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Mo Wonderboy

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His career isn't even nearly interesting enough for me to want to go to that. The one thing I'd want to know is why he decided that mutilating his body when he didn't need to was a good plan, and does he feel stupid that it practically got him nowhere other than early retirement.

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Just found this, a match between The "great" Antonio vs Antonio Inoki, Basically the big lumbering "great" one refuses to sell any moves Inoki throws at him and eventually starts hitting Inoki for real with some really sore looking blows to the back and head. All this does is piss Inoki off, so he proceeds to hit back and even repeatedly kicks the fat lads head. Its pretty savage.
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Decided it'll be anything over ****1/4 that gets covered by me in the future on here. Anything else is a waste of time posting. Means if there's more than one on a show, it's probably something worth getting.

CM Punk © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. James Gibson vs. Samoa Joe - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Redemption ( ****3/4 )
James Gibson © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Glory By Honor IV ( ****1/4 )
Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi - ROH Joe vs. Kobashi ( ****1/2 )
Roderick Strong vs. James Gibson - ROH Unforgettable ( ****1/2 )
Samoa Joe and Low Ki vs. Homicide and Kenta Kobashi - ROH Unforgettable ( ****1/4 )
Alex Shelley vs. Claudio Castagnoli - ROH This Means War ( ****1/4 )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH This Means War ( ****1/2 )

CM Punk © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. James Gibson vs. Samoa Joe - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Redemption

Daniels was clearly the guy that people wanted to see take the belt from Punk. Joe and Punk are gonna get this one going. So much in the way of story to this match. Punk heads for the apron and he tags Gibson into the ring. The champion WILL have to be pinned at some point in the match. Punk then tags himself in to face Gibson. They now lock hands and Punk goes for the leg and Gibson goes behind. Side Headlock from Punk. Gibson with an escape and he goes to the Front Facelock. Waistlock from Punk now. Gibson with some nice moves and he takes over Punk. Arm Bar from Gibson. Punk with a kip up and then he takes over Gibson and looks for something and then goes to the Front Facelock. Gibson with the Leg Drop to the arm now and then a Knee Drop to the arm. Gibson back to the feet with the Hammerlock and he tries to take Punk down with it. Punk tries an escape but doesn't get it and the Headlock from Gibson. Gibson into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Lockup and then a Headlock from Punk. Punk into the ropes and he gets charged down and then Daniels tags himself in. That doesn't amuse Gibson at all. Daniels and Punk go face to face now. Lockup and they break. Another lockup and another break and then the Headlock from Daniels. Punk charged down and then Daniels with an Arm Drag and then one from Punk as well. More counters now and that doesn't quite work for either man. Joe wants to get into the match. Daniels isn't convinced this is the right thing to do here. The fans want to see Samoa Joe. Daniels decides to give them what they want. Gibson jumps off of the apron when Punk tries to tag out of the ring. The fans let Punk know what's gonna happen here. Daniels makes sure that Punk can't tag him in either. The fans demand that he gets the match going with Joe here. Lockup and a Headlock from Punk. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM SAMOA JOE !!! Oh dear. Chop to the back, kick to the chest and then Punk heads for the floor. Punk moves but Joe seen it and lands nicely. CANNONBALL FROM GIBSON !!! Punk back into the ring and he tags out. We have Daniels and Joe in the ring now. Daniels wants Punk in the ring now. Lockup from these two guys and Joe throws down Daniels. It's amazing the history here and the fans take some time to get into this. Daniels goes to the Headlock on Joe. Daniels holds onto this move for dear life. Daniels and Joe clash in the middle of the ring and Joe just slaps Daniels and then gives him a kicking in the corner. Daniels sweeps down Joe and goes to the Side Headlock on Joe. Joe with an escape and then Daniels tags Gibson back into the ring. Joe and Gibson now in the ring. Lockup and we have a clean break out of the corner. Chop from Gibson follows that though. Ooohhhh, smart arse Gibson there. They lock hands. Is this a good move for Gibson? Gibson takes over Joe and then goes to the Front Facelock. Joe then has the arms and legs of Gibson. FISH HOOK FROM JOE !!! Joe then goes with the Nerve Hold on Gibson and then a Seated Abdominal Stretch. Gibson with an escape but the Rolling Sweep from Joe. BACK SENTON ... MISSES !!! The Senton is hit by Gibson, but not quite the same effect from him. Joe now fires back and lands big chops. Gibson fights with him and kicks the leg. Knee to the head from Joe and Daniels back into the ring here. Body Slam and a Knee Drop from Daniels gets a two count. Arm Drags from Gibson and he goes with the Arm Bar now. Gibson has Daniels in an awkward position then. Elbow Drop to the arm from Gibson. Back to the feet now goes Daniels and he uses the ropes to flip out. Monkey Flip, but Gibson lands on his feet. Daniels takes him down to the Head Scissors anyways. Gibson then locks the legs together to escape and goes back to the arm. Bridging Hammerlock from Gibson. Daniels battles to his feet and then they back into the corner and Punk comes into the ring. He works on both men. Double Hiptoss from Gibson and Daniels and then they work over Punk. Joe adds a Headbutt from the floor and the referee gives Punk some time out there. So we have a more even field between these two guys. Daniels to the Front Facelock on Punk. He adds some extra leverage to that here and then more of the same with the hold. Suplex gets a two count for Daniels and then a Headbutt. Daniels works over Punk in the corner and then more of the same. Perfect Neck Snap from Daniels. Punk comes back with a knee and a chop. More chops now from Punk. Daniels into the corner and then Punk slaps Joe and that's the tag out for Punk. Joe is not happy with that. Daniels into the corner and the High Knee from Joe and we know what's coming next. BOOTSCRAPES FROM JOE ... THE FACEWASH !!! Daniels into the corner and then he lands a Running Forearm and then another. SPINNING BACKFIST FROM JOE !!! Punk comes into the ring now. Snapmare and then the Joe combo with a Punk mix to it and that gets a two count for Punk. Neckbreaker from Punk and that gets a two count and then he works with the Chinlock. Daniels battles back to the feet and then he lands elbows and hits the ropes and runs into a kick. Punk into the corner. THE OCTOPUS FROM PUNK !!! JOE LANDS A MASSIVE DROPKICK TO BREAK THAT !!! Gibson goes out and wants Punk back in the ring. Daniels is now on the feet and he misses an Enziguri and then Punk with the Bow and Arrow Hold on Daniels. Daniels escapes into a cover and gets a two count. Kicks to the back now from Punk and he locks in the Boston Crab. Gibson comes into the ring and breaks with some right hands. Punk now with right hands but Daniels goes back and forth with him. Daniels gets the better and then Punk into the corner. Daniels runs into the boot of Punk. Daniels is sent to the floor and then Punk goes out there with him. Around the ringside area and then kicks to the chest from Punk and now he's setting up for the big one. Joe comes to the ringside area and Punk isn't gonna get the chance here. Punk back into the ring now and Daniels is in there with him. Dropkick to the back of the head gets two for Punk. Chinlock from Punk. Daniels with an escape and then a forearm. Fireman's Slam from Punk and then he heads up. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM PUNK ... HITS THE KNEES !!! STO from Daniels. Daniels tags out and Gibson is in there with Punk and he unloads. Back Body Drop from Gibson and then he sends Punk into the corner. Punk to the middle rope and he lands in a Manhattan Drop and Gibson to the middle rope and a Leg Drop gets a two count from that. Dropkick from Gibson and then he charges Joe to the floor by mistake. Gibson to the ropes and then Punk to the floor. Gibson is left in the ring here. GIBSON WITH THE PESCADO ONTO PUNK !!! Back into the ring? DANIELS WITH THE ARABIAN PRESS TO THE FLOOR ONTO BOTH MEN !!! Samoa Joe is in the ring now. SUICIDE DIVE FROM JOE TO THE THREE MEN !!! Gibson and Joe in the ring and Joe runs into a boot. TORNADO DDT ... blocked. Gibson sent into the ringpost. Downward Spiral from Daniels. FUCKING BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF GIBSON !!! Gibson is hurt and has been busted open by this. Punk and Joe into the ring now and forearms from both men. Neither man is giving up here. Leg kicks from both men. Guess who comes out of that one better? Joe with repeated kicks and then a kick to the chest and that gets a two count for one of the challengers in this match. Punk into the ropes and he kicks and then runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count. Shots to the gut and then the face. PEPSI TWIST FROM PUNK !!! MOONSAULT FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet now and a spin kick to the gut and the face. Daniels tags himself in. O'Connor Roll from Daniels and that gets a two count. School Boy from Punk gets two. Forearms from Daniels. Forearm from Punk. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS ... MISSES !!! Welcome to Chicago from Punk gets a two count. BACKFIST FROM PUNK !!! PEPSI TWIST ... STO FROM DANIELS !!! BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jawbreaker from Punk and in comes Joe with the kick and that gets a two. POWERBOMB FROM JOE INTO THE STF !!! THE CROSSFACE FROM SAMOA JOE !!! Samoan Drop from Daniels to escape from that. Some good work. LIONSAULT FROM DANIELS AND THEN THE KOJI CLUTCH !!! Punk taking a break on the floor while these two guys go at it. ANGELS WINGS FROM DANIELS ... Joe powering his way out of this. Joe with a flurry. JOE COUNTERS THE O'CONNOR ROLL INTO THE CHOKE !!! DANIELS FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! PUNK SHOVES IT OFF AND THE REFEREE DOESN'T SEE IT !!! HE'S OUT OF THE MATCH !!! Christopher Daniels is eliminated.

