me he has look and build of a heel.

Can someone point me in direction of his best match?

Brock vs Hogan (with a cracking finish)

Hell in a Cell vs Undertaker

Phenomenal match with Angle at WM19

His best match IMO, the ironman match with Kurt Angle

Being an evil b*****d with Zach Gowen

Comedy segment with Kurt

Proof from a dark match he can indeed pull off the Shooting Star Press

Made that list as much for me to work through as yourself :lol: Lesnar really was brilliant.

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What did he come out to in the UFC. Was Thunderstruck by Ac/DC once or twice. Doubt theyd pay for that right enough.

That ones a bit boring I think but it done the trick tonight for definate.

Enter Sandman was one he used in the UFC as well.

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Surely you must have known it from the first time he was in though? It does the job, nothing too flashy and a bit generic but it fits Lesnar perfectly.

I can't remember what it was, it literally rang no bells when he came in. I knew he was coming(f**k you wwe twitter) and saw the titantron so knew it was him.

Cheers Scotty ill have a watch tonight.

For me Lesnar/Batista/Goldberg all rolled into one at a time i didnt watch it.

Well, at least you didn't have to suffer Batista and Goldberg.

Enter Sandman was one he used in the UFC as well.

That'd be awesome, can't see them splashing out on two actual songs for their stars.

Thanks for that playlist, I'll get some lunch and then watch it. biggrin.gif

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Brock v Rock for Wrestlemania next year.

I have dipped in and out of wrestling since being obsessed when I was younger, but stopped watching it regularly around ten years ago, however I have enjoyed this years Wrestlemania and last night's Raw enough that I am going to make a conscious effort to keep up to date and start watching it again. It does however mean I don't have a scooby who loads of these guys are yet, outwith the 'main' 6 or 7.

The wee Italian dude has a fantastic walk though.

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