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Mo Wonderboy

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Not a spoiler as it was only a house show.

Nah, that's totally a spoiler as it pretty much confirms that he'll be appearing on Raw or Smackdown soon.

I already knew but I'd be pretty pissed if I didn't and stumbled onto it without a warning.

edit: doesn't matter if it's all over WWE's twitter and facebook, they did that with Barrett and Del Rio's IC and World Heavyweight championship wins and those were clearly spoilers.

Edited by forehead7
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Nah, that's totally a spoiler as it pretty much confirms that he'll be appearing on Raw or Smackdown soon.

Hmm...probably but if you have any wrestling oriented newsite linked to you on facebook/twitter you would have saw it anyway, especially if WWE announced it as well. I have no doubt that 99% of the WWE Universe (oh God!) now know.

I suppose he may have just been testing himself that he could at least move about the ring before commiting to Mania.

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Apparently he managed to do all his big moves but one of his knees wasn't great and he was favouring the good one.

They're clearly testing him so they can see if he's good to go at Mania since they need to know by Monday so they know what to do with Punk. Not sure they couldn't have made that decision behind closed doors though, it's not like football were "match fitness" is a real thing. Would be horrendously shitty if his last match was at a fucking Smackdown house show. (even more so when his second to last moment was at Mania with that great ending)

They should get DDP in to sharpen his fitness. All hail King DDP!!

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Would be horrendously shitty if his last match was at a fucking Smackdown house show. (even more so when his second to last moment was at Mania with that great ending)

You're forgetting when him and Kane teamed up to batter the unstoppable force that is 3MB at Raw 1000 last summer.

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They should get DDP in to sharpen his fitness. All hail King DDP!!

Maybe it's bollocks but I'm sure there were whispers that Mark and Dallas never really got on as DDP was pretty much buried after the whole "stalker" thing as he'd pitched some good ideas of his own but was disappointed at having to go along with the stalker angle.

I'd imagine his yoga thing could be very beneficial to someone like Taker though for his mobility. I'd imagine he's a bit busy just now too what with having Jake and also now Scott Hall under his watchful eye.

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Pretty wise move from WWE having him booked at a house show. Can not only see if he's likely to be fit to work for Wrestlemania, but with it being all over the internet, ratings for tonight's Raw will very likely increase with the potential of the big man appearing.

Fingers crossed he makes it. Can't imagine a Wrestlemania without 'Taker being involved.

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Best of ROH Part Two

This is in the midst of an incredible time for ROH, and some quality stuff on these shows as a result. James Gibson continuing to be amazing, CM Punk finally getting Jimmy Rave in the cage, and Bryan Danielson moving on from Homicide.

Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley - ROH The Final Showdown ( ***1/2 )
Delirious vs. Ebetaroh vs. Jack Evans vs. Samoa Joe - ROH The Final Showdown ( ***1/2 )
Austin Aries © vs. James Gibson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Final Showdown ( ****1/4 )
Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson, Steel Cage Match - ROH The Final Showdown ( ***3/4 )

James Gibson vs. BJ Whitmer - ROH Nowhere to Run ( **** )
Roderick Strong and Jack Evans vs. Alex Shelley and Delirious - ROH Nowhere to Run ( ***1/4 )
Nigel McGuinness vs. Colt Cabana - ROH Nowhere to Run ( **3/4 )
Austin Aries © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Nowhere to Run ( ***1/2 )
Jimmy Rave vs. CM Punk, Steel Cage Match - ROH Nowhere to Run ( ****1/4 )

Alex Shelley vs. Roderick Strong - ROH New Frontiers ( ***3/4 )
Samoa Joe © vs. James Gibson - ROH Pure Championship - ROH New Frontiers ( **** )
Austin Aries © vs. Spanky - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH New Frontiers ( **** )

Roderick Strong vs. Alex Shelley - ROH The Final Showdown

Some reversals to get us going here and a Hammerlock from Shelley and then they do some more reversing and a break in the ropes. Lockup and Strong with the Headlock and Shelley with an escape and he looks for the Border City Stretch and then a slap to the face from Shelley. Lockup and into the corner they go and we have nothing resembling a clean break and now both guys go at each other and Shelley goes for the Cross Armbreaker and Strong heads for the floor. They circle each other and we have a knee to the gut from Strong and then more of the same. Forearm from Strong and then from Shelley and then a knee to the gut from Strong. Kick to the head from Strong and then down goes Shelley. Shelley escapes a move and then he gets taken down and there's a lot going on here and we have a stalemate between the two men. Good back and forth action gets us going so far. Lockup and into the corner they go and a back elbow from Strong and then a chop. He'd do better than that in the future. Running Rana from Shelley and then a Spin Kick. Snot blow from Shelley. Kick to the chest from Shelley and then another shot and against the ropes they go and a shot to the face and then some slapping. Elbow from Strong and then a stomp to the chest and some right hands. Shelley lands on his feet and lands an Enziguri. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR FROM SHELLEY !!! Strong gets launched into the railing now. Strong is then sent into another section of the railing and Shelley is enjoying the crowd reaction. Turning Cross Body gets a two count of Shelley. Punk says that Shelley stays a step ahead of the entire Generation Next faction but that's not true. Forearms from both men. Hot Shot from Strong and a brutal kick sends Shelley to the floor. Shelley then charged into the ring apron and then he stands on the face of Shelley. Shelley is then charged into the ringpost and dropped chest first on the railing. Back into the ring they are now gonna go and that gets a two count. Kick to the back from Strong and then some clubbing blows. Choke with the knee from Strong and the fans are getting behind him here. Shelley with a School Boy... INTO THE BORDER CITY STRETCH !!! Strong turns that into a Crucifix for a two count and then lands a Butterfly Suplex and that gets a two count and now he locks in the Body Scissors. Shelley finds his way to the bottom rope and then Strong chokes Shelley over the bottom rope. Right hands from Strong and Shelley makes a fight back again here. Dropkick to the face from Strong and that gets a two count for him. Strong with a slap to the face and that can't be good. Shelley avoids a Suplex. GOLDEN GATE SWING FROM SHELLEY !!! Jawbreaker from Shelley and then Strong goes through and Shelley lands a Dropkick. A minor reciept and then he spits in the face of Strong. THE C4 FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Strong into the corner and Shelley onto the apron and he lands a forearm, but eats a kick. BRUTAL DOUBLE STOMP TO THE BACK !!! HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Shelley tries for knees. ALABAMA SLAM !!! SICK KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Strong misses a charge. SUPERKICK FROM SHELLEY !!! THE SHELLSHOCK FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE SHELLSHOCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Shelley keeps those little heel touches going, which would be a sign of things to come for the man. I hate how the commentator makes it sound like Shellshock is unbeatable, when infact loads of people have kicked out of it. Anyways a fun opener where they didn't go overboard. ***1/2

Delirious vs. Ebetaroh vs. Jack Evans vs. Samoa Joe - ROH The Final Showdown

Evans and Joe are going to get this match going now. Delirious just sits in the corner catatonic. The bell rings and Delirious goes and hides under the ring. Joe doesn't have any idea what the f**k just happened. Right, so anyways , as you were. Evans does some dancing for us and the crowd tell Joe that he just got served. Ebetaroh wants a shot in the match and the fans want to see this so he gets into the ring. Some fantastic dancing from Ebetaroh and the fans believe he got served. The shirt is coming off. Ebetaroh stomps in the face and Evans isn't happy. Right hand and a Headlock from Ebetaroh and he charges down Evans. Another wee stomp to the head from Ebetaroh and Evans takes some trash talk. KONICHIWA BITCH !!! :lol: Hurricane Kick from Evans and then he slaps Ebetaroh. Delirious is now in the ring and he has a lot to say here. Both guys have a lot to say to each other here. :lol: And both guys show off their... erm... guns. The referee wants them to wrestle. The fans want them to hit the referee. They're now gonna go into full slow motion mode here. SLOW MOTION SHINING WIZARD FROM EBETAROH !!! The crowd is going wild here. Delirious does some screaming and takes a shot to the throat. Delirious with a shot of his own. Evans now comes in and then in comes Samoa Joe. Evans with a series of kicks and then he gets bitch slapped down and Joe is willing to have some fun. Kicks to the stomach here from Joe and then Evans in there and he ducks a shot and misses a Hurricane Kick. BRUTAL kick sends him down and he gets kicked out of his shoes as the fans are happy to let us know. Delirious now comes into the ring and Delirious sends him into the corner and a Clothesline and lands a series of Clotheslines. Evans is taking a beasting here from Delirious. And not in the Kevin Webster sense of the word. Ebetaroh comes into the ring now. Snapmare from Ebetaroh and then he lands a Power Elbow, another little nod to Muta there. Knee Drop on the arm from Ebetaroh. Into the corner here and a chop from Ebetaroh and then more of the same from him. More chops and then a bit of strutting. Body Slam from Ebetaroh and then he heads for the top rope. Evans tries a shot, but takes a poke in the eye. Evans sends him to the ropes and lands a Back Body Drop. Flair Flop and in comes Delirious. Joe throws a shoe at Delirious. Headbutt from Delirious and then he goes to work on Ebetaroh while eating the shoe of Jack Evans. Evans now back into the ring. Kicks in the corner from Evans and he lands a Jackhammer and that gets a two count for him. Running Shooting Star gets a two count for Evans. Delirious has some words to say to Evans when he comes back in. Delirious misses a charge. Bulldog/Clothesline combo from Ebetaroh. SHINING WIZARD FROM EBETAROH !!! FIREMAN'S DRIVER FROM EBETAROH !!! Samoa Joe comes into the ring and he's the house on fire. Snap Powerslam on Evans but he eats a Delirious Dropkick. S-T-JOE !!! Ebetaroh comes in and he can't make the effect. THE CHOKE FROM SAMOA JOE !!! 630 FROM EVANS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a different kind of entertaining from the first match as all four men brought a sense of fun to this battle. Some of the opening exchanges were fantastic. If they kept that up it'd be even better. ***1/2

Austin Aries © vs. James Gibson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Final Showdown