Punk and Joe are now doing battle in the middle of the ring. Daniels comes into the ring and lands jabs. Enziguri from Daniels to Joe. SMALL PACKAGE FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Samoa Joe is eliminated.

James Gibson is coming back to the ring and he is a man possessed. Punk with stomps and kicks to the head. Gibson dumped to the floor and to the top rope. Cross Body gets a two count for Gibson. Forearms from Gibson and then he's sent to the ropes. TKO FROM PUNK !!! Punk then mounts Gibson and lands some punches to the head. Gibson is then dumped to the floor and the fans have gotten some dead time to find their way back into the match. Right hands from Punk. Punk is then crotched on the railing and then chops. Gibson now has a chair. CHAIR SHOT TO THE KNEE OF PUNK !!! Into the corner and Punk sets Gibson on the top rope and then lands a chop and he goes up there to meet him. TOP ROPE RANA ... GIBSON ROLLS THROUGH ON THAT AND LOCKS IN THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! PUNK REACHES THE ROPES !!! Flapjack from Punk. THE SHINING WIZARD FROM PUNK !!! INTO THE ANACONDA VICE !!! GIBSON REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Back to the feet though. CRUCIFIX FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! GIBSON DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTT !!! THE CROWD ARE CLIMBING THE FUCKING WALLS HERE !!! Punk now set on the top rope and Gibson goes up there with him. THE PEPSI PLUNGE FROM PUNK ... Gibson fights out of it. THE TOP ROPE GIBSON DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEE !!!

