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Mo Wonderboy

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PWG Mystery Vortex

Got this to watch and it has a cracking card on it, so I'm very much looking forward to it.

The Young Bucks vs. Eddie Edwards and Roderick Strong

The Bucks were just recently in the UK and had a couple of cracking matches. Here they are in their comfort zone. The match starts slower and more traditionally than many the Bucks' PWG matches. But both teams go from corner to corner and keep things fun as a result. The pace speeds up pretty quickly, even if it doesn't break into super pace for a while, as the Bucks show off a lot of their better qualities in the match, heeling it up and making the fans or love them. Whatever side you're on, it leads to some insane crowd heat. When we head for the stretch, the place goes MENTAL, and the action is fittingly hot for it, as both teams bring their A game and provide us with a scorcher of an opener. ****1/4

Sami Callihan vs. Drake Younger

I've got a feeling I'm not going to be the biggest fan of this match. Drake Younger matches tend to annoy me, but it'll at least be brutal. They waste no time in brutalizing each other, with Younger taking some horrendous bumps and both guys just unloading in a big way on each other, which has increased my hopes quite a bit. Always good to see two guys willing to make the effort. If you want to see two guys just fucking destroy each other, then this match is definately for you. About as brutal as you could want from a match which has rules. The match DOES slow down, but stays interesting enough to keep you involved. It all gets a bit silly, but it's one of the more viscerally fun matches that I've seen, so I'll forgive that. ****

Adam Cole comes out and plays the heel brilliantly. Kevin Steen lets him know that their match is Guerrilla Warfare which the crowd goes NUTS for. Adam Cole's reaction is utterly incredible.

Super Smash Brothers © vs. RockNES Monsters - PWG Tag Team Championships

The Monsters turned heel not that long ago and the fans response is mixed as a result. The Super Smash Brothers are amazing. The Monsters don't have the talent of the Bucks, meaning the fans can take to hating them much easier. Not to say they're not talented, and they're a lot of fun here. Some wonderful tactics as well, just doing stuff blatantly to wind up folk, like pulling down the shorts of Player Uno just because they can, and then some Michinoku Pro style double taunting. The SSB have some really nice double teams, and a lot of what they do varies from match to match which adds to their fluidity quite a bit. You can't take the match too seriously and so you don't really buy a title change, but this is a fun tag team match, and the 450/Cannonball combo is something to behold. ***1/2

Scorpio Sky vs. Joey Ryan - Joey Ryan's PWG Farewell Match

Joey Ryan is about to go full time for TNA, meaning he can't appear on PWG DVDs anymore, meaning that he gets a decent reception from an audience that doesn't always come his way. Some nice wee nods to PWG stars of the past from these two guys like Chris Bosh and Scott Lost, guys who both men were very familiar with in their time in PWG. They appear to go for an epic sort of match, but Joey Ryan clearly isn't good enough to pull it off, and that means that while the match is very entertaining, it falls short of what they're aiming for. I guess that sums up Joey Ryan's singles career in PWG, making this a very fitting end of it. ***1/2

B-Boy vs. Brian Cage vs. Willie Mack vs. TJ Perkins

This match hits the ground running as all four men go at it and fast, and since it's not tags that work in this one, the action just keeps on moving at a hell of a pace. Brian Cage shows some unbelievable shows of strength and this includes a remarkable Stalling DOUBLE Suplex on two guys! Madness. TJ Perkins gets scant oppertunity to shine here and almost seems like the preverbial punching bag for the other guys in the match. Of course, the two KEY guys are Cage and Mack who are on a major rise in PWG at this point, and as you'd expect, those are the guys that shine. Lacks the involvement to take it into the upper end of the ratings, but this is a really fun addition to what has been a superb card so far. ***3/4