Lockup and they break clean. Gibson goes to the head of Aries pretty early and the Chinlock. Hammerlock from Aries and then both guys with counters and we have a stalemate after all of that. Lock of the hands now and they go to work. Gibson takes the control and gets the Arm Bar. Aries tries to get rid, but Gibson goes to the Hammerlock and takes him down. Aries to the feet but gets taken down and the Side Headlock from Gibson. Back to the feet now. Overhead Wristlock from Aries. Aries takes down Gibson. Lockup and Gibson goes to the Cravat and then a Headlock to counter from Aries. Aries with the Headlock Takedown and then winds up going through to the Dropkick to the face. Gibson goes behind and then into the ropes they go. Gibson charges down and hits the ropes and Aries heads for the floor but eats a Baseball Slide. More chops from Gibson and then a forearm. Back into the ring they now go. Aries is sent hard into the corner and a stomp to the back of the head. Body Slam and then an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Backbreaker from Gibson gets a two count and then he stretches. Aries isn't going to quit from that. Gibson charges and winds up on the floor. HEAT SEEKING MISSILE FROM ARIES !!! Aries sends Gibson back into the railing and then drops him on the ringside area and smacks the arm into the railing. Aries seems to be setting up for the Rings of Aries here. Running knee to the arm against the railing from Aries and then he sends Gibson back to the ringside area. Kick to the arm from Aries. Back into the ring now and Gibson into the corner, and Aries stretches the arm with the bottom rope. Forearms now from Aries and Gibson just collapses to the canvas and then Aries with a stomp to the arm. Knees and elbows from Gibson but then he sends Aries to the ropes. Small PAckage from Gibson gets a two count and then he eats a Clothesline and that gets two for Aries. Aries now goes to the Arm Bar in the middle of the ring. Aries gets dropped on his head with a Monkey Flip and then Gibson with knees to the gut, and then Aries goes to the eyes. Wristlock from Aries. Hammerlock Sidewalk Slam gets a two count for Aries. Aries continues to work on the arm. Aries then gets the Arm Bar and locks in a Body Scissors with it, but then he changes it up and drives a knee and locks in a standard Rings of Saturn. Gibson charged into the corner but he comes back with forearms and chops. Gibson runs into a boot. Tornado Divorce Court from Aries and that gets a two count. The fans getting behind and Gibson lands a Samoan Drop to get back into the match here. Knee to the gut and a chop from Gibson and a Powerslam gets a two count for the challenger but his arm is still giving him bother. At least he's remembering how to bloody sell this time. Running Forearms from Gibson now. Back Body Drop from Gibson and then a Body Slam and he heads for the middle rope and lands a Leg Drop for a two count. Into the corner and Aries runs into an elbow and Gibson's arm was hurt there. Back Drop Suplex is countered and a Dropkick to the knee from Gibson. Running Knee to the head from Gibson. ROARING ELBOW FROM ARIES !!! Both men hit the canvas there. Both men with strikes and then Gibson lands a Dropkick to send Aries to the floor. To the floor with both guys. THE TIGER DRIVER ON THE FLOOR ... Gibson having bother to hit it. Aries gets crotched on the railing here. Aries then gets Clotheslined into the front row and the referee comes out and tries to send him back in. GIBSON WITH THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA INTO THE FRONT ROW !!! To the ring they now go and Aries blocks the Suplex. Gibson now with headbutts. Aries blocks a second time and drops the arm over the top rope. Slingshot Twisting Splash from Aries. LIONSAULT FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER ... Gibson is now blocking and both men do battle. Swinging Neckbreaker from Gibson and that gets a two count. GIBSON DRIVER ... Aries blocks and lands the Rolling Samoan Drop. 450 SPLASH FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Of course he didn't land the combination, which means that the nearfall doesn't completely kill it, which is good. Into the corner and Aries with forearms. Kicks and forearms from Gibson but he is a one armed man. IED FROM ARIES !!! ANOTHER IED ... MISSES !!! TORNADO DDT INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON !!! Aries drives out. GIBSON DRIVER FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are WAAAAYYYY into this here. MOONSAULT FROM GIBSON ... MISSES !!! THE SOCCER KICK FROM ARIES !!! THE BRAINBUSTER !!! 450 SPLASH FROM ARIES ... Gibson manages to stop him before he even comes off the top rope for it. GUILLOTINE CHOKE ON THE TOP ROPE FROM GIBSON !!! The referee is about to break. ARIES LANDS ON GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Another cracking James Gibson ROH match here. How under used was he in WWE? He looked decent in short wee matches but in long ones he was dire. It's not even as if he wrestles a dangerous style either. It's pretty simple stuff really and he does it well. This is another great example of what he can do in the ring. ****1/4

Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson, Steel Cage Match - ROH The Final Showdown

And thus, this is the match that the show is named after. They brawl around the ringside area to get us going. Homicide with the the fork to the head and Danielson is now busted open here. Has to be noted that there's chairs in the ring for both guys to use. Danielson then gets sent careering into the railing. Homicide sends Danielson into more railings. More fork work and he does some serious work on Danielson with it. Into the ring they go and there is no escape rule to this one. It's either a pinfall or submission in the cage and there's no Rottweilers in sight. Danielson gets sent into the wall of the cage and then Homicide mocks the fans who then decide to get behind the fan favourite in this match. Homicide has a steel chair and he throws it at the head of Danielson. Right hands from both guys now, and both guys battling for a shot at the title too. Homicide gets sent head first into the cage and then yet again. Chair to the head from Danielson. Danielson now has the fork and he works on the head of Homicide with the fork. More fork work to the head and then Danielson throws Homicide like a javlin into the cage and then he throws him into another side and he's handing out a beating here. Back to the feet they now go and uppercuts from Danielson and more of the same. Two chairs now set facing each other. Homicide blocks a Suplex two times. HOMICIDE WITH A SUPLEX THROUGH THE CHAIRS ON DANIELSON !!! Chair to the back now from Homicide and he sets a chair in the corner of the ring. Slingshot into the cage from Homicide and he must be looking for something here. Homicide has something or other here. Danielson comes back out of pure anger here and then lands a back Elbow and he's gonna unleash a beating. Running Forearm in the corner and then Homicide is in there again and Danielson with a Running Chair Shot to the head of Homicide and neither man seems to be looking for a victory... untill now, as Danielson goes to the Mexican Surfboard. Danielson then adds the Dragon Sleeper to the move and that's just brutal. Danielson winds up letting go. Butterfly Suplex from Danielson and the fans are into this here. Danielson then heads to the top rope and Homicide stops him up there. Both men battle on the top rope now. Headbutts from both men now. TOP ROPE ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! LARIAT ... Danielson ducks. REGAL PLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Knees to the gut and then Homicide is looking to try and get out of there. What the hell? Homicide and Danielson doing battle there and Homicide bites the thumb of Danielson. Both men now doing battle up there. Homicide then thrown down in the ring and Danielson heads for the top of the cage. THE FLYING HEADBUTT OFF OF THE CAGE FROM DANIELSON !!! Homicide isn't staying down. THE AIRPLANE SPIN ... Homicide escapes. THE PILEDRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Homicide heads up and Danielson goes up to meet him. THE TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX ... Homicide breaks. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Homicide now has brass knuckles. BRASS KNUCKLES ... misses. ROARING ELBOW FROM DANIELSON !!! AIRPLANE SPIN FROM DANIELSON !!! IT'S GOING AND GOING AND GOING HERE !!! HOLY SHIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Not amused by the ending as some, it has to be said. Doesn't matter how many rotations you add to it, the Airplane Spin is NOT a finisher. The match is a good one though, and there's plenty of hate. There's just something a wee bit missing, but most Homicide matches seemed to have that around this time. ***3/4

James Gibson vs. BJ Whitmer - ROH Nowhere to Run

Body Slam from Whitmer and he gets a two count from that. Hot and heavy here right off the bat. Gibson into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Whitmer and he heads for the floor. Back into the ring right away and Gibson heads to the floor again but then grabs Whitmer and rams his leg into the ringpost and these two guys are going to go at it hard. Kicks and stomps to the leg from Gibson. Elbow Drop to the head from Gibson and he works on the leg. He then rams the leg into the canvas. Whitmer into the corner and then Gibson stretches the leg over the middle rope. Sweep and then Gibson continues the work on the leg of Whitmer, and then he goes to the Modified Indian Deathlock. Whitmer fights his way out so Gibson goes to a Dropkick to the knee. Gibson drops his weight over the leg of Whitmer. Whitmer dragged into the middle of the ring and then a One Legged Haas of Pain from Gibson and he lets that go as well. Knee to the head from Gibson and then he slams the leg into the canvas. Elbow to the back of the head from Gibson and then he goes for the Trailer Hitch and Whitmer manages to escape and then Whitmer dumps Gibson to the floor but he heads to the top rope right away. Cross Body but Whitmer rolls through. BRAINBUSTER FROM WHITMER !!! Whitmer goes to the stomps on Gibson and then a Neckbreaker lands and it gets a two count for Whitmer. Gibson then gets choked over the middle rope. Forearm from Whitmer and then an elbow to the head. Snapmare and the Chinlock from Whitmer. Gibson escapes and hits the ropes and hits the Cross Body and then goes to the apron. Sunset Flip gets a two count for Gibson but then Whitmer sends him down with the Running Forearm. Slingshot the throat into the bottom rope from Whitmer. Whitmer keeps the control of the match and then lands the chops. Whitmer chokes Gibson over the middle rope and then he shooshes the crowd and lands a HUGE forearm and that gets a two count. Cobra Clutch from Whitmer and he's really put that one on. Gibson manages to escape by sending Whitmer face first into the corner. Whitmer runs into an elbow and runs into a boot. Rake to the eyes from Whitmer and then he runs forearms. He hits the ropes but runs into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Gibson comes back with a flurry and then a Back Elbow and another. Gibson runs into a boot but he catches it and lands a Leaping Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Knees to the head and then he hits the ropes and lands the Running Knee and that gets a two count. Gibson now heads for the top rope. THE TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Snap Suplex and then he lands a Bridging Suplex... AND GIBSON ROLLS THROUGH AND LANDS THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE ?!?!?! WHOA !!! THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE ... Whitmer escapes. EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! WRIST CLUTCH EXPLODER ... COUNTERED TO A VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LARIAT FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERPLEX COUNTERED TO A TOP ROPE REVERSE DDT FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTT !!! THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON !!! WHITMER TAPS !!!

Once again from Gibson, the match just flows along really nicely. Whitmer's offense seemed to revolve around battering f**k right out of Gibson, and he withstood that. Gibson comes across as a proper badass while Whitmer looks good against someone who has become one of the key players in ROH. ****

Roderick Strong and Jack Evans vs. Alex Shelley and Delirious - ROH Nowhere to Run