So much going for this match. The drama starts with the fact that there is all sorts of running issues between all three men. You have the certain fact that CM Punk was going after this weekend of shows. Then there was the way the match was built, with CM Punk just slowly getting on the nerves of everyone. You had a great sequence between Joe and Daniels as well. Then you have Gibson's exit and re-entry to the match and the crowd goes mental for it, and are climbing the walls for the entire closing sequence between the two men. ****3/4

James Gibson © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Glory By Honor IV

Danielson left after losing his shot against Austin Aries. He is seeing this as his last ever oppertunity at the belt. Lockup and an Arm Drag from Danielson and we see both men very cautious. Hammerlock from Gibson and then he takes down Danielson and then he gets back to his feet and then Danielson with the Wristlock. Gibson goes with one of his own and clenches that wrist and Danielson back to the feet now and he rolls through and then he breaks and misses the Dropkick and Gibson knew that one was coming. Lockup and then Danielson with the Waistlock and then he goes to the Chinlock and Gibson tries to escape now and does so and goes to the Arm Bar and then into the ropes they go and we have a clean break, but not before Danielson plays some mind games. They now lock hands and then Danielson goes to the Headlock. Danielson then charges down Gibson. Lockup and a Takedown and then the Side Headlock from Gibson. Danielson counters to the Head Scissors on Gibson now and Gibson is looking for the ropes here. Gibson manages to escape from that and gets the Side Headlock. Gibson into the ropes but he then runs into a Dropkick. Snapmare from Danielson and then the Knee Drop and Gibson tries to get away. Snapmare again and a Crucifix gets a two count and then Danielson rolls through and then Gibson stays on all fours in an attempt to stop whatever Danielson has lined up here. He forces the shoulders down for a two count and both guys really battling here. Cattle Mutilation attempt is stopped early and Gibson heads for the floor. Back into the ring now after he has given things some thought and they lock hands. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for Gibson. Gibson into the ropes and a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Danielson and he always seems to edge the match just that slight touch. Body Slam from Danielson. Knee Drop now from Danielson and then he rubs his knee into the head of Gibson. Chinlock now from Danielson and Gibson looking for the escape here. Danielson into the ropes and Gibson with the Back Elbow, trying to shake off the effects. Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count for the champ. Body Slam from Gibson and then an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Abdominal Stretch on the canvas from Gibson. Elbow Drops from Danielson but Gibson moves from one and ends up on the apron. Gibson blocks a Suplex. DANIELSON GETS SUPLEXED TO THE FLOOR !!! RUNNING KNEE OFF OF THE APRON !!! That's a brutal move right there from Gibson. He then goes to work with the chops on the floor and around the ring they go. Danielson gets sent into the railing. Danielson then gets sent gut first into the railing and then just gets clubbed down to the matting and back inside the ring they go. Shoulder Charges to the gut from Gibson and then a forearm. Danielson gets sent hard into the corner. Backbreaker from Gibson and that gets a two count. Danielson is trying to fight his way out of this here. Danielson has Gibson up here and then a Neckbreaker over the knee and that gets a two count now for Gibson. Leg Drop from Gibson. Danielson comes back with forearms now Gibson wins the exchange of forearms between the two men. Another forearm from Gibson and then Danielson in the Tree of Woe. HANGING HEAD SCISSORS FROM GIBSON !!! That is a cracking bit of wrestling there from Gibson. Elbow to the throat and then he slams the chin into the apron and back into the ring they go and Gibson with right hands and forearms and then he lands a big chop in there and more forearms. Danielson comes back with forearms and chops. Gibson fights back with knees to the gut here. Danielson flips over Gibson. HURRICANE KICK FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson then goes with the Uppercuts on Gibson. Gibson into the corner. Running Forearm. Slingshot Suplex from Danielson and that gets a two count. Mexican Surfboard from Danielson and then he just stomps the knees into the canvas. He then settles on locking in that Mexican Surfboard and then he locks in a Chinlock. Gibson finds the bottom rope. Danielson tells the referee that he has a five count. A lot of them heel touches beginning to come out here. THE AIRPLANE SPIN FROM DANIELSON !!! He then heads for the top rope. THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DANIELSON ... MISSES !!! THE BRIDGING O'CONNOR ROLL FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON !!! DANIELSON COUNTERS WITH THE SUPLEX !!! Gibson now to the feet. ROARING ELBOW ... GIBSON WITH THE GIBSON DRIVER ... Gibson rolls through and Danielson drops his weight on him. THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX ... Gibson is out. Victory Roll sends Gibson to the floor and then he skins the cat and he has his eyes on the champ. SUICIDE DIVE FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson now with chops on the floor. GIBSON GETS LAUNCHED INTO THE CROWD !!! Kick to the arm caught in the railing now. Arm Breaker now from Danielson and that gives the focus. Chops from Danielson and then back into the ring they go. Top Rope Dropkick from Danielson and that gets a two count. Arm Bar now from Danielson and he drops Gibson's arm on the canvas from there and that gets a two count. Danielson then slaps Gibson and he has shown loads of them little signs here. Uppercut from Danielson. Danielson then with the stomps to the arm and back to the feet they will now go. Elevated Arm Bar from Danielson. Danielson into the ropes and he charges down Gibson. This happens a second time. Samoan Drop from Gibson. Back to the feet now and the Northern Lights Suplex from Danielson gets two count and he looks for the Cross Armbreaker and Gibson blocks... AND GOES TO THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! Danielson finds the bottom rope here. Danielson into the ropes and he avoids a move. TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ... GIBSON REVERSES AND LANDS ONE OF HIS OWN !!! THE FLYING LEG DROP FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON !!! SWINGING DDT FROM GIBSON !!! THE GIBSON DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet they are now going to get and the fans are getting right behind Danielson. Knee to the head and then more of the same. Running Knee but Danielson is fired up from that now. Forearms and chops from Gibson and then a poke to the eyes. THE ROARING FOREARM FROM DANIELSON !!! THE DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! GIBSON TO THE FEET !!! THE TIGER SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! GIBSON TURNS IT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE CROSSFACE CHICKENWING ON GIBSON !!! GIBSON TAPS !!!