Rich Swann vs. El Generico

This match has some serious indy spotfest potential in it. Generico has this sort of demeanor he takes with smaller high flyers, where he's a bit more of a dick, and a bit more brutal, and it's a bit weird to see, but he somehow manages to make it work. Rich Swann does some stuff in this match that literally makes me get off of my seat, which is amazing given some of the shit I've seen in wrestling matches. His athleticism is brilliant, and he knows how to time it too which means it's not just flipping and flopping for the sake of it. There is a WEE bit of unnecessary rolling about, but there's time to wipe that stuff out of his game. The match borders on spectacle at time and gives what you'd want from it. ****

Roderick Strong and Eddie Edwards vs. Super Smash Brothers

This is a non-title bonus match between the two winners of the tag team matches earlier in the evening. Wasn't a HUGE fan of this, and it seemed to have it's place to calm the fans a bit before the main event as all four men were clearly holding something back. ***

Kevin Steen © vs. Adam Cole - Guerrilla Warfare Match - PWG Championship

Guerrilla Warfare is always absolutely vile to watch, and this will hopefully be no exception and given the way Adam Cole has treated Kevin Steen, I expect there to be a LOT of hatred in the match. Unfortunately, that's not quite how it works out. Kevin Steen is in joke mode far too early into the match. There is some cracking moments and some of the brutality is well worth seeing, but there's nowhere near the intensity of other matches of this type that PWG have done in the past. Adam Cole's willingness to bump like a mad man was something to behold here. Kevin Steen has always been willing to go nuts with the bumping, but Adam Cole took some horror show stuff here. It's worth seeing some of the spectacle of this match, but it's disappointing. ***1/2

As far as top to bottom cards go, you won't go far wrong with this. It's got a bit of everything. High flying? Weapons brawl? Hard hitting? Tag wrestling? There's nothing you could ask for that isn't done at a pretty good standard here. The lowest match rating is 3* and that was for a match which was the comedown before the main event. This is well worth seeing.

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I'm assuming most of us here know and follow ICW? If not, shame on you. No better way to start than Square Go at the Garage on Sunday. Anyway, this is what Wolfgang has to say about his Iron Man match against James Scott and whether or not he is part of the 30 man Square Go!

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Hulk Hogan tweeted a photo of his daughter Brooke in a revealing dress along with the accompanying caption, “Brooke’s legs” before deleting it soon afterwards

A Twitter search of "Brooke's Legs" shows hundreds of comments from fans wondering what the Hulkster was thinking. Frankly, we are wondering the same thing.

:lol: am I right in thinking this isn't the only time Hulk has been a bit creepy in relation to his daughter

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If anybodys got former ROH owner Rob Feinstien as a friend on Facebook - delete him if you don't want any Royal Rumble spoiler. He's gave away more or less the lot claiming that he has people in the know.

Guy's a paedo. Not sure this ranks high in his file of idiocy. :P

Top Tipster Feinstien just declared that he would bet his entire company on Rhodes Scholars winning the tag match. I think we can discard the rest of his picks.

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Not watch the RR from last night. Going to order iton Box Office after work today. Can you record it onto your Sky + box and do all the usual stuff like livepause with a Box Office broadcast?

On my V+ box you can't record it so you have to start watching it at one of their set times but you can pause it etc from there on.

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Not watch the RR from last night. Going to order iton Box Office after work today. Can you record it onto your Sky + box and do all the usual stuff like livepause with a Box Office broadcast?

You can't record it, the person who ordered it last night where I watched it tried to.

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Not watch the RR from last night. Going to order iton Box Office after work today. Can you record it onto your Sky + box and do all the usual stuff like livepause with a Box Office broadcast?

Yes, you can record it onto your Sky+ box. It does delete itself after 2/3 weeks so you'd have to watch it before then.

Edited by The Naitch
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ICW's Square Go was arguably their best show yet. Three cracking matches post-interval and the Square Go itself had some amazing moments in it.

The atmosphere was nuclear for absolutely everything and the place was MOBBED.

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