Shelley and Strong start and Shelley gets the better of that, so Strong pits in his face. Punk: "This is how diseases start." In come Evans and Delirious. Evans takes his shirt off and we're gonna see some action here. Evans with some dancing and he gives Delirious a bit of a serving there. Evans wants Delirious to dance. Delirious tells the referee that he pulled the hair. Delirious asks the crowd if he pulled the hair. Delirious pulls down Evans and then does some riding into a Front Facelock and Evans with the escape and both guys with some reversing to get this match going. Evans into the ropes and a collision in the middle of the ring and Delirious wants Evans to hit the ropes and kicks him in the gut. :lol: Delirious with a nice cover and that gets a two count. Back Elbow from Delirious and then the Arm Drag and he rolls through and then he pulls and bites the fingers. Shelley now into the ring and you almost don't want to see that while Delirious is in there. Delirious misses a charge and he and Shelley hit forearms and then some nice teaming from the babyface team. Shelley with a NASTY stretch and Strong has to come in and break that. Shelley knocks Strong off of the apron and some casual racism from the crowd there. Body Slam from Shelley and lets see what he does now. Surfboard Camel Clutch from Shelley and that is just purely nasty stuff there and the referee stops Strong making the same. Evans with a cheap shot to escape from that. Delirious with some choking and he demands the referee count three with it. He mocks Strong and then Delirious does some more stuff and then Banana Phone Cradle gets a two count. Hurricane Kick from Evans when Strong gives the distraction. Dropkick from Strong and then he spits at Shelley and that's stupid. Suplex from Strong then Evans comes into the ring. Double Stomp from Evans after he gives Chicago a bit of a slagging, and then gets two from a Michinoku Driver. Snap Suplex from Evans and then Strong into the ring and he gets a Knee Drop. Bearhug from Strong and that does some damage to the back. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Strong and then back into the ring comes Evans. SUPLEX 450 SPLASH FROM GEN NEXT !!! ONE ! TWO ! SHELLEY SAVES !!! Delirious needs the tag in a big way here. Delirious into the corner and then Evans with the Handspring Elbow and then the Springboard Knee Strike and that gets a two count for Evans. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! SHELLEY MAKES A SAVE !!! Delirious is fucked after that. Bearhug from Strong. Headbutts from Delirious and he escapes and then lands a big Clothesline and he'll be looking to escape from this beating and then he looks for and gets the tag and Shelley is the house on fire for this one. Shelley is a bit more of an unconventional house. He's more of a bungalow. Arm Drags on Strong and then a low blow on Evans. SWINGING DDT FROM SHELLEY !!! NUTS FROM DELIRIOUS !!! This leaves Shelley and Evans in the ring. FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM EVANS !!! Evans to the apron. GORILLA PRESS SLAM SENDS DELIRIOUS INTO THE RAILING !!! WAISTLOCK BACKBREAKER ON SHELLEY !!! THE SICK KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Delirious into the ring. Forearms on Strong. Knee to the gut and then he's sent into the corner. JOHN WOO DROPKICK !!! PANIC ATTACK FROM DELIRIOUS !!! SHADOWS OVER HELL FROM DELIRIOUS ... RIGHT INTO THE GUTBUSTER !!! DOOMSDAY CROSS BODY FROM GEN NEXT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! EVANS FLIPPED INTO THE DOUBLE STOMP ... MISSES !!! BORDER CITY STRETCH FROM SHELLEY ... EVANS BREAKS !!! He then heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT STOMP STOPPED AND DELIRIOUS LANDS THE SHADOWS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... STRONG SAVES !!! RODDY GUTBUSTER !!! EVANS FLIPPED INTO THE DOUBLE STOMP ON DELIRIOUS !!! THE STRONG HOLD !!!

Delirious is always great fun to watch. The match was missing some, but the final stretch was a lot of fun. ***1/4

Nigel McGuinness vs. Colt Cabana - ROH Nowhere to Run

So the fued will continue with this match right here. Lockup and the Full Nelson from Nigel and Cabana tries to find his way out early and then he eventually does. Waistlock Takedown and a Front Facelock and then Nigel with the escape. Cabana then with a nice escape and he mocks Nigel a wee bit. One fan gets behind Nigel and then a wee duel chant breaks out. Because it isn't ROH without that. Nigel with a nice escape and he goes to the Headlock on Cabana. Nigel with an escape and he goes to the Wristlock and then Cabana with a nice escape and he goes to one of his own. Nigel sweeps down Cabana who escapes quickly from a move. Nigel does the same thing. Cabana just mocks away. Cabana crawls away from a move. Lockup and Nigel goes behind and he gets the O'Connor Roll and then he wants Cabana to do something and Cabana rolls away. Why would he fall for the same move twice? Cabana is clearly getting under the skin of Nigel here. Nigel gets the legs of Cabana tied up and then he does some mocking of his own. Forearm from Nigel and then he works. Nigel is getting some joy in this match so far. Colt is sort of shifting his way around the ring. Cabana with a nice little escape and Nigel with a charge down and he's not getting any sort of joy here. Dropkick from Cabana. And then Nigel just kicks the arm and then works on the arm like he did at Manhattan Mayhem. Infact, this match is very much like that one. Cobra Clutch from Nigel and then he lands a Short Arm Clothesline and that gets a two count. More of the same from that. Headbutt to the gut and then a chop from Cabana. Forearm to the gut from Nigel and then some more of the same from both guys. Nigel with the Grounded Hammerlock and then he decides to use the ropes for leverage and the referee SHOULD be able to see that, but he says he doesn't. Cobra Clutch again from Nigel. Cabana manages to escape from this and then Nigel hits the ropes and hits the Jawbreaker Lariat and that gets a two count. Way before that move would be seen as his big finish. Backslide from Cabana and that gets a two count, and then a School Boy from Cabana gets a two count. Nigel gets flipped over and that gets a two count. Nigel charges him down and hits the ropes. Nigel then charges him down and then an accidental low blow from Cabana. The commentators don't mention the low blow from their last match. BRUTAL HEADBUTT FROM NIGEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Both men have been busted open from the headbutt. Nigel slaps Cabana and then a forearm and I think the joke character is disappearing here. Cabana and Nigel exchange and into the corner they go and this match has broken down. Butt Bump and a Lariat from Cabana and that gets a two count and he heads for the top rope. Missile Dropkick from Cabana and that gets a two count. Nigel goes nuts with shots as well. LOW BLOW FROM NIGEL !!! SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Cabana's comic attitude was at overdrive in this fued, which grated at some people, but it was the entire point of the fued. The story of Cabana frustrating Nigel has been done in this fued, but it remains entertaining thanks to how good Cabana is in his role. The commentators completely forgetting the last match they had wasn't amusing, but that's not the fault of the guys in the ring. **3/4

Austin Aries © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Nowhere to Run

These two guys have a storied past in ROH so now we get to see them go at it for the gold. Lockup and into the corner they now go and we have a clean break out of there. Lockup and into the corner they go. Aries with a cheap throw across the ring and Danielson doesn't look amused here. Lockup and into the corner and then Danielson grabs Aries by the ears and throws him across the ring. Lockup and Danielson takes down Aries and then works on the leg. Aries finds the ropes pretty quickly so as Danielson can't do anything. The fans trying to get behind this match here. Lock of the hands and a kick from Aries and he gets the better of this. He tries to knee down Danielson and then he finds his way to the feet and puts him in the corner and flips him over. Nearfalls here. Danielson takes down Aries to one knee and then he goes to the Chinlock. Aries escapes and goes to the arm and then goes to the Wristlock. He takes Danielson down and then Danielson with an escape but he misses the Dropkick. Knee to the gut from Aries and a Headlock now. Aries into the ropes and he grabs the hair and the fans aren't amused by it at all. Aries goes to the Side Headlock and Danielson tries to escape now. Danielson to the feet and then he takes Aries down to one knee, but that doesn't do any good. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Aries and Danielson gets back to the feet. Aries eventually into the Head Scissor Dropkick escape and Danielson is getting no joy here. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Aries. Danielson fights his way out and then Aries runs right into a Dropkick. Snapmare from Danielson and then the Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Aries battles back to his feet but Danielson then takes him right back down with the Japanese Stranglehold and then puts a pair of knees in the back just for good measure. Aries escapes and gets a Japanese Stranglehold of his own, and then gets charged back into the corner. Body Slam from Danielson. Back to the feet now and another Body Slam from Danielson. Danielson hits the ropes and lands the Earthquake Splash on Aries and that gets a two count. Stretch Plum now from Danielson and then a Crucifix gets a two count for the challenger. Into the corner and Danielson with the chop in the corner. Aries then sent hard into another corner and his back is taking a bit of a beating here. Another hard Irish Whip from Danielson. Aries avoids a Body Slam and then dumps Danielson over the top rope with a Back Drop Suplex and that's a tide turner. HEAT SEEKING MISSILE FROM ARIES !!! Kick to the chest from Aries to Danielson and now some more of the same and he then chokes Danielson with the boot. Back into the ring we now go and Aries goes with the stomps and kicks. AIRPLANE SPIN FROM ARIES ... Danielson fighting out, so Aries lands a big TKO into an Arm Breaker. To the feet they go and then Aries stretches Danielson's arm over the top rope and then lands a running strike on it. Back to the feet they go and a Hammerlock Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Hammerlock Body Slam from Aries. DANIELSON WITH THE CATTLE MUTILATION !!! It's nowhere and Aries just walks it off and drops an elbow on the arm. Hammerlock and then some knees to the arm and then a Bridging Hammerlock here. CATTLE MUTILATION FROM ARIES ... Danielson is doing a good job of countering the hold a few times. Enziguri from Danielson gets him back into the match now. Into the corner and kicks to the chest from Danielson and the referee has seen enough of that. Arm Breaker from Danielson and then he does more of the same here. He drops his weight on the arm of Aries and then goes with the Butterfly Suplex with the bridge and that gets a two count. Into the corner they now go and then Danielson slaps him some and he's not a happy man and then he lands a big kick to the head and that gets a two count for him. Aries over Danielson and then he runs to the opposite side and lands a Handspring Back Elbow. Powerslam from Danielson gets a two count and then he heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Aries gets a two count and that gets a two count. O'Connor Roll gets a two count for Aries and then he gets dumped to the floor. Danielson then hit with a Dropkick. LEAPING UPPERCUT OFF OF THE APRON FROM DANIELSON TO ARIES !!! Aries pushed against the railing and then kicks to the chest from Danielson. BRUTAL SPIN KICK TO THE FACE FROM DANIELSON !!! Into the ring they now go and Danielson goes in there. Aries is set on the top rope and then hit with a chop. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX ... Aries fights his way out. Down goes Danielson. 450 SPLASH FROM ARIES ... misses. IED FROM ARIES !!! IED AGAIN FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Atomic Drop from Danielson and then he sets Aries on the top rope. TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! INTO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE AIRPLANE SPIN FROM DANIELSON !!! ARIES TURNS IT INTO THE CRUFICIX BOMB !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM ARIES !!! 450 SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Felt this was a little long. It didn't need the initial Danielson control, which dragged the match longer than it needed to be. The Aries control was perfect as it had a clear story. The final stretch was a bit disjointed and not what you would expect from these two guys. ***1/2