I love how the match just goes from strength to strength. Gibson forces the issue initially with the aggression which in turn turns Danielson more aggressive which in turn gets Danielson more into the heel gimmick which his title run would be more or less famous for. It's not a super exciting match but it's a hell of a chess match. ****1/4

Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi - ROH Joe vs. Kobashi

They lock hands and Joe kicks the leg. Kobashi seems a bit unamused by that, but shows that he doesn't care in the end. The same thing happens a second time. Got a feeling that won't work. Both men against the ropes and Joe slaps Kobashi. If he wasn't pissed off before, he certainly is now. The fans seem to want to see Joe get his ass kicked as well. Kobashi responds with a MASSIVE chop in the corner. The crowd are going fucking MENTAL for this. They now lock hands and Joe is getting the better of the action and then he Suplexes Kobashi over and then charges him down and Kobashi to the floor. SAMOA JOE WITH THE ELBOW SUICIDA !!! Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Body Slam and an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count for Joe and then he goes to the Chinlock. Kobashi reaches the bottom rope here. Joe taking the early advantage in the match and then he lands chops in the corner and this probably isn't going to end well. Sure enough, this seems to only rile up Kobashi. Kobashi comes back with chops of his own. Kicks to the chest from Joe and then a big one to the back of the head and down goes Kobashi. Back to the feet they are now going to come here. KAWADA KICKS FROM JOE !!! KOBASHI COMES BACK AND LANDS CHOPS !!! KICKS FROM JOE !!! CHOPS FROM KOBASHI !!! Knee lift and down goes Kobashi and Joe is giving everything he gets. Samoan Combo connects. Kick to the chest from Samoa Joe on the floor. THE OLE KICK FROM JOE !!! KOBASHI BLOCKS A SECOND WITH A CHOP TO THE FACE !!! JOE GETS CHOPPED INTO THE FRONT ROW !!! DDT ON THE FLOOR FROM KOBASHI !!! Back into the ring they now go. Front Facelock from Kobashi. More chops now from Kobashi and he's now really worn Joe down. Joe lands his falling chops and that gets a two count for the legend. Front Facelock again from Kobashi. Joe battles back to the feet here. Joe comes back with the Suplex. Joe then comes back with kicks. Kobashi with those chops though. Joe tries to chop his way back and the crowd are loving this battle. CHOPS TO THE NECK !!! One final chop and down goes Joe. Abdominal Stretch from Kobashi now. Down goes Joe and another falling chop gets a two count. Karate chop to the forehead now from Kobashi. More chops to the neck now from Kobashi. S-T-JOE OUT OF NOWHERE FROM JOE AND THE SENTON SPLASH !!! He's found his way back into the match. Jabs and chops from Joe in the corner. Joe is looking for the Powerbomb and it's blocked. BUCKLE BOMB FROM JOE OUT OF NOWHERE !!! THE BOOTSCRAPES AND FACEWASH FROM SAMOA JOE !!! THE MUSCLE BUSTER FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the face now from Joe. SAMOA JOE WITH THE POWERBOMB INTO THE STF !!! KOBASHI REACHES ... SAMOA JOE TURNS IT INTO THE CROSSFACE !!! JOE GRABS THE OTHER ARM !!! JOE GETS A FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Chop to the neck from Kobashi. THE HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM KOBASHI LANDS JOE RIGHT ON HIS FUCKING HEAD !!! KOBASHI WITH MACHINE GUN CHOPS IN THE CORNER !!! FUCKING LOADS OF THEM !!! Joe finally goes down. HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM KOBASHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JOE GRABS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! THE SLEEPER FROM KOBASHI ... you know what's coming now ... THE SLEEPER SUPLEX FROM KOBASHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! There's life in Samoa Joe yet. JOE COMES BACK WITH THE FLURRY !!! CHOP TO THE FACE !!! ANOTHER ONE !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM KOBASHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

It's hard to describe how amped the crowd for this. You can feel the excitement for it. They're helped by the fact that the action builds really nicely. Early stages are excellent with Samoa Joe taking control. Kenta Kobashi grinds Samoa Joe down though with the chops, and he can only take so much of that before Kobashi takes the control, and when he does, he never really loses it. Joe shows signs of a resurgence. The match has serious down time which means it's not the classic some people will say. But it's a hell of a ride and well worth seeking out. ****1/2

Roderick Strong vs. James Gibson - ROH Unforgettable

This is Gibson's final match in ROH, and he had quite a good run there. Strong and Gibson hug in the middle of the ring before they get the match underway. Strong then gets the fans behind Gibson for the start of the match. Some good touches early on here. Lockup and then Strong looks for the arm and gets the Wristlock. Drop Toe Hold and then he goes to the Chinlock and then Strong with the Hammerlock and he looks for the arm and gets a two count. Gibson then goes to the Wristlock on Strong and takes him down, but he's quickly back up and gets a nice takedown into the Arm Bar on Gibson. Wristlock now from Strong and then the Hammerlock and Gibson with the Drop Toe Hold and he finds the Front Facelock and against the ropes they are gonna go and we have a break from there and it's a clean one. They then lock hands and Strong traps Gibson and gets a pinfall and that gets a two and Gibson is right back to the feet here. Down goes Strong as Gibson looks for the knee and then he kicks it and Strong heads for the floor. Strong decides to run that bad boy off before getting back into the ring. Lockup and this is a LONG feeling out process here. Gibson with the Hammerlock and into the corner they now go and we have a cheap shot and then a chop. Hard irish whip sends Gibson into the corner and then more chops and the match is going up now. Both men avoid Monkey Flips and then both guys with counters to moves. Strong pulls up Gibson. POWERSLAM INTO A BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! THE STRONG HOLD ... Gibson does all he can to block and escapes and lands a Cross Body and then a Swinging Neckbreaker. Two sided stuff in this match so far. More chops from Gibson and then a Body Slam. Leg Drop from Gibson and that gets a two count. Chinlock now from Strong and the fans are getting behind the action. Back to the feet they now go and Strong fights out and lands forearms and hits the ropes and runs into a boot and avoids a slam. Strong is sent to the floor. PESCADO FROM GIBSON ... HE GETS CAUGHT AND LAUNCHED INTO THE RAILING !!! Strong is now going to work on Gibson and lands a big chop. Ouch! Kick to the back now from Strong and we can see the plans now from Strong. Around ringside and more of them big chops. Gibson comes back with forearms and they are unloading on each other here. This is a mental exchange. Gibson then gets charged into the railing. Forearm from Strong and down goes Gibson. Forearms and chops and back into the ring they now go with Strong in the upper hand. Camel Clutch from Strong with the knee in the back. Gibson then finds the bottom rope and then he stomps on the back. The Full Nelson with the legs from Strong and then he goes to a Body Scissors, but then Gibson turns that into the Surfboard Stretch. Gibson then turns that into the Camel Clutch. That's a nice way to come back into the match. He lets that go and goes to the Mexican Surfboard on Strong. Gibson then turns it into a pinfall. Strong then clubs on the back to try and come back into the match. Strong lands those chops again but Gibson then with one of his own so Strong lands a shot to the back and then goes to the Chinlock with the knee in the back. Strong then pulls back on the arms. Strong then with a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Strong with forearms and then chops. Gibson then jumps over Strong and gets a two count and then Strong looks for a Half Nelson Backbreaker. He decides just to go with the more normal Backbreaker and that gets a two count for him. Knee Drop from Strong and then forearms and then he goes to the Waistlock. Gibson fights back into the match and hits the ropes but runs into a BRUTAL Dropkick and that gets a two count for Strong. Gibson tries to find his way to the ropes now. GIBSON MANAGES TO FIND LOCK IN THE CLOVERLEAF !!! Strong finds his way to the bottom ropes. Gibson with forearms and chops and then a pair of Back Elbows. Chop in the corner and then a Body Slam and he heads for the middle rope and lands the Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Back to the feet now and Gibson is looking for something here. THE GIBSON DRIVER ... Stopped. Knees from Gibson and then he lands that Running Knee. More knees to the head now ... STRONG TURNS THAT INTO BACKBREAKERS !!! THE STRONG HOLD FROM STRONG !!! GIBSON FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Gibson then gets onto the apron and Strong tries to pull him in, but not before unloading with chops. Gibson then kicked to the floor by Strong and he goes out to meet him. STRONG MISSES A CHOP AND HITS THE RINGPOST !!! Gibson then gives Strong a beating around ringside and launches him into the railing. RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD AT THE RAILING FROM GIBSON !!! Gibson then slams the hand into the railing and then stomps on it at ringside and the fans are enjoying this action so far. Back into the ring and we get a two count from that. Gibson then slams the hand into a buckle and then lands a chop and then another. BRAINBUSTER FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet they go and Strong with a chop but that hurt and Gibson comes back. Strong with forearms and he hits the ropes and runs into the high knee and that gets a two count. GIBSON DRIVER ... Strong powers him up and into the ropes. BASEMENT DROPKICK IN THERE FROM STRONG AND ANOTHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet they are now gonna go. Gibson now set on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet they now get and into the corner where he sets Gibson on the top and lands a forearm. Looks like he wants another Superplex. Gibson is holding on for dear life and lands Strong in the middle of the ring. LEAPING KNEE TO THE HEAD FROM GIBSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet now and Gibson with forearms and a kick to the gut. THE DDT INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM GIBSON !!! STRONG PICKS UP GIBSON !!! GIBSON WITH THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES ON STRONG !!! HE'S FUCKING KILLING HIM WITH THESE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTTTT !!! HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER ... COUNTERED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STO BACKBREAKER AND GIBSON DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTTTT !!! Strong now has Gibson set on the top rope. Both guys look for the big moves here. Oh shit... STRONG WITH THE SUPER DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER AND THE STRONG HOLD AND GIBSON TAPS !!!

This is a brilliant effort between these two guys and both guys just go hell for leather out there. What I loved is that it just built well to it's conclusion. It was a complete war with both guys looking for every oppertunity they could and towards the end, both guys hit total desperation mode. It's a wonderful match from these two guys, and it's fitting that James Gibson leaves ROH with the sort of match that wows the fans. ****1/2