Jimmy Rave vs. CM Punk, Steel Cage Match - ROH Nowhere to Run

And they finally blow off this massive fued with the second cage match in two nights. The fans tell Rave that he's gonna get killed by CM Punk. Punk tells Rave to come at him. He's quite happy to take his time waiting for him here. Rave comes into the middle of the ring and Punk just stares at him. Punk grabs him by the throat and misses a right hand. Rave tries to escape and then tries to run out of the door and Punk throws him back in. Prince Nana intimidates the ringside referee but he's not having any of it. Punk then spits at Rave and then lands some right hands and then he tries to throw Rave into the cage and it gets blocked. Right hands from Rave and then Punk with the Spinebuster and then he lands a series of right hands. Punk gets the fans right behind him here and then Rave gets sent into the cage and he's been busted open and the fans love this. Punk looks down at his handy work and he seems quite happy with what he's done so far. Stomp to the back and then a kick to the head and then a kick to the back. Into the corner they go and then punches to the head. Rave then gets speared right into the cage and the fans want Punk to continue the punishment here. We gets a second one of them and Rave is in deep trouble here. Punk then rakes the face of Rave into the cage. Punk with a Dropkick to the head and then he goes to walk out of the door and he calls for a chair and goes back into the ring. Chair to the gut and then a hard shot to the back from Punk. Swinging shot to the chest from Punk and then he slams the face into the cage. More chair shots to the back from Punk and Rave is just absolutely done here. Punk mockingly throws a chair onto Rave and then he heads for the floor. Jade tried to throw the door in his face and Nana uses that chance to throw powder in the face of Punk. CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM RAVE !!! Rave is now crawling for the cage and Nana wants to pull him out of the ring, but Punk is not going to let this happen. Punk brings him back into the ring and Rave with the right hands to the head of Punk and the fans are hot for this. Punk then gets launched into the cage and he rakes at the cut. Rave then rakes the face of Punk into the cage and then just throws him into another wall of the cage. Rave seems to be enjoying himself here. Rave with right hands now and Punk isn't going down anymore and then Rave chokes Punk against the ropes. Choke with the boot now from Rave and Nana is pulling the hair from the outside which is just ridiculously good. :lol: Rave is climbing over the top rope. Punk grabs him by the foot and then goes up to the top rope with him. Punk and Rave with right hands to each other here. Rave rams his head into the top of the cage here. Punk stops Rave doing a big move here. Both men crotch on the top rope and fall back into the ring. Rave and Punk are now firing away with the right hands here. Right hands from Rave and Punk and then Punk is getting the better of that. Clothesline and a Back Elbow and a Dropkick from Punk and the fans are well behind him now. Both guys to the top rope again here and Punk looking to get out and Rave stops him. RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP AND THE CROSSFACE WITH ADDED SHOELACE !!! Punk remains still in the match here. Punk with a series of kicks gets a two count. Rave into the ropes and a Flapjack from Punk. THE SHINING WIZARD FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Punk is now heading for the escape and Rave stops him... wait, that's Jade Chung and Punk just walks back into the middle of the ring. Chung slaps him and gets chucked down to the canvas. RAVE TAKES OUT WITH A SPEAR !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE RAVE CLASH FROM RAVE !!! Jade Chung is dropped on the floor by Prince Nana. :lol: Rave gets back to the feet and he is heading for the top of the cage one more time. Punk is looking up at him here and he needs to stop him here. Headbutts from Punk and he's really doing a number here. Punk trying to escape the cage here. Punk tries to kick his way. THE LEAPING KNEE OFF OF THE TOP ROPE FROM RAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rave pulled into the middle of the ring. Punk wants to get out and then Punk jumps on Rave to stop him going out. Welcome to Chicago from Punk. RAVE CHOKES OUT RAVE WITH THE LACES FROM HIS OWN BOOTS !!! Rave manages to fight his way out of that. PEPSI PLUNGE FROM PUNK ... Nana now comes into the ring and he wants some of CM Punk. SPEAR ... PUNK USES RAVE TO HIT THE KNEE ON NANA !!! SUPERKICK TO RAVE FROM PUNK !!! NANA SENT INTO THE CAGE !!! Rave trying to climb out of the cage here and Punk stops him. Punk up there with Rave now. SUPERPLEX FROM THE TOP OF THE FUCKING CAGE FROM CM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! You better believe it's fucking over.

There's a sense of Punk really enjoying the beating that he's laying on Rave, which after months of abuse, you'd definately expect from the two men. There's an absolute boatload of drama here, and both guys look like they want it. ****1/4

Alex Shelley vs. Roderick Strong - ROH New Frontiers

Strong hits the ring and we're going hot and heavy right from the word go here. The referee sends Aries to the back now. PESCADO FROM SHELLEY !!! Shelley is then sent into the railing. BACK BODY DROP INTO THE CROWD FROM SHELLEY !!! Strong is doing a runner to the back of the hall and Shelley us mocking him as he walks around the hall here. Shelley is landing a beating and he is just mauling Stong here and then he sends him into the railing and he is absolutely furious here and then he sends Strong into the front row. CANNONBALL OFF OF THE RAILING !!! He then sends Strong into the hockey railing. SHELLSHOCK SENDS STRONG INTO THE HOCKEY RAILING !!! Back to the ringside area and then Shelley sends Strong into the railing. STRONG SUPLEXED INTO THE CROWD !!! Back around the hall they go and Strong wants nothing here. Strong comes back with forearms and chops here. Right hands and forearms from Strong and he finally has something resembling an advantage here and he lands a big chop and then he pushes the face of Strong into the hockey railing and then a shot to the face. Shelley then dropped chest into the railing. To the aisle and Strong gets his face dropped on the railing that fell down and then he sends Strong into another railing. Shelley spits in the face of Strong and then he pushes the shoulder of Strong into the post and then Strong gets dumped into the front row one more time and Shelley looks like he's trying something here. SHELLEY GOES OVER THE RAILING WITH THE CROSS BODY !!! Strong and Shelley now firing shots at each other and this is a hell of a fight here. Poke to the eye and then back to the ringside area. DDT ON THE APRON FROM SHELLEY !!! Back into the ring now and Shelley heads for the top rope and a nice Spinning Cross Body gets a two count and he heads back up and a Flying Knee Strike gets a two count as well. He then does some mocking kicking of Strong. Russian Legsweep from Shelley and then he locks Strong into a nice submission. Shelley then fish hooks the face and then does the same after he breaks at the five. Shelley eventually does what the referee asks and breaks the hold. Body Slam from Shelley and then he heads for the top. MOONSAULT FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! KICKOUT !!! Shelley with some work on Strong here with the chops. Shelley goes for something and gets caught but then lands. Tornado DDT is blocked. SWINGING BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! Back to the feet and Strong is going to lay on a beating here. Butterfly Suplex from Strong and that gets a two count. Right hands from Strong to a Shelley who is on his knees. Repeated right hands but then Shelley comes back and we have an exchange of forearms from the two men here. Low blow from Shelley here and the referee just tells him to knock it off. Into the corner they now go. SWINGING DDT FROM SHELLEY !!! Shelley's back appears to be hurting. STO BACKBREAKER !!! That will turn a match right back in your favour to be sure. Strong with the knee in the back and stretches the arms of Shelley. He then does a Full Nelson with the legs and turns it into a pin, and then turns that into a Camel Clutch and it's a pretty cool sequence here. SHELLEY TURNS THAT INTO THE BACKPACK STUNNER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet and Strong and Shelley can't stay on his feet. Half Nelson Backbreaker attempt is countered with the Arm Drag and then Waistlock. More countering. THE SHELLSHOCK FROM SHELLEY !!! Both men back up. SICK KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong goes for something. Atomic and Manhattan Drops from Shelley and then a big Clothesline. Strong into the corner and he lands the Double Knees and then a Dropkick to the face. Tries for a Suplex but his back is aching here. Enziguri from Shelley here. GOLDEN GATE SWING FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knees from Strong. SUPERKICK FROM SHELLEY !!! SICK KICK TO THE BACK FROM STRONG !!! THE STRONG HOLD !!! Shelley finds the ropes. SHELLEY FINDS HIS WAY TO THE BORDER CITY STRETCH ON STRONG !!! Strong escapes and takes a Snapmare and then Shelley with the Reverse DDT and then another and that gets a two count. Shelley heading for the top rope. THE FROG SPLASH FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE BORDER CITY STRETCH FROM SHELLEY !!! STRONG FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Both men back to the feet now. SUPERKICK ... TURNED INTO THE HEAD TRAP BACKBREAKER !!! RELEASE SUPLEX !!! HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This starts as a hell of a fight, as Alex Shelley is absolutely livid and you definately get that sense from him, which as far as I can remember wasn't a regular thing for him. The match doesn't quite live up to that level the whole way but you could never really expect it to. It's still a bit of a war between the two men though regardless of that. Lots of desperation, very two sided. Not much crowd heat which was a shame. ***3/4

Samoa Joe © vs. James Gibson - ROH Pure Championship - ROH New Frontiers

Very cautious stuff from both men to get us going here. The crowd are split as well, as Gibson chases his first title in ROH. They lock hands and Gibson rolls through and sweeps down Joe. They now lock hands and Joe goes for the arm of Gibson and gets the Wristlock. Gibson with an escape and gets a Wristlock of his own. Joe with a sweep and then he goes to the Chinlock. He should have gone for the Crossfaces there as he didn't know the rules. Gibson rolls over Joe and he works on the leg here. Overhead Wristlock from Gibson, but that's quickly countered to the Wristlock from Joe. Gibson rolls through and works on the wrist and then rolls over Joe and seems to be going for the Kimura here. Hammerlock from Gibson and then he bridges with it for a small time just for a bit of leverage then goes back to the normal grounded Hammerlock. Joe back to the feet now and then the Overhead Wristlock from Joe. He bridges Gibson back and then a Knee Drop to the arm and he works on the wrist here. Joe is sweeped down and then Gibson goes for the Half Crab and gets it. Joe manages to escape from that and we have a stalemate between the two men now. Joe looks to sweep down Gibson and manages it here. Gibson has the arm but Joe just picks him up and puts him on the top rope. The referee says that's a rope break and Joe isn't happy with that and then Gibson slaps him and jumps over him and Dropkicks the knee. Kicks to the leg from Gibson and then he drops his weight on the leg of Joe. Elbows to the leg now from Gibson. Gibson lets go and then wraps the leg around the middle rope and then kicks to the leg. Dropkick to the knee from Gibson and the fans aren't happy. S-T-JOE !!! Back to the feet they now go and then a chop/kick and a Knee Drop from Joe but he's still clearly hurting here. Joe comes at Gibson hard with the chops and then he runs the high knee and Gibson gets the hell out of there. Gibson back into the ring and then he tries to go to the leg and that isn't working and Joe just knocks down Gibson with a Headbutt. Joe with kicks to the chest of Gibson and he's taking a hell of a beating here. Back to the feet they now go and he puts the knee in the back and stretches the arms. Gibson tries an escape but then just takes a knee right in the gut. Brutal forearms in the corner from Joe and he's really giving him a beating here. Into the corner and Joe runs into an elbow and a boot. Swinging Neckbreaker from Gibson and that gets him back into the match. Gibson goes with the Suplex and Joe manages to block that and then Gibson with headbutts. Gibson hits the ropes but runs into a Legsweep. SENTON SPLASH ON THE BACK FROM JOE !!! THE SAMOAN CRAB FROM JOE !!! Gibson heads for the ropes and he manages to get there and he loses a rope break. Into the corner they now go and Gibson is set on the top rope and Joe looks like he's gonna go for this here. Nah. Joe heading up and Gibson is able to try a fight back but that's not a good. Don't headbutt a Samoan there Gibson. Gibson out though. GIBSON WITH A TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX ON JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Took Gibson a long time to reach the pinfall there. Joe runs into a boot and then ... TORNADO GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON !!! Joe charges him into the corner. GIBSON HOLDS ON !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! That was supposed to be a big moment, but the fans never bought it. Snap Powerslam from Joe and that gets a two count. THE CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM JOE !!! Gibson finds his way to the bottom rope here. THE BOOTSCRAPES !!! GIBSON GRABS THE BOOT AND GETS THE DRAGON SCREW !!! THE TRAILER HITCH FROM GIBSON !!! Joe comes back with the flurry and then he misses one and eats a Dropkick. Joe winds up on the floor. PESCADO ... Joe catches it. JOE SWINGS GIBSON RIGHT INTO THE RAILING !!! Back into the ring they now go and Joe has Gibson. POWERBOMB FROM JOE ... INTO THE STF !!! Gibson uses his last rope break. Gibson now set on the top rope. MUSCLE BUSTER FROM JOE ... COUNTERED TO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON !!! O'CONNOR ROLL ... JOE HAS GIBSON IN THE CHOKE !!! GIBSON TAPS !!!