Samoa Joe and Low Ki vs. Homicide and Kenta Kobashi - ROH Unforgettable

Like the night before, the fans are absolutely buzzing for Kobashi here. Kobashi wants some of Joe right off the bat here. Joe has a more substantial fanbase this time out though. They lock hands and then a kick to the leg from Joe. Against the ropes they go and we have a clean break this time. Nice wee nod to last show where Joe hit the slap. Into the corner they go this time and they have a clean break again, as Kobashi teases a chop. There's some tension between these two guys. Lockup and a Headlock from Joe and Kobashi looks for an escape and Joe into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Joe charges down Kobashi when he runs through a chop. KICK TO THE FACE FROM JOE !!! ELBOW SUICIDA FROM SAMOA JOE !!! Back into the ring now and that gets a two count for the ROH mainstay. Joe with a chop and Kobashi isn't amused. Chop exchange and then jabs from Joe and then a chop. Kobashi comes back with chops of his own now. Joe then with forearms and into the corner and now Ki into the ring. Ki with a chop and he wants some of Kobashi. Lockup and into the corner they are gonna go. Kobashi has Ki on top... AND HE LOCKS IN THE HANGING CROSS ARMBREAKER ON KOBASHI !!! He then breaks at the five count. Ki is hesitant about getting back into the ring here. Lockup and Kobashi goes to the arm. Kick from Ki to the arm and he's giving Kobashi something to think about here. Homicide is now in the ring with Low Ki and this is some big stuff here. These guys are the central role of the Rottweilers. Lockup and Ki goes behind and then a sweep from Homicide and both guys with reversals and then Ki into the ropes and they collide. They now lock hands and then Homicide bridges back Ki who battles back up. This is like 2002 stuff and then he brings down Homicide. I'm pretty sure that wasn't supposed to happen there. Ki lands on his feet on a Monkey Flip. Ki looks for the escape now and Joe now into the ring and he lands forearms. Chop, kick and Knee Drop combo from Joe and Homicide gets into the corner here. Kicks to the chest from Joe and Homicide isn't amused. Poke to the eye from Homicide. Snapmare from Homicide and then a Knee Drop of his own. Into the corner now and Kobashi back into the ring. Kobashi into the ring here and he goes back to those chops and those fuckers just HAVE to hurt. Kobashi hits his famous knees and then we go to the Falling Chops and this is a good section for him and that gets a two count and then he goes to the Chinlock. Joe finds his way to the ropes and Kobashi doesn't give him much room here and Homicide back into the ring. Shot to the gut and then a big chop from Kobashi before he leaves. Jawbreaker from Homicide and then a Back Elbow. Joe comes back with forearms and then a Dropkick to the face and Low Ki is now into the ring and he unloads with kicks and stomps. Homicide comes back with shots of his own and the Enziguri from Ki but them Homicide with the Dropkick. Intensity went up a few notches there and then Ki is sent to the floor where Kobashi nails him with a massive chop. More of them and they're now on the steel ramp at the top of the aisle. DDT ON THE STEEL FROM KOBASHI !!! And then back to the ring they go and not before Ki gets launched into the steel. CHOP INTO THE FRONT ROW FROM KOBASHI !!! Kobashi and Joe are now at ringside and they just want to kill each other here. Back into the ring finally and we have a two count for Homicide. Ki into the ropes and a Drop Toe Hold from Homicide and then a Camel Clutch. Joe interrupts now. Kobashi adds a chop to that. We get one more of those bad boys. KOBASHI FUCKING MURDERS LOW KI WITH A CHOP !!! That gets a two count for Homicide and back to the feet they go. Homicide puts on the breaks and sends Ki to the floor. TOPE CON HILO ... STOPPED WITH THE KOPPOU KICK !!! Back into the ring comes Ki and that gets a two count. LOW KI WITH THE DOUBLE STOMP OUT OF THE SUNSET FLIP !!! Kobashi comes in and then eats a beating from Joe in the corner which ends with a kick to the head. Samoa Joe is taking none of his shit. Joe then with Homicide in the ring and a Knee Drop gets two. Chinlock with the knee in the back and the fans want to see Kobashi in there. Homicide comes into the match. Manhattan Drop from Samoa Joe and he blocks the Ace Crusher. CRADLE DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KOBASHI MAKES THE SAVE !!! Kicks from Ki and Joe in the corner now and then a two count comes from that. Into the corner and shots from Ki and Homicide goes to the eyes. TORNADO DDT FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Ki into the corner and a Running Forearm from Homicide and then Ki is set on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM HOMICIDE ... stopped. TREE OF WOE DOUBLE STOMP FROM LOW KI !!! Back in comes Samoa Joe and things are getting progressively worse for Homicide. Homicide into the corner and Joe runs into kicks. LEAPING DDT FROM HOMICIDE !!! Kobashi comes in. MACHINE GUN CHOPS FROM KOBASHI TO JOE !!! MACHINE GUN CHOPS TO LOW KI !!! Ki then gets launched to the floor. MORE MACHINE GUN CHOPS FROM KOBASHI !!! SPINNING CHOP TO THE FACE !!! Joe fights out of the Half Nelson Suplex. SLEEPER SUPLEX FROM KOBASHI TO JOE !!! THE HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM KOBASHI TO LOW KI !!! Chops to the neck but then Joe comes back with forearms. SPINNING CHOP !!! SNAP POWERSLAM FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM JOE !!! Homicide comes in and breaks the move. Homicide then sent to the floor. POWERBOMB FROM JOE TO KOBASHI AND THEN THE STF !!! Joe then works on the arm and Homicide comes into the ring while this is going on, but Kobashi escapes anyways. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM SAMOA JOE TO KOBASHI !!! High Knee in the corner from Kobashi. THE MUSCLE BUSTER FROM SAMOA JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ki avoids a Suplex. BLACK MAGIC FROM LOW KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! KI KRUSHER FROM LOW KI ... Kobashi is managing to block this here. JOHN WOO DROPKICK FROM LOW KI !!! Shots from Low Ki and then he goes behind. THE OCTOPUS FROM KI ... HOMICIDE BREAKS THAT WITH A NECK BREAKER !!! LARIAT FROM HOMICIDE ... blocked. TIDAL CRUSH FROM LOW KI HITS SAMOA JOE !!! HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO !!! LOW KI JUMPS INTO A CHOP !!! POWERBOMB AND THE JACKNIFE PIN FROM KOBASHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ORANGE CRUSH LANDS ON LOW KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAMOA JOE SAVES !!! Homicide and Samoa Joe back to the floor. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM KOBASHI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Not as good as the match the night before, but this is a damn fun match. The fans got to see a good example of a showcase for Kobashi as he showed off some trademark stuff. Low Ki and Homicide got a lot of chance to show off their skills, and the majority between Samoa Joe and Kenta Kobashi was a lot of fun. ****1/4

Alex Shelley vs. Claudio Castagnoli - ROH This Means War

Shelley takes over Claudio who escapes with some handstand walking backwards. Prince Nana isn't very pleased at ringside. "HEY!" And back to the action we go, but not before some Shelley jaw jacking. Shelley with a nice knuckle lock and then he turns Shelley around and goes to the Full Nelson and then he goes to the Cravat and Shelley rolls through and why don't they show the fucking match? We go back into the ring where we missed an exchange which got some big applause from the audience. Claudio twists at the knee of Shelley who steps over the head and goes behind and then sweeps down Claudio and then goes to the Wristlock. Claudio back to the arm now and then Shelley goes and flips and then a Swinging Arm Drag and then Claudio and then Shelley with one of his own and he goes for the Border City Stretch and we get a break from that. Claudio wants a handshake and we get it as Shelley is respecting the skills of the Swiss man. Cravat from Shelley now and he should be going for knees. Claudio gets one of his own and gets a Snapmare and then he rolls Shelley over and that gets a two count there. Shelley then sweeps down Claudio and then takes him over with the Arm Drag and then looks for a pinfall and both men with reversals here and both guys with some amazing reversals and that was nicely done there. A wee bit awkward for a moment but most of it was very slick considering what they were doing. Shelley locks in a Modified Head Scissors as he has the wrist as well. Claudio back to the feet and the Headlock from Shelley and then he drops behind. Shelley with a lovely Victory Roll and then he locks in the Pendulum Hold and then Claudio turns that into a pin and that gets a two count. Some amazing stuff between these two guys so far. We have a lot of jawing now here. They didn't need this shit at this stage. Shelley with a nice Head Scissors and then he crawls through the legs. Spinning Toe Hold and then he turns that into the Half Crab and Claudio then rolls through and what's he gonna do? He does a modified Indian Deathlock. Shelley spits in the face and then kicks him and Claudio now with uppercuts and this match has taken off here. Backslide gets two for Shelley and then he goes to the Front Facelock. Shelley takes over and then a Springboard Uppercut from Claudio. Claudio with a nice takedown and then... THE NEUTRALIZER FROM CLAUDIO !!! Shelley finds the ropes quickly here. Shelley kisses the feet of Claudio and then a cheap kick to the leg. He must have seen that coming. Shelley into the corner and Claudio on the apron and he chops Shelley down. Claudio is dumped over the top rope from Shelley. SHELLEY DIVES OVER THE TOP AND LANDS A DDT ON CLAUDIO !!! Kick to the face from Shelley and back into the ring they go and Shelley heads for the top rope. Cross Body gets a two count for Shelley and then he goes to the Head Scissors. Claudio looks for the escape but ends up getting his face slammed into the canvas repeatedly. Forearms from Shelley and then a Spinebuster. LIONSAULT FROM SHELLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Russian Legsweep from Shelley and then he turns that into a submission. He turns that around and gets a two count and then turns it back into the submission and Claudio finds the bottom rope. Shelley with some high fives from folk. Claudio avoids a move and then kips up and lans the European Uppercut. Shelley rolls through but takes an Uppercut and then another one to the neck. European Uppercuts from Claudio and then he chokes Shelley. Claudio then with the uppercut on the floor. Slingshot Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Forearms from Shelley now and he hits the ropes and hits a running one. Wheelbarrow Bulldog and then the Basement Dropkick from Shelley. This is a cracking match so far here. Shelley looks for something. THE MATCHKILLER FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hanging Vertical Suplex from Claudio and that gets a two count for him. Uppercuts from Claudio and then more of the same. A third is blocked. SHELLEY WITH A FUCKING INCREDIBLE MOVE INTO THE TORBELLINO AND THEN THE BORDER CITY STRETCH !!! CLAUDIO TURNS THAT INTO THE NEUTRALIZER !!! SHELLEY FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! TIME IS UP !!!

I'm willing to put this in the right bracket. This was a magnificent match right here, with loads of great reversals and great counters, and both guys properly shining. ****1/4

Bryan Danielson © vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH This Means War