James Gibson just takes an absolute mauling in this one. Don't think the fans bought Samoa Joe losing the title here, so the crowd were into it, but subdued at Gibson's big moments. I think that sort of kills things a wee bit, but it's a very good match here. ****

Austin Aries © vs. Spanky - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH New Frontiers

Not sure why I'm watching this match. I'm not a fan of Spanky one bit here. Lockup and into the corner they go and we have a clean break between the two men, but Aries with a wee bit of niggle in there too. Waistlock from Spanky and then he takes down Aries and Aries with a quick reversal to the Hammerlock on Spanky. Aries with a kip up but gets kicked down and a Side Headlock from Spanky. Headlock from Aries and then into the ropes and he charges down Spanky and then hits the ropes and then tries for a Clothesline and Spanky hits the breaks and heads for the floor and then back into the ring. They lock hands now and then a kick to the gut and a Headlock from Aries and then the takedown into the Side Headlock. Aries with the escape out of the Head Scissors... almost. Spanky drives the head into the canvas and the fans like that. Aries gets out though and lands a Dropkick and then he goes right to the attack. Aries over Spanky and then he misses an elbow. BRUTAL BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM SPANKY !!! Knee Drop to the back of the head and now he puts the focus on the head. Snap Suplex from Spanky and it gets a two count for the challenger. Chinlock from Spanky with a knee in the back. BACKCRACKER FROM SPANKY WHEN ARIES TRIES TO ESCAPE !!! Back Drop Suplex this time hit more orthodoxly. Elbow to the back of the head and then a Snapmare and a Chinlock from Spanky as he grounds Aries. Aries escapes but eats more shots to the neck. Spanky to the ropes and then he lands a Russian Legsweep and Aries gets the hell out of the ring. Spanky then throws Aries into the front row. ARIES WITH A NECKBREAKER OVER THE RAILING !!! PILEDRIVER THROUGH A WOODEN CHAIR ON THE FLOOR FROM ARIES !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Slingshot Senton from Aries misses. Back Elbow from Spanky. HANGING SWINGING NECKBREAKER FROM ARIES !!! The fans are getting right behind Spanky here and Aries taunts them. IED TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee Drop to the back of the head from Aries and then he rolls back and tries a second but he misses. Running Forearms from Spanky here. Aries with a shot of his own and he tries for a Sharpshooter... Spanky rolls through and gets a Half Crab. THE STF FROM SPANKY !!! Aries reaches the ropes. COBRA CLUTCH BACKBREAKER FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Spanky into the corner and he tries for something. BRUTAL DDT FROM SPANKY !!! Aries with a block for a Suplex. Spanky drops behind. Aries misses a shot. NORTHERN LARIAT FROM SPANKY !!! Another Clothesline from Spanky and then a Running Leg Lariat and that gets a two count. Rolling Samoan Drop from Aries and he goes to another buckle but Spanky then stops him up there. SUPER RANA FROM SPANKY !!! THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL FROM SPANKY !!! THE FLYING ELBOW TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! ARIES ROLLS HIM UP ?!?! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM SPANKY ... Blocked. ARIES WITH THE SHINBREAKER/BACK DROP DRIVER ON SPANKY !!! SLICED BREAD #2 ... COUNTERED TO A TOMBSTONE BY ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Body Slam and then Aries heads for the top rope. THE 450 SPLASH ... MISSES !!! SUPERKICK FROM SPANKY !!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Forearms from both men. Poke to the eyes from Aries. High Knee from Spanky. SLICED BREAD #2 FROM SPANKY ... blocked by Aries. THE SUPER SLICED BREAD AND SPANKY PULLS HIM BACK IN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE ROOOOPPPEEESSSS !!! THE JAPANESE STRANGLEHOLD FROM SPANKY !!! Stopped. THE SOCCER KICK FROM ARIES !!! ANOTHER ONE !!! ANOTHER ONE !!! BRAINBUSTER !!! THE 450 SPLASH FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Spanky's relentless manner in the match reminded me of Dean Malenko a wee bit. Certainly the best I've seen Spanky since his spell in 2001/02 where he was one of the real indy darlings. The way Aries got back into the match was absolutely brutal. From that point, it was a hard hitting two sided match with both guys going full throttle. Very nice. ****

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Best of ROH Part 3

They make their way into New York City in these shows now, and not only that, but the first Summer of Punk was on the way, with Death Before Dishonor having one of the most historic matches in ROH history. It's one of them moments in ROH that even some people not familiar with the promotion might be able to talk about.

The Carnage Crew vs. Dunn and Marcos, New York Street Fight - ROH The Future Is Now ( ** )
Azriael vs. Deranged vs. Izzy vs. Jack Evans vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Fast Eddie, Six Man Mayhem - ROH The Future Is Now ( **** )
James Gibson vs. Homicide - ROH The Future Is Now ( ***3/4 )
Roderick Strong vs. CM Punk - ROH The Future Is Now ( ****1/4 )
Samoa Joe © vs. Nigel McGuinness - ROH Pure Championship - ROH The Future Is Now ( ***1/2 )
Low Ki vs. Austin Aries - ROH The Future Is Now ( ***1/2 )

The Carnage Crew vs. Dunn and Marcos, Anything Goes Match - ROH Death Before Dishonor III ( * )
Petey Williams vs. AJ Styles - ROH Death Before Dishonor III ( **1/2 )
Azriael vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. Homicide vs. James Gibson - ROH Death Before Dishonor III ( ***1/2 )
Low Ki vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Death Before Dishonor III ( ***3/4 )
Austin Aries © vs. CM Punk - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Death Before Dishonor III ( ****1/2 )

The Carnage Crew vs. Dunn and Marcos, New York Street Fight - ROH The Future Is Now

BACK DROP DRIVER FROM LOC !!! The brawl heads for the floor. Marcos is now wearing green. Don't know if that has any significance. Loc is looking for toys under the ring. Chair across the back from Loc. Dunn and Marcos are busted open. Right hands from Loc to Dunn and then he just stands on the face. DDT ON THE FLOOR FROM VITO TO MARCOS !!! JACK DANIELS INTO THE WOUND OF DUNN !!! Loc then chokes Dunn over the middle rope. Kick to the face from Loc. Vito and Loc then have Dunn and Marcos on the floor and they continue their beating. Ringbell to the head of Marcos and Dunn takes some choking from Vito. Falcon Arrow from Loc. Right hands from Loc as Vito lands the STO Slam. THE CARNAGE PLEX FROM THE CREW !!! This is a bit dull already here. CRUCIFIX BREAKER FROM THE CREW FROM PARTNER TO PARTNER !!! The Carnage Crew now have a massive ladder. DUNN AND MARCOS WIPE OUT THE CARNAGE CREW WITH SUICIDE DIVES !!! Ladder bridged between the railing and the ring now. Loc is sent into the railing and Dunn and Marcos have Vito in the ring. Kick combo from the Express and Loc gets into the ring. ASSISTED SLICED BREAD #2 FROM MARCOS !!! Vito is then set on the top rope. DUNN GETS LAUNCHED OFF OF THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE LADDER BRIDGE !!! THE SPIKE FROM THE CREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Plenty of action here, but much of it meaningless. There was some sick stuff though and it was worthwhile at least. **

Azriael vs. Deranged vs. Izzy vs. Jack Evans vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Fast Eddie, Six Man Mayhem - ROH The Future Is Now

Deranged with a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag and then some counters from the two men. Moonsault Press... INTO A DDT FROM DERANGED !!! Izzy now into the ring and Evans is in there with him. Evans into the Arm Rana from Izzy. Dropkick to the face from Evans and Izzy heads for the floor. Evans does some dancing now. Deranged into the ring and an STO Flip Slam from Deranged. Eddie now into the ring. Deranged set on top. TOMBSTONE FROM EDDIE !!! Whitmer into the ring now. Back Drop Suplex from Whitmer and then Evans in. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM WHITMER !!! Spinebuster from Whitmer. Whitmer rolls through on a Cross Body. BRAINBUSTER FROM WHITMER !!! Izzy into the ring. REVERSE RANA FROM IZZY TO WHITMER !!! German Suplex avoided and a nice kick from Izzy. BLOCKBUSTER/CODE RED FROM LACEY'S ANGELS !!! STEREO DIVES FROM THE ANGELS !!! Eddie is now in the ring and he heads up. 450 PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR FROM EDDIE !!! Eddie and Whitmer now in the ring. Chops from Eddie and Whitmer. Forearms from both men now. Russian Legsweep from Eddie and then Evans in the ring and a shot to the back of the head from Evans. Lovely kick from Evans. STANDING CORKSCREW SHOOTING STAR FROM EVANS !!! Izzy comes in to break up the pin. Kick from Izzy. DROPSAULT SENDS EVANS TO THE FLOOR !!! AZ WITH A FIREMAN CARRY HEAD DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DERANGED WITH A SNAPMARE DRIVER !!! BIG BOOT FROM WHITMER !!! CROSS ARM SPIRAL BOMB FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... EVANS MAKES THE SAVE !!! SUICIDE DIVE FROM WHITMER TO EDDIE !!! EVANS WITH THE FUCKING SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP !!! Kick from Izzy and now the Tree of Woe. Baseball Slide misses. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEE !!!

That was fucking outrageous right there. I always say it. If you're gonna do a spotfest, make sure you do it right, and this one was just constant motion and a great way to introduce these guys to the crowd. ****

James Gibson vs. Homicide - ROH The Future Is Now

The bell rings and we're underway in what could be a pretty good match if Homicide has bothered to turn up for it. Both men with reversals and then Gibson goes to the writstlock and more quick counters and we have a stalemate between the two men. They then lock hands and then Gibson with the takedown and the Wristlock and then Homicide with the takedown and he goes for the Front Facelock. Arm Breaker and the Wristlock from Homicide and then Gibson with the takeover, and he goes to the Wristlock. Homicide goes to the leg and he has something here. Gibson rolls through and then tries to split the legs and then he sweeps down Homicide and both men now to their feet. Both men hesitant to lockup, and now Gibson goes to the Headlock. Gibson charges down Homicide and then a Hiptoss from Gibson and he gets kicked down and more reversals and another stalemate. A fan has something to say to Homicide and then he brings in the ringbell and Gibson goes to the floor. He gets back in the ring when Homicide loses the ringbell. Lockup and Hammerlock from Gibson and now we're gonna have more counters from the two men, and Homicide seems to be getting the better of this exchange. Gibson with elbows and a forearm. Body Slam is avoided. Gibson is sent to the floor. Homicide hits the ropes and Gibson with a Back Elbow when he gets back into the ring. Into the corner with Homicide and Gibson misses a charge and then he gets set on the top rope. Headbutt from Homicide and then he lands a Superplex. Julius Smokes should shut the f**k up. Neckbreaker from Gibson and then he goes to the Body Slam and lands a Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Into the corner and the Tree of Woe for Homicide and then Gibson grabs the chin and does some pulling and the referee demands a break from that. Homicide's neck is hurt and Gibson is now working on it. Cravat from Gibson. Forearm and down goes Homicide and then he puts his boot in the back of the neck of Homicide. Head Scissors from Gibson and they roll to the ropes and we have a break. Choke over the middle rope now from Gibson and then he lands a stomp and then back into the ring. Homicide onto the apron. Gibson and Homicide are now on the apron. THE ACE CRUSHER ON THE APRON FROM HOMICIDE !!! Homicide now back into the ring and he distracts the referee for Smokes to make an impact. He throws Gibson into the ring now. Bareback from Homicide and then he just puts his boot in the face of Gibson. Seems that he's working the face more than the neck here. Snapmare and a Knee Drop from Homicide and then the Chinlock. Gibson escapes and gets out of the ring. HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO THROUGH THE ROPES !!! He tells fans to move, and they don't. He goes with it anyways. Gibson heads back for the ring here and kicks out at two. Kick to the back from Homicide and then he picks him up and goes back to the Chinlock on Gibson. Gibson fights out of the move but then eats a knee. Gibson goes with the Sleeper Hold, which is countered to a Jawbreaker. Powerslam from Gibson gets a two count and then Gibson is still clearly hurt. Back to the feet now and Homicide and Gibson brawl. Dropkick from Gibson and that gets a two count. Into the corner they go and then a Short Arm Clothesline and Gibson to the middle buckle and he drops a forearm and that gets a two count. Gibson heads for the top rope here. Gibson gets crotched on the top rope. TOP ROPE BUTTERFLY SUPLEX FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Homicide then heads for the top rope. DIVING HEADBUTT FROM HOMICIDE ... MISSES !!! GIBSON DRIVER ... blocked. Knees to the back of the head. Running Knee from Gibson. THE BRAINBUSTER FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SWINGING GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON ... stopped. SUPER ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! LARIAT FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HIGH ANGLE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DDT INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON !!! INTO THE TIGER DRIVER FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE OVER THE ROPES !!! He lets that go at five. Gibson then hits the official. Low blow from Homicide. THE LARIAT FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The timing was a bit off. They were clearly going for epic, but it landed a fair bit short of that. A lot of the offense was good and they told a good story and neither man forgot the match they were having. The ending with Gibson's frustration seemed a bit forced. ***3/4

Roderick Strong vs. CM Punk - ROH The Future Is Now

These guys have a fair bit of history with each other. Lockup and then into the corner they go and we have a clean break between them with some tension. Punk makes some light of the Strong fans in the crowd. Lockup and into the corner they go. Strong misses a big chop and then Punk does some mocking. Is he taking Strong seriously here? They lock hands and then into the corner they now go and the referee wants a break. He gets a Sunset Flip, but Punk seen it coming and winds up with the Overhead Wristlock. Wristlock and then into the corner they go and the referee wants a break. Strong avoids a Sunset Flip and then goes for the Strong Hold. He looks for a Gutbuster and Punk goes for the Anaconda Vice and Strong finds his way into the bottom rope. Wristlock and then Punk takes him down and gets the Head Scissors and some nice work so far from Punk. Strong finds the bottom rope. Punk slams the arm into the canvas and then goes to the Hammerlock and he has a key strategy here. Headlock from Strong now. Strong into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. They get in each other's faces and then Strong and Punk collide in the middle of the ring. Strong and Punk collide a few times and then Punk with a pair of Arm Drags and to the Arm Bar and he gets a Crucifix for a two count and then he goes back to the Arm Bar. Punk with some cracking stuff so far. Snapmare and a Dropkick to the back of the head from Punk and he's handing out a beating here. Punk goes over Strong and then a kick to the back of the head. He then twists at the neck. Strong is taking some beating here. Punk then stands on the face of Strong. Hammerlock Suplex from Punk and that gets a two count. He kicks the arm of Strong while it's behind the back. Strong heads for the apron. Suplex brings him back into the ring and that gets a two count and Punk goes to the Arm Bar on Strong. Chops from Punk now and he's landing a few of these. Forearm from Punk and a headbutt. Big chop from Strong finally connects and then he lands another one of these. More chops from Strong and he is just going to work here. Punk then comes back and we have a chopfest and Strong heads for the floor. To the floor they now go and the chopfest on the floor is just an ECW thing ripped off. Strong misses a chop and hits the ringpost and Punk now with more chops. Back into the ring and Punk continues to get the better of exchanges and goes to the Short Arm Scissors. Strong manages to power his way out of the Short Arm Scissors and that might buy him some time here. Punk heads for the top rope and Strong knocks him off, and that appears to turn the match completely in his favour. Back Drop Suplex from Strong. Backbreaker from Strong and then he stretches the back over the knee. Punk manages to knee his way out of the move and then he hits the ropes, but runs into a kick and then a nice Suplex from Strong and that gets a two count for him. Strong then beats on the back of Punk. He then lands a HUGE chop and we have another battle of wills with the chops. Back Drop Backbreaker from Strong and Punk rolls towards the apron here. Strong tries to bring Punk back in and can't. Punk takes a BRUTAL knee to the head now from Strong and the fans are dying a little bit. Butterfly Suplex after a couple of knees and that gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Strong. Punk finds the bottom rope and Punk is then sent hard into the corner. Punk into the corner hard again, and Punk is taking a hell of a beating here. Strong into the corner and then Punk onto the apron and he could be coming back into the match. Springboard Dropkick from Punk and that gets a two count. The fans are getting behind Roderick Strong again here. Chops from Punk and Strong now and they're going nuts on each other. Half Nelson avoided and Punk is landing Clotheslines here. Kick to the face and a Dropkick from Punk and both men are down here. To the feet they now get. Kick to the face and a kick to the back of the head from Punk. Welcome to Chicago is the attempt and Strong avoids that. HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER ... TURNED INTO THE DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER !!! THE SICK KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet now and then a Suplex attempt. Release Suplex and then... THE STRONG HOLD ... PUNK WITH A VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! POWERBOMB BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! THE STRONG HOLD !!! PUNK FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Punk is now set on the top and he looks or a Superplex. Strong gets dropped in the middle of the ring here. TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE ANACONDA VICE FROM PUNK !!! STRONG FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! The fans really enjoying this battle here. Strong with a low blow and that was a sneaky one. PUMP HANDLE DRIVER FROM STRONG ... stopped. THE SHINING WIZARD FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ANACONDA VICE FROM PUNK !!!

Strong spent a LOT of time on the back foot in this one, and I loved Punk getting the better of everything, and it needed just sheer brute strength to get Strong into the match. The match was impeccably put together. Felt like a match from NJPW or something. The chopfests were almost battles of will between the two men. I think this match really lacked drama, which is it's one main flaw, but they sacrificed that so as not to go mental with the nearfalls which is okay. Really good stuff here. ****1/4

Samoa Joe © vs. Nigel McGuinness - ROH Pure Championship - ROH The Future Is Now

The bell rings and this thing is underway and Nigel goes straight to the Full Nelson and then Joe goes to the Wristlock. Nigel with the Overhead Wristlock now and he is working over Joe here. Drop Toe Hold and then Joe goes to the Camel Clutch. We have a stalemate after the break. Nigel rolls through and then grabs at the wrist and Joe is trying to look for something here. He takes down Nigel and then he grabs the arm and he is twisting Nigel in a couple of unnatural shapes here. Armbar from Joe. Arm Breaker from Joe and then he works the Wristlock, but then Nigel with the Wristlock and he lifts Joe and that puts pressure on the arm and then he tries to take down Joe here. Joe then goes to the Head Scissors and Nigel won't quit from this. Nigel rolls out of it and then kicks down Joe any time he tries to avoid this submission and then holds onto the leg. Joe sends Nigel out of the ring in lieu of escaping from the move. Nigel with an escape and he goes to the Wristlock and then he goes with the forearm, so Joe just kicks him in the back of the head. Nigel into the corner and the High Knee in the corner and then he is gonna do something. BOOTSCRAPES ... he runs into a kick and then Nigel hits the ropes but runs into a chop and Nigel winds up on the apron. Joe hits Nigel with a chop. JOE KICKS NIGEL OFF OF THE APRON INTO THE FRONT ROW !!! Nigel back to the ringside area and then back into the ring. Snapmare and then the Samoan Combo from Joe and that gets a two count. Joe with a chop and Nigel didn't like that. Joe runs into a boot and then another. Nigel with the Overhead Wristlock Takedown and then he taunts the audience a bit. Nigel takes over Joe and then a second time and he is going to work here. Hammerlock Divorce Court from Nigel and then he goes back to the Crossface and Joe uses the rope break. Overhead Wristlock and then he locks in another submission. Joe finds the ropes again and Nigel is happy with his work here. S-T-JOE !!! That buys him some time to get his arm into good shape. Jabs and the referee says that's a closed fist and he could well lose a final rope break. Nigel hasn't used a rope break. Uppercut and then a chop and then a forearm from Joe and he is using some different stuff. NIGEL CONNECTS WITH THE JAWBREAKER LARIAT !!! BODY SCISSOR KIMURA FROM NIGEL !!! JOE USES HIS FINAL ROPE BREAK !!! The pure title CAN change hands on a DQ. Nigel: "He's a poofter!" :lol: Uppercut from Nigel and then a bit of the same here. Nigel into the corner and a headstand. NIGEL EATS A KICK IN THE FACE FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! POWERBOMB INTO THE STF FROM JOE !!! Nigel is busted from the nose from the kick in the corner. Kicks to the chest from Joe. Nigel into the corner and then he blocks the S-T-Joe. THE SUPERKICK FROM NIGEL !!! NIGEL TIES UP JOE IN THE ROPES AND THEN LOCKS IN A LEG SUBMISSION !!! JOE CAN'T ROPE BREAK !!! The referee could well count out Samoa Joe here. Nigel McGuinness decides to break right at the count of 20 and get back into the ring. HAMMERLOCK DIVORCE COURT ... blocked. THE LARIAT FROM SAMOA JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! Snap Powerslam from Joe and that gets a two count. Senton Splash from Joe and that gets a two count as well. Into the corner they now go and Joe with chops. HUGE PALM STRIKE FROM JOE !!! THE MUSCLE BUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

You get the sense that these guys could have done much better than this in the future, but I can't remember them ever getting the chance to. It's another match which tries to be more grandoise than it actually is. Some good use of the pure rules which is something ROH are good at. What this match does is really put over Nigel McGuinness big. ***1/2