Handshake and this fued is getting under way in a big way. Lockup and Danielson with a Front Facelock and into the corner they go. Danielson teases the chop and we have a clean break here. Strong then goes to the Wristlock and then Danielson rolls through but he can't escape and into the corner they go a second time. We have another clean break from there, but Danielson is clearly playing some games here. Both guys looking to get some sort of advantage here. Strong with a clean break now after teasing a chop as he plays with the mind of Danielson. They now lock hands and Strong looks to take down Danielson here. They're looking for this here and Danielson puts a foot in the face and then looks to kick the arm but then he pushes down Strong and looks to try and get a better position here. Strong nearly gets a leg but Danielson then goes with the Cross Armbreaker and Strong finds his way to the bottom rope before any real damage can be done. Danielson then with a chop when they get into the middle of the ring and Strong is smarting from that. Danielson rubs his hands in the face of Strong and then he lands another chop. Lockup and then Danielson with the Waistlock and he's taking down Strong. Danielson is still on top of Strong and stretching him and just making life very difficult for the challenger here. He then works on the hand and wrist of Strong who finds his way to the bottom rope here and we have a break. Strong now looking for the arm and then Danielson with a Full Nelson and a chop, so Strong just unloads with a HUGE chop and the champ gets the f**k out of there. Danielson then slaps Strong and that isn't the best idea for him surely. Strong is an angry man but he stands off and that's the right move to make here. Lockup and Danielson goes to a Headlock and then is sent into the ropes and Danielson charges him down and makes it looks like it's easy work here. Danielson gets the better of the lock of the hands and he takes Strong down to his knees. Danielson then with chops. Strong into the corner and then a Monkey Flip is avoided by both men. Strong with another chop and Danielson gets the hell out of there again. Danielson gets back in the ring when he feels he's done enough to shake that bad boy off. Strong looks for the arm and then goes to the Hammerlock and then he turns over Danielson and gets two and goes back to the Hammerlock. Into the corner they go now and we have another NASTY chop and then more of the same for Danielson and he gets the hell out of there again and he's getting frustrated with how this is going so far. Danielson goes to the arm now and he needs to try and stop him going for those chops. Wristlock from Danielson and then he takes down Strong and he looks to reach the ropes here. Danielson then pulls at the nose of Strong and then does the same again. He takes advantage of that five count as much as he can and then Strong into the ropes. Knee Drop from Danielson and he's ruthless as f**k here. Kicks to the back from Danielson and then a headbutt. Butterfly Suplex attempt from Danielson and he eventually hits it and gets a two count from it and then he goes to work on the wrist of Strong. He stomps on the elbow now and then a snapmare and a kick to the back again. Knee Drop from Danielson and then a Body Slam and he runs and lands another Knee Drop and that gets two. Japanese Strangehold now from Danielson. Strong charges his way out and then lands some BRUTAL chops but then Danielson pokes the eyes. Knee Lift now from Danielson and then an uppercut and down goes Strong here again. Into the middle of the ring he drags Strong and now he is looking for the Mexican Surfboard here. Strong tries to get away from it and he does reach the ropes. He then chokes Strong over the middle rope. He now stretches the left arm over the top rope and I wonder what he's up to now. He then pulls at the nose of Strong. BRUTAL Dropkick to the back then ends that sequence and this is a brutal match here. He gets two counts from that. Slaps to the face now from Danielson and then mocking kicks and he's toying with Strong here. Into the corner and more chops from Strong and he is MURDERING him with these. Forearms then follow that and Strong with a Dropkick gets a two count. Kicks to the back from Strong here. Back to the feet they now go and Danielson with a Headbutt, but Strong with a chop but then Strong is launched to the floor. Danielson to the floor and he goes for the forearms out there. Uppercuts out there and the brawl continues. Strong goes with the chops and forearms out there... but mainly chops. Danielson then charges Strong into the railing. Uppercut now from Danielson and Strong is trying to get away and more of the same now. Strong now sat on a chair and then Danielson says he wants to do the Ole Kick. OLE DROPKICK FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson then doesn't give the fans on one side the kick and gives them the finger instead. :lol: Danielson the gives the fans some words, telling them that Strong can't hang with him. He then pulls at the nose again and then back into the ring they go. Back into the ring they now go and into the corner where Danielson is gonna do more damage it looks like. STRONG COMES BACK WITH MORE CHOPS !!! Danielson flips over Strong. Backbreaker and a Back Drop Suplex from Strong and that gets a two count for the challenger and then Strong looks to get the Strong Hold here. THE STRONG HOLD !!! Danielson reaches the ropes pretty quickly. Forearm from Strong and then Danielson is set on the top rope. Slap and a chop up there and Strong is unloading here. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM STRONG ... Danielson stops that and sends Strong into the middle of the ring and lands a Top Rope Dropkick. He kips up. ROARING ELBOW ... COUNTERED TO THE STO BACKBREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Strong says he wants the finish here. THE STRONG HOLD NOW FROM STRONG !!! DANIELSON REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! This is insane stuff between these two guys. Strong to the apron and he is stomping all over Danielson here. BRUTAL KICK TO THE FACE FROM STRONG !!! Shots to the back now and now he's looking for this. Danielson is stopping Strong here. Danielson then tumbles to the floor and I have no idea how to describe the way this is going. Strong goes out there to meet him. Kicks to the head from Strong and now a Body Slam out there. THE POWERBOMB FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Danielson is now looking to the Surfboard Stretch here. CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON ... Strong manages to escape that. CROSSFACE FOREARMS FROM DANIELSON !!! Knee Drop to the back of the head. Neckbreaker lands from Danielson. That gets a two count. The Mexican Surfboard is the next port of call for Danielson but then he opts to just stomp the knees down. THE SPINNING TOE HOLD FROM DANIELSON ... INTO THE FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK !!! Strong is looking to get the f**k out of there. Danielson screams at Strong to give up. Strong finds the ropes. Strong fighting for his life here as he desperately tries to get away from Danielson. Slingshots the throat into the bottom rope. Body Slam from Danielson and then he stands on the side of his face and climbs to the top rope. THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DANIELSON ... HE MOVES !!! CRUCIFIX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! FISHERMAN SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE CROSSFACE CHICKENWING ... Strong fights out and lands a Backbreaker. He pulls up Danielson now. Chops from Strong now and they are going from corner to corner here. Danielson is then set on the top rope and then a forearm. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STRONG HOLD NOW FROM STRONG !!! DANIELSON WITH THE VICTORY ROLL OUT OF THAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Don't think that the fans are buying a Strong win here, but they are still staying with it, so fair play to them on that count. More chops now from Strong and then Danielson fights back with shots of his own. Forearm sends down Danielson. KNOCKOUT WITH THE ELBOW FROM STRONG !!! DANIELSON WAS PLAYING POSSOM AND NOW BOTH MEN ARE UNLOADING ON EACH OTHER !!! ARM BAR FROM DANIELSON !!! STRONG TAPS !!! AWESOME FUCKING FINISH !!!

This is an intense match right here. Danielson is the one that really brings this on, and as the match goes, Strong gets more and more annoyed with the tactics of the champion. Also, the longer the match went, the more intense the offense got, which is something which is easy for guys in matches to forget, so kudos for that one. The show was definitely named after this match because this was a total war. ****1/2

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Didnt he fight Mohammad Ali?

Yep, and Ali nearly had to have his left leg ampuated due to the kicks he received from Inoki.

The most amazing thing about this fight was how apparantly the rules were so in favour of Ali. Inoki apparantly wasnt allowed to grapple or use takedowns. He also wasnt allowed to use any kicks whilst he was standing up ( fearing head kicks obviously). So when Inoki was kicking him he had to have one knee on the mat. Imagine how much power he would have lost if he didnt have a standing base to kick him and the damage he still delivered to Alis legs. Unreal.

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You guys know I'm not gonna force any ICW on you if yer not gonna like it, but this is a must-see episode. Chris Renfrew and BT Gunn have a meeting but more importantly... The Bucky Boys and STI and ladders.

Edited by DomDom
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