Low Ki vs. Austin Aries - ROH The Future Is Now

Ki attacks right off the bat and then he lands a big chop. Forearms to come back from Aries and then more chops from Ki. HUGE forearms from Aries and down goes Ki and he heads for the floor. Smokes is then sent to the back by the referee. Back into the ring with Ki and into the corner and then he locks in the Hanging Cross Armbreaker and he's not a happy man at the moment. They now lock hands and both men looking for something or other here. He bridges back Aries and that leads to Ki driving the knees in. Aries keeps himself up, so Ki just kicks him down and that's some vicious shit right there. Ki with kicks to the leg and then he tries to take him down and lands a chop and then some more of the same going on here. Aries with some rolling about and he goes to the Wristlock. Ki almost kicks, but then Aries pre-empts that attack with a Dropkick. Aries clubs away at the back and then into the ropes and a Back Elbow and a Running Elbow Drop from Aries and that gets a two count. Aries now goes to the chops and then Ki with a chop of his own. You don't want to exchange chops with Low Ki. Snapmare and a brutal kick to the back from Ki and that gets a two count. Back to the feet and then a knee to the gut from Ki and then more knees to the gut. Headbutt from Ki. Aries now has Ki and lands a Rolling Samoan Drop. FROG SPLASH OFF THE TOP FROM ARIES ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Into the corner and then shoulder charges. Snapmare from Ki and he locks in the Body Scissors. Head Scissors from Ki and then Aries gets out of that and lands a Dropkick. Aries needed a bit of rest from the beating that was going on here. Back Rake from Aries. Forearms from Aries and then Ki sends him into the corner. Springboard Back Elbow from Aries. HEAT SEEKING MISSILE FROM ARIES ... KI LANDS THE KICK TO STOP HIM !!! Back into the ring they now go. He then chokes Aries over the middle rope here and back to the feet. CHinlock now from Ki. Clothesline from Ki when Aries escapes from that and that gets a two count for him. Big match here for Ki. Ki now with a chop and an elbow from Aries. Choke with the boot from Ki and then that gets a two count for him when he lets go. Aries gets a Neckbreaker and looks for the Crucifix Bomb. DOUBLE STOMP KI !!! Kicks to the chest now from Ki and he's really suffering here. Aries wants more of the same and he takes it. Ki goes mental with the kicks and Aries back to the feet and the fans are loving the intensity. Ki misses the Enziguri. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM ARIES !!! Ki into the corner. THE IED FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! HARD forearm from Aries. Corkscrew Spinning Splash ... HITS THE FEET OF LOW KI !!! THE TIDAL CRUSH FROM LOW KI !!! Aries ends up on the floor after that one. Aries looks like he could be way out of this one. The referee counts the shoulders and that gets a two count. THE WARRIOR'S WAY FROM KI ... HE LANDS THE JOHN WOO DROPKICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE DRAGON CLUTCH FROM KI !!! Aries misses. THE BRAINBUSTER FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Both men now battle on top and look for the big finish. ARIES WITH THE TREE OF WOE DOUBLE STOMP ON LOW KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! THE SOCCER KICK FROM ARIES !!! Ki crotches Aries on the top rope. KAWADA KICKS ON THE TOP ROPE !!! THE SUPER KI KRUSHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEE !!!

The good thing about Low Ki is his ability to make everything he does look vicious, even if much of it isn't. He seems to have traded intensity for something though, because he just isn't as good as he has been. The match comes across as a war, and both guys need to be praised for that I suppose, but this should have been much better. ***1/2

The Carnage Crew vs. Dunn and Marcos, Anything Goes Match - ROH Death Before Dishonor III

Dunn and Marcos take the early advantage and then a combo of kicks knocks down Vito. Their first brawl was a lot of fun. Swinging DDT from Marcos and they're using the same colours as last time which makes my job easier. DUNN AND MARCOS WITH TRASHCANS AHOY !!! The fans are fired up for this early action. Marcos rakes at the head of Loc. Vito is then sent into the railing and this is the way things went last time out. Enziguri from Marcos on the floor. Marcos into the railing. Chair to the back from Vito and then he throws the chair away. Dunn is taking right hands and he's busted open on top of that. Dunn gets launched into another railing. SUPLEX INTO TRASHCANS FROM LOC !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL trashcan to the head from Vito on the floor. Marcos with a nice move in the ring using the trashcan. Feels like a WWE brawl except more blood. Head first into the ringside table and then Vito drinks. JACK DANIELS INTO THE CUT OF DUNN !!! That's brutal stuff there. Marcos tries a fightback on the floor. Marcos is sent into the railing and then some more work on cuts. This is nowhere near as much fun as their previous brawl. Loc with some choking with a rope. Toolbox to the chest of Loc. Chair to the gut of Marcos. Into the ring with Loc and Marcos. Suplex on the ramp from Vito to Dunn and Marcos wedges a chair in the corner. Vito charges. RANA SENDS VITO HEAD FIRST INTO THE WEDGED CHAIR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dunn has a table set up on the floor. CHAIR TOSSES FROM MARCOS !!! SLICED BREAD ... blocked and Dunn gets set on top. DUNN TAKES A BACK BODY DROP OVER THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR !!! Chair to the back from Loc to Marcos and then a table gets set up in the ring. Dunn is fucked on the floor. CRUCIFIX BREAKER FROM THE CREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Nowhere near as good as their brawl from the previous show. There was a good big bump, but a lot of it didn't feel like much more than a WWE garbage brawl this time out. *

Petey Williams vs. AJ Styles - ROH Death Before Dishonor III

The fans are happy to see AJ Styles back in the ROH ring here. Both men with some counters and Styles with an Arm Drag and then a nice one. Snapmare from Williams and he gets a Crucifix for a two count and then he looks for the arm. These guys know each other quite well so this should be a fun match. Williams lets it go and goes to an Overhead Wristlock and then he sweeps down Styles who just kips up and gets the Arm Drag. Styles seems to go for the Rebound Dropkick, but Williams knows what to expect and goes back to the Wristlock. Styles tries an escape and eats some forearms. Nice escape now from Styles and then a kick to the chest. Williams hits the breaks and then Styles to the floor and he tries to send Williams to the floor, but he opts to just come into the ring. Rebound Dropkick from Styles connects this time and that gets a two count. Forearm from Styles and then a Backbreaker from Styles and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Styles and then the Knee Drop and then he lands a second one of them. He seems to have the right idea. Punk says he's never heard of the NWA Title, and that leads to some awkward silence. Styles into the ropes and he goes over but then sweeped down. Kip Up Rana from Styles and that gets a two count. Into the corner and head first into the top buckle and then forearms. Williams is sent to the opposite corner and lifts a boot. Styles then dumps Williams to the floor. Styles goes for the plancha, but Williams is on the apron. Styles goes for the Sunset Bomb, and Williams lands a Leg Drop. SLINGSHOT RANA TO THE FLOOR FROM WILLIAMS !!! Big move sends Styles into the railing and that seems to do more damage than intended. Styles back into the ring now and that gets a two count. To the feet and then he chokes Styles over the middle rope and Williams wants the referee to count faster and Nana gets a cheap shot in there. Into the ring they now go and repeated shots from Williams and then he sends Styles hard into the buckles and that gets a two for the Canadian. Japanese Stranglehold from Williams and then Styles fights back and then hits the ropes and right into a Back Elbow. Williams with a Suplex and then he rolls through and lands a nice Back Drop Suplex. That gets a two count for him. CM Punk gets angry about Williams not hooking the leg on that cover. Styles comes back with shots to the gut and then Williams with right hands of his own. HUGE forearm from Styles. Spin Kick from Styles and then a big Clothesline. Pump Handle Gutbuster from Styles. Williams runs into a forearm. SLINGSHOT QUEDABRA REVERSE DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Suplex Neckbreaker is countered and Williams with a Swinging Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Williams is going for something. CANADIAN DESTROYER ... STYLES ROLLS THROUGH !!! Both men battle now. POWERBOMB REVERSED INTO A DDT FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Williams onto the apron. PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! Williams being pulled back to his feet and Styles wanting a Superplex. SUPER CANADIAN DESTROYER ... BLOCKED !!! SPIRAL TAP ... MISSES !!! Williams back to the feet now. Styles rolls through and both men with pins here. THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM WILLIAMS !!! Counters to pins here. STYLES CLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A bit too mechanical at times. The counters in the opening stages did a decent job of showing some similarities between the two men, but after that it was just two guys going through the motions which was a bit of a shame. **1/2

Azriael vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. Homicide vs. James Gibson - ROH Death Before Dishonor III

I have to admit. I have no idea what to make of a match like this. Gibson's quest to the gold continues here after a big loss in his last match. Az and Homicide are going to get the match going. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock and then they sort of do lots of stuff. Az with a nice escape and he goes to the Headlock on Homicide. Into the corner and Gibson takes a pieface and he's not a happy chappy. Homicide tells Gibson to leave the ring in his usual mocking way. The b*****d. Lockup and Az goes to the Wristlock on Homicide. Homicide with the escape and then he works on the wrist and then to the Hammerlock. Az with a move into a Hammerlock of his own and he takes down Homicide. Into the corner they go and Gibson now tags in and he wants some of Homicide and he gets out of the ring. Gibson wants Homicide back in, and when he doesn't get what he wants, he tags Nigel into the ring. Homicide now gets into the ring. It's not like Homicide to be a coward. Full Nelson from Az as he comes back in. Big Snapmare from Az and then he hits the ropes. Arm Drag from Az and then more of the same and then the sweeps get two counts. Gibson into the ring and then Homicide tags Nigel into the match again. He COULD be playing mind games with Gibson here. Homicide then loses the plot on the floor. Why? Lockup and they decide to lock the hands with each other. Nigel with a nice escape and he then sweeps down Gibson and cartwheels and then some more flipping and a stalemate. Lockup and then the Hammerlock from Gibson. Nigel with one of his own and then the Cravat from Nigel. Wristlock and then Gibson with some flipping about and he gets the Wristlock. Snapmare from Nigel and then the same again and Gibson won't stay down. Gibson just keeps going back to a Wristlock. Homicide looks tempted to get back in the ring. Wristlock from Nigel. Nigel with a nice takedown, but Gibson goes back to the Wristlock. Nigel uses the ropes for leverage. Uppercuts from Nigel and he is doing some damage here. Gibson is finally losing some steam against the UK star here. Blind tag from Homicide and he wants Gibson and then Gibson with the Arm Bar. Body Slam but the elbow misses and Gibson with a Body Slam and the Elbow lands. Two count from that. Into the corner now and a Backbreaker from Gibson and that gets a two count for him. Snapmare from Gibson and then he puts the knee in the back and stretches the legs. Gibson then with headbutts to the back. Homicide sent into the corner and Smokes is going mental at ringside. Homicide gets the hell out of there and Az into the ring now. Body Slam from Az and then an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count for him. Gibson tags Nigel in who headbutts Az in the gut. Running headbutt to the gut from Nigel. Cradle Hammerlock from Nigel and that's some nice stuff there. Az lands right hands so Nigel with the Spinebuster and that is a two count for Nigel, and then he goes with the Cobra Clutch. BRUTAL SHORT ARM LARIAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Nigel back to the Cobra Clutch. He grounds Az with it and gets nearfalls from it. Flapjack to get back into the match and then Az is on his feet. Homicide tags in and takes some punishment from Az. Chinlock from Az and Homicide with the Jawbreaker. Homicide with a brutal kick and then he taunts Gibson. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Homicide and that gets a two count. Gibson into the ring and he's letting the temper get the better of him. Kick to the back from Homicide to Az and he goes back to what he was doing. Homicide sent into the corner but he lifts a boot. Dropkick when Az rolls through and that gets a two count. Az into the corner and he lands on his feet. SUPERKICK FROM NIGEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! BROKE !!! Exploder Suplex from Homicide to Nigel. Homicide is then set on top. Az is up there now. SUNSET BOMB BRINGS DOWN EVERYONE ON TOP OF A LEANING NIGEL !!! Az with stomps ahoy on everyone. Brutal kick to the back of Homicide. Chops to Nigel and then forearms as well. Nigel with the headstand. NIGEL TURNS AZ INTO THE TOWER OF LONDON ... Homicide stops him. Cross Body from Az gets two on Homicide. HIGH ANGLE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! HOMICIDE BREAKS WITH A BLATANT LOW BLOW !!! Nigel with a shot to Homicide and then an uppercut. Gibson knocks Nigel out of the way and he beats down Homicide in the corner. Uppercut from Nigel. Dropkick to the knee and then the running knee to the head and then Az tries something. THE GIBSON DRIVER ON AZ !!! Swinging Neckbreaker on Homicide gets a two count. Lots of counters between the four now. Nigel sent to the floor now. THE TOPE CON HILO ON NIGEL !!! We're left with Az and Gibson in the ring. GIBSON WITH THE PESCADO ONTO HOMICIDE !!! AZRIAEL WITH THE MOONSAULT PRESS ONTO ALL THREE MEN !!! Nigel and Homicide now do battle in the ring as we have a battle. Homicide slides. AZRIAEL WITH THE DOUBLE STOMP TO THE BACK OF NIGEL'S HEAD !!! LARIAT FROM HOMICIDE !!! GIBSON DRIVER ... blocked. Nigel stops the Cop Killer and sends Homicide down. THE TOWER OF LONDON ON GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

When the match breaks down it all goes a bit haywire. There was always the fear this might happen. The main build of the match was really nicely dont though. ***1/2

Low Ki vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Death Before Dishonor III

This match has been building for quite some time and it comes to a head here. Ki chases Lethal around the ring and right hands from Lethal, but he then eats some. They exchange on each other. Lethal with the Back Elbow and then more of the same. Lethal with a Springboard Dropkick and Ki heads for the floor. Lethal is gonna dive and Ki decides to get out of the way of that. SUICIDE DIVE FROM LETHAL !!! He's still hurt though from what has happened before and into the ring they now go. Snap Suplex from Lethal and that gets a two count for him. Backbreaker from Lethal and that gets a two count. Suplex nicely done from Lethal and that gets a two count. KI into the ropes and he eats a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Baseball bat is in the ring now. Ki into the ropes and Lethal misses a Dropkick and eats one right in the face and that's a nearfall from Ki. Into the corner they now go and he lands a chop. Lethal into the corner and Ki lands a Clothesline and that gets a two count. A HUGE chop from Ki and down goes Lethal. Uppercut from Ki and that gets a two count. Elbow strike to the neck from Ki and he has a go at the fans. Lethal fights back into the match and then eats a big chop and down goes Lethal. Head Scissors from Lethal now as he looks to end the match and Lethal reaches the bottom rope. Shot to the neck from Ki and the stomp to the back of the head. Snapmare from Ki and that gets a two count. Chop from Ki and then a mocking kick to the face and more of the same. Lethal comes back with a right hand but then gets clubbed down and Ki with a choke with the boot. Lethal then gets sent to the floor and Smokes lays in some kicks and stomps and sends Lethal back into the ring. DRAGON SUPLEX OUT OF NOWHERE ... Ki doesn't allow this though. It's more like the Master Lock now. Ki charges Lethal into the corner and then a hair toss and the fans aren't happy with that and it gets a two count for Ki. To the feet they now go and into the corner. Stomp to the gut and then some more of the same on Lethal. Into the corner and shoulder charges and then a forearm to the head of Lethal. Sunset Flip from Lethal out of the corner and that gets a two count. Desperation stuff from Lethal. DOUBLE STOMP BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner now and Lethal is now in the tree of woe. KI THROWN BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING HERE !!! Back Elbows from Lethal and then a Clothesline. Back Body Drop and this is spirited stuff here from Lethal. Right hands from Lethal and some chops on top of that. More chops from Lethal and Ki kicks him away. Atomic Drop from Lethal and a Gutbuster. Gutwrench Suplex from Lethal and that gets two. Suplex Gutbuster and then a Running Neckbreaker from Lethal and that gets a two count. Running Suplex is blocked. DOUBLE STOMP CATCHES LETHAL COMING IN !!! KI KRUSHER ... COUNTERED TO THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE JOHN WOO DROPKICK FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Lethal is set on top now and Ki goes up there with him. Down goes Ki. LETHAL WITH THE FLYING HEADBUTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Smokes is on the apron and the fans are not liking this. THE DRAGON SUPLEX FROM LETHAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SMOKES MAKES THE SAVE !!! THE REF CALLS FOR THE BELL !!!

Lethal's selling here was incredible, and it really added to the underdog aspect of the match. Ki's intensity is also perfect for a match like this. The ending also adds to this match as the fans were buying into Lethal and then had it taken from them in such a shitty way. ***3/4

Austin Aries © vs. CM Punk - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Death Before Dishonor III

And here it is. A truly historical match in the history of ROH, and something that fans of indy wrestling will be harking back to for a long time. There's a pretty big Punk following in the audience and Aries isn't a big fan of how this is going so far. Lockup and against the ropes they go and we have a clean break but Aries is a bit more dickish about it. Lockup and Aries goes behind and then Punk looks for an escape and then he goes to the Waistlock and now Aries is looking for something here. Punk is looking again and we have a lot of reversing of Waistlocks. Punk charges Aries back into the corner and we have a clean break with Punk walking away from Aries with his back turned to him. Hmmmmm. Lockup and into the corner they now go and Aries with the shoulder charge, and Punk goes to the neck and he knows that Aries is hurt. There's some crowd work from Punk and then a kick and a Headlock and then Punk and Aries are going at it. This has broken down here. Aries across the ring and then a Springboard Back Elbow and the Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock. Punk is looking to fight his way back to the feet. Aries into the ropes, but he holds onto the hair and takes Punk back down with the Side Headlock. Punk reverses to the Head Scissors and I think we know where this goes eventually. Aries works out but then Punk puts the head back in and works on the Head Scissors again. Aries turns it again and he can't do anything here. Aries with the handstand and Punk takes a Dropkick to the back of the head. Punk with the Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Punk gets covered for a nearfall, but he keeps the Headlock locked in. Aries with shots and then Punk holds onto the Headlock. Aries battles to his feet and tries again, but Punk is really doing a number here. To the feet again and Aries to the apron. Punk pulls him back in with a new Headlock and there's all sorts of bother going on here. Aries tries a Back Drop Suplex and that doesn't work for him. Aries is desperate and he is doing everything he can and Punk lands a Bulldog and that gets a two count. Punk decides he's done enough of that and lands forearms in the corner and Aries has taken a beasting here. Knee Drop from Punk and that gets a two count. Neckbreaker gets a two for him two and back to the feet they go. Fisherman Suplex and that gets a two count for Punk. Backbreaker from Punk and then Punk goes to something of a modified Camel Clutch. He lets it go and gets a two count from it. Back to the feet they now go and Aries avoids a Suplex and kicks the gut. Punk sweeps down Aries and picks him up and lands a Swinging Neckbreaker. Punk now goes to the neck and locks in the Nerve Hold. Forearms now from Punk when Aries manages to escape from that and there's a lot of stuff going on here. Into the corner and Aries onto the apron and he tries to go back in and gets stopped. Springboard Dropkick sends Aries. SUICIDE DIVE FROM PUNK !!! Back to the apron and Punk tries to bring Aries in but we now have a battle of wills here. Punk on the apron. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON THE APRON FROM ARIES !!! That is a momentum changer and the fans are hating it at the moment. Aries is happy to mock the fans here. Punk into the railing and hard and he continues the hard work. Kick to the chest now from Aries and then into another railing. Aries gets sent head over heels into the railing and he's in trouble here. Punk then gets sent head first into the railing. That little big of hope was just taken away. Punk with right hands on the floor, but a clubbing low from Aries. Back onto the apron and an elbow to the back of the head. Knee to the head after that and he is doing some serious damage to the head of Punk here. TWISTING SPLASH TO THE BACK !!! LIONSAULT TO THE BACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearm from Aries and then Punk attempts something of a fight back and the fans are getting way into this. BRUTAL offense from Aries and the fans are getting SERIOUSLY on the back of him here. Knees to the back from Aries and then the Shin Breaker into the Back Drop Driver and that gets a two count for him and the fans are just shitting on Aries here. Aries drives Punk head first into the corner. Punk is sent into the corner time and time again and that gets a two count. Snapmare and then the Chinlock with the knee to the back. Punk with an elbow escape but he runs into the Snap Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Just absolutely everything is getting treated like shit. :lol: Punk is coming back with the chops but he runs into an elbow. Punk into the steel buckles but then Aries runs into a boot. Tornado DDT is blocked. NORTHERN LARIAT AND THE CROWD GOES MENTAL !!! Aries is up first and Punk lands some chops. Flying Forearm and the crowd is losing it's mind. Clotheslines and Back Elbows from Punk. Aries back into the steel. Back Body Drop from Punk. Forearms from Punk and then he catches a boot. Welcome to Chicago from Punk and that gets a two count for him and then he heads for the top rope. Cross Body gets a two count for Punk after that. Back to the feet and Punk with a Back Kick to the face. Pepsi Twist is blocked and Aries with the Clothesline and that gets a two count. BRAINBUSTER ... blocked. IED FROM ARIES !!! ROARING ELBOW ... blocked. Jacknife Pin and Punk to the feet and he gets a Backslide and that gets a two count. PILEDRIVER FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearms from Aries and then he tries for the Rolling Samoan Drop and gets it and he heads for the top rope and Punk stops him and throws him back into the ring. Aries into the ropes and a Flapjack. SHINING WIZARD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! PEPSI PLUNGE FROM PUNK ... Aries stops that before it can happen. THE SUPER BRAINBUSTER FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Aries now heads for the top rope. 450 SPLASH ... Punk is up and he stops Aries from landing the move now. Aries now stops Punk from doing something and down he goes and both men are doing battle here. ARIES WITH THE PEPSI PLUNGE !!! ONE ! TW ... KICKOUT ?!?! THE SOCCER KICK FROM ARIES !!! THE 450 SPLASH !!! PUNK TURNS AND LANDS THE ANACONDA VICE !!! ARIES FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! CRUCIFIX BOMB ... TURNED INTO THE TKO !!! THE SHINING WIZARD !!! THE PEPSI PLUNGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

The crowd just gets more and more anti-Aries as it goes and the atmosphere just gets absolutely incredible. Not sure how I'd rate it without that but the match is pure drama, so needs to be rated accordingly. You just bought into EVERYTHING because the fans believed in absolutely everything those two guys were doing. ****1/2

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I was stood literally 6 feet from the incident in question and there were a group of three guys. One sort of stood back beside me and I had no idea he was with the other two, one of whom was clearly at the wind up and playing along, trying to get a rise out of the wrestlers, but one fucking ginger clown was swinging arms, both Coffeys and Lightning were trying to get to him. He'd almost jumped on my back a few minutes before as lightning landed next to us and I shrugged him off and told him to beat it.

Clearly he was a w****r and deserved a doing.

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As always with things like this, I'm just gonna wait and see. Could be a work. Could be real. Leaning towards the latter a touch, but it's gotten to a point with ICW that you can't believe anything that they say.

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